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  1. #1

    Ten questions in October 2011

    1. How was your summer?

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.

    [B]1. How was your summer?[/B]
    [B]2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?[/B]
    [B]3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?[/B]
    [B]4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?[/B]
    [B]5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?[/B]
    [B]6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?[/B]
    [B]7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?[/B]
    [B]8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?[/B]
    [B]9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?[/B]
    [B]10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.[/B]
    از جمادی مُردم و نامی شدم — وز نما مُردم به‌حیوان سرزدم / مُردم از حیوانی و آدم شدم — پس چه ترسم؟ کی ز مردن کم شدم؟
    حمله دیگر بمیرم از بشر — تا برآرم از ملائک بال و پر / وز ملک هم بایدم جستن ز جو — کل شیء هالک الا وجهه
    بار دیگر از ملک پران شوم — آنچه اندر وهم ناید آن شوم / پس عدم گردم عدم چو ارغنون — گویدم کانا الیه راجعون

  2. #2
    1. How was your summer?
    Insgesamt sehr geil, wenn auch teilweise etwas sehr stressig, wenn man bedenkt, dass ich eigentlich Ferien hatte und daher Schulstress eigentlich wegfallen sollte Oo

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    Hm gute Frage... *shrug*

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Bahh... bisschen viel Physik und Mathe noch dazu, ich bin Chemiker, ich nehm aus der Physik, was ich brauche um einige wenige Vorgänge erklären zu können... also auf dumm: Ja, ich glaub in gewisser Weise an die Stringtheorie, hab mich aber tatsächlich wahrscheinlich nur wenig mit ihr beschäftigt o.ä. ^^

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    Ja, immer, wenn ich daran denke, wie verflucht viele nette Menschen an mir vorbeigegangen sind, zu denen ich aus diesen und jenen Gründen jetzt oder schon länger keinen Kontakt mehr habe... und nicht zuletzt dann, wenn ich mit Anfang 20 mir von Leuten zwischen 16 und 18 anhören muss, dass ich ein uralter Mensch bin XD (so geschehen erst letzten Freitag ).

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Drei?! ... Also aktuell hab ich nur einen Rechner hier stehen

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    Öhm... 42?

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Ja durachaus, auch wenn sich das dann doch eher irgendwie in Sorge ausdrück, als irgendwas anderem. Zum Beispiel, wenn sich Leute lange nicht melden, zu denen ich nicht jeden Tag zwingend Kontakt habe.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Ziemlich müllig, deswegen die Antworten auch nur auf Deutsch ^^ Ich bin mir nichtmal sicher, ob ich die Fragen, zu denen ich eine ernsthafte Antwort geschrieben habe, richtig verstanden hab

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeableate? Feel free to elabor.
    Uhm... also nur so viel: Man hat mehrfach gesehen, was passiert, wenn man die Menschenrechte irgendwie 'anzweifelt', von dem her würde ich sagen, ja... *shrug*
    Student für Mehrsprachigkeit und interkulturelle Bildung -> Grundstudium 1. Semester = Psychologie... ich frage mich manchmal wirklich, wer an den Bildungsplänen für württembergische Unis hockt

  3. #3
    1. How was your summer?
    Wet, but not boring at all.

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    A good book and a bottle of wine

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    I'd like to, but something distracts me everytime I try to .

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Well... i should ask someone who has knowledge about physics and the string theory first.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    Yes, too often, unfortunately.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Sleep, Food and Cats^^

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    We bless them already, by voting for them every 4 years.

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Only in my dreams.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Godd, but not good enough.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeableate? Feel free to elabor.
    Why, yes. But don't ask me for details.

  4. #4
    1. How was your summer?
    Eintönig, traurig, einsam und voller Latein.

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    Lipton Mango Eistee.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Nicht wirklich, aber ich versuche immer nur so weit davon entfernt zu sein, dass ich sie nie ganz aus den Augen verliere.

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Ja, weil klingt schlüssig. Zumindest bis jemand mit was anderem daherkommt, das noch mehr Sinn macht. Konsequenzen auf meinen Alltag hat das jetzt aber keine.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Das ist echt schwer. Meine kompliziert zu erklärende Ästhetik der authentischen Natürlichkeit, des nicht-kitschigen Süßen und der aufrichtigen Zurückhaltung/Mäßigung/Bescheidenheit wäre aber eines davon.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Ja. Zum Beispiel wenn ich die aufgetakelt-asoziale Stadtjugend, die sich nicht vernünftig artikulieren kann und die rauchend und Alkohol kaufend/saufend am Bahnhof rumhängt sehe. Da kommt man sich als Student doch gleich vor wie von einer anderen, besseren Welt. Manchmal aber auch, wenn ich Massen von anderen Menschen als Mitläufer-Normalos wahrnehme. Verpeiler sind halt einfach geiler.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Gut. Einwandfrei im Verständnis und schreiben klappt auch problemlos. Beim selber sprechen komm ich zwar ebenfalls klar, aber kann manchmal ein wenig holprig sein.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Natürlich. Zu näheren Ausführungen hab ich aber grade überhaupt keinen Bock.

  5. #5
    1. How was your summer?
    Größtenteils ereignisarm. Langweilig. Freue mich eigentlich schon drauf, dass die Uni wieder anfängt.

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    Eine Taschenlampe.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Hab den Begriff nie so richtig verstanden. Wiktionary sagt: "A proverbial path to a Promised Land of one's hopes and dreams."
    Ok, dann ein klares nein.

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Ich bevorzuge die M-Theorie, erstens weil sie verschiedene Varianten der String-Theorie kombiniert/mit einander vereinbart, zweitens weil der Name M-Theory etwas ernstzunehmender klingt als String-Theorie.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Mir fällt gerade nicht mal eins ein...

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    Matthäus 5:3. Aber zum Glück interessiert mich die Bibel etwa so viel wie... etwas was mich fast gar nicht interessiert.

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Ja, leider dauernd. Aber das liegt nicht daran, dass ich selbst so ein hohes Selbstwertgefühl hätte, sondern daran, dass andere einfach den Stardard so verdammt niedrig setzen.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Englisch ist meine Muttersprache, aber trotzdem habe ich die Fragen jetzt mal auf Deutsch beantwortet, denn Waku, ein Englisch-Thread und die englischen QFRAT-Titel sind mir eigentlich schon genug Englisch in diesem Forum.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Ja und wie. Aber dito an Enkidu was das "elaborate" angeht.

  6. #6
    1. How was your summer?
    Ehh, kinda sucky. I always felt like I didn't have the time to do something when the weather was nice, because I had to write my bachelor's thesis. (Still waiting for the grade, by the way.)

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    A scout.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    I have not seen any of the Narnia movies so I don't know what this question implies exactly. All I know is that I would probably ask the lion for a robot buddy as well.

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    I don't think that believing in theories is very professional. I just accept them if they fit the world as we perceive it. The String theory is not yet capable of that, as far as I know.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    Some couple of years ago when everyone seemingly changed to become more interesting and grown-up, and I was still the teenager from 5 years ago, albeit now somehow in Berlin (how the hell did I end up here anyway, it's a secret!).

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Things that are most likely to always be on my top 3 list: Lakes that are crystal clear and warm enough to swim in them, guitars and bubbles.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    Definitely. I think everyone should be blessed. But I also think that we should all agree to abide to the new Knigge which says that you should simply ignore when someone sneezes. I feel awkward when I'm the only one who does that.

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    In pretty much every situation that allows for superiority feelings. Except for things where it's really douchy to feel superior, like language skills.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Much better than yours.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    As far as I know, they have been rationally explained by philosophers, anthropologists and theologists many times over already. I always thought that Kant had done it pretty well. The thing is that you can be rational about social behaviour and people can still disagree with you without being wrong, that's the beauty of it.

  7. #7
    1. How was your summer?

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    a Pepsi.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?

    Nien, ich benutze direkt die Schuhe.

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?

    Habe mich nei intensiv mit dem auseinandergesetzt.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    Ein wunderbares Gefühlö, wenn man sich nicht um igrndwas Sorgen machen muss. Ja, hatte ich schonmal.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?

    1. fantasy novels
    2. animals
    3. women

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?

    Bei aller Ehre zum Christentum, ich bin der Meinung, dass das Paradies jenen zustehen sollte, die die Welt verbessern, egal ob sie dumm oder schlau sind.
    Dummheit und Intelligenz sind zudem auch relativ zu sehen. Jeder Mensch ist irgendwie dumm und jeder Mensch ist irgendwie schlau....einige sind dann leider auch im falschen Gebiet schlau.

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?

    Immer wenn ich mir die Kommentare einiger Leute bei Youtube ansehe......

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?

    I think they are fine.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate?
    Ich denke mal ja, da sie die Individualität jedes Menschen erhalten, welche ihm von Natur zu stehen müsste. So ist jeder Mensch frei zu denken was er für richtig hält. Allerdings ist dieser Punkt auch relativ zu verstehen, denn manche Gedankengänge würden eben diese Freiheit des Menschen einschränken, wenn sie Realität wären.
    Schuld und Sühne Forum (mit SoB Unterforum)+Drachen+NABU

    "Solange der Mensch das Böse im Dunkeln sucht, wird er es nicht finden."

  8. #8
    1. How was your summer?
    Boring. There are a few exceptions.

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Good Friends, my bed and rain in the night.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    I'm not you, sorry.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Not good. I'm honest.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Geändert von Kael (04.10.2011 um 19:44 Uhr)

  9. #9
    1. How was your summer?
    Anstrengend, aber schön. Eigentlich gabs von Allem etwas. Hochs und Tiefs.

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Manchmal, aber vermutlich in die andere Richtung.

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Es fällt mir ehrlich gesagt schwer, etwas zu glauben, was nicht bewiesen ist. Abgesehen davon, finde ich "believe" in Verbindung mit Physik sowieso etwas heikel. Und ich möchte mir keine Meinung auf der Grundlage meines Halbwissens bilden.... ich sollte mal ein Sachbuch darüber lesen.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    Was, wenn nicht sie mich, sondern ich sie hinter mir lasse? Hm.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Am liebsten, das ist schwer zu sagen. Aber ich mag sehr: den Mond, Windkraftmaschinen und Pusteblumen. Seifenblasen übrigens auch, aber ist ja langweilig, wenn ich das selbe wie Schattenläufer schreibe.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    Kingdom of heaven? Dazu mag ich mich nicht äußern.

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Ich klinge vermutlich, wie ein arrogantes Miststück, wenn ich alle Momente aufzähle. Aber ein Beispiel sind Assessment Center.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Nicht besser als der Durchschnitt, deswegen belass ich es hier auch mal bei Deutsch.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Rational? Sind sie nie, egal wie man es auslegt.

  10. #10
    1. How was your summer?
    It was a bit anstrengend but all in all a cool eksperienz

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    a Panzer, so you can panzer over ze dreckige Straße.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Of cors! I want to meet the wanderfull Wisart of Otz!

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Lord of the G-strings or...?

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    More like the other way around, recently.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    1. Pommes
    2. Wimminz
    3. Tie between The Gaslight Anthem and 80s-dark pop.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    Nope, we all go to hell.

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Yes, just like Specht in Ass-ass-ment centers because I can laber you a bulette on the ear and switch from Proll-and-Asi-mode to Looky-there-I'm-smart-mode in, like, no time. But normally, I see myself at least en parre with others.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    My english is geil, g-g-g-geil.
    (I'm just toyin' around, I think my English is okay. Not perfect, but enough to not sound and write like a complete tool when in English-mode. Well, except of right now )

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Every minority has the right to be discriminated.
    So, yes.

  11. #11
    1. How was your summer?
    Having to learn greek, and despair, as it is imposible to remember all the dammned irregular aorist-formes of the verbes ending with "-μι".
    Having to fend off wrong accusations by strange persons.

    This summer was NOT a nice one. It really wasn't

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    A knife.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    O_O ?

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    I am really not familiar enough with that theory to answer this question.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    "My name, Ray, is Buck. Buck Williams. I have been Left Behind to fight Carpathia. Look! They even made movies
    and a very 'christian' PC-Game about our struggle. And, Ray, I fucked Chloe, your daughter. Before Marriage.
    But please do not tell the mighty reader."


    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?

    Faith. Love. Hope.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?

    Zitat Zitat von Auge des Sterns Beitrag anzeigen
    [...] Bei aller Ehre zum Christentum, ich bin der Meinung, dass das Paradies jenen zustehen sollte, die die Welt verbessern, egal ob sie dumm oder schlau sind.[...]
    You do NOT have to be stupid, to be able to go to heaven; NOT EVEN THIS VERSE OF THE BIBLE CLAIMS THAT (!).
    The original greek text of the bible here says "πτωχοι τω πνευματι", which means "poor in spirit". BUT the used word "πνευμα" does NOT mean "Spirit / Mind".
    (If it meant that, probably the word "ψυχη", or something like that, would have been used.) It ACTUALLY means "Spirit / Air / Breeze of God / Holy Spirit",
    so this verse is better to be translated with something like " (...) those who are poor, for the holy spirit's sake (...)"

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?

    Very few, if at all.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?


    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.

    Well, that depends on whether you have a transcendental cause of all moral, at least as a postulate, or not.
    If you didn't, then ( taking the evolution theory into account) Nietzsche would be right, and there was no reason to be morally,
    at least when you were able to manage to get away with beeing not morally.
    Geändert von Jerome Denis Andre (06.10.2011 um 01:48 Uhr)
    Das Licht
    Wir sind in trauer wenn · uns minder günstig
    Du dich zu andren · mehr beglückten: drehst
    Wenn unser geist · nach anbetungen brünstig:
    An abenden in deinem abglanz wes't.
    Wir wären töricht · wollten wir dich hassen
    Wenn oft dein strahl verderbendrohend sticht
    Wir wären kinder · wollten wir dich fassen -
    Da du für alle leuchtest · süsses Licht!
    Stefan George

  12. #12
    1. How was your summer?
    Actually quite nice, since I was able to find and move into this amazing flat, now living together with two not less amazing people. And I got to be lazy for like two months, which means a lot.

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    ... a very good book to read.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Not even slightly. I'm as far off that road as could be.

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    I actually enjoy the idea of it, but I reached a point where I find it quite difficult to affirm theories about what else there is beside our own space and reality. And I have to admit that parts of these kind of theories are beyond what I can imagine and explain to myself.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    Without these angel eyes, yes I do.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Human, world and life's absurdness.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    I honestly believe so. Even as a non-Christian.

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    There are quite a few, and at times I feel ashamed for every single one of them. But not as often.
    I feel superior, when people ask stupid questions and when they take themselves too seriously. Taking oneself seriously surely isn't wrong or unhealthy, but deeming every single flaw of one's personality a kind of fortitude definitely is.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    It is funny that I ask that question there, because my own English skills alter from day to day. And while they could be way better if it wasn't for my slothfulness (which I resent), they are still the best I've got.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    I frankly don't think they are. They are more or less a consensus gentium, based on scientifically confirmed facts.
    This is, in fact and truth, the reason why they are so utterly valuable and should be defended with all our might.
    از جمادی مُردم و نامی شدم — وز نما مُردم به‌حیوان سرزدم / مُردم از حیوانی و آدم شدم — پس چه ترسم؟ کی ز مردن کم شدم؟
    حمله دیگر بمیرم از بشر — تا برآرم از ملائک بال و پر / وز ملک هم بایدم جستن ز جو — کل شیء هالک الا وجهه
    بار دیگر از ملک پران شوم — آنچه اندر وهم ناید آن شوم / پس عدم گردم عدم چو ارغنون — گویدم کانا الیه راجعون

  13. #13
    1. How was your summer?
    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    Sorry Bro.
    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Sorry Bro.
    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Sorry Bro.
    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    Sorry Bro.
    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Meine Freunde, gute Feiern und High Life.
    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    Das Christentum nennt man, genau wie alle anderen Religionen, auch Idiotentum.
    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Sorry Bro.
    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Sorry Bro.
    Geändert von Defc (04.10.2011 um 19:06 Uhr)

  14. #14
    1. How was your summer?

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    ...a towel.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Right now, I feel more like throwing bricks than pursuing dreams.

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    In theory, there should be some of them in my wardrobe. *checks* Theory verified.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    Sometimes I feel things are becoming (or are being made) too complex far too quickly. This makes me uneasy from time to time, like I'm unable to keep track of all the things I should know, but I don't. Yes, "left behind" might be an expression that could be used for this feeling.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Good question. I don't know.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    I've been thinking about this. Wouldn't it be unfair to those who are rich in spirit, since it is not their fault that they are?

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    When a show-off says something really and obviously stupid. Yes.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Wouldn't we first need to elaborate if humanity is rational?
    Understanding is a three-edged sword - your side, their side, and the truth

  15. #15
    1. How was your summer?
    Welcher Sommer?

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    Socken und eine Decke.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Ohja. Zumindest nach den drei Definitionen, die ich so auf die Schnelle finden konnte.

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Merkt eigentlich niemand wie absurd die Wortwendung ist, an eine Theorie zu glauben? Dachte immer, Wissenschaftler vertreten eine Meinung/Theorie oder halten etwas für wahrscheinlich, aber mittlerweile dürfen sie auch wieder glauben... und verteilen dann Grenzwerte und Siegel.

    Ach, und zur Frage selbst: Nein.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    Eher umgekehrt und wie die Welt sich dabei fühlt, muss sie schon selber sagen.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Warum immer dieses Listengetue? "Du bist mein Lieblingsgetränk. Und Du meine Lieblings-DVD. Nein, Du bist nicht mein Lieblingsmensch. Vor die kommen noch die zwei anderen da."

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    On earth, yes. Wobei von sollen nicht die Rede sein kann.
    Die Bedauerlichkeit dieser Tatsache wird mir nochmal den Magen zerfressen.

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Hrhr. Die bleiben mein Geheimnis. Niemals die eigenen Quellen offenbaren!

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Rational, ja. Doch.
    Geändert von Valada (09.10.2011 um 11:06 Uhr)

  16. #16
    1. How was your summer?
    I studied a lot and had fun with my friends, nothing special^^
    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    a guitar and/or haromonica.
    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?

    I never concerned myself with this theory, so I'm afraid I cant answer this question.
    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    Yes, sometimes.
    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Well, though question. Music is one of those things, but I dont know more right now.
    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?

    Dont know...
    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    I try to avoid such feelings, dont know why.
    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Not really good, but I try to improve them.
    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.

    Soory, right now I'm too tired to answer such questions^^

  17. #17
    1. How was your summer?
    I was in Stockholm for 5 Days. That was the best part of summer I think.

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    ... some relaxing music, a cool beer and a good book.

    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Just freakin' follow it! To the wounderful wizard of Oz!

    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    I don't know anything about a "String theory".

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    I sometimes had this feeling in school. But that's far away and doesn't concern me anymore.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    My family.
    My friends.
    How my life has changed in the past year.

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    I don't believe in such things - maybe it's true, maybe not. Who knows?

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Not really.

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    They could be worse I think. But there is enough potential to be better anyway. My trip to Stockholm improved my skills a bit.

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Well, I'm sure that I have an opinion to this topic but I forgot about it. Sorry.

  18. #18
    1. How was your summer?
    Mies. Schlechtes Wetter verdirbt einem die Laune...

    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?


    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?


    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?

    Nein. Das liegt aber eher daran, dass ich mich letztens mehr mit dem Standardmodell und dem Higgsfeld beschäftigt habe denn mit der Stringtheorie.

    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    Ja, desöfteren. Dann versuche ich mich abzulenken.

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Die 3 großen "F": Frauen, Familie, Freunde

    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?

    Jetzt bitte keinen religiösen Fragen...

    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?

    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?

    Ziemlich schlecht. Ich musste auch ein Wort hier in den Fragen schnell mal im Wörterbuch nachschlagen^^

    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.

    Hmm, ja?

  19. #19
    1. How was your summer?
    Ziemlich anstrengend, für´s examen gelernt, aber auch super witzig und ne menge spaß gehabt.
    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    Legendario- best alcohol ever
    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    ich glaube an nichts, was nur theoretisch ist.
    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?

    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    good books, my job and life
    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    ein andern mal
    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    we are all equal
    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    reading/ understanding quote good, write ...okay
    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Studienstand: Abgeschlossen! Yeah!
    momentane Lieblingsmusik: Burberry acoustic
    Manchmal muss man Menschen, die man liebt, loslassen, auch wenn es schmerzt.
    Now Reading: Simon Beckett - Leichenblässe
    Now Playing: FF5 (AP sammeln), FF12 (eigentlich nur noch gegenstände für waffen sammeln...irgendwie ein ödes spiel...), und FF3 (nahezu fertig, noch knapp ne stunde...), FF12 Revenant Wings

  20. #20
    1. How was your summer?
    ... can't say it was exciting, but anyway a good experience.
    2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
    A potatoe powered mp3 player. I kid you not.
    3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
    Despite the fact that I hate the wizard of OZ, I don't follow any roads that shine.
    4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
    Can't explain magic yo.
    5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
    I'm feeling this right now. That feeling man...
    6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
    Music, Movies, Chicks
    7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
    Please leave me alone with this religious nonsense. Like I don't have enough problems with this shit.
    8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
    Depends. I always want to talk people about some good music or good movies but it seems like "taste" has a big and broad interpretation possibility...
    9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
    Zitat Zitat
    because my own English skills alter from day to day
    This. But since I'm mostly active in american/uk communitys there's no chance to avoid writing long posts. Mostly with grammatical/orthography issues.
    10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
    Human rights? The joke is on you.
    Geändert von besmrtan (30.10.2011 um 11:57 Uhr)


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