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Thema: Monster World RPG ver. 1.1 is out now ! ! !


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  1. #1

    Monster World RPG ver. 1.1 is out now ! ! !


    You can download it by visiting its official website:
    Link entfernt, weil Urheberrechtsverstoß ~Caro

    Watch here the videos:

    info AT monsterworldrpg DOT com

    GAME NAME: Monster World RPG
    TOOL USED: RpgMaker2003
    RELEASE TYPE: full free game (ver. 1.0)
    CUSTOM MENU: yes
    LANGUAGE: english
    SIZE: 148 MB (zipped)

    About Monster World RPG
    Monster World RPG is a fan game inspired by the Monster World (Wonder Boy in the US) series, made by SEGA and Westone for Arcade, Sega Master System and Genesis.
    It's no a sequel, prequel or remake, but a brand new game in rpg style instead of platform.

    The game you can download here is the COMPLETE VERSION, a complex rpg game developed with RpgMaker2003 with many different monsters.

    Along with Max, the main hero, there's other five characters, which can be inserted or removed from the team as you wish.
    Also there's many sidequests: all of them are kept in a special “book menu”, so you won't forget them.
    The main hero also can be customized with different spells, magic weapons, and more.

    The full version of the game is only the one you can download form its official website: the other version you can find around the net are old incomplete demos.


    The place is Aqua Kingdom.
    The hero of this story, Max, lives in the Valley of Peace near Purapril, the capital.
    Since his friend Shion left for Purapril to do his knight duties, Max life got boring.
    A morning while hunting in the woods he found a strange creature he never seen before.
    Unsure about the creature's "taste" he decided to avoid making it his meal, but keep it as his pet.
    Now that he has a "party member" he decide that's time for him to leave the valley for a more exciting life.
    He decide to go to Purapril to meet again his friend Shion but while attemping to enter into the city two guards block his way forcing him to travel somewhere else.
    Where will Max go now? Will Max be able to enter in town? And what is happening there?
    Unbeknowst to him his "adventurous life" has already begun . . .


    The hero of the game. He's a fighter, so he won't learn new skills by leveling up. Instead, he gets new skills by learning them from other people, by equipping certain equipment or getting special items.

    Pepe is a strange animal that no one knows its species or place of origin. He can only say “pepe”, so Max gave him this name. His species is unknown so he's considered an “odd pet”. Pepe starts with some skills and learn more as his level increases. He can't use any equipment, but only attacking with his claws.

    Priscilla is a small fairy from Alsedo, the fairy village. She lives with Eleanora, the fairy queen. Being a fairy she mainly knows healing and assist spells.

    Shabo is a death god, wich is actually a species, not a deity. Shabo knows many spells, mainly attack spells but also some assist spells. If used wisely he can be a great ally.

    Hotta is a dwarf from Lilypad, the dwarf village. He can't use spells but istead uses special skills. He's a very strong character and can greatly damage the enemies. His only weakness is that he's the slowest character.

    Junior is a baby dragon from Begonia. He may be just a baby, but due to his dragon lineage his power is great. He's almost as strong as Hotta and is faster, but has lower resistances and less skills.

    About MAX TEAM
    MAX TEAM is a two men team composed by:
    Massimo - author, storyboarder, chara designer, final tester, main advertiser;
    Fernando - main programmer, tiles & faceset designer, music & sound, beta tester, final scripter.
    MAX TEAM has also many friends who gave help listed in the credits of the game.

    • One thing that I hate of rpgmaker games are the charasets: they are to small and so the characters looks too much unexpressive. So we used the characters slots at their limits and sometimes for bigger characters we used more than a slot.

    • In rpg usually you got experience point or buy equipement in order to increase your party stats. This can be entertaining at the beginning, but later it becomes repetitive. For this reason, even if we kept the experience and equipment system, we decided to put in the game a way to customize your hero to give him different skills and map abilities in order to reach different zones (like castlevania or metroid).

    • Another weak points of rpgmaker videogames is that being them "free games" there's no manual or other things. Plus they lacks menu that usually are present in professional games. MWRPG has an online guide.

    • Last, a common rpg game engine will become rapidly repetitive and unappealing. Due to this MWRPG has many platform elements and minigames.

    • In order to advance in the game is more important to find secrets and upgrade items more than levelling up: in this way you have not to waste an entire day in fighting monsters.


    Please feel free to comment the game on the forum as much as you want.
    Your feedback is important for us.
    In any case, to simplify our work for a future release of a version 1.1 of the game, you should send your comments to us to the following email address:
    info AT monsterworldrpg DOT com

    Thanks in advance and enjoy our game!!!

    Geändert von Monster World RPG (13.12.2018 um 23:37 Uhr)

  2. #2

    Bad things just happen.
    I never thought that day would finally come. Congrats on finishing the game!

  3. #3
    Too bad fan games are forbidden here. So 10 years of work for nothing.

  4. #4

    Hier wird nicht geterrort
    Zitat Zitat von WattsApp Beitrag anzeigen
    Too bad fan games are forbidden here. So 10 years of work for nothing.
    There is a difference between a fangame that is inspired by another game and doesn't use illegal ressources and a rpg maker digimon game with ripped ressources from three thousand different commercial games, that is just a shitty copy.

    Do you see illegal content? Than go and flag it.
    Do you not see illegal content and just want to show some bad manners? Please leave.

    @Monster World RPG if this is all original stuff (as far as I can see) color me impressed.

  5. #5
    now "Monster World RPG" has also an official Facebook Page:

  6. #6
    No matter if you have a Facebook page or not. If your project contains stolen ressources from commercial games then you cannot publish it here. Please take own ressources.

  7. #7
    I played the game up to the beginning of the 2nd chapter. I think it's a decent game but noticed that by now, I have standards even for fan-made games to which this project does not live up. Therefore I decided to stop it. Anyway, here are my expressions.

    First note, I never played or watched any of the games that inspired this one. So any references or conclusions you expected from the player to make based on them went completely over my head.
    For positive things I can praise the visuals which are bright and colorful and probably match the style of its exemplars.

    Early on I once considered to stop playing this game, because the initial balancing is bad. Pepe seems to faint after a few looks his way and can't be euqiped at all. The first chance to buy weapons is in a village under siege and is quite pricy. After I decided to grind for the necessary money for the best sword, thanks to it and the levels gained while collecting money, it was fairly smooth sailing up to the 1st chapter's final boss which was quite challenging.
    It's such a strange decision that one can buy equipment only for the main protagonist, since this seems to be the only way to provide elemental defense.

    As for combat itself, being able to miss only creates chances for frustration. Also, sometimes no damage values appear but my characters still seem to loose HP. I especially missed feedback on techniques that reduce certain stats as a secondary effect, because there is no indication whatsoever. Enenmy skills can be vague as well. I mean, I got that "Cling" was a buff spell but the name itself doesn't resonate with increased defense with me.
    Last, but this could be due to the maker, early on I thought I could not use items during battle or flee (never did, though), because the last line in the action box is completely black like a blank entry, so it seems there are only 3 availably actions. Quite misleading.

    The manual is a nice idea but quite clunky to maneuver through. Especially all those lists in the journal are confusing due to their size and can't be exited quickly with the "Cancel" buttons, one has to go for the "Exit"-entry all down the list (and long lists don't seem to wrap over from top to bottom for quicker navigation).
    (Bug(?)note: After helping in the Barobaro(?) library, I noticed some entries in the enemy list 3, but there were only a few names, but I could not open the information.)
    Sidequests could also do with a simple check mark next to them instead of reading the complete description th check its current status (or did I miss something there?).
    The gear selection was unnecessarily clunky as well. Why do I have to unequip my current gear before using another one. If the game can check wether I have another one equipped, switching over directly to my new choice should be no impossible task, no?

    The clunkiness also reared its head for me during the cooking sidequest, since it seemed to require very small pauses instead of doing smooth circular motions on my keyboard's arrow keys.
    And the firebreathing minigame seems to expect the use of a turbo controller. I used "Enter" and the Space bar together which did suffice in other RPG Maker games, but not here. Maybe I was close and could have made it, but Enter smashing is the least creative of minigames, so I did not bother.

    That's enough for gameplay experience, what about worldbuilding?
    While I saw a lot of places already during that 1st chapter, it reeked of the approach of old games, probably due to its source material. Except for plot relevant NPCs, most flourish only the generic smalltalk oneliners about the weather and what not. They are only there to give the game the look of a living world, but they fail to provide the feeling of such a world.
    A glaring example are the various bar tenders, which only share a bit of information after you purchase a drink (to which no one hints at all, one has to know this by default). But if for this, it's wasted money because they really only give you a bit of information: "There's a place called [XY]." That's all! No gossip, no rumour associated with those places, no aknowledgement, why it could be interesting for the player to venture there. This feels so uninspired.

    Speaking of inspiration. I had to look up the spot for the hidden entrance/warp to the fairy queen. because, as I mentioned, I never played any of the games this one harkens back to. So I did not think of inspecting those inconspicuous flowers, that don't stand in any way - just like in the original, which I learned to my dismay later.
    Another thing that irked me wrong and might be copied from the original. You can't save at inns without resting there, which requires money, which I was a little bit short on very early (see above). This decision is even more confusing once you meet other people who give you the choice between resting and saving.

    Some gameplay elements which I would have to use later, are confusing during the 1st chapter. For one, the flying "?"-blocks. I have a fairy in my party and I also can purchase Wing Boots, so why can't I interact with these? The same can be said about all those tiny doors. The hero even says that only small person could get through. Well, I'm accompanied by a (seemingly) small fairy and a dwarf child(!) and none of them even thinks about even trying to squeeze through there. If it said, the doors were tiny, I could somewhat follow the (unmentioned) line of thinking, but as it stands, it's simply major flavour disconnect. At least have some early NPC mention the spell or item or whatever, which I'm apparently supposed to use there.

    About the soundtrack I will only note thate I recognised quite a few themes from commercial games which always makes it harder for your game to create its own identity.

    My conclusion is, that the game is okay, but ultimately not for me.

    Geändert von Ark_X (10.09.2017 um 16:44 Uhr)

  8. #8
    Zitat Zitat von Ark_X Beitrag anzeigen
    I played the game up to the beginning of the 2nd chapter. I think it's a decent game but noticed that by now, I have standards even for fan-made games to which this project does not live up. Therefore I decided to stop it. Anyway, here are my expressions.
    My conclusion is, that the game is okay, but ultimately not for me.

    Thanks for your reply, but I believe you were too much in a hurry to review the game cause you have just played its tutorial...
    Chapter 1 is literally one ... per cent of the whole game.

    If now you are at least curious to continue to play I suggest you to watch some of the video from the youtube channel to make an idea about how big the game is and how all the flaws you had noticed so far are in truth just the natural limitations of an "introduction".

    It is just complaining that Megaman has not all the power ups from the beginning.

    Make me know.

  9. #9
    I might consider it, but honestly, apart from the (imho) shaky balancing at the beginning, I fail to see how most of the things I mentioned should improve as the game goes on. As far as content goes, I was aware that I had only seen the tip of the iceberg (judging by the extensive lists for characters, enemies and sidequests in the journal).
    The one thing that might change is the chattiness of the NPCs and if it does so, I would wonder why this can't be the same during this introduction.

    Last but not least did I already delete my savefile, so I would have to start all over again, so there would be some additional motivation required. Maybe I fetch a peek into the later content in some LP and decide from there. And if all fails, just remember that not all players connect with all kinds of games, no matter how great they may be.

  10. #10
    Hello this game contains illegal ressources so please put it down and not publish it. We dont want illegal fan games here.

  11. #11
    Someone notified us because they found ripped ressources in your game. By german law, we must comply and delete any possible link to the download. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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