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  1. #11
    Ein sehr gutes Interview zu Stars Align:

    Ich zitiere mal drei Stellen:
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    When those people become adults and interact with young people, with their own children, I feel like they mustn't force adult ideals upon them. These days, I feel like a lot of anime is made because people have a very particular idea of what the young people want. It's so disposable, like they're just checking off items on a list. I've been told that the youths don't want to watch a heavy drama, to which I can't help but feel sceptical. Do they really just want to watch amusing and light-hearted diversions every single day? I wanted to prove that wasn't the case, and that's why I decided to try making this anime.
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    In Stars Align, there's a plot where the boys dress as girls so that they can gather intel on a rival school. When I was writing it, I heard that people who question their sexuality and gender exist. So I actually gathered information about it. Someone I know introduced me to a person who presents as male, but the family registry says he's a woman. Through talking with him, I understood that this kind of plot shouldn't be mere comedy. When he told me that he'd been questioning his gender ever since he was a child, it made me think about the struggle we all have to reconcile our identities and where we belong in the world.
    Zitat Zitat
    A major premise for a lot of anime these days is to present a dream world and tell the viewer to go play in it for escapism. I'm told that this is what succeeds commercially.

    Life in Japan these days is tough, whether you're an adult or a child. Everyone has it rough. There are adults who think that they want to go home and have fun watching escapist anime. But in my view, we've finally reached a point where the genres have become diverse and the range of expression has broadened. Animators are very skilled, and there are a lot more people who can do good voice acting these days. If their powers of expression have increased, why must they work on just fantasy-like stories? I think that anime should also be able to focus on reality and depict real problems that can invite the viewers to think along with them.

    Geändert von Narcissu (05.03.2020 um 00:58 Uhr)


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