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Thema: [VX]Marbleen Hipowtohlouw: Nimin Gaviag

  1. #1

    [VX]Marbleen Hipowtohlouw: Nimin Gaviag

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
    I'm done. I've already published your article for your product in RPG Atelier community ( ) 
    The report isn't ready yet. 
    I'm waiting for further instructions.
    Live TN:NT
    Utbildningsradion AB.
    Original message
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 17 Jan 2012 05:07:24 -0800 (PST)
    Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 10:07:24 -0300
    From: ∞ corp post-mortem marketing department (
    Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 8:07 AM
    To: Utbildningsradion AB Live TN:NT module (
    I attached with this mail ,the article (NG_0078-ENGLISH) for main product "Marbleen Hipowtohlouw: Nimin Gaviag." and a downloadble copy of it. Please, publish it in some small internet community of your choice, and send me a report of the results.
    I've waiting your answer.
    Post-mortem marketing department.
    ∞ corp.
    Attached Files:
    Content-Type: text/BBCode; charset=ISO-8859-1

    Marbleen Hipowtohlouw: Nimin Gaviag.

    Good afternoon excecutives, traders and gentleman.

    Today, we present you, and wonderful experience, who changed the way of do cognitive communication bewteen human/PC 25 years ago, now ported to popular game engine RPGツクールVX for PC-Windows.

    Technical Info:
    Game's title: Marbleen Hipowtohlouw: Nimin Gaviag.
    Developed by: (?)
    Language: Neutral
    Port, re-make, and post-testing: ∞ corp.
    Distributed by: Utbildningsradion AB
    Plataform: RPG Maker VX
    Size: 18.5 MB (compressed).
    Time: 829.416.221.043 Lips.
    Genre: Other? (Recursive TV Embeded XT-4111 role playing game?, Emergency Broadcasting X-client?).

    Some history:

    Marbleen Hipowtohlouw: Nimin Gaviag it's a forgotten relic from computer science and telecomunications research. It's existence came from app. 1985 in the cold war. Inside a lab from an unknown bunker from some unknown place of center of Europe, sciencists will developing a wonderful encrypted communicatios protocoll, with some medium-powered personal computers ( for that age); it can be communicate bewteen other computers kilometers ago. This network, known as Marbleen Hipowtohlouw, was used for sovietic and allies enginners and sciencists to change data and waste the free time, with homebrew software writed from and for themeselves. The most famous software of there, the mysterious Nimin Gaviag, was a copule of strange but fresh ideas and concepts, and of course, a point of fun for all Marbleen Hipowtohlouw users around the secret labs of Europe. But, the central node of the Marbleen Hipowtohlouw was misteriously dissapeared, and the Nimin Gaviag developers was torturated and murdered. This software was unknown to all people... until today.

    Nimin Gaviag:
    ∞ corp. was worked hard to investigate, rebuild and testing this misterious software from the unknown mentioned labs. And now you will have it in your hands!: Marbleen Hipowtohlouw: Nimin Gaviag it's a exact recreation of the program. It contains different screen profiles and interactive visual backgrounds with high definition audio. Everything with the fabolous technology of Oracle P.170, who it forbid you take attention around you to focalise in the game tottaly without interrumptions. Nimin Gaviag brings you to a new universe, who will never must be known. All this was programmed with the popular well-known game engine RPGツクールVX.

    Pictures of the experience:
    There's really spoilers about the game. I recommend you just play it.

    Obtain Nimin Gaviag:
    You can download freely our game. Just click at the link below and follow to the instructions.

    Download. (No RTP required)

    Thanks to try another ∞ corp. production

    End of file

    Geändert von EN.I (05.08.2012 um 00:37 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Well, i am really unsure about this...

    Very unusual for a troll-thread, but even though... i am not sure, if this is one anyway.
    I dont dare to download anything, because of the "realistic" touch of the presentation, i am really afraid to get a virus or some other crazy program ´: |
    As said, i can not classifiy this as Troll-Jabber, but i can not classify it as anything else either...

    Very strange, but i somehow like the style, especially the upside down blonde on the top of the page.
    Crazy stuff!

    Geändert von Mr.Räbbit (03.08.2012 um 23:22 Uhr)

  3. #3
    I would like to try out
    but the Download Link has gone.

  4. #4
    Well I played it a little while ago... and it was some... let's say unforseen kind of experience.
    When I first saw it's thread at I kept it for a little collection of mini-games or a different kind of graphical novel. But guess what, it's neither of that... it's freak'n MinDFucKKk!!!!!
    All those weird images and strange soundeffekts, it were so confusing, even disturbing. I was a little pissed first, cause I really thaught it were some troll game. Still it had had something which kept me curious.
    There truly are some kind of minigames, but they are more like little interactive movies. There's not much to do or play with either. For the most part you just sit there an "enjoy".
    Even if it is hard until impossible to understand, the game holds an atmosphere which is awsome. It's dark and strange way made it quite enjoyable... (yet not for anyone). Which make this not a troll game, but more a little peace of art in my opinion.
    I recommend to take at least a look if you're into that stuff.

    What makes me curious here, is where you ripped that weird background music from? It was kind of cool.
    And were those russian error codes after ending intended?

  5. #5

    Download link fixed :
    Also updated main thread.

    Maister-Räbbit: Don't worry, it doesn't contains dangerous stuff. This game is weird but safe. But if you are unsure, you can delete the embedded w.exe ( used for some special effects, but completely optional)


    Geändert von EN.I (05.08.2012 um 00:44 Uhr)

  6. #6
    In my opinion this game is rather pointless.
    The disturbing images and sounds are not the problem
    But this game in my opinion provides for no separate action
    or else has anything good.

    If my English is not so good is that the Google translator

  7. #7
    Und den kannst du auch getrost wieder vergessen, ich hab nämlich keinen Dunst was du mit deinem Post ausdrücken willst.

    Forget about Google, the translation is so bad that I've no idea what you're trying to say.

  8. #8
    Seryösly what the duck is thet?

  9. #9
    Ich will schlicht und ergreifend sagen, dass das Game keinen Spass macht.
    Mir zumindest nicht.



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