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Thema: [DEMO] Muse

  1. #1

    [DEMO] Muse

    [FONT="Arial Black"]
    Muse - DEMO 1[/FONT]
    (does not involve the band)
    a game by

    A sci-fi horror adventure game created originally for the_nackster's contest.
    Made in 3 days because YummyDrumsticks was stupid.
    This is just an introduction for the game.

    The story follows Selim Shirazi, a young engineer, aboard space
    station the Vestel. It's hard to explain more without
    giving anything away...



    That is the real version. This is the contest version (
    I uploaded the wrong file ... but this is the one that was submitted anyways.

    You can vote for entries of the contest this was created for here (as well as see other entries):

    ------------------------------ IN BAD GERMAN!

    Ein Spiel von

    Ein Science-Fiction-Horror-Adventure-Spiel ursprünglich für the_nackster den Wettbewerb.
    Made in 3 Tage , weil YummyDrumsticks war dumm.
    Dies ist nur eine Einführung für das Spiel.

    Die Geschichte folgt Selim Shirazi, ein junger Ingenieur, an Bord des Space
    Station der Vestel . Es ist schwer zu erklären, ohne mehr
    was alles weg ...


    Das ist die wahre Version. Dies ist die Wettbewerbs-Version ([url] [/ rl])
    Ich habe die falsche Datei ... aber das ist es, die sie ohnehin.

    Sie können Einträge für die Abstimmung des Wettbewerbs, so wurde auch hier (wie auch weitere Einträge):

    Apparently my friend and I were banned from the contest because. Sorry guys. I hope you enjoy it anyways.

    Geändert von YummyDrumsticks (02.01.2009 um 09:52 Uhr)

  2. #2
    I'm just playing it now and the effect in the intro is wrong. If the planets are nearer than the stars in the background they should move faster, BECAUSE they're nearer. So it just looks weird.

    Geändert von Mivey (03.01.2009 um 04:01 Uhr)

  3. #3
    Zitat Zitat von Mivey Beitrag anzeigen
    I'm just playing it now and the effekt in the intro is wrong. If the planets are nearer than the stars in the background they should move faster, BECAUSE they're nearer. So it just looks weird.
    Ooooh, I'll get that fixed...

  4. #4
    Uhm... is it right that the demo ends when i follow the guy into the washing room?
    However, the game looks really cool so far, the maping and atmosphere are great, you only should eventually add some kind of panorama windows anywhere so the players have a better feeling of really beeing in space.
    But its really anoying that most of the lighteffects are placed wrong or are missing... D:

    Zitat Zitat von YummyDrumsticks Beitrag anzeigen
    Apparently my friend and I were banned from the contest because. Sorry guys. I hope you enjoy it anyways.
    What, why? And does this mean you're not going to finish the game?

  5. #5
    I think you might have downloaded the wrong version. One verision has all of the light effects (that's the first link) the second link was the one used for the contest because I accidentally uploaded the wrong one. :-S

    We were banned from the contest because we were accused of cheating. The guy who sponsored it said we worked on the game before the he two-month contest even started, which makes no sense because the game is eight minutes long (we worked on it the last two days before it was due). Me thinks that he did it because he just didn't like the game. >_> I don't know if the Germany community has this problem, but RM2K3 games are not well-liked by some people.

  6. #6
    Zitat Zitat von YummyDrumsticks Beitrag anzeigen
    RM2K3 games are not well-liked by some people.
    WTFridge? No one hates 2k3 games ( except creepy guys >_> ). But it isn't a reason to bann a game. Just like you bann a XP game because you doesn't like the graphiks or because it's to modern.u_U

    This game ist very good. But some little things doesn't match.
    The other guys above me named the points.

    Erm yeah... don't worry, be happy .__.

  7. #7
    No, i downloaded the version you linked first, but the second one is the right one... i think you mistook the versions. However, the 0.8-version is way better. ^^
    And no, i don't think anyone of "us" has such problems with the 2k3... i mean, why sould they? ô_O
    But i'm still wondering if you're still working on the game or stopped because you're banned...?

  8. #8
    Were there any evidences or hints that you started the project before these two months?

  9. #9
    Nope. You can read the thread. The guy just ignored it when we called him out on it.

    And no, we aren't quitting the game.

  10. #10
    I've read the thread about that contest and there are two things that I have to say
    1. this nackster guy is unfair!!

    2. WTF? Why has he hitler as his avatar? That's... sick!

    Geändert von Mivey (03.01.2009 um 19:15 Uhr)

  11. #11
    Zitat Zitat von Mivey Beitrag anzeigen
    2. WTF? Why he has hitler as his avatar? That's... sick!
    He represents his soul.

    Geändert von treeghost (03.01.2009 um 14:14 Uhr)


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