Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : [Rel] Multitude Of Magecraft 2.5 [EV]

24.06.2006, 21:59
Autor: Cid89
Wirkung: Fügt eine Menge Zauber (teilweise gescriptet) ein. Zu kaufen in Chorrol an der Großen Eiche. Pyro Manicus heißt der Händler.
Argh, 2.5 ist die neueste!


Adds a multitude of new and unique spells.
Look for Pyro Manicus near the great tree in Chorrol
to buy all of the spells.
The spells are as balanced as I can make them, so while upper level mages will be able to toss out
multiple spells quickly, weaker mages that only meet the required spell mastery level to cast the spell
will be able to cast the spell with a lower frequency.
One of my goals with this mod was to allow more mage gameplay through unique spells. Now in 2.5, the new
spells can allow the playing of a proper necromancer or a proper adept of the Nine Divines.
If you find a bug that is not listed here, please pm me. My account is
Cid89 at the official forums.
If you get a bug that causes Oblivion to display a black screen, your video card cannot, for whatever reason
manage to support the Warping spell.
To avoid this, purchase the Toggle Special Effects spell and toggle Special Effects off. While this will
result in a decrease in the special visual effects of the spells, it should prevent this bug.

Killed the merchant? Don't worry, he'll come back instantly. Pyro Manicaus is more than he appears to be.

This mod has the following spells:
-Fairy Fire (Illusion)
Duration: 10 seconds on People, 15 seconds on non-people
This spell creates, when cast upon an object that can recieve it
(most activators, containers, doors, people) creatres harmless fire encompassing the object.
If its cast upon a person, and the caster's skill in illusion is greater than the
target's skill in illusion and their willpower, the person, when they notice the fire,
shall run around in terror, positive that they are on fire.

-Summon Sword of Burstfire (Conjuration)
Duration: 30 seconds
This spell calls a longsword to the caster.
Every strike will release an explosion of firey energy and set fire to what it touches.

-Lift Other (Alteration)
Duration: N\A
This spell grabs the target and tosses them high in the air. Causes damage on fall.
Less of a height inside. Has a chance of knockdown.

-Lift Crowd (Alteration)
Duration: N\A
This spell grabs everyone within the blast of the spell and tosses them high in the air.
Causes damage on fall, less of a height inside. Has a chance of knockdown.

-Warp Other (Mysticism)
Duration: N\A
This spell drags the target to the feet of the player, and has a chance of knockdown.

-Warp (Mysticism)
Duration: 5
This spell causes the caster to enter a fluxuating state of warp,
allowing the caster to quickly move around for a brief period of time, vanished in smoke.

-Weakness to Sun Damage (Destruction)
Duration: 10
This spell causes the target to recieve damage from the sun.

-Whirlwind (Mysticism)
Duration: 10
This spell causes the target to be lifted, spinning, into the air.
It causes no damage in and of itself, and is more of a holding spell. However, the target can still
recieve damage.

-Tornado (Mysticism)
Duration: 10
This is the stronger version of the whirlwind spell,
working on multiple targets at once.

-Summon Quiver of Burstfire (Conjuration)
Duration: 30
This spell summons a quiver (15) of arrows to the caster,
enchanted to release fire on whatever they hit.

-Summon Bound Sword on Other (Conjuration)
Duration: 30
This spell summons a lesser form of a bound sword on the target.

-Summon Bound Armor on Other (Conjuration)
Duration: 15
This high-level conjuration spell conjures a full set of bound armor
on the target for the duration of the spell.

-Burst of Daylight (Destruction)
Duration: 2
This spell creates a burst of daylight,
which damages anyone with a weakness to sun damage in range but leaves anyone else unharmed.

-Meteor Storm (Destruction)
Duration: 5
This spell summons down a storm of fireballs. Due to the unfocused nature of the spell, anyone can be hit,
even the caster.

-Phase Out (Mysticism)
Duration: 10
This spell causes the caster to phase out of existence.
They take on a ghost like appearance, and cannot be harmed, but they cannot move around or fight.

-Phase Out Other (Mysticism)
Duration: 10
This spell causes the target to phase out of existence.
They take on a ghost like appearance, and cannot be harmed, but they cannot move around or fight.

Duration: 10
This spell causes the caster to hover slightly above their level in the air.
They will float at that level for the duration of the spell, and cannot go above or below it.
However, they can travel around, back and forth with it.

-Force Bolt(mysticism)
Duration: 1
Sends a weak bolt of force towards the target, channeled through electricty. Often causes knockdown.
Due to the way the force is delivered, the target recieves minor shock damage.

-Force Blast(mysticism)
Duruation: 1
Sends a blast of force towards the target, channeled through electricity. Often causes knockdown.
Due to the way the force is delivered, the target recieves minor shock damage.

-Force Storm(mysticism)
Duration: 1
Sends a storm of force towards the target, channeled through electricity. Often causes knockdown.
Due to the way the force is delivered, the target recieves moderate shock damage.

-Pull Other(alteration)
Duration: N/A
This non-offensive spell (though it can be used in combat) pulls the target towards the player.

-Pull Group(alteration)
Duration: N/A
This non-offensive spell (though it can be used in combat) pulls a group towards the player.

-Shadow Form(illusion)
Duration: 30
This spell causes the caster to darken, blending in better with the shadows.
Due to the nature of this spell, the caster might hear voices during the beginning of the spell while their
body attempts to adjust to the spell.

-Reverse Force(Destruction)
Duration:5 seconds to charge
This spell is a sophisticated destruction spell. It gathers all the downward power of gravity for 5 seconds,
then launches it towards the caster. All those around the caster will be thrown into the air by the reverse
gravity of the caster; however, the caster will not be affected.

-Slumber Field(Mysticism)
Duration: 10 seconds
This spell is an advanced mysticism spell. It mystically attacks all within the spell radius and causes them
to fall into a deep slumber. They will be incapable of reacting to hits or attacking the player.
BUG: This spell will sometimes cause npcs to keep their eyes shut
until they go to sleep. No clue why this bug is, thus no fix. Even more confusing is what triggers
the bug; sometimes the facial anims freeze, sometimes they don't. Luckily, it seems either
cell reloading or npc sleeping resets this. So its not a permanent bug.

-Damage Mirror(Alteration)
Duration: 15 seconds
This spell is an advanced alteration spell. It causes all non-ranged, non-spell attacks to be reflected
to the attacker. However, the spell roots the caster to the spot they cast it from, and the caster
cannot cause physical damage or cast spells. It works by altering the force of the blows to a negative
value, thus turning them upon their attackers. However, it does not work on attacks without force (spells)
and is not capable of altering the force of arrows, due to their focused, strong force.

-Dragon Spirit(Conjuration)
Duration: 20 Seconds
This spell is an advanced conjuration spell, employing the invokotion technique. This spell conjures
the spirit of a dragon into the caster, causing the caster to take on the ability to launch dragon fire.
The invokation causes the user to have red skin for the duration of the spell.

-Toggle Special Effects
This allows the user to toggle the video card intensive special effects that have been known to cause bugs.

It is said that necromancy is not a true school of magic, but a philosophy that draws upon fundamental
concepts from other schools of magic and uses them in an alternative way. The evidence for this is that
proficiency in a school of magic can boost proficiency in using certain necromantic spells. It seems
the key schools are those of Conjuration and Destruction, though there are rumors of other schools being used.
The spells detailed in the following can be found in hidden scrolls throughout Cyrodiil. However, discovering
these scrolls can be difficult.

-Curse: Retribution(Destruction)
Duration: 15 seconds
This necromantic curse requires the sacrifice of some health to work. When cast, it causes the target, for the duration
of the spell, to take damage when attacking the caster.

-Blood Well(Conjuration)
Duration: Instant
This necromancy spell works on non-decayed corpses. When the spell is cast, the power and energy
inside the corpse is transformed into a constant healing well, that anyone can walk into. However,
accepting healing through this method is unnatural, and it tires out those that get healed.

-Curse: Enfeeblement(Destruction)
Duration: 10 seconds
This necromantic curse requires the sacrifice of the caster's health to work. When cast, it causes the target,
for the duration of the spell, to be weakened severly.

-Reanimate Skeletal Minion(Conjuration)
Duration:Until minion's health runs out
This necromantic spell causes the target corpse to be reanimated as an Infernal Skeleton. Doing this will
destroy the body and any items it had on it. The minion will live until its health runs out, upon which
it shall vanish.

-Corpse Traversal(Conjuration)
Duration: Instant
This necromancy spell works on non-decayed corpses. When the spell is cast, the caster is instantly
transported to the body through the mystical ties of death and the void. Few understand how this spell
truly works, but the faithfull believe it to be a result of disease and corruption.

*Divine Spells:
Spells of those that worship the Nine Divines, Divine spells are practiced by numerous monks.
They symbolize the powers of the Nine Divines.
Each scroll that teaches a spell will be found at a chapel worshiping that Divine.
These spells are effects

-Divine Storm of Kynareth
Duration: 10 Seconds
This divine spell calls upon the will of Kynareth, goddess of the air. Should her favor be granted,
the caster will levitate into the air.
If the caster is outside, the sky darkens and a multitude of lightning crashes
from the sky unto the target. When inside, a variety of bolts hit the target from multiple angles.
When casting a spell under Kynareth's domain, the caster should remember that Kynareth only considers the
ethics of the caster, and not his targets, and this spell will hit anyone within the radius, not those
with select attributes.

-Divine Justice of Stendarr
Duration: 7 seconds
This divine spell calls upon the will of Stendarr, god of justice. The caster shall briefly levitate into
the air, and all those attempting to attack the caster in the spell radius will be paralyzed for the
duration of the spell. At the end of the spell duration, paralyzation will cease to affect them.
This will not affect those not already assaulting the caster.

-Divine Compassion of Mara
Duration: Instant
This divine spell calls upon the will of Mara, goddess of love and family. The caster will briefly levitate
into the air, and all those within the spell radius will be be healed. If anyone is diseased, they shall
find themselves cured of disease and poisons, and should anyone be silenced or paralyzed, they will find
the negative effects upon their body dispelled.

-Divine Light of Arkay
Duration: 10 seconds
This divine spell calls upon the will of Arkay, god of the cycle of life and death. The caster
will briefly levitate in the air, and all undead within the radius of the spell, including vampires,
will be silenced, and struck with divine fire. The living and those unafflicted with vampirism will
recieve no harm. At the end of the spell duration, the effect of silence will dissapate.

-Divine Commerce of Zenithar
Duration: 5 seconds
This divine spell calls upon the will of Zenithar, god of work and commerce. The caster will briefly
levitate into the air, and the target merchant will find he has more gold (his base amount of barter gold
plus twice the caster's mercantile skill) to barter with. At the end of the spell, Zenithar will remove the
extra barter gold, seeing the transaction complete.

-Divine Warrior of Talos
Duration: 20 seconds
This divine spell calls upon the will of Talos, the god-hero who conquered Tamriel under the name of Tiber
Septim, and patron god of heros. The caster will briefly levitate into the air, and then shall find himself
covered in divine armor and with a divine claymore in hand. Talos will also bless the caster with divine
knowledge of the sword and armor, allowing them to increase their proficiency in both for the duration of
the spell.

-Divine Beauty of Dibella
Duration: 10 seconds
This divine spell calls upon the will of Dibella, goddess of beauty. The caster will briefly levitate into
the air, and shall find that their personality has increased by about a quarter through briefly sharing
Dibella's sparkling beauty. However, at the end, the caster shall no longer share in her beauty, and shall
return to their former state.

-Divine Knowledge of Julianos
Duration: 10 seconds
This divine spell calls upon the will of Julianos, god of wisdom, logic, and knowledge. The caster will
briefly levitate into the air, and then shall recieve knowledge of all incoming blows for the next 10
seconds and how to avoid them. This will allow the caster to be uninjured by all attacks for the next 10
seconds. However, during this, the caster will find that they cannot cast a spell nor can they attack,
for their entire focus will be upon using the divine knowledge Julianos has granted them.

-Divine Protection of Akatosh
Duration: 20 seconds
This divine spell calls upon the will of Akatosh, the dragon god of time and invincibility. The caster will
briefly levitate into the air, and then shall find that their endurance has increased, and that normal
weapons no longer affect them as much. At the end of the spell, their endurance shall return to regular
and normal weapons will affect them as earlier.

Pyro Manicus sells a very small number of enchanted weapons. However, there are many more weapons and
items containing unique mystical powers to be found in Cyrodiil. To find these, purchase the book entitled
"Activating the Hidden Artifacts" from Pyro Manicus. It allows you to discover the hidden artifacts of Tamriel.
You will then be able to find artifacts in numerous different areas, like containers and occasionally
on the bodies of your foes.


-Arrow of Whirlpool
This arrow pulls the target towards the archer. It's purpose is to draw in enemies for destruction.
-Arrow of Force
This arrow unleases telekinetic force upon the target. It's purpose is to knock back charging enemies.
-Longsword of Force
This longsword unleases telekinetic force upon the target with each strike, has enough for
50 strikes before needing to be recharged. There are legends of warriors using this sword to survive,
for a time, against a great number of enemies by knocking them away.

Hier lesen. (http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=482714&hl=)

Dieser Mod und das Spell Compedium von PJ haben mich dazu gebracht, einen reinen Magier spielen zu wollen...

24.06.2006, 22:51
Wird es auch ne DV geben??

24.06.2006, 23:07
Man müsste ja "nur" die Namen übersetzen... Ist sicherlich machbar

26.06.2006, 12:09
Die neueste Version ist 2.5, nicht 1.5 (Tippfehler?).

Und eine Übersetzung ist erlaubt, ich zitiere den Autor Cid (Link zum Thread (http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=482714&st=0)):

Yes! Any of my mods may be translated so long as the credits are intact (well, not as in intact as in english, but intact as in the readme with the people credited). While ideally I would also ask for you to update whever its hosted with the latest version when it comes out, I can barely do that everywhere I host it myself, so I don't mind a little version hell.

Also wer mag, darf es gerne übersetzen ;)

26.06.2006, 12:59
Sorry, ich hab die 1.5 per Zufall gefunden und dacht, es wäre die neueste...*suche*

26.06.2006, 14:56
so hab s ma flott übersetzt!
da es meine erste übersetzung ist und ich zudem dieses pi nicht kenne bitte ich um ausführliches feedback und um veränderungswünsche!
zb bei den namen war ich oft unsicher weil viele zauber gleich hiessen und ich nicht wusste wie das im spiel dann ist!
danke im vorraus

27.06.2006, 10:36
wo bist duuuuuuuuu?
nein ich mach spass aber ich würe gerne etwas hören!
hab ich das buch gut übersetzt oder is alles kacke was ich gemacht hab...!?

27.06.2006, 12:44
Ich habs runtergeladen, aber wenn ichs unter Spieldateien aktivieren will kommt ne Fehlermeldung: Das ist keine gültige Oblivion PlugIn- oder Masterdatei!

27.06.2006, 13:17
Das Prob hab ich auch!

27.06.2006, 14:44
oha da schein ich wohl was falsch gemacht zu haben!
ich werd mir das nochmal anschauen!

27.06.2006, 19:14
Nenne mal die Esp.datei nicht um... Sondern Übersetze nur und lasse sie wie sie vorher war;)

Das Prob hatte ich auch bei meiner ersten Übersetzung:D

Der Milch
27.06.2006, 19:29
Das ganze liegt glaub ich am zusätzlichen Punkt im Dateinamen (ich hatte das Problem schon öfter, mit Files von TES-source) Umbenennen sollte kein Problem sein, einfach den Punkt löschen.

27.06.2006, 23:38
also bei funktioniert es auch einwandfrei und das mit dem punkt war vorher auch schon so! aber ok ich habs nochmal geändert!
wenn es nicht klappt dann ändert den Dateinamen wieder in
"MofMagecraft1.7.esp" das war der originaltitel!

28.06.2006, 12:52
:ASuper, jetzt funktionierts!!!:A