1. How was your summer?
Mein sommar wasn't so händelserik, but dennoch har ich enjoyed av ihn. Framförallt because dem BMT which eigentlich var the Höhepunkt under the ganzen sommar.

2. When completely off the road, remember to bring ... ?
Ein kniv and eine plastflaska for Wasser och a dickes bok.

3. Do you follow the yellow brick road?
Leider är all Ziegelsteinwege som I habe sett either rot eller blue.

4. Do you believe in String theory? Why and to what consequence?
Ich har the Gefühl att there ist lite zu much Theorie i the Theorie för to glauben på it.

5. Have you ever had the feeling, that the world has gone and left you behind?
Nein, inte yet.

6. There are three things you like most in the world, which are ... ?
Flauschige djur, fatty Essen och music sagt min knee-jerk Reaktion.

7. Shall be blesseth those who are poor in spirit, and is theirs the kingdom of heaven?
Lol Jerome versteht betydelsen of dem ord spirit falsch.

8. Are there moments, when you feel superior to others? When?
Ich känner myself eigentlich aldrig superior als andra.

9. According to your opinion: How are your English skills by the way?
Manchmal tror I, dass jag my Sprachkenntnisse blandar together, aber det happens nicht alltför often. Also ja, I fühle mig quite sicher vad som concerns mein engelska.

10. Are human rights rationally allegeable? Feel free to elaborate.
Depends auf din definition von rationell thought.