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30.03.2006, 15:08
Joa ich wollt einfach ma wissen wie ihr meine machwerke so einschätzt ob bei mir hopfen und malz verloren ist im übrigen hab ich derzeit auch keine feste band für die ich schreibe wer also interesse an dem ein oder anderen text hat darf sich ruhig bei mir melden

hier nun einige meiner werke

// Sweet Nausea //

When Nightfall kills the Sun I drown in your deep blue eyes
I kiss your flaming lips until the beast breaks out
all of a sudden love fades to eternal drought.

Everlasting Nausea
my sweet sickness brings me joy
Everlasting Nausea
my sweet sickness brings you pain

Now you run from me my freightened bride
Run from me for my pleasure is your death
In this very arms you will take your last breath

Everlasting Nausea
my sweet sickness brings me joy
Everlasting Nausea
my sweet sickness brings you pain

Silence rests upon your broken spine
Now when my last tears have dried
I see that my love is why you've died

Everlasting Nausea
my sweet sickness brings me joy
Everlasting Nausea
my sweet sickness brings you pain

I am so sick of this macabre joy
Because as long as I live i'll never find peace
So I give my Body to the Raging sea

// Morningrise //

Oh please give me your hand my dear
My Mind's as clear as it could be
Grant me this wish and dance with me
'Cause you will shatter all my Fear

We'll be dancing Mad
you and me
me and you
dancing for all eternity

For what never will be true
shall become reality tonight
You're the Queen, I'm your Knight
I would fight all Hell for you

We'll be dancing Mad
you and me
me and you
dancing for all eternity

Tomorrow when you are gone
I will be weak and cold again
'cause only you can keep me burning
everything ends in the morning

Why can't you stay my love ?

// Mother //

Shut up ! Now it's my time to Talk
You'll never be my mother. ya not even close to it
When you gave birth to the jester child you became useless to me

Won't ever let you pull me under, never again
Won't ever show you respect, never again
Just sit there and watch as you decay, forever

Now what ? You look as if you just lost a child
No need for sorrow crying woman, you never had one
Look a tyour creation, You can be proud off what you've born long time ago

Won't ever let you pull me under, never again
Won't ever show you respect, never again
Just sit there and watch as you decay, forever

When you left me alone in the cold you made me strong
Look at me ! Now I'm strong enought to break your selfish spine
But I won't do you any Harm 'cause you're just not worth it

Won't ever let you pull me under, never again
Won't ever show you respect, never again
Just sit there and watch as you decay, forever

I won't show respect for you
It is my time now to leave you in the cold

// The Gift //

Three years flash by so fast here in my mind.
With open eyes I see a world that I can't care about.
See a new dawn, live another day, feel another pain.

Drowning in questions we all cry at night.
A tragic moment that can change so much.
Now where only memorys of you remain,
Another tear to set this heartless world ablaze.

It's only me wandering alone through my room,
wondering why you had to go so soon.
Only one thing I know for sure, I'll miss you.

I recall how I felt love at second sight,
even if we're never meant to be together.
I kept dreaming of you every night.

Holding on to what you left behind,
I write this song to fix a broken part.
You will live forever, forever in my heart.

This is my Farewell to thank you.
Live is so precious and fragile.

// The Golem //

Open your eyes, breath in, you're alive, breath out.
Tell me how you feel, cause I can't say it anymore.
An Empty shell walking day by day alone.
All the blows that killed my innocent eyes,
they've hardened my skin and erased my soul.
Unconcious to time i see the world pass by.
Nothing can Stop me now, a golem on a rampage.
Dry cold logic shows me the way,
the way to selfdestruction.

// Evolution //

I can no longer stand this lying world,
this pain must end for mother nature's sake.
The great Flood has Failed

Now is our Time to proof ourselfs,
Let the Skyscrapers sink into the sea,
Incinerate the leaders of the world.
Total Chaos is the path to a brand new future.
I can see Grizzlys roam the ruins of New York
Eagles fly over what was Berlin so long ago
Mankind, victims of Evolution.

Time to judge our own kind
Walk down Deathrow carefully
Humans prepared for execution.

// Parker Morris hits the streets //

Tick tick tock the bomb is ticking,
tick tick tock some windows breaking,
tick tick tock our senses fading.

One hundered ninety one floors crumbling down,
thats the way we march our line.
Legends, born from ruins of the past.
Ask the prophet what its all about.

All the guns we've bought and all the bombs we've set.
All the fights we've fought and all the blood we've shed.
Pull a lever, Push a button, never see another dawn.

End the future and the past, Space Monkeys turn a city into dust.
We don't mind all your sadness and your foolish hate.
tonight's the night of our strike. We change the worlds fate.

Tick tick tock the bomb is ticking,
tick tick tock some windows breaking,
tick tick tock our senses fading.

// Rothenburg //

I Want you to be mine tonight
I want you to be mine forever
You were sent for me from far above
I Believe this could be the taste of love.

Welcome to the battlefield of bestial lust
Come to me, we'll have you for diner my bride
The world, to lovers it's just fools and dust
Sweet screams roam through the air tonight

This could be the taste of love.
This must be the taste of love.
This should be the taste of love.

This could be the taste of love.
This must be the taste of love.
This should be the taste of love.

Take another bite before your senses fade.
Your breast, your legs, oh watch them bleed
With this blade i cut out all the parts you hate.
They are all to be eaten just like your feet.

This could be the taste of love.
This must be the taste of love.
This should be the taste of love.

Your death ends the godless endeavor.
We've had you for diner my tasty bride.
From this unholy day you are mine forever.
Your screams roamed through the air tonight.