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  1. #1
    Imho lohnt es sich wirklich das zu lesen (lese seit 2 Tagen immer mal wieder etwas).
    Das hier ist aber dennoch Krass:
    Zitat Zitat
    At that time, I was the head of system administration, so I arranged and bought all of the equipment. [Over the course of two years] I signed checks to Silicon Graphics totaling about $38 million. I bought more than 200 Indigo2 desktop machines, Onyx and Challenge rendering servers and other machines. …During Final Fantasy 7’s development, we purchased 200 to 250 Indigo2s at $70,000 apiece. An Onyx server cost about $1,000,000. A Challenge server cost about $500,000. So we paid a total of around $17,000,000 on SGI equipment. … And also for software, we paid Alias approximately 2,000,000 yen multiplied by 250 for a total of around $4 million. So excluding labor costs, we spent around $21,000,000 on graphics hardware and software. About 90 percent of that was for Final Fantasy 7, but we may have used it on other projects as well. …One thing that surprises me even now is, at the time, the PlayStation development kits were about $20,000 each, and they were just sitting there in cardboard boxes in the hallway where pretty much anybody could enter off the street and grab them. And there were SGI machines sitting there too, and literally anyone could have just walked in from outside and taken one. There was pretty much no security.
    Unvorstellbar aber nun weiß man auch warum Square zu PSone und PS2 Zeiten solche Grafikkracher raushauen konnte.

  2. #2
    Es war eigentlich bekannt, dass FF7 einen Riesenbatzen Kohle gekostet hat, in den Videospielzeitschriften damals stand, glaub ich, was von 37 Millionen Dollar.
    Gründer der JRPG-Challenge
    JRPG-Challenge 2018 - You'll never see it coming!

  3. #3
    Bin durch. Whoa, war das lang. Saß mehrere Stunden dran. Aber richtig, richtig geiles Ding. Das ist echter Journalismus. Vielleicht zu in-depth für die, die nur oberflächlich am Spiel interessiert sind, aber eine Goldgrube für alle, die mehr über die Hintergründe, über die internen Vorgänge, über Ursache und Wirkung wissen wollen (nicht nur bezogen auf Final Fantasy VII, sondern auch den ganzen Strukturwandel nach dem Desaster um Spirits Within).

    Fantastischer Artikel.


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