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-"The world setting, story and other elements have no relation," explained Takahashi on connections to past Xeno games. "It's a completely new title."

-"Xenoblade's background story starts thousands or maybe tens of thousands of years in the past as two great gods waged a great battle. In the end, all that was left of the two gods were two giant corpses. Xenoblade is set on top of those two corpses."

-"The entire game world is set on the top of the corpses of these two gods. The rest of the world is nothing but ocean. It's an entirely enclosed space. You won't find outer space if you look up. And it does not seem to be the case that the two gods are resting on a planet."

-"Takahashi actually gave a pretty specific size to the world. From one end of the corpse to the other (I'm not sure if he's referring to just one corpse or both combined), the world is about the size of Japan."

-"But it may be larger than it looks. Areas of the world will open up as you progress through the story, and you'll eventually enter the body of one of the gods."

-"Areas of the world correspond to parts of the gods' bodies (no jokes now!). You'll find a wide variety to the world, from different weather to varied monster ecology. As an example of some of the regional features, Takahashi said that you can head to the top of one of the gods to see an aurora."

-"Not surprisingly, your quest is tied in closely with the unique setting. Residents of the two corpses are enemies. The player is on one god, which is home to a population of organic life. The other side of the world has mechanical life. Explaining how the story starts, Takahashi said, "It's simple -- the fight against mechanical life that threatens the peace of mankind."

-"Your movement through the world will be seamless. "We've put effort into this," said Takahashi, "because we felt that in order to show a living world, we needed an overwhelming sense of scale, like that of an MMORPG."

-"Exploration of the world looks like it could be one of the game's charms. Takahashi said that he hopes players will simply walk around in search of special unexplored areas which have beautiful settings. You'll get experience for just finding these. Some areas include monsters that can't be defeated at first. Once you've powered your character up, you'll want to return to take on those beasts."


Klingt alles sehr geil. Mit Takahashi und evtl. auch Honne an Bord, bin ich extrem gespannt auf das Dingen.