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  1. #1
    Octopath hat mich schon nicht umgehauen und hat einen großen Teil der JRPG Fans hereingelegt. Hinter den fantastischen Pixel und der klassischen JRPG Reise die dadurch nichts falsch machen konnte verbergten sich viele Schwächen.

    Hier stimme ich Lorerunner vollumfänglich zu:
    Zitat Zitat
    [Story Positives:

    Prim’s intro was well crafted and interesting, and her overall story arc was fairly well crafted and engaging
    Ophilia’s chapter 1 was well well written, touching, and sweet
    Large amounts of setting lore and world building in investigations of NPCs
    The voice acting is generally good and well directed, and good at conveying nuance
    Cyrus is a treat, and his story was also fairly well done and interesting
    Primarily low-tier, mundane, ground-level storytelling which is both refreshing and interesting
    Olberic’s story is simultaneously wonderfully cheesy, and yet had strangely well done complexity in background lore and events
    Dialogue is surprisingly well written
    Pretty good Doodad utilization, in towns and dungeons both

    Story Negatives:

    Inconsistent and intermittent voice acting, often stopping or starting in mid cutscene
    Cutscene incompetence and disconnect is constant and irritating
    Cartoony, ridiculous, uninteresting, and badly written villains in almost every one of the story arcs
    Aggregate: Unconnected storytelling, to the point where it not only hampers each character’s story but actively makes no sense at times // The demon god doom thing out of no where actually ruined my investment and enjoyment of the entire story
    The game likes to completely ignore Consequences throughout their stories
    Some pretty bad Empty Text sequences throughout
    The post-game can go to hell
    There is an actual absence of proper Foreshadowing to the big twist
    Total lack of good narrative Pacing
    Lots of narrative Padding all over
    The Story Sequencing actively makes no sense at times

    Gameplay Positives:

    Entire intro sequences for new characters are completely skippable
    The UI is good, informative, and has a lot of information in a small space that’s well presented
    The combat concept is good. The UI is informative, the BP allows for timed unloads of abilities, there’s easy shortcuts for changing weapons and boosts, there’s good menuing, and the entire vulnerability and break system is interesting
    Truth be told, the class and cross class system is actually really good Alternate Leveling
    Second positive for Alternate Leveling
    Interface is actually pretty well designed, font scaling issues aside

    Gameplay Negatives:

    The blur is bad, badly executed, and actively headache inducing
    The blur continues to be bad, actively making some scenes just look awful in addition to causing issues
    The arduous lead up to and awful design of the 8 superbosses and 2 final bosses
    Inaccurate level guidelines and completely inconsistent difficulty curve across chapters
    Every battle requires you to constantly be on and paying attention (unless you overwhelming overpower them) which gets arduous given sheer amount of grinding and combat
    Every fights lasts way too long (as part of previous problem), especially bosses, which drags and becomes dull and boring after a while
    Every single fight gives very little reward; experience gives very tiny boost in stats, JP takes forever to accumulate, and money is far rarer than the price of useful items
    The difficulty curve is all over the place, with repeated and multiple difficulty cliffs and chasms, not just in bosses but in trash mobs throughout story, depending on specific types of enemies
    The power progression curve isn’t bad of itself, but when combined with the above problems leads to a very slow increase in relative power against enemies (leaning heavily on equipment for actual power output increase), which makes combat become more of a chore the further into it you get
    Boss fights are just marathon slogs, including one in particular that I timed out at, no joke, 46 minutes and 13 seconds
    Note: Originally this was a negative for spending weeks (literally, weeks) grinding but under the new system this will ‘merely’ be three negatives for being an excessively Grindy game
    Grind mk. 2
    Grind mk. 3
    Aggregate: Non-party members don’t gain anything // You have to go into town to change party members
    A lot of Audio Spam issues in combat (same clip each time too)
    Bosses are really, really boring
    And often designed to be very binary in difficulty (there are a few notable exceptions)
    Encounter Rate is too high
    Encounter design… isn’t
    Second negative for that post game bleh
    The Outro of each 8 chapters is always pretty boring and bleh, with just another dungeon and just another boss
    The game is actively anti Replayability
    The issues with blur, flickering lights, and bloom make the game have actual issues with Visual Distinction
    The game really has bad Walkthroughitis… imagine, if you will, that while there’s useful items and classes to go find in dungeons and towns, it’s only about 5% of them so you either have to hit and talk to literally everyone and do every interaction, or… have a guide

    Der zweite Teil hat das ganze dann fortgesetzt und ist kurz gesagt besser, aber nicht gut oder etwas wirklich neues originales. Dieselben Basisklassen, begrenzte Sonderklassen, Reisen sind abwechslungsreicher hinsichtlich Kapitelanzahl, Bossen und Dungeons, haben aber letztlich doch das selbe Schema. Der Endteil hat mehr Antagonisten mit Twist bzw. über das gesamte Spiel verlaufende, doch ist trotzdem seicht und lieblos hingeklatscht.

    Kann den Fazit, es als Ocopath Traveler 1.5 zu betrachten nur zustimmen.

    Für ein Sequel würde ich für nötig erhalten, entweder den 8 Charakteren umfassende Geschichten zu geben oder, wenn wir bei den dünnen Format bleiben, es auf 16 Charaktere auszuweiten (OCTOPATH TRAVELER) und dadurch rein quantitativ durch mehr Klassen, Waffenarten, Gebieten etc. zu punkten.

  2. #2
    Ich finde leider das Konzept der acht Pfade selbst geht einfach nicht auf – auch im zweiten Teil nicht. Es entsteht einfach kein Gruppengefühl dabei, weil es effektiv voneinander entkoppelte Routen sind.
    Die Vielfalt fand ich schon okay im zweiten Teil, die einzelnen Geschichten hatten schon alle ihr eigenes Flair.
    Mir hätte es aber wirklich besser gefallen, wenn vielleicht die Prologe alle getrennt voneinander sind, es danach aber in eine einzelne Geschichte übergeht (wie z.B. in Wild Arms).
    Oder anders gesagt: Sie können gerne die offene Welt und das Kerngameplay beibehalten, aber sich bei der Struktur der Handlung mehr an klassischen JRPGs orientieren. Oder halt generell weniger Story machen und es dann vielleicht in Richtung SaGa bewegen.

  3. #3
    Das Spiel hat heute ein kleines Inhaltsupdate bekommen: Man kann jetzt aus dem Menü heraus ein paar herausfordernde Extra Kämpfe machen, u.a. wohl gegen (kein Storyspoiler, einfach falls sich jemand überraschen lassen will) die Party aus dem ersten Octopath Traveler. Aktuell allerdings wohl nur für die Steam Version, aber ich denke das Update kommt für die anderen Systeme auch noch heraus. Keine Ahnung, ob die Extra Kämpfe etwas freischalten, irgendwelche Items oder Szenen, ich vermute eher nicht.

  4. #4
    Interessant. Bestimmt deshalb, weil der erste Teil wohl auch bald für PS (und Steam?) kommen wird.


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