Only adults are allowed to play children's card games!

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  1. GFlügel
    Damn this kid moves fast.
  2. Lynx
    Playing card games is just like making love. You usually do it on a table, and you always feel deep shame when it's finished. Also, the older you get, the less fun it is. So remember, always wear a condom when playing card games.
  3. drunken monkey
    drunken monkey
    This little boy has saved me. Perhaps he is not as Jewish as I had first suspected.
  4. Lynx
    "OK, time out! Does anybody believe for even one second that this guy is a ghost?"
    "I do!"
    "Anyone besides Tristan?"
    "I do!"
  5. drunken monkey
    drunken monkey
    They don't call me "Florence" for nothing...
  6. Lynx
    Listen Yug, I lost a card game to Kaiba too, but I didn't get all mopey about it. Even when I started having these really erotic dreams about it! I mean I was in a dog suit, and everything! Wait a minute, have you been having dream sex with Kaiba behind my back? Answer me, you two-timing bastard!
  7. drunken monkey
    drunken monkey
    This is almost as exciting as my favourite movie, Pearl Harbor! Those Japanese bastards got what was coming to them... in America!
  8. Lynx
    Please don't kill me! I have three best friends! Kill them instead!
  9. drunken monkey
    drunken monkey
    Shut up Charmander! I mean, Mokuba.
  10. GFlügel
    Holy Ra! These guys are cheating! Just like every other character on this show.
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