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I have to say I didn't know or even imagine German laws forbids the release of games which uses mixed resources from other games even if they are FREE and there's no form of earning from the for the aothors.
By the way, if the German law say this and if the problem is simply resolved by removing the link to the download source, I believe nobody have nothing to to worry or to apologize from nobody.

I believe those laws are too strict: we are talking about free fan gaming, nothing more. As I said, if that is the law, none of us can do anything against.

The problem is, using resources from other games is basically a copyright infringement. Now I understand where you are coming from, you wouldn't really expect a big publisher going after a small indie game (we are not talking big games like the Metroid 2 remake, which was killed by Nintendo, but small ones that reach maybe a few dozends players). The problem is, it's still against the law. And some lawyers are basically jerks and target people like these in particular. And well, no matter what you say, if you release a game using resources from old SNES games, unless the publisher allowed for you to use said ressources, you loose and have to pay "damages".

So, yeah. Most of the time nothing happens. But if it happens, you are fucked. And in case of this forum, if a game contains ressources from comercial games, someone sees this and reports it to the moderators, they have to delete it. No one expects the moderators to know every game and to download every game and look at each indiviual set or sound whether or not it's original, an edit or stolen. But if someone reports it, well, they have to act and remove the downloadlink.

You are still allowed to post a thread and present your game to this community, we can stil discuss it (and, well, search on our own, ahem), but you are not allowed to directly link to it.