Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : make it run without RPGmaker

06.12.2004, 16:55
i heard u need to add someting to .ini file and i did so. it looks like this ATM and i also added the file harmony.dll as said. but it still wont work. anyone know why?

GameTitle=Final Fantasy 6-2: Another Life

RB [Redbounty]
06.12.2004, 17:29
Change "runtimepackage=1" to "FullPackageFlag=1". And make sure you don't use any RTP file - if you want so, import the needed files via the import function.


06.12.2004, 17:45
']Change "runtimepackage=1" to "FullPackageFlag=1". And make sure you don't use any RTP file - if you want so, import the needed files via the import function.


done done and done :/ sitll get rpg maker package is not present or not registerd. :/ why?

RB [Redbounty]
06.12.2004, 18:15
Hmm... i've tested that... work's here... strange O_o

Well, here's another hint:
Open the registry editor (Start -> Run -> "regedit")

Navigate to...

Key: HKEY_Current_User/Software/ASCII/RPG2000 (2000)
Key: HKEY_Current_User/Software/Enterbrain/RPG2003 (2003)

Add a new "String" called "RunTimePackagePath" and set it to any value ('123 'or so ^^). Now right-click on the Key (HKEY_Current_User/Software/ASCII/RPG2000) and choose "Export". Save the file whereever you want -> If you want to play your game without the RTP installed, you need to import the .reg-File (With a simple Doubleclick).


06.12.2004, 18:29
And what must I do that I can play the game on another pc without the RTP and without running the setup.exe?

07.12.2004, 01:02
']Hmm... i've tested that... work's here... strange O_o

Well, here's another hint:
Open the registry editor (Start -> Run -> "regedit")

Navigate to...

Key: HKEY_Current_User/Software/ASCII/RPG2000 (2000)
Key: HKEY_Current_User/Software/Enterbrain/RPG2003 (2003)

Add a new "String" called "RunTimePackagePath" and set it to any value ('123 'or so ^^). Now right-click on the Key (HKEY_Current_User/Software/ASCII/RPG2000) and choose "Export". Save the file whereever you want -> If you want to play your game without the RTP installed, you need to import the .reg-File (With a simple Doubleclick).


that started the game and gave a "cannot open system2c" error. what was that you said about "not" using any RPT file and how import and to where from what?

RB [Redbounty]
07.12.2004, 10:52
what was that you said about "not" using any RPT file and how import and to where from what?
You can/ must import every file the game needs directly from the RTP-Folder.

@Freak: Wie wär's, wenn du deinen Projektordner einfach mit 'nem Packprogramm packst (WinAce, WinRar, 7z...)? Davor entweder die RPG_RT.ini bearbeiten (FullPackageFlag) oder den Registryeintrag exportieren.


07.12.2004, 18:19
Aber wie soll ich das machen, dass auf nem anderen Pc die Datei in die Registrierung eingefügt wird?

RB [Redbounty]
07.12.2004, 19:00
Pack doch einfach 'ne readme.txt dazu:

"Bei Startproblemen bitte die Datei *.reg ausführen."

Dein Eintrag wird dann einfach in die Registry des anderen PC eingefügt (die übrigens auf jedem Windows-PC gleich sein sollte ^^).

Aber ich gehe mal davon aus, dass der Tipp mit "FullPackageFlag=1" auch die gewünschte Wirkung erzielt, ohne dass der User noch irgendwelche Registryeinträge importieren muss. Mach doch einfach Beides - damit gehst du dann auf Nummer sicher ;).


07.12.2004, 19:08
']You can/ must import every file the game needs directly from the RTP-Folder.

@Freak: Wie wär's, wenn du deinen Projektordner einfach mit 'nem Packprogramm packst (WinAce, WinRar, 7z...)? Davor entweder die RPG_RT.ini bearbeiten (FullPackageFlag) oder den Registryeintrag exportieren.


i just imported EVERYTING i use on my game from the RPT folder and i still get *cannot open system2c* error. the game starts but then it quits auto and i get that erro :/

07.12.2004, 19:20
You must import all files you have used in your project else your game won´t work on other PCs.

RB [Redbounty]
07.12.2004, 19:52
Make sure you've reimported everything into the correct folder!

"System2c.png" -> Should be in the "System2" folder. etc...

If you look at the "RAW Material Editor" (material managment), it should look like this:

(RM2K, german) - Here i've reimported the file "System" from the RTP.

So watch out for <RTP> Endings. There should be none on files your game uses.


12.12.2004, 19:34
know the game starts on every's computer without rpgmaker BUT when they press new game it crashes and someting about direkt show appears.. what is that?

RB [Redbounty]
12.12.2004, 20:03
Don't know if that's your problem, but if you want to play an avi file at the beginning of your game, make sure you have installed the correct (and latest) codecs (f.e. divX, XVid etc...) on the other machines, too.
