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  1. #1

    legaia 2 für PS2

    Ich bin bei Legaia 2 in den katakomben vor dublins schloss!
    da gibt es ein rätsel wo man verschiedenfarbige fakeln entzünden muss.
    an der wand ist als hilfe ein bild von einer schildkröte angebracht! kann mir da einer weiter helfen, in welcher reihenfolge man die fakeln entzünden muss????
    brauche dringend hilfe!!!!!!!!


  2. #2
    Dieser Thread gehört IHMO eher ins rpg-reich Forum dort findet sich wahrscheinlich eher einer, der dir weiterhelfen kann.

    Ich habe das Spiel zwar, aber noch nicht wirklich weit gespielt, da ich es mir eigentlich nur geholt habe, da es ein Schnäppchen war ich und Videospiele sammele .

    Ansonsten kann ich dir nur ans Herz legen, mal dein Glück auf zu versuchen. Sofern du englisch kannst - versteht sich. Aber da Legaia 2 ja, soweit ich weiß englisch ist, sollte das ja kein Problem sein. Auf gamefaqs findet man eigentlich zu fast jedem Spieleproblem eine Lösung. Ansonsten musst du zur Not halt ein wenig googlen wenn du weder auf gamefaqs noch im rpg-reich Forum ne Lösung findest.



    PS: Willkommen im Forum
    Früh übt sich, was ein Nerd werden will!

  3. #3
    ich weiß jetzt nicht genau wo du bist...aber entweder in den Sewers oder in den Kabel Ruins
    guckst du hier

    The Sewers
    Bone Warrior ~1400 HP
    Netherkind ~1120 HP
    Evil Fly ~700 HP
    Jelly Melt ~610 HP (cuts your STR in half)

    This place is really annoying to get through, if you want you can try it
    without this walkthrough, but you'll probably have a tough time. Either way,
    here are the directions if you need them:

    Start off by heading down and cross the bridge, turn right and the cross
    another bridge. Keep heading that way into the next area, keep heading that
    way, until you can turn up. Go up, and then head down the stairs. Follow that
    path, down and right, until you get to the stairs, head up them. Go left,
    down, and right, and go into the door. Break the boxes and grab the Red Gate

    After you leave the room go left, up, and right and back down the stairs.
    Head back along the path left and up and then go back up the stairs. Head
    left and back into the first area, cross the bridge again and head down, left
    and go into the door using your Red Gate Key, and pull the lever.

    Once out of the room turn right and up, once you get to the stairs, don't go
    down them, head left instead. Once you see a bridge head up it and then turn
    left onto the next bridge. Keep heading left along the next bridge, and then
    go down the next bridge, and then turn right onto the next bridge. Head down,
    turn right, and go into the door to get the Blue Gate Key.

    Head out the door and head back up. Go left, up, and right back along the
    bridges, after the 4th bridge, turn down along another bridge, then head
    right. Pass the first staircase you see, and then once you get to the next
    stairs, head down them. Turn right, and then head down, you should pass under
    two bridges, and then come to some stairs on your right, go up them, head
    down and then go left across the bridge. Follow that path left, down, left,
    down. Keep heading down until there is a place to turn right, head right and
    go into the door using your Blue Gate Key, and pull the lever.

    Right outside the door, there's a tent in case you want to rest up, save, or
    whatever. Head out the door, go left and up, down the stairs, and up the
    opposite stairs, and head down. Cross the bridge, cross the bridge to the
    right, and unlatch the door. Go back down the stairs, turn up, then take the
    path to the right. You should come to a 'T' shaped intersection, turn left.
    Follow the path left, then go up the stairs when you reach them. Go up and
    unlock the door. Go back down the stairs, and then left, up, and left, and
    then up the stairs. Go into the door, and you'll see a pedestal, switch to
    Maya and use her origin on the pedestal, the yellow key will appear in the

    Head out the door, and back down the stairs, head right, down, and right
    again, go up the stairs. Head down and then down the stairs, keep heading
    downwards, when you get to a branch go down, and keep going into the next
    area. Go up the stairs, and down the bridge, keep going down across another
    bridge, the turn left. Keep heading left, and then down, go into the door
    using the Yellow Gate Key, pull the level, and head back out. You'll see some
    boxes floating in the water jump over them, and then go up. you'll see 2
    doors, the wall between them will be rotted, use Galea on it, and you've have
    completed the Sewers.

    Kabel Ruins
    Stone Golem ~3750 HP
    Bone Warrior ~1400 HP
    Jelly Melt ~610 HP (cuts your STR in half)
    Skulraptor ~1290 HP
    Zurvial ~1080 HP

    Unlike the sewers, this place is just a bunch of puzzles that you have to
    solve instead of a huge confusing maze, so it's a nice change of pace.

    Puzzle 1: Just use Rivas to light the last pedestal.

    Head through the door and head left on the path, use Galea to break the wall
    when you come to it. Keep going along the path, turn right when you get the
    chance, then head up into the next puzzle.

    Puzzle 2: There's a picture of a fish on the wall, so this should give you a
    big clue, just examine all of the pedestals and the ones have the letters
    'F', 'I', 'S', and 'H' written on them, use Rivas to light up.

    Go right and keep going along the path, eventually it will turn up and keep
    going until you reach a door, this will lead you to another puzzle.

    Puzzle 3: Light the pedestal and it will cast a shadow on one of the buttons
    step on that button, and only that button to open the door and get the Sage's

    Head out from there and head left s far as you can go and then go up through
    the door.

    Puzzle 4: Light the two pedestals closer to where you came in, and extinguish
    the two farther away. (Use Galea to extinguish them.)

    Head in the next room for a camping set, use this opportunity, because a boss
    fight is coming up. When you head into the next room, there will be a scene
    when Kazan tries to intimidate Doplin, Velna will use a spell that makes a
    rather small monster that's with them grow quite large. Then it will then
    engage you in battle.

    -- BOSS FIGHT --
    ~ 20,000 HP

    Maya doesn't participate in this battle, so expect to be shorthanded if Maya
    helps you out a lot. 1st off, don't bother starting out with an origin attack,
    it'll just be wasted. For the first 3-4 turns you won't be able to deal any
    damage to it. Use Guard with Kazan, with Lang, use Galea's Flame Crest, the
    attack boost really helps. A couple turns into the fight, a scene will occur
    and Maya will not only say something, (well, she screams...) but will also
    severly hurt Slogar! From this point on, you'll be able to deal damage to
    Slogar, go ahead and start hitting him with all you got. If you gave Kazan
    the Flame Crest boost, he should be able to deal 3000+ damage on each turn,
    and his origin attack should deal somewhere around 4000 damage. The battle
    should be really easy seeing as he shouldn't be able to deal more than 600
    damage to either of your characters, so just heal when necessary and the
    should be over in 6-7 turns.

    After the fight, Doplin and Velna are gone, and there will be a short cut
    scene as Maya regains her voice. Head on into th next area. If you head into
    the room right in front of you, you'll find 'Ancient Writings' and a Camping
    Set in the drawers of the desk. Head into the next room to the left.

    Puzzle 5: There's a picture of the tortoise on the wall, (No the pedestals
    don't spell out 'turtle' so HAH!) I hated this puzzle because you can't
    figure it out, you have to either go and get the 'Adventurer's Log 2', (It's
    in the room to the left of the one that you're in.) or be really lucky.
    Anyway, the answer's based on an in-game poem. Light the pedestals in this
    order: Yellow, Indigo, Red, Green.

    There will be 2 chests by you, make sure you get the items from them. Head
    left, until you see a room with 2 statues in front of it, head in (yes, the
    statues will attack you, but the Bone Warriors are easily dealt with).

    Puzzle 6: Light the pedestals so that the shadows casted by the statue look
    like a clock face at 3 o' clock (light the bottom and left ones.)

    Go straight ahead and use the Gold Key you got from the chest to open the
    the gate. Climb up the ladder, and you're out of thea Kabel Ruins, and into
    Doplin Castle (took long enough, didn't it?).
    die Gefühle anderer sind mir egal


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