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Thema: Free Rpgmaker 2003 stuff (Englisch)


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  1. #1

    Free Rpgmaker 2003 stuff (Englisch)

    Here's some Rpgmaker 2003 stuff I made back then that hasn't been shared in the RM scene...

    Antifarea: Apologize if this is the wrong place to post this thread, I really don't speak German, but still want to share these resources I made.

    Terms of use:

    For the Characters and Faces, you must put my name and link to my site, also put Opengameart along with
    the site's link in the credits. For the systemset graphics, just a link to my site is required.



    These resources are under a creative commons license: CC-BY-3.0

    In other words... you can recolor, edit, frankensprite, sprite from scratch using the templates or
    just simply use the resources as they are in your rpgmaker game, be it commercial or not... as
    long as you give the proper credit as stated above. Do not upload any of these images on your
    site, link to OGA (opengameart) or this thread (or any duplicate of the same thread in any other
    forum other than this one).

    RPGMAKER 2003 Resources
    "Right" click, then "Save image as..." for download. And just import it using the Import function
    or copy + paste them in the proper folder.

    Charasets (2010)

    Character Templates Adults / Children

    Heroes 1

    Heroes 2

    Heroes 3

    NPCs 1

    NPCs 2

    NPCs 3


    Facesets (2011)

    Face Templates Adults

    Face Templates Children

    Heroes 1

    Heroes 2

    Heroes 3

    NPCs 1

    NPCs 2

    NPCs 3


    Systems (2011)

    System 1

    System 2

    System 3

    System 4

    System 5

    EXFONT Glyph symbols (2011)

    Guide for the symbols...

    Go to my blogs to get more resources...

    Geändert von Antifarea (18.07.2011 um 23:02 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Almost the perfect place.
    For those purposes we have an own developmentboard in which I moved this thread now.

  3. #3
    Hello Antifarea,

    facesets are wonderfull, very nice!

    The charasets are small but the style ist good. =)

    Geändert von Selina (20.05.2011 um 20:44 Uhr)

  4. #4
    Really like the color-poor (sry cant explain it in other words) style, think it must be fun to make ashort game just with this ressources. Did you also make tilesets in this style?

  5. #5
    All resources look pretty well made, they keep a high standard in quality.
    But the face-sets are not my taste, the expression on their faces is kinda numb and the eyes and the nose look like copy & paste. (of course i can imagine they are all based on your templates, but still)

    But overall i have to agree with the others, its well done.

  6. #6

    Users Awaiting Email Confirmation

    I love your style.
    You are using less Colours - I like it.
    Nice Idea making Female and Male with the same clothing etc. but all the faces look the same.(The shape is always the same),maybe some more edges at male faces would be great.
    But the charsets are a bit too small,they remind me of these old Final Fantasy Charas for NES

    Geändert von Engel der Furcht (21.05.2011 um 18:50 Uhr)

  7. #7
    @ Daen vom Clan = Thanks for moving the topic.

    @ Selina = Glad you like them. The character style is 16x18, and I made it as inspiration from small characters of the Final Fantasy games for Super Nintendo.

    @ -straight ahead- = Thanks. And yes, there are only 2 colors used as fillings of the skin and clothing, the reason for that is because colors have to be strategically placed when making smaller sprites like those. This technique has been used by many artists that made graphics for SNES RPGs back then. Another reason why I am using only 2 colors, so people can edit and recolors the characters easily.

    I haven't made any tilesets yet, but you can find some 16x16 tilesets in Opengameart, the only thing is that you'll have to adapt the size for it to be able to be imported in Rpgmaker 2k3.

    @ Cornix = Thanks, and yeah, the faces look like that since they have to look similar to each other. I'll keep that in mind, the whole adjustments you pointed out, if I decide to update the faces in the future.

    @ Engel der Furcht = Thanks. The idea was to create a pack of Characters, more like some sort of independent RTP that people can use, that's why you see the same / similar clothing for the different male / female characters. And yeah, characters in this style are smaller than the default Rpgmaker 2k3 style.

    @ Everyone = I forgot to say, the system graphics are not complete... which was my mistake. I'm working on them now, will have them updated next time I update this post. If you guys have any suggestions on what you'll like to see made, let me know... and I might make them, depending on how much free time I have and such. Thanks all for the comments.

  8. #8
    The Faces are divine! (do you say that?) I love them. It's a very own style you use, but it is nice.

    The CharSets are not my type, I like them bigger, but cute though. Instantly reminded me of the old Final Fantasy games. They would be a good World-Map-Character, if you don't wanna use them in the rest of the game.

  9. #9
    Nice! I like your face sets. They can be edited easily and are therefore really useful.

  10. #10
    @ Aldinsys = Thanks.

    @ uninspired = Thanks, I like bigger charasets too haha, this style is made to be small.

    Guys, I updated the post, added two alternate colors to the character template, which wasn't done. I also updated the Heroes 1 charaset image that had some issues with the mages walking cycle. I also completed the systemsets (they didn't have the arrows, nor the equipped weapon graphic and so on), 5 of them are shared in the post as you can see, get the rest from my blog...

    This post won't be updated anymore, as I will be sharing the resources in my blogs... since it's a lot easier for me. So be sure to visit my blog once a week to see what's new.

  11. #11
    Hey guys, making this other post to mention that I added new content to the thread... I updated the 1st post as usual, but I'll also paste the new content here in case anyone misses it cause of the language barrier.

    EXFONT Glyph symbols (2011)

    Guide for the symbols...



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