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  1. #1
    Zitat Zitat
    Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana will have two protagonists, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.

    Joining Adol as a protagonist is the mysterious blue-haired girl we’ve previously seen in the game’s key visual, whose name is now revealed as Dana. She appears in Adol’s dreams, and through those dreams, you’ll be able to experience Dana’s way of life. Her power and speed exceeds even that of the veteran hero Adol.

    Dana’s story, which Adol will see in his dreams, will affect his very adventure itself. Also, Dana seems to recognize Adol, and Adol’s actions will considerably affect Dana’s story.
    Ein sehr interessanter Aspekt. Bin gespannt, wie das letztendlich dann umgesetzt wird. Aber prinzipiell gefällt mir die Idee schon mal.

  2. #2
    Neue Informationen und Bilder

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    Skill Attacks: Swoop the Enemy with Powerful Skills!
    Each character has a fixed amount of Skill Points, which can be used to actiave unique skill attacks.

    Skill attacks are activated by pushing the skill button + the Circle, X, Triangle, or Square buttons. Each button is tied to a different skill. Skills can be set to the Circle, X, Triangle, and Square buttons in the menu screen.

    Adol’s Exclusive Skill: Force Edge
    Adol’s exclusive skill creates an aura with his sword blade, and collectively mows down the surrounding enemies. It’s an easy to use skill with a wide attack range, and doesn’t take long to perform.

    Laxia’s Exclusive Skill: Slyphide Kiss
    Laxia’s exclusive skill sees her point her rapier to the sky, from which a tornado converges. It is particularly effective against flying enemies, and can deal consecutive damage by hitting the enemy in multiple stages.

    Sahad’s Exclusive Skill: Seine
    Sahad’s exclusive skill sees him throw a fishing net to the area in front of him, and damages all the enemies that become entangled in its ropes.

    Dana’s Exclusive Skill: Ice Edge
    Dana’s Exclusive skill sees her jump to the sky, and all at once strikes the ground with compressed waves of cold. It is a powerful skill that deals great damage to a wide range of enemies.

    Flash Guard: Turn a Perfect Defense into a Critical Attack!
    By pressing a button with proper timing in accordance with the enemy’s attack, “Flash Guard” will be triggered.

    When activated, the player character’s body will glow white with the attack, and all of the enemy’s attacks will have no effect.

    Additionally, for a certain period of time after it is activated, since it makes all of the player’s attacks critical ones, you can deal great damage to the enemy via consecutive attacks and skill attacks.

    Flash Move: Extreme Evasion Around the Battlefield!
    If you perform an evasion action just before an enemy attack hits, “Flash Move” will be triggered, and the player character’s offshoot will be displayed on screen.

    The trigger time only lasts for a certain period, and with the exception of the player, slow-motions the enemies’ movements. By dodging an enemy’s big technique with a Flash Move, you can gain distance, move around to to the enemy’s back, and turn the battle in your favor.

  3. #3
    Zitat Zitat
    Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana will launch for PS Vita on July 21 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 in 2017, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals. Both versions were previously given a “summer 2016” release window.

    According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, while the PS Vita version is being released first, development on the PlayStation 4 version is progressing side by side with the PS Vita version.

    The magazine also reveals two new characters: a 12 year-old girl named Ricotta (voiced by Nozomi Yamamoto) who uses a whipmace, and a 24 year-old man named Hummel (voiced by KENN) who uses a bayonet.

    Additionally, voice actors for previously announced characters are also revealed:

    Adol (voiced by Yuki Kaji)
    Laxia (voiced by Natsumi Takamori)
    Sahad (voiced by Hidenobu Kiuchi)
    Dana (voiced by Saori Onishi)
    Sehr schade, dass die PS4-Version dieses Jahr nicht mehr erscheint. Auch wenn ich noch nicht so ganz nachvollziehen kann, wieso die PS4-Version so viel später als die PSVita-Version erscheinen wird. Vor allem, da der Fortschritt der beiden Versionen ähnlich zu sein scheint.
    Geändert von Angel|Devil (08.03.2016 um 13:14 Uhr)

  4. #4
    Warum scheint der Fortschritt ähnlich? Das scheint ja eben nicht der Fall zu sein.

    Das ist dann hier das erste Ps4 Spiel von Falcom, oder? Würde es auch erklären, warum es länger dauert.

  5. #5
    Zitat Zitat von Kiru Beitrag anzeigen
    Warum scheint der Fortschritt ähnlich? Das scheint ja eben nicht der Fall zu sein.

    Das ist dann hier das erste Ps4 Spiel von Falcom, oder? Würde es auch erklären, warum es länger dauert.
    "According to Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo, while the PS Vita version is being released first, development on the PlayStation 4 version is progressing side by side with the PS Vita version."

    Für mich klingt das schon so, als sei der Fortschritt ähnlich.

    Im Prinzip ist es aber auch egal, da Falcom sicher berechtigte Gründe für die Verschiebung hat. Hauptsache ist ja, dass wir ein gutes Spiel bekommen und da können ein paar Monate extra Zeit fürs Feintuning wohl nicht schaden.

  6. #6
    Nee, in dem Satz steht nix davon. (Das heißt nur, dass sie an beiden Sachen momentan gleichzeitig arbeiten und sie nicht erst damit anfangen, wenn die Vita Version fertig ist) Aber gut, dann gibts nicht noch mehr Info zu dem Thema. Darum gings mir. Hoffe es ist dann auf der Vita auch ohne Frame-rate Einbrüche spielbar. Das ist bei Ys ja sehr wichtig.

  7. #7
    Aus der aktuellen Ausgabe der Dengeki PlayStation kann man einige Interessante Infos entnehmen:

    Zitat Zitat

    Support Events

    Events will trigger as you gather up the people that wash ashore the island for your village. For example, when you add specific characters as friends, you may be able to go to a new area.
    Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo suggests that while it doesn’t have anything to do with the main story, there appears to be different routes, probably related to PlayStation Network trophies.

    Drifting Village
    As you develop your village, you’ll increase both its inhabitants and facilities. You can even farm. There are over 20 sub-characters, including characters you won’t meet if you’re only playing through the story.


    Dogi (voiced by Kenta Miyake)
    Adol’s long-time partner who last adventured with him four years prior. He went missing at the time of the sinking. His weapons and such have yet to be introduced.
    Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo’s suggests that he will take on the duty of watching over the village, like Adol, but since their teams are split up by a defensive battle, he’ll likely be a battle character.

    Captain Barbaros (voiced by Hirohiko Kakegawa)
    The captain of the sunken Lombardy ship. He takes on the role of a leader that keeps the castaways in order.

    Little Paro (voiced by Naoki Tatsuta)
    A male parrot discovered by Captain Barbaros on the island. He takes on the role of a messenger after learning human language immediately.

    Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo’s says that Barbaros is the captain you get to know after Ys V, who wants to help the passengers safely escape. Paro flies about and tells you about suspicious places, taking on a guidance role.

    Interview Tidbits

    The game’s volume is the highest of any in the series yet.

    Dana, the game’s second protagonist, is out to gather her memories, but she’ll also have action elements.

    The sub-title can be translated as the “Day of Tears” and is a very important keyword.

    The concept is to understand the mystery behind the adventure.

    Since the setting is an unpopulated island, each NPC is being carefully depicted, and all NPCs will have events.

    Actions are much faster compared to Tokyo Xanadu.

    You can customize weapons in a form outside of shops, and things can also be bartered.

    There are situations where monsters will attack and a defensive battle will occur. There are also tower defense elements. If you lose a defensive battle, you’ll get a game over.

    The game’s control are fully customizable.

    Downloadable content is planned and consists of free things, as well as costumes and accessories.

  8. #8

    Sieht richtig schön fast-paced und spaßig aus. Bei vielen Animationen scheint es in den Kämpfen aber gewisse Framerate-Einbrüche zu geben. Die PS4-Version hat die hoffentlich nicht mehr drin!

  9. #9
    Zitat Zitat von Narcissu Beitrag anzeigen

    Sieht richtig schön fast-paced und spaßig aus. Bei vielen Animationen scheint es in den Kämpfen aber gewisse Framerate-Einbrüche zu geben. Die PS4-Version hat die hoffentlich nicht mehr drin!
    In bewegten Bildern trumpft das Spiel wirklich am meisten auf. Es kommen ja jetzt schon in aller Regemlmäßigkeit News zu dem Spiel, doch abgesehen von dem hohen Spoilergehalt wirkt das Spiel in Standbildern nicht sonderlich spektakulär, da fällt einem als erstes die YS-typische karge Umgebung auf.
    Ich bin echt froh dass sie das springen wieder zurückgeholt haben, von der Action wirkt es für mich jetzt wie die perfekte Symbiose aus dem Solo-Schnetzler und dem Party-RPG Gameplay.
    Die frei bewegliche Kamera könnte mehr oder weniger auch für ein bisschen frischen Wind sorgen, auf das Spiel bin ich zur Zeit sehr gespannt und hoffe dass sie sich anschließend einem Remake zu Teil 5 widmen, bei dem ich schon immer großes, ungenutztes Potenzial gesehen habe.
    Spiele durchgespielt - Jahresreviews: 2021, 2022, 2023

    Sega Mega Drive Challenge 2020+2021

    JRPG-Challenges: Klunky's JRPG Challenge 2018 feat. Superman 64

    Gamingblog: Ulterior_Audience

  10. #10

  11. #11

    Im aktuellen Trailer werden die Probleme der Vita-Version nochmal etwas deutlicher, was die Framerate angeht. Das macht mir die Wahl der Plattform etwas leichter, da ich doch schwer davon ausgehe, dass diese Probleme auf der PS4 nicht vorhanden sein werden. Auf jeden Fall freue ich mich auf das Spiel und warte geduldig auf die PS4-Version.

  12. #12

    Zitat Zitat
    • Development went on longer than planned, but to that extent Ys VIII will be the most substantial game in the series.
    • Since Ys: Memories of Celceta was received highly favorably, we used that as our starting point for ideas.
    • While with the Trails series we decide upon the story from the beginning, with Ys we have ideas as we go along about how to solidify the setting, story, and characters.
    • We wanted to tell the story from the perspective of someone other than Adol, so we came up with the idea of dual protagonists.
    • Laxia is a young noble woman who doesn’t have a good impression of adventurers.
    • Since Dogi was once a party character, this time we wanted to give him the role of chief of the Drifting Village.
    • The game will take about 40 hours to complete if you only do the minimum. With side elements and such, the game will take about 60 hours.
    • 2016 is the series’ 30th anniversary, but we’re aiming to start work on the next game while making the PlayStation 4 version. We’re really busy with the new title, but somehow or another I want to plan an event.
    • We’re thinking about some of the things we want to do for the PlayStation 4 version. The PS Vita version will have a Boss Time Attack feature and loading screen tips added via a day one patch.
    • “Pirates of the Distant Sea” costumes for six characters, including Dana, will be released for 300 yen each, and attachment items for 100 yen each. Free downloadable content is also planned for the game’s day of release.
    • Even internally we think Ys VIII turned out to be a great game, and even first-time players can enjoy it, so we definitely hope you’ll pick it up.
    Wow, 40-60 Stunden. Sicher ein bisschen PR-Talk, aber insgesamt trotzdem ungefähr doppelt so lang wie die letzten Spiele. Ich weiß immer noch nicht, was ich vom neuen Fokus halten soll. Die stärkere Storyorientierung seit Ys Seven fand ich eigentlich eher negativ, aber mal schauen.


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