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Kaoru Ikari
14.03.2006, 22:20

ich bräuchte mal Hilfe bei Shadow Hearts.

Bin jetzt auf Disc 2 und soll gerade auf dem Schiff nach dem entführten
Mädchen suchen. Dieses Rätsel mit den Türschaltern und den 2 Teams
verstehe ich überhaupt nicht.

Kann mir jemand helfen?

14.03.2006, 22:59
so ganz genau weiß ich es leider auch nicht mehr!
Aber du kannst zwischen den beiden Gruppen hin und her schalten um weiter zu kommen.Das mußt du sogar.Wenn du mit der einen Gruppe vor einer verschlossenen Tür stehst,kannst du mit der anderen die Tür öffnen.Aber wie genau,kann ich nicht sagen.Das war zu kompliziert um mir das zu merken.

15.03.2006, 00:26
hm, ist ein wenig her... aber mit ein wenig rumprobieren sollte das rätsel nicht allzu schwierig sein...

den guide habe ich damals genutzt (gamefaqs), hier ein auszug:

o------ Item Checklist ------o Start by heading up into the little garage
| | full of boxes to meet the Ring Soul again for
| Attack Boost........._____ | an 'Attack Boost.' There's a chest under the
| Vapula..............._____ | first sloping walkway containing 'Vapula.' Go
| Nibelung Scene 3....._____ | up the ramp and speak to the cadet, he'll give
| Security Key 1......._____ | you Nibelung Scene 3. Follow the path down
| Security Key 2......._____ | the stairs. You'll need to split your group
| The Lovers..........._____ | into two parties at this point, once you've
| Cabin Key............_____ | done so then save your game. Go up and open
| Lottery Ticket......._____ | the chest containing 'Security Key 1.'
| Instant Death 2......_____ | Approach the door on your left and examine the
| Vine................._____ | two panels beside it, choose to insert your
| Tent................._____ | key into keyhole number two. Press square to
| | switch over to the other party. Go left, up,
o----------------------------o right and open the chest to receive 'Security
Key 2.' Go to the top of the room and put the
key in keyhole one. Go back to Kurando's party and remove your key. Run West
and then South at the fork, and East at the next one. Examine the pipes to
receive 'The Lovers.' Go West to the next area and then North at the
junction, put your key into the slot here. Switch back to Yuri's party.
Remove your key and then make your way as far West as possible. Open the
chest to receive 'Cabin Key.' Go down the nearest South branch and talk to
the sailor, he's a Lottery Member. Try to win the 'P-Attack Down 3.' Run
back East and then take the South path to the next hallway.

The door just on your left will open with the Cabin Key. Go inside and speak
to the sailor to be completely healed. Also find the hidden 'Lottery Ticket'
under his coffee table. You'll find 'Instant Death 2' in the black jacket on
the wall, but since it's one of the special treasures the little icon won't
appear. Examine the red lever and move it down. Return to Kurando's party
and head South then West. The chest in this room contains 'Vine.' Examine
the red panel here and move the switch. Press square to go back to Yuri's
team. Leave the room and go East, then North at the fork. Go East at the
top, back in the large room again switch your key from slot one to slot two
then change parties. Head through the Southeast door and then go up at the
fork and take your key out. Go down, right, up, right and you'll be back
where you started. Insert your key into keyhole 2 and switch to Yuri. Take
out your key and go left, down, left to the next screen, and up. Put your key
into keyhole number one and switch back. Head West until you reach a dead end
with a locked door. In order to unlock this door change to Yuri's group and
switch his key into slot number four. As Kurando again head West and then
down the stairs.

At the bottom, open the chest to receive 'Tent.' There's another lever on the
red panel to your left, pull it. As Yuri's party once again, take your key
then go South, and West. Speak to the seaman to learn about how the doors
work then descend the stairs. Switch and descend with the other party to
trigger an event. Follow the path, then heal and save. Continue onward
through the door and watch the scene.

quelle: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/shadow_hearts_2_d.txt

solltest probleme mit der übersetzung haben -> pn an mich.

Kaoru Ikari
15.03.2006, 13:12
:) Super , danke! Hat alles geklappt!