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Thema: Sturmwindgeweht in Hände voll schwarzer Federn - für düstere Dichtung


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  1. #5
    Folgendes ließt sich womöglich inkohärent, sogar psychotisch, enthält dafür interessante und womöglich auch bewegende Stellen, die es wert sind, geteilt zu werden.


    Somberness, see it sanctuarily swearing
    sword-tongue worded spellspeech secretly sunder a number
    apart from another,
    no ear so keen just to hear the equation
    crackle into informal shatter.
    No regrets nor bother
    among preachers nor hypocrits,
    so same as it's sad, their chatter
    a masked creature
    that fits this disordered scripture
    of us.

    Aware of a far-reaching freedom
    each of them fathomless to their undone dares
    to fail becoming one;
    all feature a familiar pattern
    which matters even less to them
    than a fantasy's thorn to their first thoughts, frankly;
    who share the same history they're enacting
    their manifest destiny of a doom chosen
    their fair share of despair
    so spectacularily reflecting through
    their fleet tranquil escaping
    from those fear-forsakened frail bone-marrowed
    branch brittles they've rosen
    so fro as they are, frighteningly awake
    fleeing those fractures so alive
    in fashions gorgeous fractals alike
    no grit, no wit capable of constructing such a lit, yet aesthetic scene of delight.

    each afraid of their boundaries beloved
    to be breached apart so badly
    only for captivity and nothing else
    as they beg
    counter-intuitive measurements taken
    caught from under the counter countlessly
    those captives, their algorithms split
    so better, better don't mind it;
    undozens of them
    all death-grasping frozen
    from just a slightliest rattle
    of the crispy pages bearing a poem
    or a pot pinched by a laddle.

    Falsely do they feel revolving
    advancing their middle
    however, with its Forever forgotten
    prayer by prayer
    for the sake of a splendid soil
    oblivious to the seed that is rotten.

    Oil-devouring tumoil tactically targets their entire toil
    pouring visions filling each stare
    for each one to chisel only another
    effort-evaporating Escheresque stair
    for ground and ground apart at the borderline
    they are,
    the sharp scraping of the air
    gnashing winds under the ice of a somber sunshine.

    These crystalline brimstones
    spacelessy stranded;
    vile ambers, yet of beauty unspoken
    sparking like cider, from apples royalty-branded
    perhaps even prickling, peach-flavoured honey wine
    reminiscing silent lovers' moans
    ones a satyr favours in folly
    in gayness he eaves his hallowed shrine.

    Without answers
    a riddle is meant unbroken
    shards of their failure, silkenly sanded
    faintly, a filthless spirit's essence,
    so fine.
    Some insight may have been awoken
    perhaps this and not another time.
    Just the right questions
    painfully born from the sublime.

    In and on,
    however a retrospect away
    a new future rises from the ashes of fallen hells
    mere memories of an old fiend
    darkness encountered
    for each delusion you slay
    and eventually
    even you, as well, will listen
    listen to the bells from the yondersome elsewhere ringing, wailing
    hailing their soul-crackling harmony
    somewhere from above us all.

    Cardinal numbers are breathless,
    while we,
    so proud to appraise prime numbers
    so wishfully down to their core,
    and rather dream unparalyzed a dream
    of an unclaimed nowhen
    stuck in a less corrupt algebratic behaviour than before;
    error-ridden operations so holdlessly scaffolded
    our somberness
    submerged and suffocated.
    down we swam to see sunken cities of sorcery;
    suicidal endeavour, hive mind agony
    our race means for the next galaxy
    yet still a race meant for parsimony.

    All in all, bloody in brickly rubble
    what once was wall, popped much like a bubble;
    crumbling, stars burst our skies apart
    fates laughing the madnesses' mirth
    no hand unscorched, suddenly so much to win.
    They listen, scent, and see,
    the ones they miss, and what they've lost;
    gasping, gazing up ahead
    wings spread, glare brightly
    flame-feathered doves of rebirth
    released, everyone's dignity
    finally freed from the heart.

    We're not, not mindlessly suffering a somewhere
    but this time, facing this inquiry:
    What else is there
    reality or not
    modality or possibility, probably an actuality;
    as we learn to sincerely care and to feel
    the current breath, the nation, the spot
    they all are our responsibility
    doubtlessly and definitely real.

    Thus, secondary to me
    each second that sucks my spirit dry throughout a minute anywhen
    as we spire from hour to hour
    honestly, far, far to often
    and not from now and then.

    Primary, however, is
    my mistake which I'll hold me dire
    I would rather not anymore, ever
    divide zero by itself again.
    What I learned like so many before
    cannot count in this realm
    - now, for me -
    which is indeed my problem
    as I'm burning these pages I tore apart.

    Geändert von relxi (11.11.2020 um 17:42 Uhr)


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