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Thema: iOS-Spiele

  1. #81

  2. #82

  3. #83

    Ahahaha, how the hell did this get through Apple Approval.

  4. #84
    Zitat Zitat
    The protagonist of this game named Monino, in the story of this game, Monino's brother was captured by a monster named Bowler, he is on the road to Bowler's castle to rescue his brother, a lot of monsters in different levels are waiting for him, would you like to join Monino's rescue action? Go!

  5. #85
    Gameloft hat mal wieder nen Sale, diemsla hauptsächlich für iPad Games.

    First time in AAAGESS i bought an actual JRPG.

  6. #86
    Death Rally dieses Wochenende für 79c.

    It's awesome.

  7. #87
    I'm gonna keep posting in this bitch.

    Final Fantasy Tactics Port scheint immernoch am leben zu sein. From Sqenix Facebook.

    Zitat Zitat
    Hello. I'm Shiina, the assistant producer of
    "FINAL FANTASY TACTICS: The War of the Lions" for iPhone.

    It's so long, soooo loooong since we announced this title at E3 2010.
    I've read all the comments here (some of them hurts my mind >_<) and felt really sorry for the lack of information.
    The schedule for the iPhone titles can be fluid and FFT is not a completely new title.
    That's why we didn't post many topics.

    But now the development reaches the final step and we can see the actual schedule.
    Thus, YES, finally I can tell you when it will be released.

    FFT: WoL will be on sale somewhere between late June - mid July.
    We have announced "It's coming Spring 2011" last year
    so we're now working pretty hard for the release in June because July is not spring anymore.
    (BTW: Japan has a rainy season called Tsuyu in June. And after that, we feel summer is coming.)
    Zitat Zitat
    We're also making the iPad version which supports 1024x768px HD resolutions.
    Now a skillful pixcel artist re-draws the face graphics for example.

    Because of the HD support, the iPad version could be released slightly behind the iPhone ver.

    I'm also an assistant producer of CHAOS RINGS OMEGA which's coming this month.
    After its release, I think I can post the FFT topics more often and keep you updated.

    iPad Version?

  8. #88

    Badass Freakin' Administrator
    Du willst ernsthaft ein Produkt von SquareEnix kaufen? Was ist denn mit dir los?

  9. #89
    Wenn man zocken will, kommt man ums iPhone nicht herum. Ich hoffe ja immer noch, dass Square Enix mal einen weitergehenden FF6 Port angeht. Bis jetzt hat man sich bei keinem System daran getraut.

  10. #90
    Zitat Zitat von Knuckles Beitrag anzeigen
    Du willst ernsthaft ein Produkt von SquareEnix kaufen? Was ist denn mit dir los?
    Already have Secret of Mana.

  11. #91

    Badass Freakin' Administrator
    Zitat Zitat von Waku Beitrag anzeigen
    Already have Secret of Mana.
    Ich nehme mal an, weil der Kram noch aus den 90ern ist (als die Spiele von SE noch gut waren), oder?

  12. #92
    Zitat Zitat von Knuckles Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich nehme mal an, weil der Kram noch aus den 90ern ist (als die Spiele von SE noch gut waren), oder?
    Deal-Whore, so wie wir alle

  13. #93
    2,79€ for a Square iOS Game, COME ON.

  14. #94
    Sagmal Waku, was benutzt du für ne Schutzhülle?

    Und mandatory app Empfehlungen bitte

    Geändert von Gala (19.05.2011 um 17:11 Uhr)

  15. #95
    Smart Cover.

    It really does work.

    Appwise, well depends.

    Garageband *Essential
    Kindle *Essential
    Instapapper *Essential
    Aweditorium *Essential
    CloudReaders *Essential (only for Comics)
    The Final Hours of Portal 2*Essential
    Touch Mouse
    Battleheart *Essential
    Garage Inc. HD
    Great Solitaire HD
    Drawn - The Tower
    Death Race *Essential
    Infinity Blade
    Mirror's Edge *Essential
    Osmos *Essential
    Plants vs. Zombies *Essential
    Cleopatras Pyramid HD
    Sword & Sworcery EP *Essential
    Secret of Mana
    Star Battalion HD
    Tiny Wings *Essential
    World of Goo
    Zen Puzzle Garden

    Well that went longer than expected.

  16. #96
    My Backlog.... somebody please help me ;_;.

    Heute Sim City for iPad und Gameloft's Zelda Clone.

    So.... cheap....

  17. #97

  18. #98
    Zitat Zitat von Waku Beitrag anzeigen
    It's... it's... Peggle!

    Coin Drop.

    Oh cool ... danke für den Tipp

  19. #99
    Play Tiny Tower.

    Like Little Computer People + Crack. Only better.

  20. #100
    Zitat Zitat von Skar Beitrag anzeigen
    Play Tiny Tower.

    Like Little Computer People + Crack. Only better.
    It's fucking boring. Man macht kaum etwas weil alles auf das dumme Zeit OMG SPEED IT UP? BUY OUR MOONIES hinausläuft. Aber ich kann nicht aufhören es zu spielen. :/

    Hauptsächlich weil Yoot's Tower nie On Sale ist, Fuck you, Yoot.


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