Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Welcher HdR-Charakter seid ihr?

Ultima Weapon
14.06.2003, 21:32
Hiho ^^

Hab 'nen interessanten Link gefunden:
(Achtung: Englisch! :p)

(wenn's so einen Thread schon gab, könnt ihr diesen schliessen ^.^)

btw. /me is...

You are most like Legolas. Life is good, you're the star. You can take any problem that comes your way. Don't get too cocky, though. Go ahead and enjoy the nature around you, but don't be too reclusive. There are plenty of people who will like you if you just give them the chance.


14.06.2003, 21:37
Bin Aragorn.

Soul Griever
14.06.2003, 21:38
Bei mir kam das hier raus:

You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Dark Paladin
14.06.2003, 21:38
Test von Dark Paladin:
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!
Ich wusste es doch. :rolleyes:

14.06.2003, 21:46

14.06.2003, 22:00
Ich bin ein Ork! *gg*
nein Legolas!

14.06.2003, 22:11
Ich bin zurzeit

Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable!

komisch den character kenn ich garnich aus lotr XD

ich edite dann mal meine antwort, wenn
die seite wieder geht

14.06.2003, 22:17
You are most like Frodo. You're very friendly, and you have a great personality. Although you like to have fun, you can also be pretty serious at times. It's pretty hard to get you mad, but once you're mad...everybody better look out! Keep that temper under control and realize that you're better off than you may think.

Yay ;)

14.06.2003, 22:21

You are most like Galadriel. There's just something about you that people like. A sort of aura. You're very kind to people, and you like to help others succeed. You're not as candid as most people would like. You don't have to share your deepest darkest secrets, but be more honest about things! You're more mature than most people your age, so don't worry!

nice :O

14.06.2003, 22:22
<---- ist:
Test Results - Frodo

You are most like Frodo. You're very friendly, and you have a great personality. Although you like to have fun, you can also be pretty serious at times. It's pretty hard to get you mad, but once you're mad...everybody better look out! Keep that temper under control and realize that you're better off than you may think.

Überraschend, wie ich finde, ich dachte eher an Saruman... oder einen Ent

14.06.2003, 22:24

You are most like Frodo. You're very friendly, and you have a great personality. Although you like to have fun, you can also be pretty serious at times. It's pretty hard to get you mad, but once you're mad...everybody better look out! Keep that temper under control and realize that you're better off than you may think.

jeah, der ringträger :A

14.06.2003, 22:56
You are most like Boromir. People call you brash and impatient, but you're the sort of person who can't just sit around like a lazy blob. You believe in action and hard work. Many people look up to you, so use the opportunity to be a leader and make a difference. Don't think of yourself so lowly, but don't be so hard on others either!

Mist. Ausgerechnet der!:D

14.06.2003, 23:02
http://geocities.com/mydigitalview/tr_pippin.jpg das bin ich. Na toll kann das bild net lesen, ni ein PIPPIN

14.06.2003, 23:06
You are most like Gollum. Life is terrible, you suck. You're a fish-loving liar and a M U R D E R E R. If a friend needs help... YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS! Oh and you look like a crossbreed between ET und a Gremlin.

Neee in echt wars Sam (so sind die Dörfler halt).

14.06.2003, 23:09
Never trust an online shrink... Galadriel? Give me a break...

Da die blöden Pics dort net gehen, here's a different one:

You are most like Galadriel. There's just something about you that people like. A sort of aura. You're very kind to people, and you like to help others succeed. You're not as candid as most people would like. You don't have to share your deepest darkest secrets, but be more honest about things! You're more mature than most people your age, so don't worry!

Gee thanks, now I feel _really_ old :A

Hätte wenigstens mit Smeagol gerechnet... nuja.

_Einen_ solchen Thread? You're kidding me, my good man :D
Aber auf den einen "was seid ihr" kommt's mir auch schon nimmer an - go on, Spam some :)

14.06.2003, 23:25
Test Results - Galadriel

You are most like Galadriel. There's just something about you that people like. A sort of aura. You're very kind to people, and you like to help others succeed. You're not as candid as most people would like. You don't have to share your deepest darkest secrets, but be more honest about things! You're more mature than most people your age, so don't worry!

Hey Skar, geben wir uns die Hand.
Wir gehören beide zu den Katzenliebhabern und Magiefreunden - gründen wir doch unsere eigene Gilde ^^

Aber ich mag Galadriel (nur Viggo sieht um einiges besser aus :D ).

Daen vom Clan
14.06.2003, 23:31
Öh...bin ich bis jetzt der einzigste, der mit dem heldenhaften Gimli aufwarten kann? *grins*

Yeah, ich liebe Zwerge *freu*

Her mit der Axt, her mit meinem Steak! UND JETZT GEHEN WIR ORKSE VERHAUEN!!! HARHARHAR!!!

14.06.2003, 23:31
Got the only one with style - Legolas.

You are most like Legolas. Life is good, you're the star. You can take any problem that comes your way. Don't get too cocky, though. Go ahead and enjoy the nature around you, but don't be too reclusive. There are plenty of people who will like you if you just give them the chance.

Let's eat some..... you know what I mean.


14.06.2003, 23:36
Galadriel... dabei kann ich die Frau absolut nicht ab. Arwen wäre mir lieber gewesen, dass ist wenigstens ne Frau mit Mumm und Stolz. Galadriel ist mir n bisschen zu strange und unheimlich.

15.06.2003, 00:11

You are most like Gandalf. You are very smart for your age, but don't get too proud. With that great brain of yours, you have a tendency to over-analyze stuff. Life isn't as difficult as you think it is. You have a great sense of responsibility to care for others, and that's good! Just make sure you don't neglect yourself in the process.


15.06.2003, 00:27
You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

Die richtige Person ist schon lange da :)

15.06.2003, 00:29
You are most like Frodo.
You're very friendly, and you have a great personality. Although you like to have fun, you can also be pretty serious at times. It's pretty hard to get you mad, but once you're mad...everybody better look out! Keep that temper under control and realize that you're better off than you may think.

. . .

15.06.2003, 00:44
Ich bin....


15.06.2003, 00:59
Ich wusste schon immer das ich wie Gimli bin :D
Ein Kampfsüchtiger kleiner Zwerg mit ner großen Schnauze hehe ^^


15.06.2003, 01:22
You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.


15.06.2003, 01:26
Very interesting...:D

You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

15.06.2003, 01:52
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you.

Komisch, vor 6 Monaten war ich noch Elrond....

15.06.2003, 02:12
jeah ein thread mit tausend kleinen roten kreuzchen ^_^
mann is geocities k*cke :D

15.06.2003, 03:36
You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

Das bin ich, auch nicht schlecht wollte schon immer eine Elbin sein:D

15.06.2003, 05:57
You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

mich erschreckt eher, dass es teils sogar stimmt, was da steht :hehe: naja, die Person ist zwars chon da... aber der rest stimmt IMHO eingetlich so ziemlich...

@Mascara: aknn verstehen, dass du galadriel cniht leiden kannst ich auch cniht

15.06.2003, 06:36
You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

Also das selbe wie BSX ^^ Wundert mich aber irgendwie nicht ;) Und ihren Sätzen kann ich mich eigentlich nur anschließen.

15.06.2003, 07:04
Strike! =)

Ich wusste schon vorher das Aragorn rauskommt, (hab aber nich extra die fragen wie "gehst du gerne in den wald.. blah" angekreuzt...)

"You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!"

Finde Aragorn eh am besten... :)

15.06.2003, 07:24
Nooo~ooo, ich bin ein Gimli! Zu Hülf!
Ich mag nicht klein sein!
Nicht stummelig, bärtig!

*rasiert sich sofort*

15.06.2003, 08:05
ich hab auf aragorn getippt und das kam heraus:


15.06.2003, 08:51
Sagen zwar zu wenig über einen Charakter aus, aber.. lustig sind diese Tests dennoch ;)

You are most like Gandalf. You are very smart for your age, but don't get too proud. With that great brain of yours, you have a tendency to over-analyze stuff. Life isn't as difficult as you think it is. You have a great sense of responsibility to care for others, and that's good! Just make sure you don't neglect yourself in the process.


15.06.2003, 09:45
You are most like Gimli. Most people think you're pretty rough, but you're actually rather sophisticated. Unlike others, you don't need everything to be perfect. You're flexible. When problems come your way, you face them head-on and get whatever help you need. You also stick to your morals very closely, and you are unlikely to compromise. You are very loyal to your friends, but don't be so controlling!

juhuu, ich bin Gimlis kleiner Bruder, schon beim lesen des buches konnte ich mich mit ihm identifizieren. Auch der Text der beim Result des Testes steht stimmt mit mir überein, yeah.
Zudem rulen Äxte die scheisse voll weg. Lang leben die Zwerge, meine Rüstung ist schon geschmiedet und meine Axt dürstet nach Blut >:(

@ Daen vom Clan
gimli rules, lass uns die Zwergen Gewerkschaft aufmachen, wir sind die einzigsten :D

15.06.2003, 15:26
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

yo =) allerdings hab ich bei what were you called at highschool, oder wie das war irgendwas angeklickt... wusst nich genau was das bedeutet hat ^^

15.06.2003, 17:31
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Als mythologisches Tier war ich ein Ork, und jetzt Aragorn dessen Lieblingsbeschäftigung es ist Orks zu toeten, na ich weiß nicht http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/sm_15.gif

15.06.2003, 18:27
You are most like Legolas. Life is good, you're the star. You can take any problem that comes your way. Don't get too cocky, though. Go ahead and enjoy the nature around you, but don't be too reclusive. There are plenty of people who will like you if you just give them the chance.


Golden Chocobo
15.06.2003, 19:37
You are most like Gandalf. You are very smart for your age, but don't get too proud. With that great brain of yours, you have a tendency to over-analyze stuff. Life isn't as difficult as you think it is. You have a great sense of responsibility to care for others, and that's good! Just make sure you don't neglect yourself in the process.

Huhaha. Eigentlich schade, ich dachte, das Soron oder Saruman raus kommt.

15.06.2003, 19:42
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

15.06.2003, 19:50
Ich bin Gandalf III und ich dachte immer ich bin einzigartig :( :D.

You are most like Gandalf. You are very smart for your age, but don't get too proud. With that great brain of yours, you have a tendency to over-analyze stuff. Life isn't as difficult as you think it is. You have a great sense of responsibility to care for others, and that's good! Just make sure you don't neglect yourself in the process.

15.06.2003, 22:52

You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

(Mein englisch is ned grad gut konnte paar fragen ned verstehen :( )

15.06.2003, 23:04
^menno das war jetzt schon das dritte mal dass ich versucht habe den Test zu machen und jedesmal öffnet sich die site net Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable! wuäääh :(
@giadi einfach nen wörterbuch dazunehmen ;)

16.06.2003, 01:31
Jaaa, ich bin unrasiert, ungewaschen und habe königliches Blut in meinen Adern fließen. Das ich männlich bin, ignoriere ich jetzt mal. :rolleyes: Aber immer noch besser als das Ergebnis vom Matrix Test. *gg*


You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

16.06.2003, 03:01
irgendwie hab ichs gerade mit diesen online test...

/me ist jedenfalls legolas, wenn man dem test glauben schenken kann.

You are most like Legolas. Life is good, you're the star. You can take any problem that comes your way. Don't get too cocky, though. Go ahead and enjoy the nature around you, but don't be too reclusive. There are plenty of people who will like you if you just give them the chance.

16.06.2003, 03:18
Ich bin Arwen :)
Obwohl ich die Person nur im Buch leiden kann. Die Schauspielerin kann ich einfach nicht ausstehen >:( :D

Dark Phönix
16.06.2003, 03:54
Bin Frodo:D
Hat mich aber ziemlich überrascht,hab Aragorn oder zumindest Gimli erwartet.

16.06.2003, 04:04

You are most like Frodo. You're very friendly, and you have a great personality. Although you like to have fun, you can also be pretty serious at times. It's pretty hard to get you mad, but once you're mad...everybody better look out! Keep that temper under control and realize that you're better off than you may think.

Dark Paladin
16.06.2003, 06:50
Yay, beim 2. Versuch habe ich denjenigen herausbekommen, der so wie der 1. mein Lieblingscharakter in Herr der Ringe ist. :D

You are most like Legolas. Life is good, you're the star. You can take any problem that comes your way. Don't get too cocky, though. Go ahead and enjoy the nature around you, but don't be too reclusive. There are plenty of people who will like you if you just give them the chance.

16.06.2003, 07:26
You are most like Elrond. Although you are very serious, you're not above having a good time. It's just that your definition of a good time is pretty different from other people's. You're very smart, so use your knowledge to help others! At least your not so pessimistic. People may think you're hard nosed, but all your friends know better.

jippie, Agent Elrond
"Suprised to see me, Mr. Baggins ?" 8)

ob's da wohl auch sauron als möglichkeit gibt? mal testen...

Jon Snow
16.06.2003, 13:22
Bei mir ist Boromir rausgekommen.

16.06.2003, 14:07
Der Thread ist bereits auf Seite 3 und kein anderer hatte bis jetzt mein Resultat?

You are most like Celeborn. You are normally a quiet person. Who needs to talk when actions speak louder that words? You are pretty popular, but your fame isn't that big of a deal. What's more important to you is making the world a better place.

16.06.2003, 16:34
Ich soll Aragorn sein?!? :confused:
Ist der so ein Chaot? Dachte eher er handle Gewissenhaft und so... :rolleyes:

16.06.2003, 16:46
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

16.06.2003, 18:07
You are most like Celeborn. You are normally a quiet person. Who needs to talk when actions speak louder that words? You are pretty popular, but your fame isn't that big of a deal. What's more important to you is making the world a better place.

*freu* ! Hochelben sind cool :)
Irgendwie passt das auch mit meiner Mafia Beziehung (*auf meine Sig zeig*) zusammen :)

16.06.2003, 18:26
You are most like Gimli. Most people think you're pretty rough, but you're actually rather sophisticated. Unlike others, you don't need everything to be perfect. You're flexible. When problems come your way, you face them head-on and get whatever help you need. You also stick to your morals very closely, and you are unlikely to compromise. You are very loyal to your friends, but don't be so controlling!

Ist wohl ein schlechter Scherz?

16.06.2003, 18:51
Bin Gimli na super wollte schon immer pöpliger Zwerg sein.
Ich glaub ich mach den test nochmal bis Legolas rauskommt

16.06.2003, 19:11
You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!


na klasse, nu bin ich mr. zahnlücke persönlich... no way... ich denke nen anderer chara würde mich besser umschreiben ^^'


Daen vom Clan
16.06.2003, 20:34
Original geschrieben von Blutmetzger
@ Daen vom Clan
gimli rules, lass uns die Zwergen Gewerkschaft aufmachen, wir sind die einzigsten :D

Ich liebe meine Axt!!! Und jetzt her mit dem gut abgehangenen Fleisch!!! Jetzt packen wir kleinen kampfwütigen Berserker noch den Oberkommissar Ete ein und dann gehen wir ein paar Orks verdreschen oder Elfen foppen!!

Komisch das so wenige Gimlis rauskommen - dabei sidn Zwerge doch das Normalste von der Welt :)

16.06.2003, 20:52
Original geschrieben von Mascara
Arwen wäre mir lieber gewesen, dass ist wenigstens ne Frau mit Mumm und Stolz. Ha, ich bion Arwen :D

You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

Naja, aber gandalf fänd ich cooler :rolleyes: (Hätte wohl nich Sonnenschein, Hawaii und 2 Kinder angeben sollen ^^°)

@Daen: Ich bin dabei, aber halt, ich bin ja eine Elfe XD na dann halt den orks aufs Fressbrett http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/1/ugly.gif

17.06.2003, 17:55
Zwei Fragen hätt' ich:

1. Wieso ist das Bild von Gimli nicht mehr da? Gestern war es noch da.

2. Wieso hab ich troz der Antwort, das ich ein langes Schwert haben möchte, dann Gimli als Endprodukt? Ich glaube nicht, das er jemals mit so einen Ding richtig gut umgehen könnte.