Hier geht's weiter.... hab wie im alten Thread die EXP/FOL/IC-Tipps auf die erste Seite genommen.

Genereller WD-Tip zum Verhindern von Abstürzen des Spiels:

>>>>>>>>>> UNBEDINGT die Void/Silence Spells der AI-Charas deaktivieren... denn die führen zu Abstürzen... im WD speziell nervig. Zudem möglichst NIE Charas im Kampf auswechseln, die Status-Veränderungen auf sich haben... führt ebenfalls zu Abstürzen. <<<<<<<<<<

Tip 0) Alle IC Rezepte erfinden

Geht am schnellsten, wenn Ihr alle Gruppenkombinationen systematisch durchgeht. Vorher unbedingt die entsprechenden Skills auf LV10 hochstufen!

Ed Edge
Re Reimi
Fa Faize/Arumat
Ly Lymle
Ba Bacchus
Me Meracle
My Myuria
Sa Sarah

Ed - Re - Fa - Ly - Ba - Me - My - Sa

Ed Re - Ed Fa - Ed Ly - Ed Ba - Ed Me - Ed My - Ed Sa
Re Fa - Re Ly - Re Ba - Re Me - Re My - Re Sa
Fa Ly - Fa Ba - Fa Me - Fa My - Fa Sa
Ly Ba - Ly Me - Ly My - Ly Sa
Ba Me - Ba My - Ba Sa
Me My - Me Sa
My Sa

Ed Re Fa - Ed Re Ly - Ed Re Ba - Ed Re Me - Ed Re My - Ed Re Sa
Ed Fa Ly - Ed Fa Ba - Ed Fa Me - Ed Fa My - Ed Fa Sa
Ed Ly Ba - Ed Ly Me - Ed Ly My - Ed Ly Sa
Ed Ba Me - Ed Ba My - Ed Ba Sa
Ed Me My - Ed Me Sa
Ed My Sa

Re Fa Ly - Re Fa Ba - Re Fa Me - Re Fa My - Re Fa Sa
Re Ly Ba - Re Ly Me - Re Ly My - Re Ly Sa
Re Ba Me - Re Ba My - Re Ba Sa
Re Me My - Re Me Sa
Re My Sa

Fa Ly Ba - Fa Ly Me - Fa Ly My - Fa Ly Sa
Fa Ba Me - Fa Ba My - Fa Ba Sa
Fa Me My - Fa Me Sa
Fa My Sa

Ly Ba Me - Ly Ba My - Ly Ba Sa
Ly Me My - Ly Me Sa
Ly My Sa

Ba Me My - Ba Me Sa
Ba My Sa

Me My Sa

1) Magical Clay Farming

Magical Clay braucht man in Massen für das Duplizieren von Items. Aus meiner Erfahrung ist es übrigens DEUTLICH schneller, mit Myuria anstatt mit Meracle zu stehlen. Und maximal können übrigens 4 zusätzliche Attack Chances benutzt werden.

Location: Seven Star Ruins Optional Dungeon, first floor, first group of enemies
What you do is run away after you finish stealing from bone knights
video of what it looks like
HIGH QUALITY DL http://rapidshare.com/files/20771972...n4_magclay.avi
LOW QUALITY STREAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3HKkkP_6Bs

Stealing Basics
Only Meracle and Myuria can steal in battle!
You need to be controlling the player to actually steal an item
You need to perform a "close-quarters attack" to steal more frequently (more detail on performing this below)
Adding "1 extra hit chance" increases your odds greatly
Upgrade the "STEAL" skill to 10 levels, this is no tthe same as "PICKPOCKET"

Who should I steal with?
Any is fine, its all a matter of preference, but I will give you the PROS and CONS of both

>Stealing with Meracle
PROS - No Guard Battle Skill (attack uninterrupted, seamless stealing)
PROS - High running speed
PROS - Close quarters move seperates who you steal from, from the rest of the pack
CONS - When close quarters move does not activate, her claw animations are long and do big damage
CONS - When she misses an attack, expect delays
CONS - Too strong, sometimes kills before stealing item

>Stealing with Myuria
PROS - Wide area of attack (steal from 5-6 enemies at once)
CONS - Runs slower than Meracle
CONS - Gets interrupted because she lacks "No guard" battle skill
CONS - Lower defense, could die trying to steal

My Gear Setup
!!No Weapon!!
Less damage is better for stealing, YOU CANT STEAL FROM DEFEATED ENEMIES

!!Any armor!!
anything so you dont die - KAAAAY?

Neck accessory mods
>Any skill from item accessory
>1 extra hit chance per attack
>1 extra hit chance per attack
>1 extra hit chance per attack

Wrist accessory mods
>1 extra hit chance per attack (slayers bangle default slot 1 skill)
>1 extra hit chance per attack
>1 extra hit chance per attack
>1 extra hit chance per attack

Slayers Bangle & Ashlay Monster Jewel will give you the +1 extra attack mod through item creation

Close Quarters attack
>Run right up to the enemy, you want to be nudging them when you hit the attack button,

I don't get it, explain why you don't equip a weapon!
>That's just what I like to do because my attack is 9999 with a weapon and sometimes the bone knights die before I get any items. No weapons means you have more chances at taking items.

Your tips suck, id rather spend 15+ minutes doing ENII -> AEOS runs !
>have fun swapping cd's and running around the map

2) LV200/255 in 1-2 h mit EXP +820%

Maxing out +EXP% factors.

First, you need to buy a lot of sacrificial dolls and any weapon that has no factors on it preferably the cheap ones, like Silvance which you can find on Roak and En II.

Expanded on Kouli's:

- Combine Sacrificial Doll with Aqua Berry.
1. Revive, shatter.
2. +30% poison resistance.

- Combine the above with another Aqua Berry.
1. Revive, shatter.
2. +30% poison resistance.
3. +30% poison resistance.

- Combine the above with Curry Rice.
1. Revive, shatter.
2. +30% poison resistance.
3. +30% poison resistance.
4. +15% EXP

- Pick a weapon with no factors then combine it with the above.
1. +20% EXP
2. Empty
3. Empty
4. Empty

- Repeat this for three more times.
1. +20% EXP
2. +20% EXP
3. +20% EXP
4. +20% EXP

Now you use this and merge it with any base weapon or accessory to transfer all this to it. For accessories, you can just do it 3 times, and just merge the weapon with a curry the 4th time and leave ATK+ crap on the last slot if you're feeling lazy, because accessories always have 1 slot taken so the bottom factor will always be deleted.

Empty weapon + Result of above:
1. +20% EXP
2. +20% EXP
3. +20% EXP
4. +20% EXP
TOTAL: 80% each.

Any accessory with 3 slots open + Result of above:
1. Slot taken by accessory factor
2. +15% EXP
3. +15% EXP
4. +15% EXP
TOTAL: 45% each.

With this - Each character has:
80% to weapon.
45% to accessory 1. (Ring)
45% to accessory 2. (Ring)
170% for each character x 4 = 680 + 140% board bonus max = 820% + (Ambush Bonus)

You're probably thinking, what does poison resistance have to do with EXP factors? The trick is that Revive, shatter and poison resistance don't carry over to weapons, so once you merge them only the +EXP factor carries over, and it leaves 3 empty slots. If you do it 4 times, you'll get a weapon full of +EXP factors, and no crappy ATK+ wasting a slot.

These factors work passively as long as the people with them equipped are in your active party.

Am besten für's Erreichen von LV200/255 eignen sich die Metal Scumbags auf Stockwerk 6 des 1. Bonus Dungeons.

Bacchus mit dem Scumbag Slayer ausrüsten, der Rest der Party mit den EXP-Equipments.

Black Hole Sphere sorgt dafür, dass alle Metal Scumbags dank Scumbag Slayer mit 20% Wahrscheinlichkeit sofort getötet werden.... gibt etwa 2 Millionen EXP, selbst bei Leveln oberhalb 200 gibt das 1-3 Level Ups aufs mal.

Nach dem Kampf etwa 3 Schritte zurücklaufen, mit Meracles Ocarina Skill die Metal Scumbags zurück-beschwören und wiederholen....

So ist das LV aller 8 Charas ruckzuck maximiert.

Um das LV-Cap 200 zu entfernen, braucht übrigens der jeweilige Chara mindestens 50% aller Battle Trophies.

3) 99'999'999 Fol in ~30-40 Minuten

If you are on Disc 3 (then you should have access to the Mille Feuille recipe doing the quest in En II from the shopkeeper)

If you have an item with 4 empty factor slots, you can do interesting trick to abuse to make near infinite amounts of cash in a VERY short time, making your item concerns a non-issue.

with the +40% Fol factor from Mille Feuille is a key effect here.

Mille Feuille needs the following ingredients

3x Pie Crust (can be purchased via Vending Machine 2 on Calnus)
1x Fresh Cream (can be purchased via Vending Machine 2 on Calnus)
1x Sweet Fruit (Ruddle in Tatroi and the Food Shop in Astral have this)

you will need all of the following items (ALL of the non IC items can be obtained in Tatroi)

4 Sacrificial Dolls
8 Aquaberries
4 Mille Feuille
1 weapon with 4 empty factors
Via synthesis do the following

Credit goes to Kouli for this information

Sacrificial Doll > Aquaberry
The Same Sacrificial Doll > Aquaberry
the same Sacrificial Doll > Mille Fuille

What this will do is create a Sacrificial Doll with the follow effects

Revive from Incap, then destroyed
30% Poison Resist
30% Poison Resist
+30% Fol after battle.

What is the point to this you may ask. When synthesizing this to a Weapon, ONLY the 40% Fol factor will be transferred over, meaning the Poison Resist and Incap / Destroy effects are negated.

Do this 3 more times and you can create a weapon that has

+40% FOL x4 = 160% Fol increase (with 4 characters all having a weapon with the same effects means you can have a gain of 640% Fol after battles. This does NOT included accessories for your neck and wrists included into the factor not to mention bonus board titles with +Fol % increase)

Now with all of that out of the way and you have some money gaining weaponry.

Go find a Thieving Scumbag enemy outside of Tatroi.

The Thieving Scumbag will occasionally attempt to Steal money from you (it is a fraction of your max Fol you have)

The key is letting them steal and then killing them immediately afterward. You get back the money you lost after battle but with the +% fol factor stacked on top of your money returned plus whatever you get from killing the enemies.

A Thieving Scumbag stealing your money caps at 99,999 Fol (it cannot exceed this amount, however you can get robbed Multiple times at 99,999 each)

99,999 Fol +640% = Almost 750,000 Fol gained...you can do this repeatedly and get insane amounts of money.

with maxed Fol gear
40% x4 for Weapon
30%x3 for Neck
30x3 for Wrist

99,999 FOL + 1340% = 1.4 Million Fol per battle (more if you get robbed more then once a battle)

the best way for letting Scumbags steal is charge the rush button (this drops your defense and allows you to be hit) simply kill the Scumbags immediately after you see the money loss show up during battle.

Besser als die Thieving Scumbags bei Tatroi eigenen sich übrigens die Metal Scumbags auf Stockwerk 6 des 1. Bonus Dungeons, die wir schon für's Leveln missbraucht haben.

Wieder Bacchus in die Party nehmen, aber ne normale Waffe ausrüsten. Den Rest der Party mit den FOL-Equipments.

Erneut Black Hole Sphere spammen... die Metal Scumbags, die noch nicht im Rush Mode sind, können dank Black Hole Sphere nicht fliehen, im Rush Mode dagegen fliehen sie sowieso nicht, stehlen aber massenhaft FOL.

Also dafür sorgen, dass während ca. 15 min permanent mindestens eine Black Hole Sphere aktiv ist.

Wenn's genug ist, bei Bacchus im Kampf die FOL-Waffe mit nem Scumbag Slayer austauschen... schwupps, die Metal Scumbags mit Black Hole Sphere Insta-Töten und pro 15 min gibts so an die 40'000'000 Fol.

Unbedingt vor jedem Besuch des WD (2. Bonus Dungeon) machen, da allenfalls Santa auftaucht und ihr von ihm vorzugsweise 20 tri-Emblems (2 Millionen Fol pro Stück IIRC) für's Synthen kaufen solltet.

4) Ultimatives IC-Equipment (für IQ empfohlen!)

Weapons: Super Laser Weapon
Laser Weapon x1: 16/16 Max Synth Uses.
1 Synth Use: Make another weapon with 4 factors you want on it and synth it to the Laser Weapon.
Rest or 15; Drown it in tri-Emblems.

Factors I've seen recommended:
HP Damage+35% (gilt nur für Standard-Attacken, IMO nutzlos!)
Adds another attack chance.
MP management factors.
Increases critical hit chance.
+5% to all stats
Stun effect.

Armor: Super Laser Suit
Laser Suit x1: 16/16 Max Synth Uses.
1 Synth Use: Make another armor with 4 factors you want on it and synth it to the Laser Suit.
Rest or 15; Drown it in tri-Emblems.

Factors I've seen recommended:
Nullifies HP damage 25% of the time.

Accessory (Neck):
1 Synth Use: Factors again.
Rest: tri-Emblems.

Factors I've seen recommended:
Adds another hit chance.
Anti-Void: Important. Void renders all equipment factors useless until removed.
Anti-Silence: Important. Can't spam skills if you're silenced.
Anti-Paralysis: Important, should already be on your Super tri-Emblum though.
Rush gauge charge rate+
Moar stat boosts.
Critical hit.
Other status ailment immunities.

Accessory (Wrist): Super Tri-Emblum

Here is the best wrist accessory. Better than what most people use...

First off you need 8 Tri-emblems (buy in the WD) and 1 Tri-Emblum (drop from scumbags), also you need 1 Duel armor(buy on En II) and 1 Darkness charm (find in a chest). Lastly, you need at least 1 Alchemist's Robes and the Duplicate skill.

Okay. Now first we are going to create Elemental 20 armor. This means it has 20 defence to all elemental type magic. This is with the duel armor and darkness charm. So, dupe the Darkness Charm (DC) 5 times. Synth those on to the duel armor(DA) until you get +2 for all types. You may need to synth a few DCs together before putting them on the DA because of the limited synth slots on the DA. Once you have +2 for all types on you DA, dupe it. Now synth those on to your alchemist robes (AR). You should have an AR with +2 all types.

Dupe that twice. Syth both the dupes on to the original AR to get +4. Dupe that once and add it to the original for +6. Dupe and add for +9. Dupe and add for +13. Dupe twice and add both to original for +20.

Now dupe that +20 four times. Next synth each of those 4 onto a Tri-Emblem. IMPORTANT: Tri-Emblem is the base, the +20 clone gets added to it. This makes 4 Tri-Emblems with +10 elemental defence. Finally synth those four Tri-Emblems plus 4 normal Tri-Emblems onto your Tri-Emblum.

What you will now have is an Ultimate Tri-Emblum with 1600 ATK 1600 INT and 800 DEF/HIT/GRD that also has +20 elemental defence. Dupe that for 1 clay each for each of your characters.

Now why all the trouble for the +20? Simple. +20 makes you IMMUNE to all elemental magic. It will all do 0 damage to you now. On top of that it can't stagger you anymore. This means you can stand in the middle of a Terra Hammer or Explosion and just keep attacking without stopping. PLUS, physical attacks from enemies that are elemental added won't hurt either. For example Imperfect Armaros will attack you by jamming his tentacles into the ground and hitting you from beneath. But it is water element so 0 damage! Same goes for the little spikes that the bloodtails send out. NICE!