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31.08.2007, 02:51

Juicebox - bar tells the life of a playboy who is tryin to make money with a bar, earned by ineritance.
Note: I'm a brazilian guy and this game is in Portuguese. When I finish it, I'll translate it to English then P-Games will do it to German! ;D

this is the english version!



Although it's a simulation game, will have a history!
You'll play as a rich young boy. One day, his grandfather dies and his inheritance is divided between his sons and gransons.
You were the family's black sheep, so you received the smallest part: an old house. So you decide to rebuild your life and start a bar career!

Special thanks to:

True Master for making the HUD
Fire_Hand for making the ingredients
felipemasterx and Macaco for beta-testing
Igor K. for some graphic works


Serving the clients:
In the opposite of the beta, now you'll serve the clients by yourself! Just push the buttons 1 to 6 as the people pop up. But be quick, cos they won't wait to much.

Making the drinks:
I'll try to create a big variety of drinks to be prepared. Everything for the people's happiness!

Now you can have trade with other establishments! You can make treaties with them.

City Events:
In Myeza, along the year, there will have some events, like the carnival or the christmas. During an event day, a few more people will appear, like a popularity bonus. At the end of the day, you can go to the event place. I'm planning something like having relationships with some girls... =)

You can upgrade your bar changing things like the wallpaper, objects and stuff. Every upgrade you do, will raise your popularity!

The clients:
There will be more than 10 differents kind of normal clientes and more 10 of special ones. Each one has its own favourite drinks.

Game Type:
You can play as 3 gamming type: Career (you play as the story line tell you so); Mission (you choose a difficulty and should try to accomplish it) or Freedom Mode (there's no time limit ot mission).

Along you grow up as a barman, you may earn awards which gives you money and/or a popularity/reputation bonus.

Temperature and Climate:
During a hot day, you shouldn't forget to give to your clients a drink without some ice cubes!

Trading with the Arju Factory, you can get some good tools, like a mixing glass or a refrigerator. They'll all help you with you bar career.

You can't grow up as a barman only making juices. So if you really want to be a bar master, just improve your skills, spending some hours studiyng. You start with one skill star, and can only reach 10. So it's pretty hard to obtain one. But it really helps!


Screen 01 (http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3702/renew01he4.png)
Screen 02 (http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/7498/renew02wy1.png)
Screen 03 (http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/7577/renew03bk8.png)
Screen 04 (http://i23.tinypic.com/2urma6t.jpg)
Screen 05 (http://i22.tinypic.com/es5ft3.jpg)
Screen 06 (http://i23.tinypic.com/6ih6o1.jpg)
Screen 07 (http://himg339.imageshack.us/img339/9192/renew05dj3.png)
Screen 08 (http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/9796/renew01aca5.png)
Screen 09 (http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/3500/renew02aup3.png)
Screen 10 (http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/2519/renew09et3.png)
Screen 11 (http://i21.tinypic.com/35d97p3.jpg)
Screen 12 (http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/8233/renew04ql8.png)
Screen 13 (http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4152/jbss06of6.png)
Screen 14 (http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/1517/jbss10hb3.png)
Screen 15 (http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/1694/jbss09se0.png)
Screen 16 (http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/9718/jbss07or4.png)
Screen 17 (http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/915/jbss08pv4.png)


It will work like a mini-game, where you should interact with the girls while in an event. It's simple, very simple, but sometimes it can cost you a bit of boxes (money). Here are the girls:

In order (from the left to the right): Biscoito, Daisy, Agatha and Jane.
Interacting to them will take some hours, so you can't do everything with them all. =]
Why would I spend my precious time talking to these girls?
Well, when one of them likes you, you can take her to your room.
When you wake up (and she's gone), you'll receive a prize. It doesn't worth a box, but it will be show at your profile screen, like a trophy.

Always happy and love animals, nature and stuff.

She talks, walks and acts like a child, but she's very cleaver. Loves big cities and she's vegetarian.

She is very reserved and shy, so it can complicate things to you. Likes to read books and help others.

She's hard... to talk! She can say the whole vocabulary in minutes! And is know in whole city... well, you should know why. Loves eletronic gadgets and stuff.

Note: I didn't tried to copy any girl from the Harvest Moon, although I saw they got similar... =/ Hope there's no problem to you...

Business System:

Well, the establishments (distributter, factory, supermarket and snack bar) will growing up randomly (this is another system). And while they grow up, you can find for sale some good new items, and they can try to make a trade treaty with you.

Reputation, Popularity and Progress:

These numbers show how well the people see you.
You can raise it by serving your clients well.
How better, nicer crew you pop up!

It shows how known your bar is.
Raise it by upgrading your place.
How better it is, more people.

It shows how well are you in the game. It will calculate upgrades, your recipe book, your skills, etc...

Barman Skills:
Oh yeah! When you acess the profile window, it will show you how skilled you are. This skill you improve the variety of drinks you can make. So you must have a good skill before trying to serving to better clientes: the riches ones.
To improve your skills, just press Enter while in "profile" and you spend some hours of your day studying! It's very simple.

Last Info:

Juicebox - bar is a bar_master's GAME
Since: 11/15/06 (but I stopped sometimes... )
Finished: 20/11/07

I hope you all enjoy my game!

31.08.2007, 10:02
wow that is class a Game^^and why on Spanish or is the
France??the screens longs fenominal aus.Sorry for my
bad englisch.

31.08.2007, 10:29
Sounds quite interesting. ^^ But I think the minority of the community is able to understand portuguese. The game-play is unique. Not my taste really. You took M&B-Chipset and editited it? The mapping of the kitchen is very simple. Try to put more accessories in it. However, could be a nice game. Translate your game please then upload the new version. Could be a nice game ^^ :)

31.08.2007, 12:50
Very very nice :A
And sure a good idea! ;)

The screens look very great.
Now i test the Beta.
Sorry too for my bad Englisch! :(

Echt schade, dass das Spiel nicht in Deutsch ist. Das wäre sicher sehr gut und wäre bestimmt ein klassiker!

31.08.2007, 13:49
Echt schade, dass das Spiel nicht in Deutsch ist. Das wäre sicher sehr gut und wäre bestimmt ein klassiker!

Viele kommerzielle Spiele werden übersetzt. Wenn bar_master es ins Englische übersetzt, kann es ja jemand anderes ins Deutsche übersetzen. Wäre bestimmt interessant, ich würde mich dafür anbieten.

@ bar_master
So it's a good idea to translate the game into english. Although I'm not an english-master I could translate it into german, what do you think?

31.08.2007, 19:21
wow that is class a Game^^and why on Spanish or is the France??the screens longs fenominal aus.Sorry for my bad englisch. Aron~
No, this game is in portugues, which is my natural language. ^^ Thanks

Sounds quite interesting. ^^ But I think the minority of the community is able to understand portuguese. The game-play is unique. Not my taste really. You took M&B-Chipset and editited it? The mapping of the kitchen is very simple. Try to put more accessories in it. However, could be a nice game. Translate your game please then upload the new version. Could be a nice game ^^
Thanks for your words.
But I'm thinking about translate it into English, but I want to be sure it would be well accepted by you! Now, I think i had this sure!
About the maps: i don't know if it's Mac, because I didnt even select them. I just picked anything to make a "skeleton" map. I'll edit later. ;D

Very very nice And sure a good idea! The screens look very great. Now i test the Beta. Sorry too for my bad Englisch!
Don't mind! I'm note a good english-speaker, too. Thanks for your post.

So it's a good idea to translate the game into english. Although I'm not an english-master I could translate it into german, what do you think?
Oh My! It would be very nice! :D This game is about to be finished, and when I do it, will translate into English...

Thanks again to you all people!
I would like to post in your threads, because I saw marvelous projects here!
The german community is an exemple for us!
( brazilian games are getting worse every day... :( )

See ya!

31.08.2007, 20:07
I cannot good Englisch but i its a very good game!:)
The GoodGames are only every in English :(

Ich kann nicht gut Englisch aber das ist ein Super Spiel :)
Die guten Games sind immer aus anderen Ländern. :(

When you a little bit German can read this.
Ich hab mir schon ewig so ein Spiel gewünscht arbeite schon seit ner Ewigkeit an einem Strategiespiel Stätde bauen und jetzt gibts ein So gutes Game!

31.08.2007, 23:11
Wenn bar_master das Spiel fertig gestellt hat, wird er es ins Englische übersetzen. Danach nehme ich mir eine Übersetzung ins Deutsche vor. Ist doch mal was neues, ein Spiel zu übersetzen.

31.08.2007, 23:38
Wenn bar_master das Spiel fertig gestellt hat, wird er es ins Englische übersetzen. Danach nehme ich mir eine Übersetzung ins Deutsche vor. Ist doch mal was neues, ein Spiel zu übersetzen.
Yeah, he's right! (google translator helped me! xD)
My game is almost finished. There are some things to do yet, but I think I'll finish it in one or two months! :D

I cannot good Englisch but i its a very good game!
The GoodGames are only every in English
Thanks! But this game is in portuguese originally.
But now I'll translate it as P-games said.

31.08.2007, 23:42

Do you mean that the the game is almost finished? :eek:
I am very happy that P-Games translate the game in German.
I hope he make his work good! :D

31.08.2007, 23:44

Do you mean that the the game is almost finished? :eek:
I am very happy that P-Games translate the game in German.
I hope he make his work good! :D

Ja er sagt, dass es in 1-2 Monaten fertig sein wird, also wird es in etwa 2 Monaten in Deutsch verfügbar sein. Was das Übersetzen angeht, werde ich mein Bestes geben, meine Englischkenntnisse werden locker reichen.

31.08.2007, 23:58
Yes, just give me one or two months and you will can play it! (in portuguese, of course)
Then I translate it.

Here is the game's progress:

- bar upgrade
- warehouse (it shows you what you have)
- markers (it shows you your money, day, season, year...)
- profile (it shows you your skills and other information about your game)
- barman skill improvemment
- help guide
- Read to Newspaper
- client book

- Business
- Watching to TV (there's only the weather channel missing)

- serving to the clients
- city events
- recipe book
- making drinks
- relationship girl

I will edit this post as I finish something!

01.09.2007, 00:16
I cannot good Englisch but i its a very good game!:)
The GoodGames are only every in English :(

Ich kann nicht gut Englisch aber das ist ein Super Spiel :)
Die guten Games sind immer aus anderen Ländern. :(
Well, I will play that game when it comes out in English, 'couse althought this project is interesting, I don´t want to play it in another language than english or german. Nothing against Portuguese or other nationalities, but I want to understand it without an external tutorial ^^"
And you underestimate the german games, Goldenpati. Sure, there are some good foreign titles like Aurora´s Tear or (okay...) Destiny´s Call Complete, but Velsarbor, Unterwegs in Duesterburg and also Demon´s Banishing are good games from german developers.
And I heard of many foreign developers who praise german games more than games of their country
And I only named games for the Maker...

This project looks quite interesting (like written above). But I´m wondering how´d you approached to Multimediaxis. Just a coincidence while using Google or is it more than that?

01.09.2007, 00:29
Well, I will play that game when it comes out in English, 'couse althought this project is interesting, I don´t want to play it in another language than english or german. Nothing against Portuguese or other nationalities, but I want to understand it without an external tutorial ^^"
And you underestimate the german games, Goldenpati. Sure, there are some good foreign titles like Aurora´s Tear or (okay...) Destiny´s Call Complete, but Velsarbor, Unterwegs in Duesterburg and also Demon´s Banishing are good games from german developers.
And I heard of many foreign developers who praise german games more than games of their country
And I only named games for the Maker...

No, dont get me wrong! We don't understimate foreign games. When I told that I changed my concept about you, I was talking about your personality. We here always listen you are cold people. Notjing about your games.!

We have an official thread called "Foreign Games", where people get the best games they find in foreign boards! Germans games are often seen there! ;D
We like your games! They are so good! *.*
It's like an inspiration to us.!

This project looks quite interesting (like written above). But I´m wondering how´d you approached to Multimediaxis. Just a coincidence while using Google or is it more than that?
First I found the RPG Atelier site, in a portuguese forum's thread called "RPG Maker Sites". Months later (one day ago), I remember about it when I was looking for a good forum to post my project! :D

thanks for your post and sorry for the mistake!
We always loved your games, but here we think (and I thought) you are cold people... it's all prejudice!

NPC Fighter
01.09.2007, 01:28
Hello there. =)
I love the idea of a kind of managing simulation (I played games like Airline Tycoon and Casino Empire really excessively) and have never seen anything like this made with RM2k(3). So I was amazed when I read that your game might move into a mixture of all these Tycoon-Games and a kind of "The Sims" because of the possibilities to create your own bar with the given furniture.

So I'll look forward to a localized, english fullversion of your game. Good luck so far. :)

01.09.2007, 08:52
Wow,the Idea of a bar Game.....Really good!A long Time ago,i have often played a Pizza Game on the old Pc.That Game here is the same,but better!:A

Is a really good Simulation RPG MAKER Game.;)I have 50Minutes lots of Fun.

One Comment: I will to play the Fullversion!Ähm what do you make for the Fullversion?A Story?Or what?

PS: I hope my English is not to bad for you.:D

And now,Good luck!

01.09.2007, 11:29
No, dont get me wrong! We don't understimate foreign games. When I told that I changed my concept about you, I was talking about your personality. We here always listen you are cold people. Notjing about your games.!

We have an official thread called "Foreign Games", where people get the best games they find in foreign boards! Germans games are often seen there! ;D
We like your games! They are so good! *.*
It's like an inspiration to us.!
I didn´t got you wrong, I was speaking to Goldenpati when I said that he shouldn´t underestimate german games. Wasn´t talking to you at this part ^^"
But it wasn´t bad that you mixed my post up. Now we know your position about german games and Germans ^^
Cold people... Interesting prejudge, I had only known the british prejudge with the 'Krauts'.

First I found the RPG Atelier site, in a portuguese forum's thread called "RPG Maker Sites". Months later (one day ago), I remember about it when I was looking for a good forum to post my project! :D
Ah, interesting. My curiosity is now satisfied ^^

Hmm... When it wouldn´t bother you, could you tell us some very good foreign games? I haven´t discovered many english RPG-Maker sites. But most of the games from those sites are not bad, like the puzzle game Flitwick or Revelations: apokalyptic literature

01.09.2007, 20:00
I didn´t got you wrong, I was speaking to Goldenpati when I said that he shouldn´t underestimate german games. Wasn´t talking to you at this part ^^"

Oh sorry! It's because I didnt know what's "zitat von Goldenpati".. now I know what it is! lol
German is for sure one of the most hard-to-learn language! :D

But it wasn´t bad that you mixed my post up. Now we know your position about german games and Germans ^^
Cold people... Interesting prejudge, I had only known the british prejudge with the 'Krauts'.

Yeah, it's bit interesting what you think about people when you don't even know them. I'm ashamed of my past thoughts!

Hmm... When it wouldn´t bother you, could you tell us some very good foreign games? I haven´t discovered many english RPG-Maker sites. But most of the games from those sites are not bad, like the puzzle game Flitwick or Revelations: apokalyptic literature

Sure! I'll post it later... the most recent played game is "Sunset Over Imdahl" It's a fantastic job! It's... great! I loved... and you all should play it! when possible, I'll post a thread here talking about it.
I hope you don't care if it's in English... =p

Wow,the Idea of a bar Game.....Really good!A long Time ago,i have often played a Pizza Game on the old Pc.That Game here is the same,but better! Is a really good Simulation RPG MAKER Game.I have 50Minutes lots of Fun.One Comment: I will to play the Fullversion!Ähm what do you make for the Fullversion?A Story?Or what? PS: I hope my English is not to bad for you. And now,Good luck!

Thanks! I love the Tycoons game! They are really good... I had a lot of fun playing them.

Sorry, but i didn't understand it: "Ähm what do you make for the Fullversion?A Story?Or what?"
Are you asking what will I make for the Full?
Thanks for posting here!

Hello there. =)
I love the idea of a kind of managing simulation (I played games like Airline Tycoon and Casino Empire really excessively) and have never seen anything like this made with RM2k(3). So I was amazed when I read that your game might move into a mixture of all these Tycoon-Games and a kind of "The Sims" because of the possibilities to create your own bar with the given furniture.

So I'll look forward to a localized, english fullversion of your game. Good luck so far.
Oh, I heard about ONE simulation game.. it's like a roller coaster tycoon. But I lost its link. ='(
My game won't have the option of select what exactly furniture you want to have, but you can pay for "packs".

thanks for all! I'll post some new screens later! (everything in portuguese... =p )

I'm in love for the German community! lol \o/

01.09.2007, 22:41
Yep,you have right.;)My Ask was: What is new in the Fullversion ?Is in the Fullversion a Story or what?
I hope you can undertstand this now.:D
German is very easy!I´m from Italia,and German is for me easy.Because,i live 6Years here.:p Hehe.^^

02.09.2007, 00:02
Yep,you have right.My Ask was: What is new in the Fullversion ?Is in the Fullversion a Story or what?
I hope you can undertstand this now.
German is very easy!I´m from Italia,and German is for me easy.Because,i live 6Years here. Hehe.^^
Ah... well, while playing beta version you can only prepare juices, buy drinks, upgrade your bar and, obviously, sell what you have...

Now, in the Full version, you will have a lot of things to do... like choice your gameplay mode, have business relation, make deals, improve your skills to prepare more kind of drinks.... ah, there's a lot of things!

You can see everything reading the "Systems"

03.09.2007, 23:25
New Screens, nice.
They have all different fonts, and number 4,6 and 7 don't look very good because the font is ugly. :D But all the other Screenies look very well, so keep on going.

03.09.2007, 23:31
Ich hab auf deiner HP gelesen das du Juice Bar übersetzt?Oder habe ich mich verlesen?o.O

03.09.2007, 23:32
Ich hab auf deiner HP gelesen das du Juice Bar übersetzt?Oder habe ich mich verlesen?o.O

Les weiter vorne im Thread, da steht es auch, hast dich nicht verlesen. Nachdem es eine englische Version gibt, wirds von mir die deutsche geben. ;)

03.09.2007, 23:37
Les weiter vorne im Thread, da steht es auch, hast dich nicht verlesen. Nachdem es eine englische Version gibt, wirds von mir die deutsche geben. ;)

Dann mal viel Glück.Is nen klasse Game.Aber alles andere ist besser als das Portugisisch in der Demo.Ich habe nicht so recht verstanden.:D Man kann es aber auch so spielen.

04.09.2007, 01:54
New Screens, nice.
They have all different fonts, and number 4,6 and 7 don't look very good because the font is ugly. But all the other Screenies look very well, so keep on going.]

I'll try to improve it. Thanks.! :D

Ooh, I didn't understand a bit of you were talking about... =p

04.09.2007, 10:39
New Screens, nice.
They have all different fonts, and number 4,6 and 7 don't look very good because the font is ugly. But all the other Screenies look very well, so keep on going.]

I'll try to improve it. Thanks.! :D

Ooh, I didn't understand a bit of you were talking about... =p

Wow, the new Screens are looking great! Perfect work!
I hope you and P-Games are very quick to translate the game in english and in german.

05.09.2007, 22:04
Wow, the new Screens are looking great! Perfect work!
I hope you and P-Games are very quick to translate the game in english and in german.
Me too! :D

Here, P-Games! I've improved those screens! Look at them...

Nova Mensagem: texto = New Message: text
Nova Entrada: ícone = New Entry: icon
Alertas: texto = Alerts: text
Música: on = Music: on
Sons: on = Sounds: on
HUD... (dont need, do it?)

Modo: objetivo = Gameplay: mission
Dificuldade: difícil = Difficulty: hard
Habilidade = Skill
Tempo de Jogo = Playing Time
treinar = improve (your skill)
salvar = save

Those empties spaces will be used for a thing I won't say to you know... =p

06.09.2007, 16:53
Sure! I'll post it later... the most recent played game is "Sunset Over Imdahl" It's a fantastic job! It's... great! I loved... and you all should play it! when possible, I'll post a thread here talking about it.
I hope you don't care if it's in English... =p
Believe it or not, there´s already a german version of the game in the game database of this site ^^
Good game, but I played it only for a small time, doesn´t know anymore why I didn´t played it further. Have to play it again.
Maybe because I´m working on some projects like "Dragon Rider" (only a project title) or "Der Denker" (The Thinker).

I'm in love for the German community! lol \o/
Nice ^^ You´re welcome, anytime.

06.09.2007, 19:37
Believe it or not, there´s already a german version of the game in the game database of this site ^^
Good game, but I played it only for a small time, doesn´t know anymore why I didn´t played it further. Have to play it again.
Maybe because I´m working on some projects like "Dragon Rider" (only a project title) or "Der Denker" (The Thinker).
I think you shouldn't play it for much more time. It's small and don't have much tools. =]
The full version doesn't have anything more similar to the beta one.thanks

06.09.2007, 23:37
I think you shouldn't play it for much more time. It's small and don't have much tools. =]
The full version doesn't have anything more similar to the beta one.thanks
Are we talking about Sunset Over Imdahl? Or about Juicebox - bar?
I was talking about SOI in my last post either way.

btw "Zitat von [name]" means "Quote from [name]", I think you have asked yourself once what "Zitat von [name]" means. Am I right?

07.09.2007, 01:43
Are we talking about Sunset Over Imdahl? Or about Juicebox - bar?
Both. But I thought you were talking about my projet when you said "Good game, but I played it only for a small time, doesn´t know anymore why I didn´t played it further."
So sorry! ^^'

Yeah, I deduced myself that "zitat von xxx" means "quote from xxx".

I'll post the girls pics soon! Check it out! ;D

09.09.2007, 22:19
Who gives this charakter templattes of this 5 girls?

10.09.2007, 20:15
I made them by myself (not drawing, of course), using the tektek program.

-> If you thought someday Juicebox would been canceled or stopped, you were wrong, for sure. Since I posted here, I never stopped it.
But now I have excelent news:
The game is almost complete (about 85% PS> Portuguese Version)
There are a few things to do (such as serving system, finish the business system and others)
A lot of new screens...

A there's the greatest new comming! :D

29.10.2007, 08:30
Yeah, there is a trailer in the first post and also many new screens! They show that the game is getting something really interesting.

29.10.2007, 12:06
No, this game is in portugues, which is my natural language. ^^ Thanks

Ah ok nice Game xD

29.10.2007, 14:14
Ah ok nice Game xD

^^" There's a lot of news now. I'll post it on the end.

Yeah, there is a trailer in the first post and also many new screens! They show that the game is getting something really interesting.

I think the english version will come up only next year, unfortunally :(
Anyway, here's the news:

1 - the video, of course;
2 - The game's almost done. there's only about 5 systems undone;
3 - It should be released in this year;
4 - the screens, of course(2);
5 - I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! lol 8)

15.12.2007, 18:16
Sorry for the double post, but I think it's necessary.

I've already finished the game. It was very well accepted by my country people, there's a game guide on progress made by a fan. Now, I'll work on the translation. Hope you all enjoy!

There's a new vid, too. You can see its link on main post.


16.12.2007, 19:37
Thanks, KnightDragon!

Did you see the english vid? If you do, please, tell me what you think!

16.12.2007, 20:00
Nice Video.I like it.Unique isn't a good word for matchless.But its ok xD

17.12.2007, 15:37
My english is not good... =/

Anyway, the translation progress is going OK. Soon PX will have it...