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Thema: Sturmwindgeweht in Hände voll schwarzer Federn - für düstere Dichtung


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  1. #1
    Dieses entstand aus akutem Schmerz heraus. Mehr Worte soll es nicht brauchen. Es muss auch mal ein Ende haben.

    « Afly »

    I want to test the masculinity out of me.
    May I please tear you up?
    Your cells apart, one by one, until I know what masculinity makes you up?
    Dear guy?
    Dear madam, dear neuter child who stares at my mistakes
    in anxiety hopes to never ever
    become something like me.

    I need you to die so badly.

    And egoist wrench
    I take my seat as you laugh shitfully down upon on me
    You whisper your daily delights of suffering to your friend
    so viciously.
    I hear you
    not really,
    I hear you calling my name
    by a third person perspective
    sitting side by side on the same table
    with me
    hurting me
    I killed your place straight out outta my heart
    so desperately.

    May I take my place
    somewhere within those rotten innards
    of the rat queen
    squintfully eyed, she died
    somewhere between you and me
    unwilling, you say
    unable, I know
    one of many too challenged by the rat race.

    I do not want to steal you
    your face, your cunt, your brain, your wings away
    I do want my sparks to mirror the light of our galaxies unvisited
    I do want to stand for my awkward attire
    demand my place in my skies, afly
    I don't want to waste yet another life away
    I want
    so badly to love you

    dear butterlie.

    Manchmal gibt es Smilies, die sich sehr leicht falsch einsetzen lassen, weil man sie schlechtäugig misserkennt. Es ist schwer, sie zu wiederzufinden, wenn sie so schändlich sind, dass man das Tilgen so gerne vertritt.

    Geändert von relxi (10.12.2020 um 18:23 Uhr) Grund: Appendix zwecks x ohne Y (wundervolles Album!)


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