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02.11.2005, 20:31
Has anyone thinked what the hero might have been before? Or is he really the true Lord Nerevar reborn or just a guy who was at the right time in the right place?
@offtopic - hope that nobody would mind if i post in english.

02.11.2005, 20:38
I'm sure that the hero is the reborn Lord Nerevar. Only the real Nerevar could wear the "Moon and Star", could overcome the trials and the sickness ;) He is definitely not only a guy who was at the right time in the right place. Azura herself says that he is what he is ;) (and she must know it, because it was her "prophecy" that Nerevar would come back when his country and his people are in need of him)

And it's really not a problem that you're posting in english. :)

02.11.2005, 20:51
Ok...I agree with that. But what's with the dialog with Dagoth Ur? Is it a joke from the developers?
Now i have other questions :
Would you liked to find all of the Kagrenak's Tools? And you would have a new choice : make yourself a god like Dagoth Ur did. I would have liked to make myself a god, actually a false god but with great powers.
In the Tribunal addon a woman outside the temple says that in the early days when the three "gods" were "young" they used to walk among the people and help them. What do you think made them to change their ways?
What is your opinion about the creation of Dagoth Ur? That big weird thing(forgot its name). I think that it's a bit too "big". If it would have been unleashed in the world he would have caused alot of damage.

02.11.2005, 20:59
If I remember right there is a Plugin with which you can become a false god too. Trr Kah or Katan should know better.

What the "gods" have changed? Almalexia became totally crazy and killed Sotha Sil (who was never really interested in becoming a god because he was more a scientist) And Vivec was bored :D Something like that he says in the conversation with him.

And yes, Dagoth Ur became crazy too when he used the "Heart of Lorkhan". A thing with such power are not made for mortal people. It's much too much for them.

02.11.2005, 21:12
Yes...but when they first got their powers(except Sotha Sil who locked himself in that plane) they tried to help people. That gives evidence of good intetions,etc. Indeed, Almalexia did went "mad"(in a way) but Vivec was just bored of these powers and Sotha Soil as you said didn't even wanted the powers. I agree that they didn't had the right to take those powers but why didn't the true gods acted and stoped them?

02.11.2005, 21:16
I've no idea. Maybe because it's "the way of gods" not to act? Think about all the gods who real people believed and trusted in through ages. Did one of them ever helped when he was needed? Never. And I think it's the same here. Or maybe they had not enough power or things like that. http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/szuck.gif Or they thought that the Dunmer deserved what they got for a while. So many ideas but who knows....

02.11.2005, 21:19
:) Hi rockfest,

I personally wouldn't like to be a (false) god. So I wouldn't use Kagrenac's artifacts.
I agree with Dragonlady, that such powerful items in the hands of mortal people are only leading to madness. Almalexia's and Dagoth Ur's fates are - in my eyes - the best examples for the results of too much power in the hands of mortals.

I prefer to be Azura's honest knight who serves her well (and gains a little bit of her power this way :D ).

Trr Kah
02.11.2005, 21:24
There is actually a mod to become a godlike being. You can find it here (http://www.rpgplanet.com/morrowind/modcontrols/mod.asp?modid=2029) at MWSummit. But it it doesnīt work right all the time; sombody at another forum played it and wasnīt able to kill Dagoth Ur the right way. :(

In my opinion all the gods got bored of all that short living humans, the ever repeating of live and death. Nothing ever happend that they havenīt seen a thousend times. Almalexia didnīt get insane until her state of being a godness disapeared (this isnīt probably the right word; please pardon my English. ;) ).

The thing I never anderstood, whatīs the sense of this artificial god that Dagoth is creating? Will this creature conquer Morrowind?

02.11.2005, 21:27
Hello GreyWolf. Good point. You seem to be the honest and the good hero of Vvardenfell. I have to say that i love the freedom combined with the non-linear gameplay(in a way or other) and to complete this a choice of this kind could have meant the difference from a great game and the best game. And there are out there people who would have loved some black armors combined with the powers of a god and trying destroy the true gods. As for Dagoth Ur and the three....well, servants could have worked. :D
@dragonlady i have a theory about the true gods. I once said that a god "loses" some of his powers if people stop worshiping him. Maybe this is what happened with the true gods.

02.11.2005, 21:30
The thing I never anderstood, whatīs the sense of this artificial god that Dagoth is creating? Will this creature conquer Morrowind?

I think so. It will conquer and destroy Morrowind. It should be the revenge of Dagoth I believe, because of the betrayel and the loneliness. He was full of hate and wanted to make the living people to supporters of the Sixth House. To Ash Ghouls and something like that and to brainless followers of himself.

edit: @rockfest

You got a point here. This could be the reason why they didn't act.

02.11.2005, 21:34
I think so. It will conquer and destroy Morrowind. It should be the revenge of Dagoth I believe, because of the betrayel and the loneliness. He was full of hate and wanted to make the living people to supporters of the Sixth House. To Ash Ghouls and something like that and to brainless followers of himself.
But why didn't he acted on his own? Almalexia got killed by the hero, Sotha Soil was dead already and Vivec didn't had enough powers to fight him. Why didn't he wanted to have the personal satisfaction of persecution the Dunmer?

02.11.2005, 21:38
Iīve got a question, too xD
:o whhhhyyyy Dagoth Ur lost power when you killed the ash vampires? XD Did he dispersed his powers on them?

and rockfest Iīve got no answer for that... Maybe īcause itīs a game and the hero need something to do? XD

02.11.2005, 21:40
He was waiting for Nerevar. He knew that he would come back and he was hoping that Nerevar would follow him too on his own free will. Remember: both of them were once best friends. I think that was a sort of an "open calculation". He wanted him back as a follower or - if that wouldn't work out, he wanted to destroy him. He was sure that he could. In any case he were finally able to follow his own plans without any interference ;)

02.11.2005, 21:47
@Hizu i think that they were somekind of priests for him. Maybe he didn't recovered all his powers and he needed them to sustain his temporary existence. And that could be a reason for constructing Lorkhan.
@DragonLady good point. You're right.

03.11.2005, 00:35
So far I followed this philosophic conversation with great interest. Though, I won't be able to contribute to the discussion in great ways, as I always sold the in-game books instead of reading them. Concerning fantasy settings the political/religious background of Vardenfell was just a bit to "different" from classical fantasy stories to stir my interest.

But I'm really wondering why you want to post in englisch!? I mean, I'm fine with it, as I prefer english anyway, but what's the idea behind it?

Edit: I just took a look quick look at more posts from you. Looks like you're quite consequent in living out your language preferences. Thumbs up for that :A

03.11.2005, 00:52
Lol man... i don't have a clue in speaking german. I like this board too much. I tried to create a separate section with english sections for all the games but that can't happen. I'm trying to help the board in any way i can. Seems nobody wants my help so...i'll just stick on posting. I'll try my luck at the NWN section soon(nice game, i liked it) but i think I'll get the same answer there.
So to asnwer you're question : i would post in german but i don't know it and i don't think i'll learn very soon. :D

03.11.2005, 17:41
So to asnwer you're question : i would post in german but i don't know it and i don't think i'll learn very soon. :D

Oh, I agree with that. To learn English in a perfect way, I yust studied two years, but I've got a friend in England, who wanted to learn German. I teached him a lil bit, but after a few weeks, he hated it so much, he yust wanted to kill me :D But know he will study it, don't know why, but he wants to ^^ I think if I would be from England or from somewhere else, I would never ever learn German, it would be yust to hard for me. To learn French was already hard enough for me :D

03.11.2005, 17:52
@master_of_shengui lol, i'm from romania. My native language is romanian. It would be nice to learn german but i don't see that beeing too easy. Anyway :
@ on-topic : the name of the thread was "forgotten past" but the discusion went in another way.it was nice to talk those things with you(cleared some of the "bugs" i have in my mind). My initial question was :

Has anyone thinked what the hero might have been before
Where did he came from, what kind of childhood he had?

03.11.2005, 17:54
I think so. It will conquer and destroy Morrowind. It should be the revenge of Dagoth I believe, because of the betrayel and the loneliness. He was full of hate and wanted to make the living people to supporters of the Sixth House. To Ash Ghouls and something like that and to brainless followers of himself.
He hold a great speech if u spoke with him. He convinced me and I wanted to serve the 6th house but this wasn't possible so I had to kill him :(

03.11.2005, 17:56
He was born from unknown parents. I think that he ,aybe was raised in an orphanage. After that perhaps he was a thief or something like that. Poor, hungry or so. Could be the reason für his sentencing. Only a theory. ;)

Edit: @Sowilo

:D that supports my theory. He convinced me too but I was sure, that the Dagoth today isn't still the normal friend he was once and that his way now would be the wrong way ;9 So I had to kill him for saving the country and the people. But I had a very bad feeling about this.

03.11.2005, 18:10
@dragonlady so he convinced all of us? i felt bad too for killing him.
But he was convicted for what? Is it said anywhere? Maybe that could tell us what he was doing before.

03.11.2005, 18:39
@Dragonlady & Sowilo:
May Azura's rage hit you! ;) :D
Sorry, little joke, but Dagoth Ur didn't convince me. Unfortunately he got totally mad. Therefore I couldn't follow him.
But I agree with you in the point of the old friendship between Nerevar (me) and him. It was also very hard for me to kill Dagoth Ur because I recognized that he only fell in madness by guarding Red Mountain to serve and help his friend Nerevar in his absence.
My real anger was directed against Vivec, Almalexia and (before Tribunal) against Sotha Sil cause they abused the artifacts to become false gods.

Has anyone thinked what the hero might have been before
My hero was a member of the Imperial guards in Tamriel. Cause of the false accusations of a rival who wanted to get my position I was imprisoned.
After my release on Vvardenfell I joined the legion again under a wrong name and perhaps after my adventures as Nerevarine one day I will have my revenge when I will return to Tamriel. ;)

03.11.2005, 19:05
But he was convicted for what? Is it said anywhere?

No, unfortunately not with a single word. Seems the Developers let this for our own fantasy ;)

May Azura's rage hit you! ;) :D
After I protected the country and the people? I don't think so, she's too happy about me, because I was a good hero and saved everyone. But if she would come, she would see, how fast I can run http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/grinundwech.gif

05.11.2005, 01:16
I just saw the trailers from oblivion. Jees...what resources did Bethesda used at that game? Radiant AI? Where did they get that tech?

05.11.2005, 16:35
The Radiant KI was developed by themselves, if I'm informed correctly.
And yeah, the trailer is cool, I totally agree 8)