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Thema: [Ranma]Taking things for granted[Sad][Dark][Romance]

  1. #1

    [Ranma]Taking things for granted[Sad][Dark][Romance]

    Eine ziemlich alte (7~8 Jahre), aber immer noch ziemlich gute Ranma Fanfiction von Jeffrey Oneshot Wong. Sie ist im Scriptformat gehalten und trifft vieleicht nicht jeden Geschmack, wer aber über das Format hinwegsehen kann wird mit einem fabelhaften Drama verwöhnt.

    Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong

    Ranma 1/2: Taking things for granted

    (It is a beautiful late Saturday night. The moon is up in the star-filled
    sky. We are in the Tendo's home, looking out towards the little pond in
    the backyard. The house is quiet. Everyone is asleep. All of a sudden,
    a blue sphere appears in mid-air on top of the pond. We could see that
    there's something...or someone within it. The sphere stays like that for a
    few moments before is disappears, leaving whatever that was in it behind.
    It is a man. As figure falls into the pond and water splashes everywhere.
    We then see the man, wearing a backpack, get up and step out of the pond.
    The camera takes a close-up of him. We realized that it's Ranma, soaking
    wet yet still in male form. But the looks different. He's actually several
    years older than the one we all know and love. He still looks exactly same
    except his body is a tad bit more muscular and honed. His eyes looked like
    they've seen too much. In his hand, he is holding the nanban mirror. We see
    him slip it into his shirt pocket and step out of the pond. He takes off
    his backpack and places it by the edge of the pond.)

    Ranma:(Softly speaking to himself)Akane.....I love you.

    (We see Ranma head into the house and head upstairs, still soaking wet. The
    camera follows him as he walks down the hallway and stop in front of
    Akane's room. We see him hesitate for a minute, contemplating on knocking
    or not. After a few moments, he knocks.)

    Akane:(Sleepily from behind the door)Who is it?

    Ranma:(Softly)It's me, Ranma.

    (Silence follows. After several minutes, we see the door open. Akane,
    dressed in her nightgown, which exposes too much shoulder, emerges. She
    looks at Ranma, but doesn't realize that he's an older one because it is
    dark out in the hallway. Besides, this Ranma and the Ranma we know look
    exactly the same.)

    Akane:(Sleepy yet slightly angry)What do you want? Do you know what time it

    (Ranma says nothing. All he does is look at Akane for several intense
    moments, regarding her intently, which seems to scare her.)

    Akane:Are you okay?

    Ranma:(On the verge of crying)Can you please do me a favor?


    Ranma:(A tear falls from his eye)Can you please hug me?(Opens his arms
    up for an embrace)

    (Akane notices how shaky Ranma's voice is. She then sees a tear flow from
    his eye, glistening against the moonlight that shone through the hallway
    window, falling to the floor. She realizes that Ranma was saying this with
    the utmost sincerity......and not joking around. She doesn't bother to ask
    any questions. Instead, she opens her arms and hugs him, not even bothered
    by the fact that he's soaking wet.)

    Ranma:(Breaking down and crying)Akane, I've missed you.

    (Akane could feel Ranma's tears drop into her hair and delicate shoulders.
    He holds her tight, loving her embrace. Her head is pressed against his
    chest, where she could feel in steady heartbeat.)

    Akane:(Concerned)What's wrong? Are you alright?

    Ranma:(Still crying as he held her)Please, let me hold you for just a
    little bit longer....please. It's all I ask for.

    (Akane says nothing. Ranma and Akane stand there, in the middle of the
    night, holding each other. After a while, Ranma reluctantly releases his
    embrace with Akane.)

    Ranma:(Softly in her ears)Akane, I love you. And I'll always love you. And
    don't you ever forget that. Please don't leave me.

    Ranma:I know that. I've always known that.

    Akane:Ranma, are you okay?

    Ranma:Yes.....I am now.

    Akane:What happened to you? Why're you wet?

    Ranma:(Softly)May I please come in? I would really like to talk to you. And
    I've missed you so much.

    Akane:(A little surprise)Uh....yes....sure. C'mon in.

    (We see Akane and Ranma go into her room, closing the door behind them.
    Inside, we see Ranma getting out of his wet clothes, taking his shirt
    off so he wouldn't catch a cold.)

    Akane:(Getting the wrong idea)Ranma, what're you doing?!?

    Ranma:(Softly)I'm just taking my shirt off so I won't catch a cold. I hope
    you don't mind.(Takes the shirt off and wraps it around the nanban mirror)


    Ranma:(Sitting down in a chair)Akane, what I'm going to tell you is going
    to shock you.

    Akane:What is it, Ranma?

    Ranma:(Takes a deep breath)I'm not the real Ranma you know.


    Ranma:Let me show you.(Gets up off the seat)

    (Ranma gently takes hold of Akane's hand and proceeds towards the door. He
    opens it and the two step out into the hallway. Ranma then takes her to
    Ranma and Genma's room, stopping once they were outside the door.)

    Ranma:Inside, you'll see me sleeping....the young me.


    Ranma:Akane, I'm from the future. I traveled back in time to now.....where
    you're alive.

    Akane:(Missing the second part)You're from the future?

    Ranma:(Silently opens the door)Take a look.

    (Akane looks into the room. There she sees the Ranma she knows sleeping
    soundly on his back. Next to him, Genma's asleep also.)


    Akane:(Totally confused)This is getting too weird.

    Ranma:(Nudges at the sleeping Ranma)Here, I'll show you.

    (Ranma wakes up)

    Note:From here on, the Ranma who's from the future is going to be called
    OlderRanma. It will remain that way to the end of the story.

    Ranma:(Waking up)What the?!?

    (Ranma doesn't realize that he's talking to the older version of himself.
    The room was too dark for him to see how OlderRanma looked. He just assumed
    that he's an intruder, a stranger in his room.)

    OlderRanma:Ranma, let me explain before you jump to conclusions.

    Ranma:(Notices the the intruder isn't wearing a shirt and is holding
    Akane's hand)What the hell were you doing with Akane?!?(Quickly gets out of
    his futon)

    OlderRanma:(Trying to calm Ranma down before he wakes up the entire house)
    Just calm down for a second. I'll explain everything.

    Ranma:(Getting angry)Get your hands off her!(Slaps OlderRanma's hands off
    of Akane's)

    (Ranma attacks OlderRanma with fierce intensity, sending hundreds of
    punches straight towards him. OlderRanma just stands there and lets every
    shot hit him. After several long moments, Ranma starts tiring out and stops
    his attacks. After the attack, OlderRanma is still standing, almost
    unscathed, unhurt, not one bruise on his entire topless body or face.)

    Ranma:(Shocked look on his face)How did you survive that? No one ever
    withstood so many of my punches....and was still conscious!

    OlderRanma:(Getting angry)Ranma, you're still very arrogant you know. I
    can't believe I was this arrogant at your age.

    (Ranma quickly releases a massive ki blast straight towards OlderRanma.
    OlderRanma raises a hand and swats the blast away like it was nothing. The
    ki blasts gets deflected off of OlderRanma's arm and slams into the wall.
    The wall collapses and a huge hole is left in the ki blast's path,
    overlooking the backyard. Genma is still sound asleep. Ranma has a look
    of total disbelief as he looks at the hole. Akane is also looking out the
    hole, not knowing what to say.)

    OlderRanma:I'm sorry Akane, I'll pay for that.

    Ranma:Hiyru shotenha!

    (Ranma, seeing OlderRanma distracted, executes his whirlwind punch. The
    tornado totally envelops OlderRanma. The ceiling gets blown upward towards
    the sky, ripping a part of the roof off with it. Genma, who was still
    sleeping, gets caught in the punch and gets sent into orbit. He falls to
    the earth and lands right in the pond. OlderRanma, who was totally
    enveloped, was still standing where he was before, totally unscathed after
    the massive blast subsided.)

    Ranma:How did you survive that?!? That was the strongest blast I've ever

    OlderRanma:(Starting to get annoyed)Are you through yet?!?

    Ranma:No!(About to throw several hundred more punches)

    (Before Ranma had a chance to attack again, OlderRanma lunges forward with
    one of his hands extended and grabs Ranma's arm at blinding speed, so fast
    that not even Ranma could react in time. With his other hand, OlderRanma
    grabs Ranma's neck and pushes him up against the wall, at least what's
    left of the wall.)

    OlderRanma:(Holding Ranma)Look at me......I'm you.

    (The moonlight that shone through the hole in the ceiling shines right on
    OlderRanma's face. Ranma's eyes immediately opens wide in disbelief. He
    realizes he was looking right at himself. He looks into OlderRanma's eyes
    and sees nothing but suffering and dispair.)

    Ranma:I must be dreaming!

    OlderRanma:Akane, can you please tell Ranma here that this is for real?

    (Akane hestiates for a second, not believing all of this herself. She had
    seen a lot in her days, but this seemed to take the cake. After a few
    silent moments Akane speaks.)

    Akane:Ranma,(Guestures to OlderRanma)....this is you.....from the future.


    OlderRanma:(Releasing his hold of Ranma)I'm you......from the future.

    Ranma:(Fixing himself up)Why're you here?

    OlderRanma:I just came here to stop something horrible before it happens.

    (By now, Soun, Kasumi, and Nabiki enter the room, wondering what was all
    that racket that woke them up. When Soun enters the room first, he looks at
    the two Ranmas in total disbelief, thinking that he was still dreaming.
    The sight didn't seem to bother Kasumi one bit. Nabiki looked at the two
    with keen fascination.)

    OlderRanma:(Walks up to Kasumi and hugs her, tears in his eyes)Kasumi, it's
    good to see you again after so many years....really good.

    Soun:(Shocked)What happened here?!?

    (Soun first looks through the hole in the wall towards the backyard and
    then looks up through the hole towards the sky)

    OlderRanma:(Walks over an hugs Soun, glad to see him alive and well also)
    Don't worry Mr. Tendo, I'll pay for it.

    (Reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wadful of money, handing it all to
    Soun. Nabiki's eyes widen at the sight of so much money. There must've been
    several hundred thousand yen in his hand.)

    OlderRanma:(Takes out even more money and hands it to Nabiki)Here Nabiki,
    this money won't matter to me after a short time.(He gently hugs her like
    he hugged Soun)

    Nabiki:(Gives OlderRanma a suspicious look as she gently returns the
    embrace)Why won't it matter anymore?

    OlderRanma:(Fighting back tears)Because.............I'm dying.

    (We are looking towards the Tendo's home. It's Sunday morning now. The
    camera pans upward and shows us that the upper corner of the house is still
    in need of some repair. The walls and roof had been repaired but need
    resurfacing. The camera zooms forward and is lifted to the sky for an
    overhead view of the house. It then zooms in and moves into the diningroom,
    where everyone is eating breatfast. OlderRanma is sitting at the head of
    the table, being barraged with a series of questions. But that doesn't
    bother him, not as long as he's near Akane.)

    OlderRanma:Okay, its a long story. I'm from five years in the future...

    Nabiki:That's starange, you don't look any older than Ranma from this

    OlderRanma:Please, let me continue.


    OlderRanma:Anyway, I'm from five years in the future and I traveled back in
    time to now, through the use of this nanban mirror(Takes mirror out of
    pocket), which I easily beat out of Happousei. The reason why I came to
    this time is beacuse Akane and all of you are going to die of a horrible
    fate not too long from now. I'm here to stop that from happening.

    Ranma:Well, because you're here telling this to us, doesn't that already
    change the outcome of what's going on?

    OlderRanma:Yes, it should.....but I'm going to stay here to make sure it
    doesn't happen. Akane will die by the hands of a god-like entity, named
    Kythen. Now, as to your wondering on why I'm so skilled in martial
    arts........after Akane died(His face saddens)I focused on nothing else
    but my training to avenge Akane's death. And it took me five years before I
    managed to become strong enough to defeat him. I had trained in the
    mountains around China the entire time, living a life of pure solitude. I
    trained with no one else but myself, training every day, honing my skills
    and techniques. After five years, when I was finally satisfied that I was
    strong enough to defeat Kythen, I left the mountains and headed for Nerima,
    where he resides and was born. He was born here beacause of Happousei's
    confounded meddling with the unknown.(Turns to Ranma)You know what I'm
    talking about Ranma......Well, as I headed for Japan, I accidentally
    stumbled upon the Jysenkyo. There, I found the Nannichuan.

    Ranma:You did?!?


    Ranma:You didn't happen to bring any of it with you?

    OlderRanma:(Takes out two flasks from his backpack)Yes, I figured you would
    ask for this. Here you go.(Hands one to Ranma and another to Genma)

    (Genma and Ranma both open the flasks and quickly pour the water on top of
    their heads. Once the flasks emptied out, Genma and Ranma both ran up to
    the pond and zealously jumped in. They resurfaced in their original male
    forms. The two of them jump around in glee before they ran back up to
    the diningroom to listen in on the rest of the story.)

    OlderRanma:Anyway, after a found the Nannichuan, and turned myself into a
    permanent male of course, I continued on towards Nerima. On my way here,
    I met Ryoga and finally befriended him, I gave him the Nannichuan so..

    Akane:Why would Ryoga need the Nannichuan, he doen't have a curse?

    OlderRanma:....Uh...he told me he needed it for a friend.(Winks at Ranma
    when Akane or anybody else wasn't looking)From there, Ryoga and I
    traveled down to Nerima where we both fought Kythen. The two of us worked
    together and managed to overcome him....but at a cost. Ryoga died saving
    my life.

    Kasumi:Oh my! How horrible!

    OlderRanma:(Tears slowly starting to form)Ryoga had died in vain because
    during the battle, Kythen injected a extremely toxic poison into my body
    right before he died. In his last dying words, he told me I had two weeks
    to live before I died. The first day I spend mourning Ryoga's death. And
    after that I went to every hospital in Japan, hoping they could find the
    cure. I spent three days doing that, all coming out with the same
    results, an "unknown toxin" that surged through my blood.

    Soun:Did they give you a blood transfusion?

    OlderRanma:Yes they did....and I almost died because of that. I spent
    another day in recovery before I was strong enough to move. By now, I only
    had nine days left before I die. I felt it was useless trying to prevent
    the inevitable so I decided to go out looking for Happousei. It took me
    three days before I managed to find that little hentai. I literally beat
    him into giving me the nanban mirror so I can travel back to this time.
    But before I can back to this time, I killed him.....because everything was
    his fault.

    Genma:What happened to the future us while you were in the mountains

    OlderRanma:(Fighting back tears) all died! Every one of you!
    I found this house leveled to the ground. Shampoo's Nekohanten was
    destroyed, burned to the ground. Ukyou's store was just gone....totally
    wiped out.

    Ranma:Maybe they survived and fled?

    OlderRanma:No.....they didn't. I later on found all of your graves in a
    nearby graveyard....Mousse...Shampoo.....Ukyou....Soun....Dad.....
    Nabiki.....Kasumi.....Kuno....everyone. Maybe it was just a coincidence,
    but I noticed that all of those graves were centered around Akane's grave,
    who was the first one to have died.

    Akane:We were all killed by Kythen?


    Akane:Who is he?

    OlderRanma:It's not 'who' but 'what' is he? All I know was that he an a spirit that took on a human form. If I'm not mistaken,
    I'd say he was the devil.

    Akane:How many more days do you have left to live?

    OlderRanma:(Thinks for a second)I only have five more days left.

    Kasumi:Oh my! That's it?

    OlderRanma:Yes, that's it.

    Ranma:And when will this Kythen come about?

    OlderRanma:Happousei will call him forth tonight.

    (Just as OlderRanma finshes his story, Happousei drops into the backyard
    carrying a bagful of panties that he collected from his overnight panty
    raids. OlderRanma quickly spots him and proceeds towards the little hentai,
    rage in his eyes.)

    OlderRanma:It was all your fault! I'm going to kill you before it all

    Happousei:(Innocently)What did I do?(Throws a bomb right into OlderRanma's

    (A massive explosion occurs, shaking the very foundation of the house. The
    explosion totally engulfs OlderRanma. Happousei happily hops towards the
    house until he sees Ranma in the diningroom.)

    Happousei:(Comfused)How did you do that?

    (The smoke behind Happousei clears off, to reveal a glowing red OlderRanma.
    In one swift move, OlderRanma runs forward and grabs Happousei by his back
    collar and lifts him up off the ground. He turns the little pervert towards
    him and reachs into his pockets, taking out another bomb and holding it out
    in front of Happousei.)

    OlderRanma:(Holding Happopusei in one hand and the bomb in the other)C'mon
    ....I dare you.........light this.

    (Happousei happily complies and lights the bomb, expecting his opponent
    to freak out and run away. But he didn't. OlderRanma continued on holding
    the bomb.)

    Happousei:(Sweating)Ranma! What're you doing!?! You're gonna get both of us
    killed!'re the one whose going to die!

    (Happousei kicks OlderRanma in the face, expecting him to drop him from the
    pain. But the attack has no effect. It didn't even faze him.)

    Happousei:(Crying out)Let go of me!!!(Drops his panty bags and starts
    clawing at Ranma for his life)

    OlderRanma:(Smiling)No! You're going to die right now!

    Akane:(Starting to get nervous)Uh....I think you scared the little hentai

    OlderRanma:(Smiling wryly)Who says I'm trying to scare him?

    (The fuse is almost finished. The bomb is going to explode at any second)

    Akane:Ranma, let him go! He's learned his lesson!

    Ranma:I think he should kill the little lech!

    Akane:Ranma! Please let him go!

    (OlderRanma gives in to Akane's pleads. Instead of letting him die by his
    own bomb, OlderRanma threw happousei with all his might into the outer wall
    of the house. Happousei crashed up against the wall with such intensity
    that the wall collapsed in on Happousei, burying him under a pile of
    rubble. OlderRanma then turns his attention to the lit bomb. In one swift
    motion, he launches it high into the sky where it explodes. After a few
    moments, OlderRanma walks up to Happousei and picks him back up.)

    OlderRanma:I suggest you not try anything funny tonight.....otherwise your
    going to seriously regret it!

    (Everybody watches from the diningroom as OlderRanma places his hand over
    Happousei's face and then slam the back of his head into the ground,
    leaving him partially implanted, and totally unconscious.)

    OlderRanma:(Turns to everyone)I hope that's enough to stop Kythen from
    coming about.

    Ranma:(Looking at OlderRanma in awe)Wow, I can't believe you took a blast
    from the old lech's bomb and didn't even flinch. I always get hurt when
    that happens to me

    OlderRanma:(Almost disdainful)You have no clue just how strong I am, do

    Ranma:I guess you're very strong considering you withstood three of my most
    powerful forms of attacks.

    OlderRanma:Let me show you,(Guestures for Ranma to come out into the

    Ranma:What do you want to show me?

    OlderRanma:You see those clouds up there?(Points to some clouds way up in
    the sky)How high would you say they are up there...a mile....two miles?

    Ranma:(Looking up)At least a two miles. Why?

    OlderRanma:Hiyru Shotenha!

    (OlderRanma releases a massive tornado towards the heavens. Ranma watches
    as the whilrwind extends all the way up into the sky and strike the clouds.
    The clouds shutter for a second and then explodes into millions of
    particles of gas.)

    OlderRanma:(Smiles)How's that?

    (It is now noontime. The sun is at it highest point in the sky and is
    slowly starting its descent. We are in front of the Tendo's home where
    everyone finishing their lunch. Genma and Soun go off to play their
    usual game of shogi. Nabiki head off to the livingroom to watch some TV,
    while Kasumi is busy cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. OlderRanma, Ranma,
    and Akane were the only ones left still in the diningroom. Its seems that
    OlderRanma is slowly eating his meal, enjoying one of Kasumi's meals after
    so many years. Ranma and Akane both watch, thinking of more questions to
    ask him, coming up with nothing interesting.)

    Ranma:How come you eat so slow?

    OlderRanma:(Savoring the taste)I'm just trying to enjoy a nice meal cooked
    by Kasumi. Remember, I haven't eaten one of her meals for more than five
    years.(Slowly continues on eating)

    (After about a half an hour, OlderRanma finally finishes his meal.)

    OlderRanma:(Calling out to Kasumi in the kitchen)Kasumi! I love your

    Kasumi:(Calling back)Thank you.

    (Once finished with his meal, OlderRanma collects the plates and heads
    into the kitchen to hand them to Kasumi, and maybe help her out while he
    was at it.)

    Akane:(Looks at Ranma)I can't believe how much the future you is so much
    different from what you are now.

    Ranma:He's kind of cute, isn't he?

    Akane:Yeah....(Sees Ranma grinning)Wait a minute! I was talking about him,
    not you!

    Ranma:(Grins)But he is the future. So that means you think I'm


    OlderRanma:(Coming back out of the kitchen)Do you happen to know where
    Ryoga is?

    Ranma:No....he's probably lost somewhere.

    OlderRanma:Can we go visit Shampoo and Ukyou? I really miss them....(Sees
    Akane getting angry)...uh...not as much as I missed you of course!

    Ranma:We can go see them now if you'd like.

    OlderRanma}:)ood, lets get going then.

    (OlderRanma, Ranma, and Akane leave the house, all headed towads town,
    their first stop, Ukyou's. As they continue down the street, OlderRanma
    seems to be enjoying the sights of cars as they go whizzing by and the
    buliding they pass. Both Ranma and Akane notice this.)

    Akane:What do you find so fascinating about those cars?

    OlderRanma:If you'd really like to my future, the entire
    country was destroyed. All the buildings were either burned to the ground
    or destroyed completely. Every here and there, you would see bonfires
    of what remains of those buildings. But here, everything is so......
    soothing and relaxing.

    Ranma:What's so soothing about this city? It's busy, crowded, and it's

    OlderRanma:It's the fact that there is a city to walk through is soothing
    to me.



    (As the two continue down the street, Kuno pops out of nowhere, his bokken

    Kuno:Alas, I have found you Ranma(Notices two Ranmas instead of one)What
    is this, some kind of illusion?!?

    OlderRanma:Kuno-sempei, it's been a long time.(Walks up to Kuno and pats
    him on the shoulder)How about a handshake?

    Kuno:(Bokken raised and ready for attack)I will not fall for your
    trickery! Prepare to be pummeled!(Lunges at OlderRanma and slashes downward
    at him)

    (Before the bokken had a chance to hit him, OlderRanma extends one of his
    arms forward and catches the blade between his index finger and middle
    finger. OlderRanma stands there for a second, smiling as Kuno tries to pull
    his booken away. OlderRanma then closes the two fingers completely, causing
    the bokken to break into two to pieces, Kuno holding the hilt while
    OlderRanma held the blade.)

    OlderRanma:All I want is a handshake.(Extends one of his hands forward

    Ranma:(Step forward, rasing one of his sleeves)If you don't hit him, then I

    Akane:(Grabs Ranma by the arm)Stop that, leave him and Kuno alone!

    OlderRanma:Well, Kuno-sempei, how about that handshake?(His hands still

    (Kuno hesitates for a second, figuring it was another one of Ranma's
    tricks. But as he looks into OlderRanma's eyes, he sees sincerity and
    utmost respect. Since he was a warrior, Kuno had no problems expressing
    respect to the one who respected him.....even if it was Ranma. The two
    shake hands.)

    Kuno:You have changed, Ranma.

    OlderRanma:(Smiles)I know.....all for the better.

    (The two release handshakes and bow to each other.)

    OlderRanma:It's been nice seeing you Kuno-sempei.(Hands him his blade)


    (OlderRanma continues on down the street, leaving a very baffled Kuno
    behind. Ranma and Akane, who all watched this happened, sprinted forward
    and ran past Kuno without him even noticing. We then see Ranma turn back
    around and walk up to Kuno....and punt him into orbit.)

    (We are now in front of Ukyou's. We see the three walk up to the store and
    stop just short of entering. OlderRanma seems very hesitant about

  2. #2
    Ranma:What's wrong?

    OlderRanma:I don't know if I can go in there. I was devestated when I saw
    her grave. If that ever happened to you, you'll know what I mean.(Notices
    Akane's visage sadden)Don't worry Akane, if your Ranma saw your grave like
    I have, he would be devestated also.....I know I was.

    (At the sound of that, Akane brightened up slightly, but her visage
    saddened again when she realized she was being selfish. She never realized
    how Ranma would feel if she ever......died. She knew she would be
    devestated if she found out one of her old friends had died.)

    Ranma:You seem sad, Akane. Are you all right?

    Akane:(About to cry)Ranma, please don't die on me!

    Ranma:(Embraces her)Don't worry, I won't.

    OlderRanma:(Takes in a deep breath)Well, I guess I should go in now. I
    really want to see Ukyou again. I've missed her terribly. Lets go.

    (The three enter Ukyou's. The inside was busy at the time. We see Ukyou
    busy cooking a okonomiyaki for one of her customers. She looks up a see
    Ranma first, and doesn't realize that the other Ranma stood right
    behind him.)

    Ranma:Hi Ucchan, how's everything going?

    Ukyou:Hi Ran-chan. Everything's going great!(Guestures to an open seat)
    Please, have a seat.(Notices Akane)Hi Akane.

    (Ranma and Akane walk on over to a nearby table and get seated, leaving
    OlderRanma standing there, regarding Ukyou)

    OlderRanma:Hi Ucchan.

    Ukyou:Ranma?!?(Looks at OlderRanma, then at Ranma, and then back at
    OlderRanma)What's going on here?!?

    OlderRanma:Before I explain this to you, can I please have a hug?(Extends
    arms forward invitingly)

    (Ukyou looks over towards the Ranma sitting at the table and sees him nod
    towards her, telling her to go on and hug him. She does so.)

    OlderRanma:(Embracing Ukyou all the while breaking down and crying)How I've
    missed you so much, Ucchan!

    (The two hold each other for a moment, Ukyou not knowing what to do except
    hug back. After several moments, she feels a tear drop on her shoulder,
    right where OlderRanma buried his head. She looks at him as he lifts his
    head and sees tears flowing down his cheeks. Although he was crying, he was
    shedding tears of joy, joy for being able to see Ukyou after many years.)

    OlderRanma:(Fighting back his tears)Before you say anything, let me tell
    you that I am indeed Ranma.....just not the Ranma you know. I came from the
    future, a future where you died (Breaks don't crying again)

    (Ukyou looks into OlderRanma's eyes and sees his sincerity. She then
    kindly returns the embrace. After several long minutes, OlderRanma releases
    his embrace.)

    OlderRanma:(Wiping the tears from his eyes)I'll explain
    you think you could take a little break?

    Ukyou:(Softly)Of course.

    (Time passes by as we see Ranma, OlderRanma, Akane, and Ukyou all sitting
    in the same table. We see OlderRanma exlaining to Ukyou about his life and
    how he had to go on living alone, without anybody around to be with him. He
    explained of what had happened to his world and the mass destruction Kythen
    had cause all over Japan. The one part he had trouble with was telling her
    on how he found her grave and realized that she had died. He explained on
    his reasons for being back, to stop everything before it happens. The one
    thing he never told her was that he was slowly dying. He didn't have the
    heart to tell her.)

    Ukyou:So now that you stopped Happousei from calling forth this Kythen
    thing, what're you going to do?

    OlderRanma:I'm just going to visit all the people I've lost because of
    him.(Thinking)And afterwards.....I can die happy.

    Ranma:Ukyou, you didn't happen to have seen Ryoga around, have you?

    Ukyou:Yes, he stopped by here looking for you, Ranma.......I mean the one
    who's from this time. I think he was headed towards the Nekohanten.

    OlderRanma:(Getting out of his seat)I must go find him!(Turns to Ukyou and
    hugs her one last time)Ukyou, it's been great seeing after so many years.

    Ranma:I guess we better get going now. I'll see you later, Ukyou.

    Akane:Bye Ukyou. It's been nice seeing you.

    (The three leave Ukyou's and head off in the direction of the Nekohanten.
    It is now getting close to dark. The sun is just about to set and is very
    low in the sky. The sky above the sun glows in a beautiful hue of orange,
    which is quite an excellent sight to behold. We see the three walking down
    the street towards the Nekohanten. As they continue to walk, a begger walks
    up to them. Akane and Ranma watch as OlderRanma reacts.)

    Begger:(Holds out a cup)Can you please spare money for the poor?

    OlderRanma:Here(Reaches into his pocket and pulls out a huge wad of money)I
    hope that's enough.(Places it in the cup)

    Begger:(Eyes widening)Thank you, sir! Thank you!(Heads off down the street)

    Ranma:(Walking alongside OlderRanma)You sure don't mind giving all your
    money away, do you?

    OlderRanma:The money's going to be useless to me a few days from now.

    Akane:How come?

    OlderRanma:Remember.......I only have several days to live.

    (It is now dusk. The stars are slowly starting to pop up in the clear sky.
    We are in front of the Nekohanten, where we see OlderRanma, Ranma, and
    Akane. OlderRanma is looking up at the sky, enjoying its scenery. After
    having lived in a future that was destroyed, OlderRanma had finally taken
    everything for granted. Now that he has a second chance, he was enjoying
    everything around him.)

    OlderRanma:(Looking up towards the sky)Isn't it just beautiful out

    Ranma:Yeah, so what about it?

    OlderRanma:Ranma, if you ever came with me to my future Japan, I promise
    you, you'll learn to appreciate the finer things in life. For many years,
    I couldn't see the stars because they were covered behind a dark cloud that
    always loomed over Japan. The sky is always dark, and I sometimes never see
    the sun.(Takes a deep breath)You smell that air. In my future, if you
    inhale it in too much, you will become horribly sick and may even die.

    Akane:We never realized just how many things we take for granted.

    OlderRanma:Neither do you two realize how many people you take for granted
    also.......especially each other.

    (Akane and Ranma both look at each other for a moment, letting OlderRanma's
    words of wisdom sink in. Ranma slowly started realizing just how his life
    might be without Akane.)

    OlderRanma:Ranma, you must be wondering on just how you're life will turn
    out without Akane, right?

    (Ranma nods)

    OlderRanma:Well, look at me...(Points to himself)...I'm what's left of you
    five years after Akane dies. I may be extremely powerful and strong, but
    I'll give everything up just to be able to be with you, Akane.

    (A tear forms around Akane's eyes. His words were so sincere that it tore
    at her beacuse she knew that OlderRanma was the by-product of her death.
    She didn't want Ranma going through what OlderRanma went through, living
    a life full of regret, regret of having taken her for granted.)

    OlderRanma:Don't worry, you already have a head start in realizing how much
    you take each other for granted. Look at yourselves, you no longer fight
    and argue against one another.

    Ranma:I guess you're right.(Smiles at Akane, who smiles back)

    OlderRanma:Lets go in, I want to see Shampoo again. Ranma, can Akane and I
    go in first and you wait out here for a minute?

    Ranma:Okay, if you insist.

    (The two enter into the Nekohanten. Inside, we see that the shop is busy.
    It is filled with people. There are few open seats. Shampoo in waiting on
    tables, taking orders, while Mousse is in the kitchen cooking the food.
    Shampoo quickly notices OlderRanma and Akane, and run up to them. Just as
    she was about to lunge forward and hug OlderRanma, who she thinks is Ranma,
    she expected Ranma to try and resist. Either that, or Akane stepping out in
    between her and Ranma. But that never happened. OlderRanma lunges forward,
    arms extended and picks Shampoo up in a tight embrace, her legs leaving the
    ground. At this point, Shampoo was expecting Akane to try and knock her
    lights out. But that never happened either. Akane watches Shampoo's facial
    expression change from delight to surprise to suspicion. Akane is busy
    trying to surpress a giggle.)

    OlderRanma:Shampoo, it's good to see you.(Hugs her tighter)

    Shampoo:Shampoo happy that you happy to see Shampoo.(Hugs back)

    OlderRanma}:)ood, let's keep it that way.(Continues to hold her)

    Shampoo:(Glaring at Akane)What about Akane?

    OlderRanma:(Softly in her ear)Please don't speak. Let me enjoy this for one
    more moment.

    (After several moments, OlderRanma releases his hold on Shampoo.)

    OlderRanma:Shampoo, I have something to explain to you. But you must listen

    Shampoo:Shampoo listening.

    OlderRanma:I'm not the Ranma you know.


    OlderRanma:I figured you'd be confused.(Turns around)Ranma, can you please
    come in?

    (Ranma enters the Nekohanten. Shampoo's eyes widen as her gaze moves from
    OlderRanma to Ranma, and back to OlderRanma.)

    Shampoo:What going on here?

    OlderRanma:(Places a hand on Ranma's shoulder and the other on Akane's)
    Ranma and Akane here will explain to you about who I am. But first, may I
    please see Mousse?

    Shampoo:(Slightly confused)Uh....okay?

    (OlderRanma proceeds towards the kitchen as Ranma and Akane start
    explaining to Shampoo about who OlderRanma really was and where he came
    from. After few moments, we see Shampoo feeling very confused. Ranma and
    Akane both take Shampoo to one of the few open seat, where they sit down
    and start explaining everything over again.)

    (Inside the kitchen, we see Mousse busy cooking a meal. Cologne is nowhere
    around, having gone off to make a delivery. We see OlderRanma enter the
    room and walk right up to Mousse.)


    Mousse:(Pulls down his glasses)Ranma, what are you doing here?!?

    OlderRanma:Mousse, it's great seeing you again.

    Mousse:What's going on here?

    OlderRanma:Do you have a minute?

    Mousse:(Continues cooking)Not really. I have a lot of orders to prepare.

    OlderRanma:Okay, I'll help you out.

    (We see OlderRanma take a apron off of a nearby hook and place it on.
    Mousse watches as he opens a few cabinet draws looking for some pots. After
    a few moments, OlderRanma finds the right draw and takes out a large pot.
    He walks over to the sink with the pot and places it in it and turns the
    water on. As the water slowly starts filling the pot up, OlderRanma turns
    his attention to Mousse, who was regarding him with slight amusement.)

    OlderRanma:First off, I want to tell you that I'm not the Ranma you know.

    Mousse:(Returning to his cooking)I could see that! The real Ranma would
    never help me out!

    OlderRanma:Well, that should've given it away also. Anyway, I'm from the
    future....a future where you and everybody else are dead.

    Mousse:(Stopping whatever he was doing and now totally confused)What?

    OlderRanma:(Turning the water off and picking the pot of water up)To put it
    in simple the future, you and everybody else are dead. I just
    came back here to stop that from happening(Places pot on stove and turns
    on the fire)And now that I did....I'm here to meet you guys one last time.

    Mousse:What do you mean one last time?

    OlderRanma:In a few days from now, I'm going to die. I just wanted to see
    some people I haven't seen for many years before that happens. Can you
    please take a break?

    Mousse:I guess I can. Besides, that old goul isn't here to tell me what to

    (The two exit the kitchen. Outside, they spot Shampoo, Ranma, and Akane.)

    OlderRanma:(Noticing the shocked look on Mousse's face)Oh yeah......
    there's also two of me.

    (It is now night time. It's pretty much closing time for the Nekohanten.
    All the customers are gone and the store is empty except for Ranma, Mousse,
    OlderRanma, and Akane. The five are seated in a table.)

    OlderRanma:So that was why I came stop everything before it

    Mousse:But now that you stopped it, what're you going to do? Are you going
    back to the future again or are you staying here?

    OlderRanma:Me. I'm going to stay I can spend my last few days
    with friends.

    Shampoo:What about your friends back in fututre?

    OlderRanma:(Sad)Friends? I have no friends in my future.....they all died..
    ....all of them.

    Shampoo:(Sympathetic)Shampoo so sorry.

    Mousse:(Also sympathetic)I'm sorry to here that Ranma.

    OlderRanma:Don't worry about me....I'll be with them very soon.

    (The door opens and in walks Ryoga)

    Ryoga:Hah!...I finally found you Ranma! Did you actually think you could
    have ever escape me!(Notices two Ranmas)What the?

    OlderRanma:(Barely recognizing him)Ryoga, is that really you?

    Ranma:Yup, that's Ryoga.

    (OlderRanma gets up out of his seat and walks over to Ryoga, regarding him
    intently, not believing how different he looked now. In the future, Ryoga
    looked totally different. He no longer sported that yellow/black bandana of
    his and his hair had grown long, all the way down to his shoulders.)

    OlderRanma:It's good to see you again, my friend.

    Ryoga:What's going on here?!?

    (OlderRanma lunges forward and grabs hold of Ryoga, hugging him tightly,
    glad to see his best and only friend from the future. Ryoga tries to push
    OlderRanma away with all his strength, but couldn't. For some reason,
    OlderRanma didn't want to let go of him. Ryoga was about out attempt to
    knock OlderRanma's lights out, if that was possible, but stopped when he
    heard a small sobbing noise come from OlderRanma's lips. Ryoga then felt
    his yellow sleeveless shirt get wet and realized that OlderRanma was
    crying. Ryoga was overwhelmed with a sense of guilt. Was he the one who
    made Ranma cry? Why was he crying? Ryoga noticed that something about
    OlderRanma changed but couldn't quite put a finger on it. Not until he
    looked into his eyes. Ryoga realized that this Ranma wasn't the Ranma he
    knew. He saw sadness and regret in those eyes of his.)

    OlderRanma:(Smiling slightly as he released his hold of Ryoga)You may not
    believe this, Ryoga, but you are the sole reason why I am still alive right

    Ryoga:(Sees the sincerity in OlderRanma's words)I do believe you....I do.

    OlderRanma:Do you want to know why?


    OlderRanma:Lets have a seat first(Guestures towards the table)

    (The time passes as OlderRanma explains to Ryoga on how he befriended him
    on his way to Nerima, and on how they fought together against Kythen. He
    spoke to him of how heroic he was in saving him, something OlderRanma will
    always remember. But when OlderRanma started telling of how he died trying
    to save him, he started to slowly break down. Akane gently palced a hand
    over OlderRanma's shoulder, comforting him. Ryoga that night, lost all of
    his hatred towards Ranma. Those words he heard coming from OlderRanma's
    lips, he believed with all his heart.....not beacuse he wanted to, but
    because he knew they were true, simply by the way OlderRanma spoke those
    few words to him.)

    OlderRanma:(Standing up and giving Ryoga one last hug)Ryoga, it's been
    nice seeing you again....even if you don't really know who I am. But keep
    in mind that I'll always remeber what you did for me.

    Ryoga:Thanks(Returns the embrace)

    OlderRanma:(Turns to Shampoo)Shampoo, please take care of yourself. I don't
    want the younger me suffering through the same thing I suffered through.
    (Extendes his arms forward for a hug)

    Shampoo:Shampoo promise(Returns the hug)

    OlderRanma:(Turns to Mousse)Mousse, please take care of Shampoo.(Extends
    his arms forward for a hug also)And don't you die on me.

    Mousse:(Smiles as he hugs back)Don't worry Ranma-kun, I won't.

    Ranma:Bye Mousse. Bye Ryoga. By Shampoo.

    Akane:Bye everyone, we'll see you soon.

    (The three leave the Nekohanten and start heading towards home. After
    several minutes of walking, we see OlderRanma realize something and turn
    around and head back towards the Nekohanten, leaving Ranma and Akane

    Ranma:What do you think he went back for?

    Akane:I don't know.

    (Inside the Nekohanten, we see Ryoga packing his backpack up, readying
    himself to go off on another journey. Shampoo and Mousse are busy sweeping
    up the floors. We see OlderRanma enter the store.)

    OlderRanma:Mousse, Ryoga, I have something to give you.

    Ryoga:(Stops what he's doing and walks up to OlderRanma)What is it?

    OlderRanma:(Reaches into his pocket and produces two flasks)This is for
    you.(Hand Ryoga and Mousse each a flask)

    Mousse:What is it?

    OlderRanma:It's the Nannichuan. Think of it as my last gift to you...
    (Thinking)....before I die.

    (With that said, OlderRanma turns around and leaves the Nekohanten once
    again. He walks down the street alone, silently crying to himself. He
    realized just how much he missed everyone. His tears glistened against
    the moonlight as they fell from his chin onto the concrete ground. As he
    walks, he looks up ahead and sees Ranma and Akane waiting up for him.)

    OlderRanma:Ranma, Akane, lets go home.

    (That night, as OlderRanma, Akane, and Ranma headed home, Happousei was
    busy meddling with the unknown, seeking revenge on Ranma. It seems that
    the little pervert didn't heed OlderRanma's warnings.)

    (It's a beautiful Monday morning, just two days after OlderRanma appeared.
    The sun is still low in the sky. We are in front of the Tendo home looking
    towards the pond in the backyard. There, we see OlderRanma looking into the
    pond with a sad inpression on his face. Everyone else is eating breakfast,
    Nabiki, Akane, and Ranma are eating faster becauase they are getting ready
    for school. We watch OlderRanma stand there for several long moments, not
    saying a word. We then see him turn around and head into to house, sitting
    down in the diningroom where he begins eating.)

    Akane:Are you all right?

    OlderRanma:(Slowly eating)I'm fine. It's just that I've been thinking.

    Ranma:About what?

    OlderRanma:Thinking about how I will be with all my friends again just
    four days from now, the friends from my future. I've lived for so long a
    time alone, without anyone around.....five years to be exact. I've gone on
    too long without you Akane, without all of you. I just want to be with you
    once again.

    Akane:But you are with me.

    OlderRanma:Yes, I am. I just wish to be with the Akane from my future. You
    have no idea how much I missed you. No idea how much I missed all of you.
    When you died my arms.....I vowed to avenge your death. For
    five long years, I did nothing but think of avenging you. That was the
    only thing that kept me going, kept me from leaving this world to be with
    you. After training in the mountains, I later on found out that everyone
    else had died.....everyone except for Ryoga. You should've seen him, he was
    just devestated as I was. He no longer cared about anything
    else, not even himself. When he first saw me, he tried to kill me because
    he thought I couldn't save you......nor anyone else. But soon, he realized
    that it was this Kythen who did this. We befriended each other, became
    like blood brothers. And he had been my friend all the way to the very end.
    He proved it when he took that blast for me. You don't know just how
    horrible I felt....holding my he slowly died.(Turns
    his attention to Ranma)Ranma, you may not know this, or ever know this, but
    Ryoga has always been a friend to matter how you look at it.

    Kasumi:See Ranma, you should be lucky you have Ryoga as a friend.

    Ranma:(Dubious)I guess you're right.

    Nabiki:(Looks at watch)Guys, we better get going to school now if we don't
    want to be late.

    OlderRanma:May I come along?......I haven't seen that school since it burned
    to the ground.

    Akne:Sure, you're welcome to come along.

    OlderRanma:(Smiles)I'd like that.

    (Together, Nabiki, Ranma, OlderRanma, and Akane all leave for school. As
    they head down the street, we realize that Ranma is no longer walking on
    the fence, but walking alongside Akane. OlderRanma, who is walking ahead
    them, smiles at the thought, knowing that they are slowly starting to
    realize just how much they cared for each other. Nabiki is walking
    alongside OlderRanma, gazing at his face, not believing how much he and
    Ranma look alike. But when OlderRanma turned his gaze to her and their eyes
    met, that was where it all ended. As they continue to walk down the
    street, we could see the school not too far away. As they come closer and
    closer to the school, OlderRanma turns around realizing something.)

    OlderRanma:What happened to Shampoo? If I remember this correctly, she
    usually jumps on me around now.

    Ranma:Look up ahead.

  3. #3
    (As OlderRanma turns around, he gets pounced on by a bundle of energy. He
    realizes that it's Shampoo. Instead of telling her that he was going to be
    late for school like he used to, he hugged her tightly, which seemed to
    surprise Shampoo. After a few moments she gladly hugs back.)

    OlderRanma:(Still holding Shampoo and whispering softly)Shampoo, I'm not
    the Ranma you know......he's behind me.

    (Shampoo releases her embrace, slightly embaress, her face blushing.)

    OlderRanma:Shampoo, don't be embaressed. I never realized how much I
    missed you pouncing on me every day so very long ago. I always took this
    incident for granted, totally disregarding it. Well now that I have a
    second chance, I want to enjoy it.(Hugs her again)

    (Shampoo hesitates for a moment. She realizes that he still is Ranma. And
    hugging Ranma, whether she knew him or not, was good enough for her.
    Besides, she like the idea that Ranma hugged her back instead of coming up
    with a reason to avoid her.)

    OlderRanma:(Releasing her)Shampoo, I know that this is a lot to ask, but
    can you please do this to me for the next few I can enjoy all
    the things I lost. Please?

    Shampoo:(Smiles)Shampoo happy to help.

    OlderRanma:Thank you.

    (Shampoo smiles at OlderRanma one more time before she looks behind him
    and wink at Ranma, which seems to upset Akane. She then turns around and
    happily heads back to the Nekohanten.)

    Ranma:You seem to get great enjoyment in doing this.

    OlderRanma:Ranma, I bet you will get great enjoyment hugging Akane after
    not having seen her for five years. Please, keep in mind that you have a
    Shampoo that always jumps into your arms. Me.....I have nothing.


    OlderRanma:(Smiling while extending one of his arms forward for Akane to
    take hold of)Shall we continue on to school, Akane?

    Akane:I guess so(Looks at Ranma for a second and then places her arm around
    OlderRanma's arm)

    OlderRanma:I'd like to walk into the courtyard and have everyone attack me
    for being your fiancee....just for old time sake.(Smiles)For five years
    before the battle with Kythen, no one has ever attacked me and, I miss
    that.(Sees Akane's worried face)Don't worry Akane, I'll go easy on them.

    (OlderRanma both walk into the courtyard while Nabiki and Ranma stay behind
    to watch. Slowly, Ranma is starting to realize just how much he takes
    things for granted. As OlderRanma and Akane walk towards the center of the
    courtyard, a massive mob of boys come charging their way from the front
    door, yearning to defeat Ranma so Akane will be free to date
    other people. As the mob got closer, they seperated into two group, each
    going to opposite sides of Ranma and OlderRanma, forming a massive circle
    around them. In the middle of the circle, Akane seems nervous....for
    some reason, while OlderRanma is overwhelmed with delight.)

    Akane:Jeez, there's a lot more boys surrounding us that I remember from the
    other days.

    OlderRanma:(Softly)Akane, hop on my back.


    OlderRanma:Just hop on my back.(Gets down to his knees)I've got something
    to show you.

    (As the mob slowly started closing in on the two, Akane quickly hopped onto
    OlderRanma's back, like a piggieback ride. Once she was one his back,
    he made sure she held on tightly. We see OlderRanma close his eyes and
    raise his hands up into the sky. All of a sudden, we see him starting to
    glow a brilliant glow of glue, and a small sphere of pure ki build up in
    each of his hands. The mob stop their approach, hesitant about attacking.
    OlderRanma then slowly brought his hands together, pushing both spheres
    into one giant sphere of ki. We see OlderRanma concentrating very hard,
    making the sphere grow bigger and bigger. Once the sphere is twice the
    size of a basketball, OlderRanma quickly kneels down on one knee and
    release his sphere of ki right into the ground. All of a sudden, the
    ground starts to shutter and shake voilently. A few cracks start forming
    from where OlderRanma knelt and extends out towards the mob of boys,
    streams of blue light shine through those cracks. Then, all of a sudden,
    the cracks open up wide and blasts of ki fly upward from it, and envelope
    the mob. A huge burst of light blinds everyone, especially Nabiki and
    Ranma, who were watching this happen from a safe distance. Then, as fast
    as the light came, the light disappeared. All that remained is OlderRanma,
    Akane on his back in the middle of a circle of unconscious boys.)

    Akane:(Wide eyed)What was that?!?

    OlderRanma:(Smiles)I don't want to sound conceited or anything, but that
    was my weakest special technique.(Lets Akane off his back)

    Ranma:(Running up to them)Can you show me how to do that?

    OlderRanma:(Feeling sad)I'm sorry, I can't. I'd really would like to teach
    this to you, but I can't.

    Ranma:Why not?

    OlderRanma:The move took me four year to learn alone. And there is no way I
    can teach you this in a few days.....before I die. I'm sorry.


    OlderRanma:Can we go on in?

    Akane:(looks at unconscious mob)What about all these boys, will they be
    all right?

    OlderRanma:Yes, they will. They'll just wake up with a terrible headache.
    That's all. If I really wanted to......I could've kill all of them,(Smiles)
    but I'm not like that. Lets go in.

    Nabiki:Not yet.(Points to the front door)

    OlderRanma:Kuno-sempei, how nice to see you again.

    Kuno:(Bokken)I will no longer fall for your trickery again, you sorceror!

    OlderRanma:(Turns to Ranma)I don't remember him calling me a sorceror five
    years ago.

    Ranma:I think he's angry at me for something I did to him yesturday.

    OlderRanma:(Curious)What did you do to him?

    Ranma:I did this!(Runs up to Kuno and punts him into orbit)God, that felt
    good! That Kuno gets so damn annoying sometimes!

    OlderRanma:Ranma, just be glad that there is a Kuno to annoy you. You may
    see him as nothing more than a punching bag, but you'll realized just how
    much you'll miss him once he's gone.


    OlderRanma:When I was up in the mountains, training........I started
    missing everyone I knew. I even missed Kuno, strange as that may seem.
    Slowly Istarted realizing how much an impact he had on my life....for
    instance. He was the one who brightened my mornings whenever I had a
    fight with Akane.

    Akane:(Looks at Ranma)Really?

    OlderRanma:Yes. Why do you think he said it felt good to punt Kuno-sempei
    into orbit? Here's a question, Ranma, do you hate Takewaki Kuno?


    OlderRanma:Maybe you can't speak for it yourself, but I can. When Kuno was
    still alive, I couldn't stand him....I couldn't stand everything about
    him. But when I found out he had died, I realized that I never hated him...
    ....not once. When I saw his grave, like everyone else's......I wished he
    never died. I wouldn't have wished death to even my worst enemy....well,
    maybe Hapousei and Kythen, but you know what I mean. Anyway, you won't
    miss Kuno till he's gone....even before I found out he died, I missed him.
    I guarantee that if Kuno don't attack tomorrow morning, you will feel empty
    inside for the rest of the day.....but you don't have anything to worry
    about, he probably will tomorrow. But until that day comes, when or if he
    realizes that it's useless continuing on fighting you, you should enjoy
    this while it lasts, because it won't last forever.

    Ranma}:)ee.......I never looked at it that way.

    OlderRanma:Neither did I till it was too late.


    OlderRanma:Can we go in now?....I want to meet Miss Hinako.

    Akane:What're you going to do to her?!?

    OlderRanma:(Smiles)I'm going to pose as you Ranma and go into the
    class late......I want to see the expression on her face when she realizes
    she can't suck all my power away because I have so much to spare.

    (Ranma, OlderRanma, Akane, and Nabiki all enter the builing)

    (As they entered the building, the morning sky was slowly turning a
    terrific shade of red. If OlderRanma had stayed outside to see that, he
    would've realized that that was the first sign of Kythen's arrival.)

    (We are now inside the school where we see Ranma and OlderRanma in one of
    the hallways. Akane and Nabiki are nowhere in sight, having gone to class
    so they wouldn't be late. The halls are empty and only Ranma and OlderRanma
    are the ones there. They are standing in front of Ranma's classroom, Miss
    Hinako's classroom. Ranma seems too be very nervous. Maybe it's because he
    isn't too sure OlderRanma's plan is a good idea.)

    OlderRanma:Don't worry Ranma, I'm here to help you in whatever way I can.

    Ranma:I'm not too sure about this plan.

    OlderRanma:Look, do you or do you not want Miss Hinako to stop bothering
    you? I, when I was your age, would've definitely wanted her to leave me
    alone. Am I right?

    Ranma:Are you sure she won't know the difference between you and me?

    OlderRanma:What are you talking about? I am you....and you are me. We look
    exactly alike to one twins.

    Ranma:(Sighs)Okay, what do I have to do?



    OlderRanma:Well.....if you count waiting in the hallway something....then
    you will be doing something.

    Ranma:That's it.....just wait here.

    OlderRanma:Yes.(Smiles)As of this day.....Miss Hinako will never bother
    you least I hope so.(Turns and heads into the classroom)

    (Inside the classroom, we see a young girl in the front of the room,
    wearing a pretty yellow dress. We realize it's Miss Hinako. We notice that
    the classroom is full of kids that are either asleep from having their
    energy sucked out, or about to fall asleep, too drained to continue on
    listening. Everybody's faces look sullen and listless. The door in the
    front of the room opens and we see OlderRanma walking in. All of a sudden,
    all the poeple who were about to fall asleep snap wide awake, their
    attention on OlderRanma. Miss Hinako, who is writing problems on the
    chalkboard, standing on a chair to reach it, doesn't notice that someone
    has just entered the room.)

    OlderRanma:(Thinking to himself)Wow, this brings back memories!(Looks in
    back of the room and sees an empty seat)Hey look, that's where my seat
    used to be!(Looks at Miss Hinako)Ah, and there's Miss Hinako! Man, do I
    remember the time I spent trying to negate her special powers. Now, what
    did she used to say before she sucked away my energy.....five yen......
    something. Oh well, who cares. I can't believe just being in here fills
    me with joy.

    (OlderRanma walks up to Miss Hinako, who is still writing on the board, who
    is still unaware that someone is behind her.)

    OlderRanma:(Thinking)Man, I should try and negate her powers now....she'll
    never be able to stop me. What did I have to do though....four fingers on
    her chest and four fingers on her buttocks....or something like that. If I
    did, the class will think I'm a hentai....and I know I don't like being
    called that.....and of course, I would never do that to my younger self.

    (OlderRanma turns around and looks at Ranma, who is peeking in through the
    little window on the door, and winks at him. Ranma nervously smiles back
    and gives him the thumbs up.)

    OlderRanma:(Turning to Miss Hinako)Miss Hinako!

    (Miss Hinako is startled and falls off of the chair she was standing on.
    OlderRanma swiftly puts his arms out in front of himself and catches her
    before she hits the ground. Miss Hinako looks at OlderRanma, who is smiling
    back, and screams out in her shrill little voice.)

    Miss Hinako:Aaaaiiii.

    OlderRanma:(Putting Miss Hinako down on her feet)I'm sorry I startled you
    Miss Hinako....but I just wanted to tell you I was late coming to class.

    (All of a sudden, all the people awake start whispering......about how
    stupid OlderRanma was for not just sneaking into his seat before the
    teacher noticed. As the whispering continued, all the kids who were asleep
    wake up and look at OlderRanma in sympathy.)

    Miss Hinako:(Voice turning more feminine)Quiet!

    (The entire room becomes silent. Not even breathing could be heard. All
    eyes are on OlderRanma.)

    Miss Hinako:(Starting to grow taller)You dare come to my class late!


    Miss Hinako:(Turning into a beautiful woman)You know what the punishment
    is?!?(Reaches into her pocket and takes out a coin)

    OlderRanma:(Standing tall and proud)Yes.

    Miss Hinako:Well...aren't you scared!(Places coin between index and middle
    finger, looking through the hole at OlderRanma)

    OlderRanma:(Smiles)No. I'm not.

    Miss Hinako:(Surprised)What?!?

    OlderRanma:Come on......try and suck my energy away! I'll stand right here!
    I won't move! Give me your best shot!

    Miss Hinako:(Suspicious)Is this a joke?!?

    OlderRanma:No, it isn't a joke! Try and suck all my energy away! I
    guarantee you won't even come close!(Thinking)Besides, I forgot how it

    Miss Hinako:Fine! You asked for it! Five yen......

    OlderRanma:(Interrupting)Wait one second!

    Miss Hinako:Are we scared now?!?

    OlderRanma:(Calmly)No, I'm not scared one bit. I want to make you a deal.
    If I survive your energy suck, then you will never try that on me again. If
    I don't, then you can do that to me every day for a month....whether or not
    I'm late. Do we have a deal?

    Miss Hinako:I don't make deals!

    OlderRanma:(Smiles)Are we scared?!? you doubt your powers?!?

    Miss Hinako:Fine we have a deal!(Offers her hand)

    OlderRanma:(Take her hand into his)Deal!

    (The two shake hands. We see OlderRanma take a step back and stand there,
    waiting to have his energy sucked. Outside, in the hallways, Ranma is
    sweating profusely, thinking he will get his energy sucked away every day
    for a whole month. OlderRanma gives Ranma a wink and that seems to
    alleviate his worries. As OlderRanma stood there, Miss Hinako raises her
    hand towards him and zaps him. OlderRanma just stands there as Miss
    Hinako continues to concentrate on taking his energy. The entire classroom
    glows brightly in the light of her powers. The students watch in fear and
    sympathy toward OlderRanma. OlderRanma just stands there, looking totally
    uneffected by her energy suck. After a few moments, Miss Hinako gives up
    and falls to the ground, too tired to continue on. She changes back into a
    little girl.)

    OlderRanma:(Running up to Miss Hinako)Are you all right?(Helps her up to
    her to her feet)

    Miss Hinako:(Tired)Yes, I'm all right? Why am I so tired?

    OlderRanma:If you'd really like to know, you tired yourself out taking my
    energy away.

    Miss Hinako:But that's impossible! I get the energy I take from you!

    OlderRanma:Yes.....only to an extent. After a certain point, you start
    tiring out. It's a thing called diminishing returns. Anyway, are you going
    to honor our deal?

    Miss Hinako:(Looks at class and then at OlderRanma)Yes. You have my word..., get to your seat so I can contiue on with my class.

    OlderRanma:Miss Hinako, may I please step outside for a moment....I....have
    to goto the bathroom.

    Miss Hinako:Oh....Okay....but be back in one minute!

    OlderRanma:Thank you.(Turns around and leaves the classroom)

    Miss Hinako:(Thinking)How in the world did he survive that!?! I sucked more
    energy from him in that short period of time than I ever had since I
    started teaching......And he didn't even look tired......not one bit.

    (Outside in the hallway, we see Ranma and OlderRanma. Ranma seems to be
    very happy and grateful about what OlderRanma just did for him.)

    Ranma:Thanks, Ranma. How can I ever repay you?

    OlderRanma:(Smiles)You already have.


    OlderRanma:Just seeing you notice that you have been taking Akane for
    granted was enough. But there is one thing I would like you to do.

    Ranma:What is it?

    OlderRanma:(Softly)Tell her you love her.


    OlderRanma:Don't try hiding your feeling from me....keep in mind that I am
    you....and you are me. I know you love her....and do you know why....
    because I loved her since the first day we met. Although I know you could
    hide your love for her easily because I used to do it....but keep in mind
    that when I really wanted to tell her, it was too late for me. But for you,
    it's not too late....That's my only request of you Ranma....nothing else.

    Ranma:But Akane isn't going to die, you stopped Kythen before it even

    OlderRanma:Yeah, Akane won't die.....that's the exact same thing I thought
    of her as I held her in my arms. "I'll tell her I love her when she
    recovers." I would think to myself "I'll tell her I always loved her....
    since the day we first me." But that day never came for me.....she never
    recovered. For five years I carried that regret, the regret of not having
    told her. And now that I avenged her death by killing Kythen.....I still
    feel empty inside.(Looks at a nearby clock)Look, you better go on into
    class before Miss Hinako gets angry.

    Ranma:And what're you going to do now?

    OlderRanma:Me. Nothing. I'm just going to walk through these hallways and
    enjoy the thought that I'm walking in a building that burned down a long
    time ago. Maybe I might pay Akane a visit. What class does she have now?

    Ranma:(Thinks for a second and then answers)She has home economics. It's
    down the hallway....the fifth door to your right.

    OlderRanma:Thanks.(Turns to leave)I'll see you later.


    (We see Ranma watch OlderRanma walking down the hallway towards Akane and
    Ukyou's class. After a short moment, Ranma smiles as goes into his
    classroom. OlderRanma stops in front of Home Economics class and hesitates
    for a moment.)

    OlderRanma:What am I going to say?.....oh well, I'll think of something.

    (OlderRanma knocks on the door. After a few moments, the door opens and we
    see the teacher standing there, looking at OlderRanma intently. OlderRanma
    looks over the teacher's head and noticed that the class was in a state of
    anarchy. There were students running back and forth between tables,
    borrowing cooking utensils. Some students were busy trying to cook, only to
    fail miserably. Others were ripping their hair out, wondering why their
    bread doesn't rise like all the rest. OlderRanma did notice one student
    doing fairly well, and that her work station wasn't a mess like everyone
    else's. To OlderRanma's surprise, he noticed that that student was Akane.)

    Teacher:May I help you?

  4. #4
    OlderRanma:Um......I was sent here to......bring Akane to the main office.

    Teacher:Is there something wrong? Is she in trouble? don't know, the principal never told me.


    (We see the teacher turn around and walks towards the back of the room,
    where Akane was working. OlderRanma takes a step into the class to further
    observe it. The first thing he noticed was that the class was all female.
    There wasn't one boy in the entire class. The next thing he noticed was
    that the entire class stopped what they were doing to see who the handsome-
    looking male was. To their delight, they noticed it was Ranma. To their
    disappointment, they realized that he was engaged to Akane. They continued
    on with their work, taking quick glances at OlderRanma, wishing he was
    their fiancee. Akane, who was in the back of the room, talking to the
    teacher, looks up and sees OlderRanma. She gets up out of her seat and
    walks to the front of the class, stopping short when she was in front of
    him. The teacher stayed near the back of the class, helping the students
    out with their projects.)

    Akane:Why do I have to goto the main office, Ranma?

    OlderRanma:You don't.


    OlderRanma:Can you please come out into the hallway for a minute?

    (Akane gives a slight shrug and thens head out into the hallway with
    OlderRanma. Outside, the hallway is completely empty, leaving Akane and
    OlderRanma alone.)

    OlderRanma:I was just wondering if we can have lunch together...It'll be
    you, me, and the other me.(Smiles)

    Akane:I'd love to. But this period won't end for another half hour.

    OlderRanma:Well, can I at least stay with you until it ends?

    Akane:I don't see any harm in that. But what am I going to tell the

    OlderRanma:I don't know, but we should be able to come up with something.

    Akane:I guess you're right. C'mon, lets go in.(Turns to head back in)


    Akane:(Turns back around)Yes?

    OlderRanma:(Extends a hand forward)Can we go in together?

    (Akane smiles warmly, which really brought joy to OlderRanma's heart. She
    extends her hand forward and takes hold of OlderRanma's hand, noticing how
    nice it felt to be holding hands with Ranma, even if it was the Ranma from
    the future. Together, Akane and OlderRanma walk into the classroom, hand in

    (We are looking at the school from the courtyard. It is now the noon. The
    sky has this terrific shade of blood red. There were black clouds in the
    sky that blocked out the sun, letting only small amounts of light pass
    through them. There were strong gusts of winds that blew by, violently
    shaking the leaves of the courtyard trees and foliage. We watch this for
    several moments and realize that the winds aren't letting up and are
    getting worser by the minute. After a short time, we hear a bell ring,
    which indicates lunchtime.)

    (Inside the school, Akane and OlderRanma walk out of Home Economics class,
    both seemingly enjoying one's company. We see them both head down the
    hallway, which was filled with people rushing back and forth, towards
    Ranma's classroom. As they arrive there, they both see Ranma walk out of
    the class, yawning terribly.)

    Akane:Hi Ranma.

    Ranma:(Yawns)Hi Akane.

    OlderRanma:I don't blame you for being so sleepy. I remembered that Miss
    Hinako's class was so boring. I guess it still is.(Smiles)

    Ranma:(Waking himself up)What are we going to do now?

    OlderRanma:Lets go eat.

    Ranma}:)ood, I'm starving.(Heads towards the cafeteria)


    Ranma:What is it, Akane?

    Akane:Can we eat outside for once?

    Ranma:Sure, I don't see any harm in that.

    (We are outside again. As students pour out through the doors, they all
    stop to look up towards the sky, not knowing of what to think. They seemed
    to look up at the sky in both awe and fear. Some of the students run back
    into the school, while some stand there, unable to move, their fear
    preventing it. All they knew was something was terribly wrong. After a few
    moments, we see Ranma, Akane, and OlderRanma walk out through the door.
    Ranma and Akane both look up at the sky, a sense of fear enveloping the
    both of them. OlderRanma was looking up at the sky, disturbed to his very

    Ranma:What's going on here?

    Akane:(Noticing OlderRanma's visage)Are you all right?

    (OlderRanma says nothing. All he does is continue on staring towards the
    sky. Akane asks him again and receives no response again. After a few
    moments, OlderRanma snaps out of his state of shock.)

    OlderRanma:Ranma, Akane, you have to get out of here!

    Akane:What going on?!?

    OlderRanma:This is exactly what I saw on the day you died, Akane!

    (Akane's heart sank. Her face turned to utmost fright. Ranma, who stood
    next to her, placed both arms around her, comforting her.)

    Ranma:(Still holding Akane)I thought you stopped this Kythen from
    coming about.

    OlderRanma:I thought I did also.

    Ranma:Then how could this be?


    Akane:Didn't you stop him?

    OlderRanma:No......I think I was the one who caused him to do this!


    OlderRanma:I think it was my attack on Happousei that led him to do this. can't be! I remember in my past when Happousei came into the
    backyard and I punted him away for splashing me with cold water and
    grabbing me. Either way, whether or not I was here, Happousei would've
    called forth Kythen. Damn! I should've watched over that little pervert
    more carefully!

    Ranma:I don't get it!

    OlderRanma:Remember when Happousei came into the backyard two days ago.
    Well, lets just say I wasn't here to attack him. What he would've done was
    splash you with cold water and grab you. That, in turn, will lead to you
    punting him away. And because you did that to him, he calls forth Kythen to
    punish you.

    Ranma:But you were here.

    OlderRanma:I know. But I attacked him and let him live. And since he
    thought I was you, he called forth Kythen to punish you. You see....either
    way, Kythen would've come about, whether it was you who kicked him away, or
    my attacking him.

    Akane:What's going to happen now?

    OlderRanma:From what I remember, he will be here at any moment....that
    means you have to get the hell out of here, and fast. Plus, you have to get
    everyone else to safety. I'll stay behind and fight him.....I have to....or
    you will die, Akane!

    Akane:But how will I die?!?

    OlderRanma:You will be killed when one of Kythen's stray ki blasts hits
    you. I was too late in pushing you out of the way. Ranma, please, do as I
    say and keep Akane safe. I don't want to see her die again!

    Ranma:I will! That I promise!

    OlderRanma}:)ood! Now gather everyone up and get out of here before its too

    (Just as OlderRanma said that, a massive sphere of black appears in the
    courtyard. It stays like that for a few moments before it disappears,
    leaving behind and man that was within the sphere. The man just stands
    there, tall and proud. Kythen had taken the form of mortal man not as
    homage but as a mockery. He was clad in armor made of what looked like
    molten metal. His long hair was made of fire crackling in flames as it
    flowed down the length of his back. His eyes were nothing but black, the
    pit of darkness. He was the as tall as OlderRanma, but his fingertips
    looked like it could brush the clouds and shatter them asunder. He stood
    there for several long moments, regarding OlderRanma. Ranma and Akane
    stare at him, riddled with fear.)

    OlderRanma}:)et out of here!

    (The sound of OlderRanma's voice seemed to bring them back. They both
    looked at OlderRanma, then at Kythen, and then back at OlderRanma. They
    then turned around and ran back into the school to gather everyone up to
    flee. In the courtyard, OlderRanma and Kythen were both staring at each

    Kythen:(His voice thunderous)Are you Ranma?

    OlderRanma:(Proudly)Yes, I am.

    Kythen:Then you will die!

    (Kythen disppears and reappears in front of OlderRanma. Before OlderRanma
    could react, Kythen strikes OlderRanma with a viscious punch to his face,
    causing him to go flying backwards into the school wall. The impact
    OlderRanma struck it with was so powerful that the wall was indented and
    cracked. He slides down onto the floor as if unconscious. After a few
    moments, OlderRanma slowly gets back up to his feet.)

    Kythen:You wish to die swiftly or die slowly!

    OlderRanma:I'm not the one who's going to die!

    (Kythen seems outraged by this comment. He punches OlderRanma again in the
    face. OlderRanma gets thrown back into indented wall again, which collapses
    in behind him. OlderRanma ends up on his back, inside the school, where
    students are fleeing for their lives. Slowly, OlderRanma gets back onto his
    feet. He looks around and realizes that he's inside a classroom, which is
    now empty. He looks towards the hole in the wall and sees Kythen enter
    through there.)

    Kythen:You are strong! That will make your death so much more amusing for

    OlderRanma:I am a lot stronger than you think!

    (OlderRanma lunges forward and lands a vicious punch in Kythen's face,
    sending in backwards out of the hole he entered through. OlderRanma quickly
    runs up the the hole and exits back out into the courtyard, where Kythen is
    slowly getting back onto his feet. There, OlderRanma readies for another

    Kythen:You are very skilled! Now it's my turn!

    (Kythen releases a massive ki blast from his hands, which sizzles through
    the air towards OlderRanma at blinding speed. OlderRanma quickly jumps out
    of the way, just as the ki blast flies by, entering the building through
    the hole in the wall, blowing a hole all the way through to the other
    side. OlderRanma quickly gets to his feet and shoots his own ki blast,
    which gets easily and skillfully deflected by Kythen.)

    Kythen:Ha! Do you really think those puny ki blasts of yours will ever hurt

    (Kythen disappears and reappears in front of OlderRanma again. Before
    OlderRanma could react again, Kythen punches him in the face again. the
    force of the punch was so intense that the windows of the school shattered.
    OlderRanma was sent backwards again, into another part of the school's
    wall. Shards of glass from the story above fall towards the ground, some
    of them hitting OlderRanma. Kythen quickly jumps backwards before he
    himself got impaled.)

    OlderRanma:(Bleeding from lip and cut near his eye)C'mon!

    Kythen:So, you wish to die swiftly!

    (Kythen lunges forward and punches OlderRanma in the stomach. With his
    hand by his stomach, Kythen pushes forward and slams OlderRanma into the
    wall again. OlderRanma didn't even yelp out in pain. Before Kythen had a
    chance to retract his arm, OlderRanma sent a massive ki blast from his
    hands, hitting Kythen right in the chest. Kythen was blown backwards,
    slamming the outside walls of the courtyard. OlderRanma, having been within
    such close proximity of the explosion, was slammed back into the wall
    again, it collapsing in on him again. Slowly, OlderRanma got back onto his
    feet and stepped back out into the courtyard. There, he saw Kythen getting
    to his feet.)

    OlderRanma:You seem to have gotten weak, Kythen!(Thinking)You are not as
    powerful as I last remembered you.

    Kythen:For that, you will pay!

    (Kythen launches two ki blasts, one right after another. OlderRanma was
    forced to jump out of the way of the first blast. Before he could get onto
    his feet again, the second blast struck him in the chest. OlderRanma
    doubled over and fell onto his stomach in excruciating pain. As OlderRanma
    slowly pushed himself up, Kythen sent another ki blast straight towards
    him. OlderRanma quickly rolled out of the way, but was hurt terribly from
    the shards of concrete that struck him after the impact. Slowly, OlderRanma
    got back onto his feet. He checked his chest, which felt wet, and noticed
    that he was bleeding terribly. The blood ran down the length of his chest.)

    OlderRanma:(Thinking)Oh god, I don't remember him being able to do that!

    (Kythen releases a special ki blast towards OlderRanma. The blasts catches
    OlderRanma by total surprise and envelops him in a blue light. All of a
    sudden the blue light disappears to reveal an OlderRanma, standing
    motionless, unable to move.)

    OlderRanma:(Thinking)I remember this! Once he comes close enough to me,
    I'll finish him off! All I have to do was wait before I break out of this
    holding spell of his.

    (But Kythen never walked up to OlderRanma. Kythen released a huge ki blast,
    which hits OlderRanma in the chest before he could react. OlderRanma was
    sent flying backwards and fell onto his back. Kythen releases another ki
    blast and it hits the OlderRanma again, causing him more excruciating
    pain. There was no way for OlderRanma to get back up, all his energy was
    spent and he was too weak to continue on. Kythen walks up to OlderRanma and
    easily picks him up by the collar of his shirt.)

    Kythen:You were strong! But not strong enough to kill me!

    (OlderRanma said nothing. He couldn't. He could feel himself die as he was
    being held by his collar. He had lost so much blood. He felt his vision
    starting to blur. He felt himself starting to shiver. He remembered this
    was the same predicament he was in before Ryoga saved him. But Ryoga wasn't
    there. No one was there to save him. Kythen smiles wryly as he held
    OlderRanma on his feet.)

    OlderRanma:Akane......I tried....the

    Kythen:Now you will die!

    (Kythen raises OlderRanma high into the air and slams him down on the
    concrete floor. OlderRanma could feel and hear his ribs break from within
    his ribcage. OlderRanma tried to yelp out in excruciating pain but his
    lungs were full of blood. All he did was cough up blood. Kythen wasn't
    through with OlderRanma yet. He made sure he didn't kill OlderRanma when he
    slammed him into the ground. Slowly, Kythen picked OlderRanma up onto his
    feet. OlderRamnma watched through blood covered eyes as Kythen picked him
    up of the ground with one hand. He watched as a ki ball grew in Kythen's
    other hand. But just before Kythen had a chance to kill OlderRanma with
    that final and fatal attack, a massive ki blast sizzled through the air and
    struck Kythen in his back. OlderRanma knew that it was Ranma who released
    that. He knew that if he didn't do anything, and fast, he and Ranma will
    both die. As Kythen turned around to face his new opposition, OlderRanma,
    using the last of his strength, released his whirlwind punch.)

    OlderRanma:Hiyru Shotenha!

    (A massive tornado envelopes Kythen and sends him up towards the heavens.
    OlderRanma, who was still being held by Kythen, was brought along with him.
    Ranma watched in shear horror as OlderRanma was enveloped in the tornado.
    Ranma rushed forward to pull OlderRanma out of the tornado but was too
    late. By the time he reached him, OlderRanma was too high in the sky.
    After a few moments, the tornado disappeared to reveal two figures high in
    the sky. The two figures plummeted towards the ground at high speed. Before
    OlderRanma struck the ground, Ranma quickly jumped up into the air and
    caught him, landing safely on the ground with OlderRanma in his arms.
    Kythen struck the ground with thunderous impact, causing a crater to form.
    Before Kythen even struck the ground, he was already dead. Ranma is kneeling
    down in the courtyard, OlderRanma in his arms. OlderRanma is badly hurt. We
    could see bruises all over his body, especially his face. There's blood
    everywhere. OlderRanma's chest rises and lowers slowly, every breath for him
    a struggle. As Ranma continues to cradle his olderself, Akane comes running
    up to them.)

    Akane:Oh my god!

    Ranma:(Crying)Please, don't die!

    (OlderRanma slowly opens his eyes, one of them swollen shut. At first,
    OlderRanma doesn't recognize them. After a few moments, he smiles.)

    OlderRanma:Can....I....ask....of....something......from the two....of you?

    Akane:(Tears running down her cheek)Please rest, Ranma. You'll be all

    Ranma:Come on! Just hang in there! Akane, please, go call an ambulance!

    OlderRanma:No.....don't. Please, let Akane stay by my side!

    Ranma:Fine, I'll go call for one.

    OlderRanma:No......I want the two of you to stay by my side....I want to
    remember the two I die.

    Ranma:What are you talking about?!? You're not going to die!

    OlderRanma:Can you......two please a favor?

    Akane:Of course. What is it?

    OlderRanma:I....want the two of you....(Coughs up blood) bring me my time so.......I could be...........with my friends.
    (Weakly reaches into pocket with a bloody hand and takes out the nanban

    Ranma:But we have to take you to a hospital!

    OlderRanma:Don't bother........I'm going to die whether you like it or.....
    not. Don' remember.........about the....poison.


    OlderRanma:Just........let me die friends' graveyard.

    (Ranma takes hold of the nanban mirror. He then looks at Akane and then
    back at OlderRanma. OlderRanma smiles weakly at Ranma. Ranma gently picks
    OlderRanma off the ground, the nanban mirror in one hand. Akane gets to
    her feet and stands next to the two. Ranma then says a few words. The
    mirror glows brightly and the light envelopes them. After a second, the
    light disappear, Ranma, OlderRanma, and Akane with it.)

    (We are now in the future. The sky is dark yet it's still the middle of
    the day. We are in the school's future courtyard. The courtyard is barren
    and void of life. There are no trees or bushes anywhere. The concrete
    ground is filled with holes and cracks. The school is no longer there.
    All that remains is a pile of rubble. In the distance, there are no
    buildings or skyscrapers. The entire city had been destroyed. Near the
    courtyard, there was a graveyard, a graveyard for all the people who died
    in the city. A blue sphere appears out of no where in the middle of the
    graveyard and then disappears, leaving Akane, Ranma, and OlderRanma

    OlderRanma:(Weakly points to one side of the graveyard)Their....graves...

    (Ranma gently carries OlderRanma towards where OlderRanma pointed, Akane
    walking right next to him. Ranma seems to be overwhelmed by just how many
    graves there were. There must've been close to several thousand graves, all
    of them stretching far off into the distance in every direction. Akane is
    also overwhelmed, probably more overwhelmed than Ranma. She was desperately
    fighting back her tears. After several minutes of walking, the three
    arrived at a single tombstone that was surrounded in a circle by many other

    OlderRanma:Ranma.......why don't you....go...see...who's grave

    (Ranma gently places OlderRanma on the ground and walked up to the
    tombstone and reads it. After reading the first line, his face went ashen
    and colorless. He took a step back, not believing in what he just read.
    Akane, who was kneeling beside OlderRanma, knew exactly what had caused
    Ranma to become so disturbed. She knew he had just read her name on the
    grave. She looks at the other graves and squints her eyes to read their
    names. She was shocked to realize that she was reading all the names of her
    friends.)'t.. his eyes)

    (With that said, OlderRanma dies.)

    Akane:Ranma! No! Don't die!

    (It was too late. OlderRanma's body goes limp in her arms. He never
    responds to Akane's pleads. He never will. Ranma, who watched all of this
    happen, gently walks up to her and places a hand on her shoulder.)

    Ranma:Akane. There's nothing we could do. He's dead.



    (As Ranma stood there, watching Akane try to rouse OlderRanma awake, he
    realized and remembered exactly how profound an impact he had on his life.
    He realized just how much he took everything for granted. As he stood
    there, he vowed to himself that he will never take Akane for granted
    again. After a few moments, Akane gave up, realizing that OlderRanma will
    never respond again and that he had gone to a better place. Gently, she
    places OlderRanma up against her grave.)


    Akane:(Tears in her eyes)Yes?

    Ranma:I love you.

    <End for now>

    There....another fanfic. Hope you enjoyed it cause this took a big chunk
    of time out of my day to write. First off, the characters from this story
    was created by the Rumiko Takahashi. I would never take credit for any of
    her works. If you are reading this, then that means you bothered to read
    this fanfic till the end. I'm sorry for any spelling or grammatical
    errors. I only spent one sitting writing and editing this entire fanfic.
    When I wrote this fanfic....I absolutely had no idea where this was going.
    I just sat down in front of my computer and started typing and kept on
    going on from there. I guess I was lucky that I could keep the story
    flowing. All I know is that the first few pages of the beginning was very
    interesting for me to write....and most likely to read. I'm sorry if you
    were disappointed when you found out this wasn't as zany as the
    Ranma-universe in other fanfics, but I like write in a serious fashion.
    PLEASE, send comments. I would really appreciate it. I'm not too sure you
    guys(and gals) appreciate my stories. If you enjoyed this fanfic, I'm happy
    to say that I'll continue writing more. As to why I wrote this.......I
    have absolutely no clue. I hope OlderRanma's death had an impact on you
    cause it sure did for me.

    P.S.-If you want any of my other fanfics, just ask.

    Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong



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