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Thema: Hello everyone ! question for some of you =)

  1. #1

    Hello everyone ! question for some of you =)

    Hello, I'm sorry I can't speak german ^^'

    My name is Zephirice and i'm looking for an enquiery =)

    I've played to a game name "Alte macht X " and I need to known how can I join the author of this game beacause I have some questions for him .

    Thanks you very much and again sorry for not speaking german

  2. #2

    Mani Gast
    The author named Kai.
    But I think he isn't in this Forum. :/

  3. #3
    Okay, thanks you =)

    Do you have an idear where I can go to find him ?

    Because, i need to known where he find this background :

    The woman, i want to known where she come from ^^'''

  4. #4
    What about searching with google?
    Just try the name of the game. I think you will find some threads from the author, so you can try to contact him there.
    I can't tell you where the woman came from because I don't know that game (punish me XD)
    But when I saw this picture, I really wanted to play it )

    Good luck ^^


    (Deine englische Rechtschreibung ist ziemlich schlecht ^^ Oder ist das ein Dialekt XD)

  5. #5
    Lol, ok I've already done this thing and I posted on many forums but nobody could help me so, i came here to known if he was here... But no luck, he isn't here so, i will continue to search =)

    thanks everyone =)
    If you known how i can contact him or the name of the game for the picture, tell me please ^^

    thanks again =))

    (ps: i'm not english lol i'm french... my speaking is not really good too lol )

    Geändert von Zephirice (01.03.2008 um 16:37 Uhr)

  6. #6

    je ne parle pas bien francais, mais je essaye.

    tu as deja lu le crdits? ce peut-être un email.

  7. #7
    Ah ? je n'y avais pas pensé sur la dés le début on joue sans voir les crédit ^^' ok merci
    (Translation )
    Ah ?
    I didn't think about this possibility because when i played i didn't see any credit at the beggining of the game...

    ok Thanks =)

  8. #8

    savoir francais c'est super.

    je pense que je n'ai rien besoin francais, mais je me suis trompé

  9. #9
    =) ton français est compréhensible pour moi t'inquiète pas ^^'
    Bon courage pour ton apprentissage lol


    Your french isn't bad for me, i understand ^^',

    so good luck in the practicing of the language ^^'

  10. #10
    Ehr...quant à l'auteur, il a l'air de se tenir strictement à l'écart - c'est un grand mystère, même pour la communauté allemande, parce qu'il crée des jeux d'une qualité 'basse' (comparé avec des autres jeux du genre) et ne se monte jamais en public. De cette raison, je doute qu'il y ait quelque indication pour le contacter.

    Ce qui concerne la déesse, je pense guère qu'on puisse la trouver sur google, mais le stil de l'image me rappelle à celui de Final Fantasy (bref, je pensais à FF VI, à cause des liens avec la culture arabe [les bras additionnel pourraient indiquer, qu'il s'agit de Shiva] mélangée avec un stil futuriste, mais je crois, moi, que ce soit diffèrement là ... eh ben, il me faut ajouter, que je n'ai jouer aucune part de la série).
    Franchement, c'est juste une présomption =/.

    Tiens; peux-je encore demander, pourquoi tu as besoin de cette information ? =)

    ...ich denke an Final Fantasy, weil die Mischung aus arabischer Kultur und diesem futuristischen Stil ziemlich markant ist (meines Wissens nach sehen viele gerippte Bilder, Animationen, etc. von FF VI ähnlich aus, beispielsweise bei Eternal Legends...), allerdings hab ich keinen Teil der Reihe gespielt ;_;" - vielleicht kann jemand damit was anfangen, ist aber nur ne vage Vermutung.

  11. #11
    Wah, un autre fançais ou quelqu'un se débrouillant comme un chef !

    Pour répondre a ta question, simplement parce que elle pourrait representer une partie importante du jeu que j'essaye de mettre en place sous rpg maker 2003 ^^'

    Sa particularité a posséder plusieurs bille rouge comme on peut le voir peut servir d'emplacement a certain objet de mon jeu.
    Sinon en dehors de cela il ne s'agit pas des Final fantasy ça j'ai vérifié ^^'

    In order to respond to your question, this woman could represent an important part of my futur game... In fact, she have many red pearl that could be the place for important item.
    However, she didn't come from any Final Fantasy game, I look at them before coming here..

  12. #12
    I do not think, that this woman is from a game.

    It looks more like a painting or a artwork - not like old SNES-Graphics ^^

    IF it is from a game, so maybe its from Metroid - because it looks very futuristics.

  13. #13
    Metroid is a snes game isn't it ?

    because many people and i think because of the graphic, the woman came from an arcade game like SNK or King of fighter...

    But i will take a look on this game ^^'

    thanks !

  14. #14
    I do not know, if it is from Metroid (own that game, but did not play it at all). Most likely it is an artwork or painting. And yes: I mean Metroid for SNES, but it can also be one of the GBA-Games.

    I do not think it is from SNK or something like that.

    But, cant you take the background from the game? It has to be in one of the folders o.O

  15. #15
    I will take a look for metroid on GBA...

    any way, the background like this doesn't interest me, if they don't have any ugly little statues and platform before the angel woman, i would not came here to ask me question ^^''

  16. #16
    I´m sure it´s not from metroid, because I own every metroid-game and I´m pretty sure there is nothing similar to that woman at all...

  17. #17
    Hum...Ok, i haved looking at 3 metroid game and like "Saranyo" I don't see any woman... so i willl continue to search her =)
    If anyone have some idear, just tell me =) !!!

    thanks !

  18. #18
    Um I think i know from his game the background come.
    Ok I can`t remembered me on this background but its the self Graphic how this game.
    But sadly I have forgotten the name of this game.
    I can it only describe.

    Its a mix off Castlevenia and Siedler.
    You must rescue different lands from a World.
    in the frst part you play a knight and you must fighting trough a level in the second part you must building a civilisation with a little angel in the third part you play the knight again and you must defeatet a endboss.
    and thats so in every land.
    It was a great game but I can`t find it in my home.
    on of my favourite games for the SNES

    Sorry for my really bad english.

    Geändert von Klunky (04.03.2008 um 23:55 Uhr)

  19. #19
    I know which game you mean:
    Its Act Raiser for SNES!

  20. #20
    Oh, if your are right it will be great !!

    Act raiser, i played the first but there is no angel so i think it's the second game, ok i will take a look !

    thanks you very much !!


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