Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : An international project! I need: A programmer, 2 Drawers...

03.01.2005, 19:34
Hi to all,
I'm an Italian boy that wants to make a game (what new thing!).
I'm looking for a programmer (and others) that is able to use RpG maker.
I'm not alble to do this but I've a story and I'm looking for a Team:

1-Me (Executive Director and "Story teller")
2-A Progrmmer (with some exp)
3-2 Drawers

If we'll find...

4-A sound master

The story tells about a modern world (like WoD (the world of darkness of White wolf)), blood, flesh, bluff, religion...and...about the real world masked by a veil of darkness...

The project is simple and very small...It is usefull to test the team!
The primary language will be English secondary Italin (because I'll first write in IT and than I'll translate in ENG)...in a second point we'll translate the game in German and other languages

my mail is:


if someone is interested I pray him to contact me with mail...I'm writeing this msg in too forums to check all!

03.01.2005, 20:35
Hi nice to see you
If you want I would made you some Face and Charsets.

It would be nic if you would tell us more about the story because I want to know more about the story...

i know my english is bad but I hope you understand it

04.01.2005, 10:45
Der hat doch gesagt du sollst ihm eine E-MAil schreiben -_-

Laguna the Immortal
04.01.2005, 13:21
ich denke mal mit drawers sind zeichner von artworks gemeint, klingt zumindest danach und mit programmers jemand der das spiel an sich zusammenbastelt... da ist Meridian wenig geholfen wenn sich nur jemand meldet der faces und chars oder chips bastelt, schließlich sagt er ja er hätte selbst keine erfahrung mit dem maker...

PS: Mahlzeit hat recht da er in mehreren foren schreibt sollte man eine mail schreiben wenn man bemerkt werden möchte...

04.01.2005, 15:03
Seeth: can you send my some of your Charsets...I would want see what are you able to do ^^

my mail: nono_cerchio@yahoo.it

For the story and other things I prefer not to tell anything because the proj should be "secret" to be a big surprise for all the forum (when it'll end!) ^^

When I'll find all the necessary persons for the proj I'll create a "MailingList" or a forum for the "operators" and there all will know every particulars!

It's a simple story in the present and tells about 4 persons that have some strange

experiences and what they do to discover the truth...but nothing is like you can see!

Excuse me...but I can't speak German...can you translate what did you say? tk! ^^

04.01.2005, 16:17
They didn't talk to you, so don't mind. I've got some exp in programming, but I'm Mr. Unrelaible, so I don't want to do it. Hmm, I think my whole message is Spam, but I wanted to ask a question: What's WoD? And wtf is White Wolf?

04.01.2005, 16:40
WoD is World of Darkness
and it is a setting for a RpG of WW...I'm speaking about a real RpG not Video Game...


06.01.2005, 20:41
Tell me some ideas, the programer should master, perhaps I could do it, I can speak French,English, German and also Luxembourg

07.01.2005, 21:33
Excue me...but I'm not able to send you a personal msg because I don't understand German...can you give me your mail?
See you

07.01.2005, 22:57

12.01.2005, 21:33
Hi nice to see you
If you want I would made you some Face and Charsets.

It would be nic if you would tell us more about the story because I want to know more about the story...

i know my english is bad but I hope you understand it

are you here seeth?????????? why aren't you answering me by mail?

13.01.2005, 06:40
tut mir leid wegen spamming aber:
sorry but wich email do you mean?
and please send the emails to
thats my new emailadress

13.01.2005, 14:00
Perfect! now you'll recive an e-mail with the button to join to the group!
see you soon on Mailing list!

14.01.2005, 19:09

14.01.2005, 19:50
Please don't make double posts, over your post, there's a button "ändern", there you can edit your posts. Maybe you don't understand me because my English isn't very good. Maybe it's Spam wath I've scripted, but I hope that I can help you.


Sorry 4 Spam.