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Thema: Eure lieblings Songtexte

  1. #81

    pazzi Gast
    Auch wenn ich dieses Lied erst seit heute kenne finde ich den Text einfach nur genial und betrachte ihn jetzt shcon als einen meiner absoluten Favoriten (naja, dank der anfänglichen Euphorie sogar als meinen den Favoriten ^^)

    ASP - Spiegelauge Part IV - Panik

    Auf den Treppen-
    Stufen, immer zwei
    auf einmal
    fühle ich dich hinter
    fehlt schon die Luft zum Schreien

    Durch die leeren
    dort nicht Schritte?
    sind nicht meine
    Beine taub?
    ennester oben auf dem Stein?

    Ich darf keine Zeit
    werde ich ohne-
    hin und her, streife
    die Wände
    kommen immer näher

    Ich kann nicht entkommen
    wüsst ich
    ein Tier, das Haken
    mein Herz in meiner Brust so laut und schwer

    Lauf! Schau dich nicht um!
    Frag nicht wohin und nicht warum!
    Flieh! Und bleib nicht stehn!
    Es muss das Rad sich weiterdrehn!

    Weiß nicht ein noch
    weg find ich
    als einmal stürzte
    steh doch noch einmal auf.

    Ich flieh schon so
    halt ich´s nicht mehr
    dem Augenwinkel seh ich
    drängt hinauf, hinauf
    (bis ganz hoch rauf im vollen Lauf)

    Lauf! Schau dich nicht um!
    Frag nicht wohin und nicht warum!
    Flieh! Und bleib nicht stehn!
    Es muss das Rad sich weiterdrehn!

    Die Treppenstufen oben ganz
    es nicht
    meine Fährte
    ist noch frisch
    Ich hör sein Rufen, lockendes Ver-
    suchen wird es
    seine Beute
    ist entwischt
    Ein allerletztes mal ent-
    wird es
    und dich holen
    bald die Schatten ein
    Nun bleibst du stehen.
    Nun holst du Luft
    Und es dich ein
    Nun kannst du schreien!

  2. #82
    "Invisible Kid"

    Invisible kid
    Never see what he did
    Got stuck where he hid
    Fallen through the grid

    Invisible kid
    Got a place of his own
    Where he'll never be known
    Inward he's grown

    Invisible kid
    Locked away in his brain
    From the shame and the pain
    World down the drain

    Invisible kid
    Suspicious of your touch
    Don't want no crutch
    But it's all too much

    I hide inside
    I hurt inside
    I hide inside, but I'll show you...

    I'm OK, just go away
    Into distance let me fade
    I'm OK, just go away
    I'm OK, please don't stray too far

    Open your heart
    I'm beating right here
    Open your mind
    I'm being right here
    Open your heart
    I'm beating right here
    Open your mind
    I'm being right here, right now

    Ooh, what a good boy you are
    Out of the way you're kept to yourself
    Ooh, can't you see that he's not here
    He doesn't want the attention you give
    Ooh, unplugging from it all
    Invisible kid floats alone in his room
    Ooh, what a quiet boy you are
    He looks so calm floating 'round and around in himself

  3. #83
    Iron Maiden "Rainmaker"

    When I was wandering in the desert. And was searching for the truth
    I heard a choir of angels calling out my name. I had the feeling that my life would never be the same again
    I turned my face towards the barren sun

    And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me. And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves.
    And the cracks in our lives like the cracks upon the ground. They are sealed and are now washed away

    You tell me we can start the rain. You tell me that we all can change
    You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away. You tell me we can start the rain
    You tell me that we all can change. You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.....

    And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me. And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves.
    And the cracks in the ground like the cracks are in our lives. They are sealed and now far away

    You tell me we can start the rain. You tell me that we all can change
    You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away. You tell me we can start the rain
    You tell me that we all can change. You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.....

    And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me. And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves.
    And the cracks in the ground like the cracks are in our lives. They are sealed and now far away

  4. #84
    Amplifier - Airborne
    I'd call it a drastic measure but I'll open up one eye
    I'm all evolved and fully grown, with three dimensions of my own
    But hey Mr. Dog - Well I'm just an animal just like you
    In a laser beam and a human being
    With more fire than the belly of the sun

    And inside this business of the gun, well I heard the aero-engines whine
    Of a lucky soul and an afterlife and another chance for a darker life
    And I pray, cause it don't take god long
    to bless those feet that you're standing on
    on a one way ride, a heaven vibe, upon wishes or demands
    It's time to fly

    And I'm suffering the absolute of black-handed days
    Been serving with the boys and girls, all the secret rulers of the world
    And dark day alive, well once again evil on the throne
    Much blacker than the setting sun
    I'm hung upon dark feathers
    It's time to fly
    But I'm hanging in there with intentions so high
    That they're purer than air and what I've got on my mind
    Is to be cruising on you -
    to be full-on on you
    to be swooping on you
    to be airborne on you
    To be carried along
    On a current so strong
    I'd be glowing from you

    So go on and prove me wrong

    Coldplay - The Scientist
    Come up to meet you
    Tell you I'm sorry
    You don't know how lovely you are
    I had to find you...
    Tell you I need you
    Tell you I set you apart

    Tell me your secrets
    And ask me your questions
    Oh let's go back to the start...
    Running in circles; coming in tails
    Heads on a silence apart

    Nobody said it was easy
    It's such a shame for us to part
    Nobody said it was easy
    No one ever said it would be this hard
    Oh take me back to the start

    I was just guessing at numbers and figures
    Pulling your puzzles apart
    Questions of science; science and progress
    Do not speak as loud as my heart

    Tell me you love me
    Come back and haunt me
    Oh and I rush to the start
    Running in circles, chasing our tails
    Coming back as we are

    Nobody said it was easy
    Oh it's such a shame for us to part
    Nobody said it was easy
    No one ever said it would be so hard
    I'm going back to the start

    Kyuss - Love has passed me by
    Do I look blind?
    or deaf?
    or dumb to you?

    Do you see burning pictures on my face?

    It didnt take long
    To figure out whats wrong with you
    Fuck Off, well I'll put you in your place

    Could it be,
    That love has passed me by?
    And could it be,
    You're just a thorn in my side?
    And all I see
    Is that your walking away from me?
    And all I know
    Is that you'll never change me.

    This hate in me,
    Well it's burning in my veins.
    I'm gonna' take it out on you,
    Well and make you feel my pain yeah.
    Cold carresses,
    Well as you walk away.
    Baby, things arent,
    supposed to be that way, no no.

    Could it be,
    That love has passed me by?
    And could it be,
    You're just a thorn in my side?
    And all I see
    Is your walking away from me?
    And all I know
    That you'll never...

    Do I look blind?
    or deaf?
    or dumb to you?

    Do you see burning pictures on my face?

    It didnt take long,
    To figure out, whats wrong with you.
    Fuck Off, well I'll put you in your place yeah

  5. #85
    Genesis - The Cinema Show

    Home from work our Juliet
    Clears her morning meal.
    She dabs her skin with pretty smells
    Concealing to appeal.
    I will make my bed,
    She said, but turned to go.
    Can she be late for her cinema show?

    Romeo locks his basement flat,
    And scurries up the stair.
    With head held high and floral tie,
    A weekend millionaire.
    I will make my bed
    With her tonight, he cries.
    Can he fail armed with his chocolate surprise?

    Take a little trip back with father Tiresias,
    Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived through.
    I have crossed between the poles, for me there's no mystery.
    Once a man, like the sea I raged,
    Once a woman, like the earth I gave.
    But there is in fact more earth than sea.

    Take a little trip back with father Tiresias,
    Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived through.
    I have crossed between the poles, for me there's no mystery.
    Once a man, like the sea I raged,
    Once a woman, like the earth I gave.
    But there is in fact more earth than sea.

    Genesis - The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging

    When all this revolution is over, he sits down on a highly polished floor while his dizziness fades away. It is an empty modern hallway and the dreamdoll saleslady sits at the reception desk. Without prompting she goes into her rap: "This is the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging, those you are about to see are all in for servicing, except for a small quantity of our new product, in the second gallery. It is all the stock required to cover the existing arrangements of the enterprise. Different batches are distributed to area operators, and there are plenty of opportunities for the large investor. They stretch from the costly care-conditioned to the most reasonable mal-nutritioned. We find here that everyone's looks become them. Except for the low market mal-nutritioned, each is provided with a guarantee for a successful birth and trouble free infancy. There is however only a small amount of variable choice potential - not too far from the mean differential. You see, the roof has predetermined the limits of ac
    tion of any group of packages, but individuals may move off the path if their diversions are counter-balanced by others."

    "It's the last great adventure left to mankind"
    - Screams a drooping lady
    offering her dreamdolls at less than extortionate prices,
    and as the notes and coins are taken out
    I'm taken in, to the factory floor.

    for the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
    - All ready to use
    the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
    - I just need a fuse.

    Got people stocked in every shade,
    Must be doing well with trade.
    Stamped, addressed, in odd fatality.
    That evens out their personality.
    With profit potential marked by a sign,
    I can recognise some of the production line,
    No bite at all in labour bondage,
    Just wrinkled wrappers or human bandage.

    Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
    - All ready to use
    it's the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
    - I just need a fuse.

    As he wanders along the line of packages, Rael notices a familiarity in some of their faces. He finally comes upon some of the members of his old gang and worries about his own safety. Running out through the factory floor, he catches sight of his brother John with a number 9 stamped on his forehead.

    The hall runs like clockwork
    Their hands mark out the time;
    Empty in their fullness
    Like a frozen pantomime.
    Everyone's a sales representative
    Wearing slogans in their shrine.
    Dishing out failsafe superlative,
    Brother John is No. 9.

    it's the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
    - All ready to use
    it's the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
    - I just need a fuse.

    The decor on the ceiling
    has planned out their future day
    I see no sign of free will,
    so I guess I have to pay,
    pay my way,
    for the Grand Parade...
    it's the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
    - All ready to use
    it's the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
    - I just need a fuse.

  6. #86
    I don't care if I'm old
    I don't mind if I don't have a mind
    Get away, get away from your home
    I'm afraid, I'm afraid of a ghost (x2)

    Even if you have
    Even if you need
    I don't mean to stare
    We don't have to breed
    We can plant a house
    We can build a tree
    I don't even care
    We could have all three
    She said (x3)

  7. #87
    Blood Brothers-Ambulance VS Ambulance
    Ambulance X extracts several consultants
    from the slow gumming death at the office orifice.
    Ambulance Y imprisons the sigh of the recent amputee
    and dumps her in the xylophone trees.
    Ambulance X scours the tanning complex for repunzels
    rotting in their skin cooking coffins.
    Ambulance Y drops the body off at the door step.
    Ambulance X pulls you out of the party
    and rubs your freckles like a DJ to his records
    but Ambulance Y teaches you the word goodbye
    and cuts off your hands to show you where you stand,
    under the monolith of what is love and what is scam,
    what is sun and what is tan.
    The Ambulance Angels pull up to your doorstep
    the sirens flash emergency,
    oh yeah,"you'd better come quick."
    The Ambulance Angels chisel a crack in your mouth,
    and then they paint a landscape with your regret and shouts.
    Roll tape and decode the moans,Roll tape and decode the moans,
    ventilate the scandal from these locked up mouth holes.
    Roll tape and decode the moans.
    You'll never see your wife
    and children again so tell us what it was going through your head,
    when you looked into their eyes
    and said "no thanks i'll take the hooker instead"
    Roll tape and decode the moans,Roll tape and decode the moans,
    ventilate the scandal from these locked up mouth holes.
    Roll tape and decode the moans,Roll tape and decode the moans.
    You'll never see that office again
    so when the nurse amputates both of your thighs
    come a little bit closer to the mic
    and tell us what you miss more your desk or the hungry sky.
    The Ambulance Angels pull up to the graveyard,
    and leave you there bubbling broken sonnets and shards.
    The Ambulance Angels notify your next of kin
    and show them the scrap book of your operation:
    His head was a faucet leaking love, laughter and lies:
    all his secret wishes, all his world famous sighs.
    Before you remember, Oh yeah, before you give in,
    just remember we're coming back for your children.

  8. #88
    Sehr Geil Gesprochener Text

    Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - the Creature

    There is a creature that has to feed
    It stops at nothing to fill its need

    The people live in gruesome squalor
    So that the creature may grow taller
    Those with nothing, have to bleed
    To help the creature spread its seed

    They learn to dine on fecal matter
    So that the creature may grow fatter

    The creature tells of evil gnomes
    Coming to destroy our homes
    And trolls, who come with gun and knife
    To threaten our way of life

    The creature has enslaved our town
    But no-one thinks to bring it down
    Provided with so much distraction
    The people can’t be moved to action

    And when people are all dead
    Still the creature needs its bread
    When we’ve been sucked completely dry
    The creature needs its food supply

    A parasite can not survive
    Unless its host remains alive

    It has amassed such awesome wealth
    Maybe it can eat itself!

  9. #89
    At The End Of The Rainbow

    As long as I remember
    we've marched across this land
    oh, oh…

    Reached for a new horizon
    pulled by the killing hand
    oh, oh…

    All fed up with lies
    the time has come
    to break these chains and fly

    Here we stand, bound forevermore
    we're out of this world, until the end
    Here we are, mighty, glorious
    At The End Of The Rainbow
    with gold in our hands

    We know the treasure lies
    beyond the pouring rain
    oh, oh…

    Our quest will last forever
    for you it's all the same
    oh, oh…

    No one can deny
    our futures set
    to reach above the sky

    Here we stand, bound forevermore
    we're out of this world, until the end
    Here we are, mighty, glorious
    At The End Of The Rainbow
    with gold in our hands

    Let´s fly away through the rain
    fly high, to ease the burning pain
    oh, the colours fading out
    The light is shining in the night
    its up to you, its worth the fight
    search before the colours fade

    Here we stand bound forevermore
    we're out of this world, until the end
    Here we are, mighty, glorious
    At The End Of The Rainbow
    with gold in our hands

  10. #90

    You are 18 year old girl who live in small city of Japan
    and you heard me on the radio about one year ago
    and you're wanting to know all about me and my hobbies
    my favorite food and my birthday

    Why are you so far away from me?
    I need help and you're way across the seaI could never touch you - I think it would be wrong
    But I've got your letter and you've got my song

    They don't make stationery like this where I'm from - so fragile, so refined
    So I sniff and I lick your envelope and fall to little pieces every time
    I wonder what clothes you wear to school; I wonder how you decorate your room
    I wonder how you touch yourself and curse myself for being across the sea

    Why are you so far away from me?
    I need help and you're way across the seaI could never touch you - I think it would be wrong
    But I've got your letter and you've got my song

    At 10 I shaved my head and tried to be a monk
    I thought the older women would like me if I did
    You see, ma, I'm a good little boy
    It's all your fault, momma, it's all your fault
    goddamn, this business is really lame
    I gotta live on an island to find the juice
    So you send me your love from all around the world
    As if I could live on words and dreams and a million screams
    oh, how I need a hand in mine to feel.

    Geändert von Sceddar (14.07.2005 um 19:02 Uhr)

  11. #91

    das sind meine:

    Wait and Bleed

    I've felt the hate rise up in me...
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
    I wander out where you can't see...
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
    I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
    Everything is 3D blasphemy
    My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
    This is not the way I pictured me
    How the hell did I get here?
    Something about this, so very wrong...
    I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
    Is it a dream or a memory?
    Why I didn't I see this?
    I'm a victim - Manchurian Candidate
    Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away
    You haven't learned a thing
    I haven't changed a thing
    My flesh was in my bones
    The pain was always free
    I've felt the hate rise up in me...
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
    I wander out where you can't see...
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...

    (Vermillion Part 2)

    She seemed dressed in all of me
    Stretched across my shame
    All the torment and the pain
    Leaked through and covered me
    I'd do anything to have her to myself
    Just to have her for myself
    Now I don't know what to do
    I don't know what to do
    When she makes me sad

    She is everything to me
    The unrequited dream
    A song that no one sings
    The unattainable
    She's a myth that I have to believe in
    All I need to make it real is one more reason

    I don't know what to do
    I don't know what to do
    When she makes me sad

    But I won't let this build up inside of me

    I catch in my throat
    Torn into pieces
    I won't - no
    I don't wanna be this

    But I won't let this build up inside of me

    She isn't real
    I can't make her real

    Spit it Out

    Since you never gave a damn in the first place
    Maybe it's time you had the tables turned
    Cuz in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved
    And the verdict is guilty...

    Steppin' where you fear to tread
    Stop, drop and roll - you were DEAD FROM THE GIT-GO!
    Are you scared of me now? Then you're dumber than I thought
    Always is, never was
    Foundation made of piss and vinegar
    Step to me, I'll smear ya -Think I fear ya? BULLSHIT!
    Just another dumb punk chompin' at this tit
    Is there any way to break through the noise?
    Was it something that I said that got you bent?
    It's gotta be that way if you want it
    Sanity, Literal Profanity HIT ME!

    All you wanna do is drag me down
    All I wanna do is stamp you out

    Maybe it's the way you spread a lotta rumour fodder
    Keepin' all your little spies and leavin' when you realise
    Step up, fairy
    I guess it's time to bury your ass with the chrome
    Straight to the dome
    You heard me right, bitch, I didn't stutter
    If you know what's good - sit, shut up and beg, brother
    Backstab - Don't you know who you're dissin'?
    Side swipe - we know THE ASS THAT YOU'RE KISSIN'!
    Can't hear shit cuz I keep gettin' louder
    Step up, and you get a face full o' tactic
    Lippin' off hard, goin' home in a basket
    You got no pull, no power, no NUTHIN'
    Now you start shit? Well, ain't that somethin'?
    Payoffs don't protect, and you can't hide if you want
    But I'LL FIND YOU - Comin' up behind you!

    All you wanna do is drag me down
    All I wanna do is stamp you out

    'Bout time I set this record straight
    All the needlenose punchin' is makin' me irate
    Sick o' my bitchin' fallin' on deaf ears
    Where YOU gonna be in the next five years?
    The crew and all the fools, and all the politix
    Get your lips ready, gonna gag, gonna make you sick
    You got DICK when they passed out the good stuff
    Are you sick of me? GOOD ENOUGH - HAD ENOUGH

    FUCK ME! I'm all out of enemies!
    FUCK ME! I'm all out of enemas!

    All you wanna do is drag me down
    All I wanna do is stamp you out

    Slipknot ist halt die beste band für mich, ihr alle würdet eure meinung über slipknot ändern wenn ihr sie live sehn würdet!

  12. #92
    Trivium - Dying In Your Arms
    (Von dem Album "Ascendancy")

    I'm wearing thin wearing out becoming weak
    Holding hands with this rope she's my self-destructive
    Bleeding disease the things that makes it hard to breathe
    But if I shoved you far away
    This addict just starved again asphyxiated

    And now I see it's you that's tearing me ensnaring me
    This is my dying in your arms I cut you out now set me free

    Lynched high above what used to be
    In her gallows built for me
    So I escaped cut this noose around my
    Neck I break free to see the things you blinded me
    And I shoved you far away
    Now I live the life I dreamed of
    You're dead to me

    And now I see it's you that's tearing me ensnaring me
    This is my dying in your arms I cut you out now set me free

    And now I see it's you that's tearing me ensnaring me
    This is my dying in your arms I cut you out now set me free

    You poisoned my life
    So I take this knife
    And I cut you out
    Cut you out

    And now I see it's you that's tearing me ensnaring me
    This is my dying in your arms I cut you out now set me free

    And now I see it's you that's tearing me ensnaring me
    This is my dying in your arms I cut you out now set me free

    HammerFall - Heeding The Call
    (Von dem Album "Legacy Of Kings")

    A flash in the night, a journey through time
    the Templars are back on the streets
    Guarded by prowess and the will to survive
    all led by the guiding light
    Angels of mercy, guardians of time
    Shackled and chained through the eternal flame
    the hammer will slowly arise
    Heeding The Call, one and for all
    never surrender, with glory we'll fall
    Brothers unite, let's stand up and fight
    fulfilling our fate, we are Heeding The Call
    One step ahead, revealing the past
    united, together we stand
    The call of the thunder, the sign to begin
    this final crusade we will win
    Angels of mercy, our journey must proceed
    With hearts all filled up with chivalry
    the lifeblood that we all need

    Heeding The Call, one and for all
    never surrender, with glory we'll fall
    Brothers unite, let's stand up and fight
    fulfilling our fate, we are Heeding The Call
    Oh, oh, oh...
    Heeding The Call, one and for all
    never surrender, with glory we'll fall
    Brothers unite, let's stand up and fight
    fulfilling our fate, we are Heeding The Call

    DJ n

  13. #93
    Hmhm, ich bin eigentlich kein Fan von so großen Posts, aber solche Threads sind dann der Grund, weswegen ich 5 Sterne bekomme *feixx*

    Björk - UNRAVEL

    while you are away
    my heart comes undone
    slowly unravels
    in a ball of yarn

    the devil collects it
    with a grin
    our love
    in a ball of yarn

    he'll never return it

    so when you come back
    we'll have to make new love

    Eines meiner Lieblingslieder, der Text ist zwar so kurz, dass er zweimal gesungen wird, aber er beschreibt sehr gut meine Gefühlslage (besonders die letzten zwei Zeilen), als ich von dem mir wichtigsten Menschen getrennt war. Diese Person meinte es wäre endgültig und ich war in der Zeit ziemlich down, hab in's Geheime aber immer gedacht, dass die Person zurückkommen wird und wir nochmal ganz von vorne anfangen. Das ist vor ein paar Tagen dann auch passiert.

    Gackt - Vanilla

    Kimi wa seijitsu na moralist
    Kirei na yubi de boku wo nazoru
    Boku wa junsui na terrorist
    Kimi no omou ga mama ni
    Kakumei ga okiru

    Koi ni shibarareta specialist
    Nagai tsume wo taterareta boku
    Ai wo tashikametai egoist
    Kimi no oku made tadoritsukitai

    Kimi no kao ga toozakaru
    Ah boku ga boku de naku naru mae ni

    Ai shitemo ii kai? yureru yoru ni
    Aru ga mama de ii yo motto fukaku
    Kuruoshii kurai ni nareta kuchibiru ga
    Toke au hodo ni
    Boku wa...kimi no...vanilla

    ...Nante kidorisugi
    Sonna cool na kimi wa plastic
    Atsui manazashi ni wa ecologist
    Sono moeru kuchizuke ga modokashii

    Yugande iku kimi no kao ga
    Ah boku ga boku da iraremasu you ni

    Ai shitemo ii kai? yureru yoru ni
    Aru ga mama de ii yo motto hayaku
    Kurushii kurai ni nureta kuchibiru ga
    Kotoba nante mou
    Kimi to boku not burning love

    Ah ikutsu asa wo mukaereba
    Ah yoru wa owaru no darou ka
    Ah sora ni chiribamerareta
    Ah shiroi hana ni kakomarete iku

    Ai shitemo ii kai? yureru yoru ni
    Aru ga mama de ii yo I've seen a tail
    Kuyashii kurai ni
    Kimi ni hamatteru no ni
    A crew sees crying knees
    I wanna need. Not betray!

    Ai shitemo ii kai? yureru yoru ni
    Aru ga mama de ii yo motto kimi wo
    Kuruoshii kurai ni nareta koshitsuki ga
    Toke au hodo ni
    Kimi wa...boku no...bannin da

    *Kicher* Mir gefallen die Lyrics eigentlich gar nicht so sehr, aber sie erinnern mich an ein bestimmtes Erlebnis, als wir im Deutschunterricht mal ein Lied übersetzen sollten, das nicht auf Deutsch gesungen wird, uns gut gefällt und wo wir dann noch was über die Aussage schreiben sollten. Wir mussten das Lied zuerst vorspielen und dann sollten erst alle sagen, was sie davon halten, dann wurden die Übersetzungen vorgelesen...ah, das war ulkig


    If you ever get close to a human
    And human behaviour
    Be ready be ready to get confused

    There's definitely definitely definitely no logic
    To human behaviour
    But yet so yet so irresistible

    And there's no map to human behaviour

    They're terribly terribly terribly terribly moody
    Then all of a sudden turn happy
    But, oh, to get involved in the exchange
    Of human emotions
    Is ever so ever so satisfying

    And there's no map
    And a compass wouldn't help at all

    Haach, ich liebe dieses Lied ^^ An dieser Stelle möchte ich es danna uch mal all den seltsamen menschen da draussen an's Herz legen '

  14. #94
    Hab 3 und der Erste Ist Gleich Mal

    Linkin Park - My Decmeber

    this is my december
    this is my time of the year
    this is my december
    this is all so clear
    this is my december
    this is my snow covered home
    this is my december
    this is me alone

    chorus 1
    and I
    just wished that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
    and I
    take back all the things I said that make you feel like that
    and I
    just wished that I didn't feel like there was something i missed
    and I
    take back all the things that I said to you

    chorus 2
    and I give it all away
    just to have somewhere to go to
    give it all away
    to have someone to come home to

    this is my december
    these are my snow covered trees
    this is me pretending
    this is all I need

    chorus 1
    and I
    just wished that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
    and I
    take back all the things I said that make you feel like that
    and I
    just wished that I didn't feel like there was something i missed
    and I
    take back all the things that I said to you

    chorus 2
    and I give it all away
    just to have somewhere to go to
    give it all away
    to have someone to come home to

    this is my december
    this my time of the year
    this my december
    this is all so clear

    chorus 2
    and I give it all away
    just to have somewhere to go to
    give it all away
    to have someone to come home to

    chorus 2
    and I give it all away
    just to have somewhere to go to
    give it all away
    to have someone to come home to

    Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending

    Let's talk this over
    It's not like we're dead
    Was it something I did?
    Was it something you said?

    Don't leave me hangin'
    In a city so dead
    Held up so high
    On such a breakable thread

    You were all the things I thought I knew
    And I thought we could be

    You were everything, everything
    That I wanted
    We were meant to be, supposed to be
    But we lost it
    All of our memories, so close to me
    Just fade away
    All this time you were pretending
    So much for my happy ending
    So much for my happy ending

    You've got your dumb friends
    I know what they say
    They tell you I'm difficult
    But so are they
    But they don't know me
    Do they even know you?
    All the things you hide from me
    All the shit that you do

    You were all the things I thought I knew
    And I thought we could be

    You were everything, everything
    That I wanted
    We were meant to be, supposed to be
    But we lost it
    All of our memories, so close to me
    Just fade away
    All this time you were pretending
    So much for my happy ending
    So much for my happy ending

    It's nice to know that you were there
    Thanks for acting like you care
    And making me feel like I was the only one
    It's nice to know we had it all
    Thanks for watching as I fall
    And letting me know we were done

    CHORUS (2x)

    So much for my happy ending
    So much for my happy ending

    Papa Roach - Scars

    I tear my heart open, I sow myself shut
    My weakness is that I care too much
    My scars remind me that the past is real
    I tear my heart open just to feel

    Drunk and I'm feeling down
    and I just wanna be alone
    I'm pissed cause you came around
    Why don't you just go home
    Cause you channel all your pain
    and I can't help to fix myself
    Your making me insane
    All I can say is

    I tear my heart open, I sow myself shut
    My weakness is that I care too much
    Our scars remind us that the past is real
    I tear my heart open just to feel

    I tried to help you once
    A kiss will only vise
    I saw you going down
    But you never realized
    That your drowning in the water
    So I offered you my hand
    Compassions in my nature
    Tonight is our last dance

    I tear my heart open, I sow myself shut
    My weakness is that I care too much
    Our scars remind us that the past is real
    I tear my heart open just to feel

    I'm drunk and I'm feeling down
    and I just wanna be alone
    You shouldn't ever came around
    Why don't you just go home?
    Cause your drowning in the water
    and I tried to grab your hand
    and I left my heart open
    but you didn't understand
    but you didn't understand
    You fix yourself

    I can't help you fix yourself
    But at least I can say I tried
    I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
    I can't help you fix yourself
    But at least I can say I tried
    I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life

    Chorus x2

  15. #95
    aphex twin - come to daddy

    I want your soul,
    I will eat your soul.
    I want your soul,
    I will eat your soul.
    I want your soul,
    I will eat your soul.
    I want your soul,
    I will eat your soul.
    Come to daddy.
    Come to daddy.
    Come to daddy.
    Come to daddy.
    Come to daddy.
    Come to daddy.
    Come to daddy.
    Come to daddy.
    I want your soul,
    I want your soul,
    I want your soul,

  16. #96
    Deftones - 7 Words
    I'll never be the same, breaking decency
    Don't be tree trunk, don't fall on my living roots
    I've been humming too many words, got a weak self esteem
    That's been stomped away from every single dream
    But there's something else that brought us peace
    Keep it all inside until we feel we can unleash
    I think that you made it up, I think that your mind is gone
    I think it should be glorified, now your wrong

    Suck [12x] they fuck with my head
    Suck [10x] suck it you pig

    You and me are here alone face flat along the edge of the glass
    Well I'm not here to preach, I'm just sick of thugs
    My parents made me strong to lift up that glass
    So why should I try, act like I'm a little pissed off
    With all that shit that needs to stay back in the shelf
    Because your fuck ass made it up, your fucking mind is gone
    Shoud've never glorified, now your right

    Suck [12x] they fuck with my head
    Suck [10x] suck it you pig

    Shut up you don't know me, shut up you don't know me
    Squeal like a pig when you big fuckin, big fuckin, ape!!
    Well I'll tell you about my false dad,
    What's coming back jack, Well dirtbag
    Curse for in their words
    Whether not your fucking hurt
    I'm making no sense, what's coming as I jump in ya
    I think I'm something naughty or most anybody
    So thinking of me by now but you go grab it
    And I can't think for who I am this shit
    I belong where they be, 'cause we can not give back those lives
    We exist to cease - understand
    That god hates blacks shades and all the players
    Mr. P.I.G could I fuckin see
    Sure already done crushed all of my brothers dignity
    And to the jury can't be no turnerson my skin this color
    Does that mean I'm burned
    Cause your fuck ass made it up, your fuckin mind was gone
    Should've never glorified, wrong!

    Suck! [12x] they fuck with my head
    Suck! [10x] suck it you pig

    Meshuggah - New Millenium Cyanide Christ?










    Children Of Bodom - Triple Corpse Hammerblow
    Like I said, I'm ready to go
    Ease my pain desire
    Last night I begged to god
    Light my heart to fire

    Let me pour some taste down
    See my last silent pain desire
    Let me take a last breath
    Before I saw, blind my eyes

    Triple corpse hammerblow
    Triple corpse hammerblow

    Don't push me...
    Don't push me...
    Don't push me!

    Let it trust my great vow
    Life goes away faster
    Let it trust the meaning
    Like life it was way before
    Move away the blow out
    Like it was by silent Bodom
    The way it feels, like it feel before
    How you feel, feel before!

    Triple corpse hammerblow

    Don't push me...
    Don't push me...
    Don't push me!

    DJ n

  17. #97
    Die Ärzte - Schrei nach Liebe

    Du bist wirklich saudumm
    Darum gehts dir gut
    Hass ist deine Attitüde
    Ständig kocht dein Blut

    Alles muss man dir erklären
    Weil du wirklich gar nichts weisst
    Höchstwahrscheinlich nicht einmal
    Was Attitüde heisst

    Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe
    Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit
    Du hast nie gelernt dich zu artikulieren
    Und deine Eltern hatten niemals für dich Zeit
    Oh oh oh •••••••••

    Warum hast du Angst vorm Streicheln
    Was soll all der Terz
    Unterm Lorbeerkranz mit Eicheln
    Weiß ich, schlägt ein Herz
    Und Romantik ist für dich
    Nicht nur graue Theorie
    Zwischen Störkraft und den Onkelz
    Steht ne Kuschelrock LP

    Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe
    Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit
    Du hast nie gelernt dich zu artikulieren
    Und deine Eltern hatten niemals für dich Zeit
    Oh oh oh •••••••••

    Weil du Probleme hast die keinen interessieren
    Weil du Angst vor schmusen hast
    Bist du ein Faschist
    Du musst deinen Selbsthass nicht auf andere projezieren
    Damit keiner merkt was für ein lieber Kerl du bist

    Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe
    Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit
    Du hast nie gelernt dich artizukulieren
    Und deine Freundin die hat niemals für dich Zeit
    Oh oh oh •••••••••

    Ich finde dieses Lied einfach gut. Besonders das "Oh oh oh •••••••••" spricht mich an, ich weiß auch nicht warum.

  18. #98
    Die Toten Hosen - lesbische, schwarze Behinderte

    An allem sind die Männer schuld, Macho's meistens Weisse,
    sie sind voll verantwortlich für die ganze Schiesse,
    Sie regieren diese Welt und haben zu viel Macht
    Sie haben unsren Planeten auf den Hund gebracht
    Gibt es grössere Schurken, die Antwort lautet nein,
    doch auch lesbische, schwarze Behinderte können ätzend sein.

    Ich traf eine bei OBI,
    sie fuhr in ihrem Rollstuhl,
    drängelte sich an der Kasse vor und zahlte dann nur voll cool,
    mit einem 1000 Markschein, doch sie kaufte nur 10 Schrauben,
    so was würde sich doch ein normaler Deutscher gar nicht erst erlauben,
    da schimpfte die Kassiererin und alle stimmten ein,
    auch lesbische, schwarze Behinderte können ätzend sein.

    Draussen auf dem Parkplatz,
    fuhr sie mich fast um,
    anstatt sich zu entschuldigen, brüllte sie nur bist du dumm ,
    ich bremse auch für Männer, dass stand auf ihrer Brust,
    da hab ich so spontan, kein gutes Wort gewusst,
    ich hätte •••• dich rufen sollen, es fiel mir zu spät ein,
    auch lesbische, schwarze Behinderte können ätzend sein.

    Natürlich bin ich kein Rassist,
    vor meinem Kopf ist doch kein Brett,
    die meisten lesbischen, schwarzen Behinderten sind alle furchtbar nett,
    doch Ausnahmen wie diese, schliesst die Regel ein,
    auch lesbische, schwarze Behinderte können ätzend sein
    auch lesbische, schwarze Behinderte können ätzend sein.

  19. #99
    Genesis - Supper's Ready

    I.Lovers' Leap

    Walking across the sitting-room, I turn the television off.
    Sitting beside you, I look into your eyes.
    As the sound of motor cars fades in the night time,
    I swear I saw your face change, it didn't seem quite right.
    ...And it's hello babe with your guardian eyes so blue
    Hey my baby don't you know our love is true.

    Coming closer with our eyes, a distance falls around our bodies.
    Out in the garden, the moon seems very bright,
    Six saintly shrouded men move across the lawn slowly.
    The seventh walks in front with a cross held high in hand.
    ...And it's hey babe your supper's waiting for you.
    Hey my baby, don't you know our love is true.

    I've been so far from here,
    Far from your warm arms.
    It's good to feel you again,
    It's been a long long time. Hasn't it?

    II.The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man

    I know a farmer who looks after the farm.
    With water clear, he cares for all his harvest.
    I know a fireman who looks after the fire.

    You, can't you see he's fooled you all.
    Yes, he's here again, can't you see he's fooled you all.
    Share his peace,
    Sign the lease.
    He's a supersonic scientist,
    He's the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man.
    Look, look into my mouth he cries,
    And all the children lost down many paths,
    I bet my life you'll walk inside
    Hand in hand,
    gland in gland
    With a spoonful of miracle,
    He's the guaranteed eternal sanctuary.
    We will rock you, rock you little snake,
    We will keep you snug and warm.

    III.Ikhnaton And Itsacon And Their Band Of Merry Men

    Wearing feelings on our faces while our faces took a rest,
    We walked across the fields to see the children of the West,
    But we saw a host of dark skinned warriors
    standing still below the ground,
    Waiting for battle.

    The fight's begun, they've been released.
    Killing foe for peace...bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang...
    And they're giving me a wonderful potion,
    'Cos I cannot contain my emotion.
    And even though I'm feeling good,
    Something tells me I'd better activate my prayer capsule.

    Today's a day to celebrate, the foe have met their fate.
    The order for rejoicing and dancing has come from our warlord.

    IV.How Dare I Be So Beautiful?

    Wandering in the chaos the battle has left,
    We climb up the mountain of human flesh,
    To a plateau of green grass, and green trees full of life.
    A young figure sits still by a pool,
    He's been stamped "Human Bacon" by some butchery tool.
    (He is you)
    Social Security took care of this lad.
    We watch in reverence, as Narcissus is turned to a flower.
    A flower?

    V.Willow Farm

    If you go down to Willow Farm,
    to look for butterflies, flutterbyes, gutterflies
    Open your eyes, it's full of surprise, everyone lies,
    like the fox on the rocks,
    and the musical box.
    Oh, there's Mum & Dad, and good and bad,
    and everyone's happy to be here.

    There's Winston Churchill dressed in drag,
    he used to be a British flag, plastic bag, what a drag.
    The frog was a prince, the prince was a brick, the brick was an egg,
    the egg was a bird.
    (Fly away you sweet little thing, they're hard on your tail)
    Hadn't you heard?
    (They're going to change you into a human being!)
    Yes, we're happy as fish and gorgeous as geese,
    and wonderfully clean in the morning.

    We've got everything, we're growing everything,
    We've got some in
    We've got some out
    We've got some wild things floating about
    Everyone, we're changing everyone,
    you name them all,
    We've had them here,
    And the real stars are still to appear.


    Feel your body melt;
    Mum to mud to mad to dad
    Dad diddley office, Dad diddley office,
    You're all full of ball.

    Dad to dam to dum to mum
    Mum diddley washing, Mum diddley washing,
    You're all full of ball.

    Let me hear you lies, we're living this up to the eyes.
    Momma I want you now.

    And as you listen to my voice
    To look for hidden doors, tidy floors, more applause.
    You've been here all the time,
    Like it or not, like what you got,
    You're under the soil (the soil, the soil),
    Yes, deep in the soil (the soil, the soil, the soil, the soil!).
    So we'll end with a whistle and end with a bang
    and all of us fit in our places.

    VI.Apocalypse In 9/8 (Co-Starring the delicious talents of Gabble Ratchet)

    With the guards of Magog, swarming around,
    The Pied Piper takes his children underground.
    Dragons coming out of the sea,
    Shimmering silver head of wisdom looking at me.
    He brings down the fire from the skies,
    You can tell he's doing well by the look in human eyes.
    Better not compromise.
    It won't be easy.

    666 is no longer alone,
    He's getting out the marrow in your back bone,
    And the seven trumpets blowing sweet rock and roll,
    Gonna blow right down inside your soul.
    Pythagoras with the looking glass reflects the full moon,
    In blood, he's writing the lyrics of a brand new tune.

    And it's hey babe, with your guardian eyes so blue,
    Hey my baby, don't you know our love is true,
    I've been so far from here,
    Far from your loving arms,
    Now I'm back again, and babe it's gonna work out fine.

    VII.As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men's Feet)

    Can't you feel our souls ignite
    Shedding ever changing colours, in the darkness of the fading night,
    Like the river joins the ocean, as the germ in a seed grows
    We have finally been freed to get back home.

    There's an angel standing in the sun, and he's crying with a loud voice,
    "This is the supper of the mighty one",
    The Lord of Lords,
    King of Kings,
    Has returned to lead his children home,
    To take them to the new Jerusalem.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Genesis - Dancing with the Moonlit Knight

    "Can you tell me where my country lies?"
    said the unifaun to his true love's eyes.
    "It lies with me!" cried the Queen of Maybe
    - for her merchandise, he traded in his prize.

    "Paper late!" cried a voice in the crowd.
    "Old man dies!" The note he left was signed 'Old Father Thames'
    - it seems he's drowned;
    selling england by the pound.

    Citizens of Hope & Glory,
    Time goes by - it's "the time of your life".
    Easy now, sit you down.
    Chewing through your Wimpey dreams,
    they eat without a sound;
    digesting england by the pound.

    Young man says "you are what you eat" - eat well.
    Old man says "you are what you wear" - wear well.
    You know what you are, you don't give a damn;
    bursting your belt that is your homemade sham.

    The Captain leads his dance right on through the night
    - join the dance...
    Follow on! Till the Grail sun sets in the mould.
    Follow on! Till the gold is cold.
    Dancing out with the moonlit knight,
    Knights of the Green Shield stamp and shout.

    There's a fat old lady outside the saloon;
    laying out the credit cards she plays Fortune.
    The deck is uneven right from the start;
    and all of their hands are playing apart.

    The Captain leads his dance right on through the night
    - join the dance...
    Follow on! A Round Table-talking down we go.
    You're the show!
    Off we go with - You play the hobbyhorse,
    I'll play the fool.
    We'll tease the bull
    ringing round & loud, loud & round.

    Follow on! With a twist of the world we go.
    Follow on! Till the gold is cold.
    Dancing out with the moonlit knight,
    Knights of the Green Shield stamp and shout.

  20. #100
    die toten hosen-how do you feel

    Everything comes back to you, it never fades away.
    The poison keeps running through your veins.
    A ripple goes around the world and comes back as a wave.
    You'll be judged by every word you say.
    Most people have to struggle to keep their sanity,
    no one needs your negativity.
    Why do you always criticize and tell those selfish lies?
    Do you feel better for it - what's the deal?
    How do you feel?
    Two can play at your game if you wanna mess with me.
    I'll take you fucking on and you will see
    just how it feels when I decide to kick somebody down
    and leave them sprawling on the ground!
    How do you feel?
    How do you feel?
    If you think it's worth it,
    try to mess with me,
    come on I'll take you on and you will see!
    Everything comes back to you,
    everything comes round.
    Which of us is on the solid ground?
    The inciter, the fighter, the neutral or the weak,
    the one who always turns the other cheek.
    How do you feel?

    cooles lied, über den inhalt lässt sich streiten


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