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Thema: Monster World RPG ver. 1.1 is out now ! ! !


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  1. #1
    Zitat Zitat von Caro Beitrag anzeigen
    Someone notified us because they found ripped ressources in your game. By german law, we must comply and delete any possible link to the download. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    It was not me!! (Just saying, because "Sabaku" told me to do it.)

    I even downloaded and played it. Nice game. Ima sure you'll get the output you deserve in other communities.

  2. #2
    I have to say I didn't know or even imagine German laws forbids the release of games which uses mixed resources from other games even if they are FREE and there's no form of earning from the for the aothors.
    By the way, if the German law say this and if the problem is simply resolved by removing the link to the download source, I believe nobody have nothing to to worry or to apologize from nobody.

    I believe those laws are too strict: we are talking about free fan gaming, nothing more. As I said, if that is the law, none of us can do anything against.


  3. #3
    Zitat Zitat von Monster World RPG Beitrag anzeigen
    I have to say I didn't know or even imagine German laws forbids the release of games which uses mixed resources from other games even if they are FREE and there's no form of earning from the for the aothors.
    By the way, if the German law say this and if the problem is simply resolved by removing the link to the download source, I believe nobody have nothing to to worry or to apologize from nobody.

    I believe those laws are too strict: we are talking about free fan gaming, nothing more. As I said, if that is the law, none of us can do anything against.

    The problem is, using resources from other games is basically a copyright infringement. Now I understand where you are coming from, you wouldn't really expect a big publisher going after a small indie game (we are not talking big games like the Metroid 2 remake, which was killed by Nintendo, but small ones that reach maybe a few dozends players). The problem is, it's still against the law. And some lawyers are basically jerks and target people like these in particular. And well, no matter what you say, if you release a game using resources from old SNES games, unless the publisher allowed for you to use said ressources, you loose and have to pay "damages".

    So, yeah. Most of the time nothing happens. But if it happens, you are fucked. And in case of this forum, if a game contains ressources from comercial games, someone sees this and reports it to the moderators, they have to delete it. No one expects the moderators to know every game and to download every game and look at each indiviual set or sound whether or not it's original, an edit or stolen. But if someone reports it, well, they have to act and remove the downloadlink.

    You are still allowed to post a thread and present your game to this community, we can stil discuss it (and, well, search on our own, ahem), but you are not allowed to directly link to it.

  4. #4
    I guess that's also a problem of the then-and-now. Laws haven't changed that much, but the application has. When RPG-Maker was established in... about 15 years ago, there weren't any virtual console games etc. and the RPG Maker 2000 was not available for purchase in Europe. So everyone who used it, had to download it for free, because some Russian guy, Don Miguel, translated it and offered it for free download.

    In these times my internet at home was at single-lane ISDN-speed (64 kBit/s) which meant that the download of the standard RTP took - I guess - 45 minutes to one hour. There was no Youtube and Google not the search engine of the choice. I guess I used "Metager". Vampire's Dawn was the first game I played and my first project I made myself was made from resources offered by RPG-Maker-Download pages or pixel them myself. A lot of them were ripped of the classic games like Chrono Trigger, Terranigma, etc. It was very common. No one had a problem with that. No one had even a problem with emulators and ROMs.

    In 2009 the virtual console was established by Nintendo. And the old-games were re-released because of nostalgia and because of the fact that more and more people got rid of their old consoles due to the lack of CRT-screens and because there were more and more console generations in-between. I cannot connect my Super Nintendo Entertainment System to my TV, because the picture is outrageous and the input lag makes it impossible to play. So - of course I can use an emulator, but the video game industry discovered that they can milk the old games again - for a low price - but profitably. And HDMI-able mini versions of the old consoles with a best-of-choice of their games sell like hot cakes.

    Thatwhy the companies have a commercial interest in their old games, which - I think - they didn't have 10 years before. And copyright will be applied like never before.

    That's also a serious problem. You know about file-sharing-warning-lettes? This is a German speciality: In Germany lawyers can write to you a warning letter and ask for money for just the letter. And not 10 or 20 or 50 Euros, no... mostly about 500 to 1000 or even 3000 Euros (especially for brand cases - even if unintentional). For a single letter. Also the cautioned has to sign a "cease and desist declaration with penalty clause". If he uses a lawyer himself, he can leave out claims for compensation in a by his own defense lawyer modified cease and desist declaration with penalty clause. So this might be not that expensive. Of course this is moneymaking business and we have more than enough law offices who "defend" the companies in cases of copyright infringement. These lawyers also search cases for themselves. Although every idiot meanwhile knows that file-sharing is a 100% chance to gain such an expensive invoice, there are still enough trying it.

    But of course many more cases exist: If you sell anything in eBay or if you use a photo for a homepage as if you don't own every right even it's Creative Commons. If you use a name for a local business which could be also in use by another local business... So a single ripped resource or MIDI is meanwhile a reason for not accepting a game.

    I read that you started your game in 2005. I started also a game in 2003 and developed it with friends until 2007. But I would never publish it, because it contains some MIDIs from other games and resources from some other games. Like many projects did. But today it is absolutely out of the question. Then we didn't know the law case but now - everything has to be either self-made or at least the rights have been cleared. 10 years many and me believed that it was a legal grey area to use resources from old games which were not published anymore. Today it's clear. There are plenty of creative-commons-resources to use. But I don't have the time and fun to reintroduce legal resources in an old game which lies fallow for almost ten years and where I lost the interest. It's a shame, because you're game looks like a monster-boy-fan-game. According to the SEGA-logo I assume this is your intention.

    But you have to understand the forum's staff. They have a risk of a warning letter with expense, if they leave the download link to your game unremoved. Because you are from outside Germany, you have nothing to fear. But the guy in the impressed has to pay for all this.

  5. #5
    Zitat Zitat von Cuzco Beitrag anzeigen
    But you have to understand the forum's staff. They have a risk of a warning letter with expense, if they leave the download link to your game unremoved. Because you are from outside Germany, you have nothing to fear. But the guy in the impressed has to pay for all this.
    You were quite exhaustive in your explanation.
    Maybe I explained bad myself.
    Since when the admin explained me the problem I had nothing to complain and, to tell the truth, I hadn't nothing to complain even before that.
    I'm perfectly ok with the download link being removed.

  6. #6
    I'm sorry, I'm not very often reading here, because I've got only limited time, so I went down very fast. There was this guy who wrote that "illegal fan games" are undesirable in this forum. This is of course not the truth. Thatwhy I wanted just explain what's the matter - in not so harsh words. Because I do not doubt that this could be great game. You worked almost 12 years on it and it looks like a cool Monster-Boy-RPG.

    But thanks to the almighty search engine everyone can find your game in the shallows of the internet within a minute.

    So I wish you a successful release start.

    All the best.

  7. #7
    Zitat Zitat von Cuzco Beitrag anzeigen
    There was this guy who wrote that "illegal fan games" are undesirable in this forum. This is of course not the truth.

    No this is the truth. Noboby who has a forum wants to go to prison because foreign User wants to release a illegal fan game.

  8. #8
    And nobody does go to prison, they may be made to pay a hefty fine, worst(?) case.

    The forum does have a certain policy regarding fan games and cases of copyright infringement in general, but that policy most certainly is not "we don't want illegal fan games here." For one part, because it is virtually impossible to make an RM2k(3) game without any copyright infringement whatsoever, and for the other, because you can put it more politely than that. OP is generously presenting a game they made using ripped ressources, not maliciously advertising a copy they pirated (arrrrrrr).

    In any case, since OP has made clear they understand the situation, and since I think we can all agree that the forum staff does a rather amazing job at providing a platform for all kinds of games and complying with copyright claims, the discussion may turn back to the presentation of the game which for itself does not constitute copyright infringement. Neither does downloading and playing the game.

    Geändert von Mordechaj (17.09.2017 um 09:21 Uhr)

  9. #9
    Since it is now clear nobody acted maliciously and that there's no problem into simply advertisign the project if there's no download link, if we have to discuss something in this topic could it be about the game?
    I believe some people went off topic a little too far.
    I appreciate the intervention of people who undertood the situation, but it only fuel the flame someone is trying to do.
    Otherwise I will ask the admin to remove this topic in order for me to repost it in the correct way with no dowload link to be seen or found.
    I'm pretty sure who criticized the post from the beginning are here for flamming cause one of them even commented "10 years wasted".
    I want this guy to reflect that maybe I advertised the game even on other 20 forums around + deviantart + youtube + facebook and I receive a lot of positive feedback?

  10. #10
    Not sure if intended, but in the Bat Monster Lair (the one with the Side Shot Gear), the Lucky sword does not double the GP (another 12) but yields a whooping 106 GP per battle. It's the only of the 1st chapter's lairs where this happens.

    The Lucky sword's message box after EVERY.FRICKIN'.FIGHT is one of the gameplay pacing issues I noticed early on with the game. Another offender is the countdown when Pepe goes collecting pages in the libraries. Given, one tends to try more than the minimal times, having forced upon some constant waiting period makes those taskes more nauseating, at least to me.

    There might be other instances (Jan-Ken-Pon, I seem to remember), but those two are (so far) the biggest offenders in that regard.

    Also, one question: Is the first GP jar supposed to only store money? To me, it seemed like the quest giver said that it would also add to the stored money every 4 minutes. But it keeps telling me the amount of money I stored, without mentioning any interest. (I did not take any gold out of it so far).

    No idea, how much time this would need, but I would prefer if all equipment descriptions contained all absolute stat changes (or factors, if you use something like that). "CP +2" does not tell me much but that it raises Charm, and probably more so than something with "CP +1". And what other stats are affected and to what extent is to anyones guess, until after the purchase.

    An even more crucial information to put into the description box is the fragility of an accessory. After witnessing a gauntlet and a helmet break after a merely few battles, I avoid equipping found or quest-earned accessories in fear of having them break, too.

    Geändert von Ark_X (17.09.2017 um 01:03 Uhr)

  11. #11
    I'm not so far into the game, but the Winged Shoes for example has a warning when looking at them in the shops. But I admit, who knows something like that after some days.

  12. #12
    I believe the gp jar doesn't work correctly, I did take out gp and i received the same amount of gp after 4 minutes ingame already went by.
    Op do you know that treasure is the right way to write it yet on the pirate ship at chapter 1 shabo line wasn't written treasure but differently,i do notice some grammar mistakes in the game, i didn't write them down though and I wonder what is your native language btw?
    Am at the start of chapter 2 now.Don't know what to think of the game,but you said that chapter 1 was an introduction and iI do kinda like it, except the part of random encounters for enemies instead of enemies on map sometimes,but i do see why this was made so and some rpg maker games spoiled me with having enemy on sight and fight at touch.
    I also like that you didn't make gold so easily farmable and xp only if you fight bosses and stronger enemies you get more it does feel like a monster world beggining and i am a fan of wonder boy in monster world,also the way getting to a new area has better equipment than the other areas or that you unlock that shop after a time is kinda like in monster world.
    Oh and in the caves where you can climb down through the well in purapril it's pretty obvious that there is a green arrow pointing at the wall and that Max says it's different what do i need there,i already found other secrets in the caves,but wonder if mostly hidden doors are only on the north part of the game maps,or are there also doors hidden in all other directions?
    Also does anyone know the estimated normal time to beat this game?
    Would be pretty usefull info for me.

    Geändert von fonzer (17.09.2017 um 16:26 Uhr)

  13. #13
    Zitat Zitat von Firefly84 Beitrag anzeigen
    I'm not so far into the game, but the Winged Shoes for example has a warning when looking at them in the shops. But I admit, who knows something like that after some days.
    Really?! I can't find anything like that. In the shop, I see the same description as in the equipment menu ("These boots have wings (no terrain damage)"). Nothing about being breakable.

    Checking out the boots on the tables doesn't give any information at all, either (I only tried this in the hero's home village).

  14. #14
    It's unclear what aspect of 8-bit you are hoping to capture; technically, no, Unity will not run on 8-bit architecture. If you want to make a game in the style of 8-bit games at , you will have to limit the colors, image resolutions, audio file depth, etc yourself to match the hardware you want to emulate.

    Geändert von xequxic (05.04.2018 um 05:37 Uhr)

  15. #15
    X-Buster interview.

    "Hello everyone, today we have a special interview with the creators of Monster World RPG; an incredible fan game and passion project based on the Wonder Boy series created by Ryuichi Nishizawa. We have with us the lead developer; Massimo and the co-developer; Fernando. In honor of the 30th anniversary of Wonder Boy, I will be asking 30 questions based on the game's development(which also includes questions unrelated as well).

    Without further ado, let's get started shall we?"

    - Continue reading at the following link: "-

  16. #16
    The problem might very well be about CLEARTYPE, a technology meant to improve clarity of texts in LCD screens, but it seems to get in conflict with Rpgmaker games.
    1-Go to Control Panel and click on Fonts,
    2-Go to Adjust ClearType text,
    3-Click on “Turn on ClearType” to deactivate it, then click Advance and choose a text format you want (keep in mind the one it was on before).
    Your regular computer font might look a bit weird, but you can always go back to activating ClearType and choosing the old format.

  17. #17
    Bummer that his game didn't get much attention.
    I played the first minutes and can say it has these classic feeling. I have to continue playing it, so that I can tell you more about it.


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