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Thema: "The Last of Us" der nächste Hit von Naughty Dog !


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  1. #1
    Zitat Zitat von Knuckles Beitrag anzeigen
    Scheint definitiv interessanter als The Last Guardian zu sein.
    Was aber auch nur daran liegt, dass die Chancen, dass es erscheint immer unwahrscheinlicher werden. Wär aber eine wiztige Anekdote wenn es das letzte PS3 Game wäre.

  2. #2
    shadow of the colossus kam in japan auch erst kurz vor der ps2 raus, von daher haben sie noch etwas oberwasser. *hust*

    grafisch sieht das neue naughtywerk ja ganz interessant aus, aber noch ein zombiespiel mit nathan drake abklatschen war bestimmt genau das, was die welt gebraucht hat.

  3. #3
    Gott sei dank spielt Will Smith da nicht mit.

  4. #4
    Also der Trailer hat mich ja fast ein wenig gehyped.
    Auch wenn das Setting natürlich nicht wirklich neu ist, die beiden Charaktere und die Atmosphäre waren echt gut.
    Wenn das Gameplay auch passt, und da muss man sich bei Naughty Dog wohl keine Sorgen machen, dann könnte das richtig gut werden!

  5. #5
    Der Trailer gefällt mir.
    Ich bin gespannt, was uns da erwartet.

  6. #6
    Ich finde, es wirkt auf einigen Ebenen ungewöhnlich für ein Videospiel (Atmosphäre, Inszenierung und Charaktere fallen total auf). Erinnert mich in der Hinsicht etwas an Heavy Rain. Wie es dann wird, muss man aber natürlich erstmal sehen. Prinzipiell begrüße ich es euphorisch, wenn das Medium etwas von den ausgetretenen Pfaden abweicht.

  7. #7
    Zitat Zitat von Gala Beitrag anzeigen
    Gott sei dank spielt Will Smith da nicht mit.
    Die Charlton Heston verfilmung ist eh besser! Und das original erst recht

    Geändert von fedprod (12.12.2011 um 06:52 Uhr)

  8. #8
    Nach der Uncharted 3 Gaudi bin ich froh, dass sie noch parallel an einem anderen Franchise arbeiten. Bis Uncharted 4 will ich nämlich nicht warten.

  9. #9
    Game Informer Infos (ausm GAF):

    Alright, I just finished reading through the magazine.

    The Last Of Us Details:

    -Releasing in "Late 2012". This date is listed by Game Informer at the start of the article.

    -The main campaign is singleplayer.

    -There will be multiplayer:
    Zitat Zitat
    The Online Question

    With all of these human factions scavenging through the cities, it's not that hard to imagine what online multiplayer could look like in The Last of Us. Though Naughty Dog isn't prepared to discuss specifics, game director Bruce Straley at least admits it exists. "We're going to have some sort of online component," he says. "we're working on a bunch of ideas, but we haven't nailed anything down. We definitely know it's going to be awesome."
    First described scenario: Joel and Ellie are driving in a pick-up truck and see a road that is blocked off into a single narrow passage. Someone clutching their stomach comes running up and asks for help. Ellie asks if they're going to stop and help, but Joel says they're actually looters who want to steal their stuff, so they try to drive on past them, causing the scavengers pull out guns and start shooting at them. Joel and Ellie almost get away, but just before they do, but their truck is hit with a city bus, knocking it into a storefront. Joel and Ellie get forcefully pulled out of the truck by the scavengers and a big fight erupts, and then the description just stops. This is presumably the hobo scene we seen in the screenshots.

    -The second team came about due to constant requests from both internal and external studios to license their engine. However, the engine doesn't have a toolchain or documentatin set to facilitate that, so the only way to leverage their technology on a second game was to create a second team. The other reason was that they didn't want to lose their staff to other companies because of career ceilings or burnout from working on too many Uncharted games, so creating a second team let them promote a lot more people and let them work on something new. As such, the second team was created. Unlike many other multi team developers, Naughty Dog's teams are actually completely separate, so staff doesn't move between the two projects.

    -The look of the game was inspired by "Ruin Porn", which is a branch of photography where people take pictures of ruins that have been overgrown by nature.

    -Gustavo Santaolalla is composing. He worked on Brokeback Mountain and Babel.

    -The second team was originally considering making a Jak & Daxter sequel along with some other unnamed ideas. The Jak & Daxter idea was explored quite extensively, and Game Informer will have more about it on their website. However, they felt the direction they wanted to go as a company would end up making a poor Jak game, so they ultimately shelved the project.

    -The game is built around the idea of expanding the Drake/Tenzin relationship into a full game concept.

    -The game's plot setup: Ellie is a 14 year old orphan who lives at a bording house in a military quarantine zone and is fascinating with relics of how the world used to be (like CDs and books), and constantly gets herself in trouble. Joel is in his late 40's and smuggles guns and drugs to and from the quarantine zone. The issue with this is that the zone is guarded by military checkpoints, and if you're found to have any signs of the fungus during one of their frequent body scan, you're executed immediately. The fungus also transfers by air, but it needs a high concentration of spores in a confined space to do so, which is why you don't see everyone wearing masks. The game starts with Joel agreeing to smuggle Ellie out of the safe zone for some unknown reason, but things go wrong and the military starts chasing him. He was going to abandon Ellie, but a dying friend asked him to escort her to safety, so he does. They try hiding, it fails, and thus start fleeing West across the entire country. Their relationship is supposed to be like the ones you see in True Grit or Road to Perdition.

    -Second described scenario: They describe a combat scene which makes the game seem pretty melee heavy where you're primarily fighting with things like bricks, fists, and wood planks. Bullets are very scarce, but kill enemies in one shot. The weapons you have and the events of combat also effect the behavior of the AI, which is explained in a later bullet point. Plot wise, in this scene Joel and Ellie beat the scavengers who attacked them.

    -The game sounds like a hard M rating. Here a description of what happened during that fight: "Joel elbows his attacker and turns the tables. He slams the man down on the glass shard and he comes up sputtering with blood pouring out of his throat."

    -Everyone swears constantly during combat, especially Ellie. Expect to hear "motherfuckers", "fuck", "fuck face", and other such terms as often as you do in Battlefield 3, or perhaps even more.

    -The game's plot is self contained, so were this game to bomb and the franchise die, you won't have to worry about a cliff hanger ending. They didn't directly rule out sequels though, but just said that they think about one game at a time. However, earlier in the article, they refer to this as a "new IP that we're definitelyl going to be supporting".

    -The AI and game dynamic is explained a bit more. They want it to be like No Country For Old Men, so a single bullet will kill, but you have very few bullets to give it a "realistic" feel to the setting. The AI also uses a "balance of power" system, where they will stay in cover and try to flank you if you have a gun, but if they see you only have a melee weapon, they will rush you and try to overwhelm you with numbers. They also react based on other events that are happening. They get angry when their friends die, they warn each other when in danger, and they get frightened when they've lost the upper hand.

    -The game has health packs and it takes time to use them, so the added lethality of your weapons goes both ways. This is to encourage you to avoid direction confrontation as much as possible.

    -They're focusing on Ellie's AI a lot because they want her to be part of the combat. She gives you warnings and helps you out of jams, and her combat capabilities grow over time, though they didn't say how. Game Informer points out she has a gun on the cover. They're trying to make it so she doesn't become an escort question like burden though, as they feel no one would enjoy that.

    -Third described scenario: After defeating their attackers, they find their resource stash behind a garage door. Ellie asks Joel how he knew this would be a trap, and Joel mentions that he's been on both sides of this ruse before (as in, he's jumped and killed people for resources himself with this trick). Ellie asks if he's killed a lot of innocent people, and Joel tries to dodge the question. Ellie says she'll take that as a yes, and he says to take that however she wants. Joel and Ellie then start walking toward a nearby bridge, which is the entry to a quarantine zone. They see tons of cars filled with bullet holes and dead bodies inside them. Ellie asks if it was more scavengers, but Joel says it was most likely the military, because they knew they couldn't let everyone inside the quarantine zone, and by killing all these people, they would have less infected to deal with.

    -There will be platforming and puzzle solving in the final game. These were not seen in the demo, but will involve the dynamic of having two characters. However, these events will be grounded in reality, so you won't get wild jumping actions like Nathan Drake does.

    -You will be facing humans more frequently than infected, as humans are the focus of the game. That's why none of the infected were shown in the demo.

    -The game will also have (location-type and NPC-type spoilers) suburbs and rural areas. Also, not all humans you find will be hostile. Some will actually help you.

    -They assert that once again the game is about the characters and their relationship, not the whole infected thing, which is why they showed the infected up front.

    -They rest of the screenshots are very similar to things we've already seen, so I won't bother describing them. Just imagine the events described above in the same art style as the screenshots.


    Hört sich geil an, bin weiterhin gespannt. Sollen sich ruhig Zeit damit lassen.

  10. #10
    Zitat Zitat von miuesa Beitrag anzeigen

    -Everyone swears constantly during combat, especially Ellie. Expect to hear "motherfuckers", "fuck", "fuck face", and other such terms as often as you do in Battlefield 3, or perhaps even more.
    In a Video Game? I am SHOCKED.

    Die Tatsache das sie einen neuen Jak Title dafür haben links liegen lassen....

  11. #11
    Zitat Zitat
    However, they felt the direction they wanted to go as a company would end up making a poor Jak game, so they ultimately shelved the project.
    Und das wär dir lieber gewesen?

    Die Beschreibung klingt jetzt aber auch eher nach einem "üblichen" charakter-fokussierten Survival-Ding, bisher fallen imho nur die sehr spannend klingenden Kampfmechanismen heraus. Inszenierung, Atmosphäre und wirklich gute Charakterisierung könnten die Sache meiner Meinung aber schon durchaus interessant genug machen.

  12. #12
    Red Band Trailer für "The Last of Us"

    Link zum Video.

    Sieht sehr interessant aus, allerdings find ich die Positionierung des SCE Screens etwas amüsant: "What are you afraid of?" BAM!

    Geändert von Seraphithan (02.04.2013 um 22:05 Uhr)

  13. #13
    Ha Joel's Stimme! Das ist doch Booker DeWitt aus Bioshock Infinite, oder?

  14. #14
    Ja und Yuri aus Tales of Vesperia, Snow aus FFXIII oder Jake aus RE6....ja, Troy Baker hört man öfters in letzter Zeit

  15. #15
    der neue Nolan North

  16. #16
    Zitat Zitat von Seraphithan Beitrag anzeigen
    Sieht sehr interessant aus...
    Ja, interessant sieht es auf jedenfall aus! Die Landschaften und Cutszenes und Dialoge sind echt erste Sahne - sehr atmosphärisch, glaubwürdig, Rockstar-Niveau und drüber hinaus. Das Ganze wird einem hier aber natürlich in einem wunderbar, fein abgestimmten Trailer serviert. Ich habe noch so meine Zweifel, ob Naughty Dog dass auch spielerisch gut umsetzen kann und es nicht zu einem Uncharted verkommt, welches teilweise im Bezug aufs Gameplay wirklich schrecklich gewesen sein mag. Ich möchte Emotionen, Entscheidungen, einen richtig "Deepen Impact" BEIM Spielen und keinen x-beliebigen Third-Person-Shooter. Am liebsten wäre es mir, wenn sie auf den Kampf ansich zum größten Teil verzichten würden - selten, dafür aber eben knackiger, heftiger, gut inszeniert. Gerade so ein Spiel kann auch ohne viel Action auskommen, wenn mans denn richtig macht!

    Geändert von Simius (03.04.2013 um 23:51 Uhr)

  17. #17
    In nicht ganz einem Monat erscheint das Spiel endlich! Schön langsam packt mich die Vorfreude darauf. Es tauchen auch immer mehr Videos dazu auf.

    Hier ein paar Gameplay Szenen die hier vielleicht noch nicht alle kennen:

    Ich bin gespannt wie sich dieses Spiel spielen wird. Bei der Uncharted Serie haben mich die genial gemachten Umgebungen und die toll ausgearbeiteten Charaktäre über eventuelle Gameplay Schwächen hinwegsehen lassen. (Auserdem war ich schon immer ein Fan von Abenteurspielen/Büchern/Filme im Stil von Indiana Jones)
    Ich hoffe das TLOU , wie Simius schon schreibt, nicht zu viel Wert auch den Shooterpart legt, ich will lieber mehr stealth und meele gameplay, da dass meiner Meinung nach besser für die ganze Endzeitstimmung passt wie massenweise Gegner über den Haufen zu schießen. Ich freu mich auf jeden Fall schon mal auf das Spiel.
    The Last of US, wird zusammen mit Beyond: Two Souls, wohl eines der letzten Spiele sein das ich mir auf PS3 kaufe. GTA V, AC V, Watchdogs und dergleichen wird entweder auf PC oder Next Gen Konsole gespielt.

    Hier noch ein paar Bilder
    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht 

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ID:	17825Klicke auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht 

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Name:	lastof07.jpg 
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ID:	17827Klicke auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht 

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    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht 

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ID:	17829

    Geändert von Andrei (19.05.2013 um 11:00 Uhr)

  18. #18
    Doppel Post:
    Pilot zu einer Miniserie die im Last of us universum spielt

    Meiner Meinung nach sehr, sehr gut gemacht.


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