pointer pointer pointer pointer

Seite 3 von 4 ErsteErste 1234 LetzteLetzte
Ergebnis 41 bis 60 von 70
  1. #41

  2. #42

  3. #43
    the invisible and seemingly unquantifiable concept
    of politeness

  4. #44

  5. #45

  6. #46

  7. #47

  8. #48
    Qogmjir, God of Oracles

  9. #49
    276 Planitz: Um Pfahlbürger zu werden, mussten sie jedes Jahr zu bestimmten Zeiten Residenzpflicht in Stadt einhalten. Pfahlbürger versuchten Pflichten gegenüber ihrem Herren mit denen gegenüber der Stadt auszutauschen. Einen solchen speziellen Pflichtentzug konnte die Reichsleitung auf Dauer nicht hinnehmen. Sie verbot das Pfahlbürgertum insgesamt, Karl IV. nahm es auch in die Goldene Bulle von 1356 auf.
    Es kam zu Bündnissen gegen das Ausbürgerwesen – „Schwäbische Dynasten und Städte beschworen 1368 einen Sühnevertrag, der den Städten Freiburg, Breisach und Neuenburg die Annahme von Ausbürgern verbot.“

  10. #50

  11. #51
    Zitat Zitat von Narcissu Beitrag anzeigen
    Warum kopierst du Leerzeichen ?

  12. #52

  13. #53

  14. #54

  15. #55

    Zitat Zitat
    A man in his early 20s, jobless and living with his parents. Did a couple of years at university, but dropped out and now spends most of his time masturbating in his room or arguing on the internet. His parents understandably are pretty fed up of him, and demand to know when he's planning to do. Thinking quickly, he downloads a free version of Unity, throws together as many stock assets as he can find together and packages them as a "game". He steals his mother's credit card and uses it to stick it up on Steam Greenlight.
    He presents this to his irate parents and shows them the trailer - "See mum, this is what I've been doing. I'm developing a game and it's going to be the next big thing!" His parents, ignorant to the world of computer games are impressed by the moving pictures and the dog on a skateboard. Knowing he's bought himself another six months of freeloading, the man smugly retires to his room, cracks open his bottle of Jergens and opens the folder on his desktop entitled "Tentacle Hentai"...
    Zitat Zitat
    Glorious Ouya master race.

  16. #56
    what if quicksilver ran past you

  17. #57

  18. #58
    I also don't think that aged hardware matters so much in a time where most games don't use the full capabilities of their systems anyway.

    Zitat Zitat von Enkidu Beitrag anzeigen
    Warum kopierst du Leerzeichen ?
    Das waren non-breakable spaces. Irgendwo für brauchte ich die.

  19. #59

  20. #60


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