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23.08.2004, 15:49
someone told me that you are the best in rpg maker'
can you tell me in english how to create a good game or what is better rpg mker 2003 or 2000 (i got 2003) and where can i download 200 in the english version.
my e- mail is noy1441991@walla.co.il

The Game
23.08.2004, 16:13
One mustn't download the maker, actually.
But you'll find the English version at http://www.google.com !

Hm, how to create a good game? :D
Just... work a lot! ;) No, u need a good story, that's the most important thing of a game. Then you have to "tell" your good story, this should be made like a mystery or something... at least the beginning of ur game should make people stay playing it.
And I think that it doesn't matter whether u take the maker 2000 or the maker 2003. The maker 2003 has got a few features the maker 2000 doesn't have, but practically there is no difference between them.

Have a nice day!

Snake`s Bite
23.08.2004, 16:17
Hi, welcome to the German Community. :)
I prefer the RPG-Maker 2000, because the 2k3-Maker ist not so popular.
For a good game you need a good story. Stories with a gigantic battle betwen Good and Evil are not so liked because a lot of people used that background for their games.
You need some pieces in your story, which are new, just that way your story is something special.
Then a big part is done. Now you need a style of ressources for your game. If you use different styles, that don't interact good.
Yeah, and then there's the mapping. Most people teach themselves how to map, but there are some courses, which are pretty good.
That are the big parts of a game.

Where you can download the 2k-Maker I mustn't tell you, because it's illegal to download it. But I just say 'Google'. ;)

I hope my English wasn't too bad.

23.08.2004, 16:41
your the best...
and snake, your english is very good

23.08.2004, 17:14
hey thanks you again.
i got a story and i want you to tell me if it good.
the story start with the hero.
he wakes up in a "inn" and relize that he dont know who he is, where he is and his head is so hurt.
so he decide to walk over the house and find an old lady that cries and tell him that the village has been attackted by samorais and they kill all the people.
she saved him and hided so that why he survived.
she wont tell him who is him but she tell him his name and give him an old rusty sword.
they walk out the house to see if somebody survived but the old lady gets an arrow in her hearth.
than the first battle beggin
when he kick the samorais ass,
they tell him that they seek for an 9 orbs that know everything and can give you every informatio you want if you put that together in their tample.
the hero going to seek the orbs and to relized who he is.
some times he got a huge head hurt' and he became black shadow.
that have a huge power and cant die.
when his head back to normal he back to be a man.
in the rest of the game he understand peices of his past and relized that he attacket the village and didnt kill the old lady.
so when she knocked him out she saved him but he lost his memory.
now his comander want to have him back so he ask the stones if he can be sometime good and not evil and before the orbs answer the comander back and fight him. when he beat the comander he dont kill him, he let him leave when he hurt badly.
tha game end when the orbs answer and say "yes"..
for that i need japanice town, i need you to teach me how to put people on the map (not heroes just people) and how to make the samorai to shot the lady.
i need 9 orbs in different colors.
the hero as a shadow
and a lot of your help....
is this o.k.?
and meybe i'll make another game that tell what happens after that...
can you help me??
thanks you very much!!!!

23.08.2004, 17:44
nice story^^
my favorite sentence was this:

when he kick the samorais ass ^^
very nice^^

It's a good story and you should make a good game out of this.
the ressources you need you cann find on this page or on different other pages whose you can find here

use this ^^ (http://forum.rpg-ring.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=67)

I hope that you find what you search
and say us when the game is complete

(oh god i'm not very good in english,f***) ^^

The Game
23.08.2004, 18:14
Have a look at this:

it's also very helpful... It generates heros or persons, monsters, and so on...

23.08.2004, 21:34
Ich weiss ja net, aber das Englisch von harpushka klingt ein wenig seltsam. Ich bezweifle, dass er wirklich aus einem englischsprachigen Land kommt und uns nur versch...aukeln will. Aber vielleicht irre ich mich ja auch, und er hat nur die dadie-Krankheit (solls auch im Ausland geben).

Edit: Ich kann bestätigen, dass dieser User kein deutschsprachiger Benutzer ist, aber auch kein amerikanischer oder englischer, sondern ganz woanders. Ich glaube, ich muss die Herkunft niemandem auf die Nase binden, meine Bestätigung muss reichen :p Kein Fake, keine Verarsche. Bitte überlasst solche wagen Mutmassungen von Userseite den Mods, denn wir haben die Mittel, um das auch zu überprüfen. Bitte, danke. - TBR

24.08.2004, 03:24
can someone translate what jemova sad?
i dont know german.

The Game
24.08.2004, 03:54
Original geschrieben von harpushka
can someone translate what jemova sad?
i dont know german.

Just forget it, it's not important. Some spam.

24.08.2004, 04:15
Jenova believes, that you aren´t from a english-speaking land or faking and TBR has edited his post to tell him that the first case is the true one... I guess he didn´t meant any offence, we had very much fakers and so many new guys are suspected to be a faker ^^

24.08.2004, 09:17
what the translate of "die" in germen?
the same in english?
cause if it the same i think i understand what was the point in his words....
ohh and he right' i am not from an english talking country'
is it wrong?

24.08.2004, 17:04
Well no, "die" is in german one of the 3 words for "the", "die" is used when the subject/object is female or in plural
the woman -> die Frau
the dogs -> die Hunde

That you´re not from an english-speaking land isn´t bad, he just noticed your not perfect english and ´cause the common fakers aren´t speaking perfect too, he thought, you are one

24.08.2004, 17:11
i need someone to teach me something: (if someone still want to talk with me)
how do i make people in a map?
how do i start with one hero and text on black screen.
how so i make hero or people lay on bed and get up?
how do i make that picture will show on the map and text?
(like an picture of an armori and text "what would you like to buy?")
thanks a lot your unamerican friend...
ohhh and are you from english talking country janova?
and what are does "fakers"

24.08.2004, 19:37
1.Just make a new Event (I hope you know how) and then choose the charset. Then select the char you want and that's it.
2.Could you be more specific?
3.First you need to make a closed eye animation. That is very simple just replace the eyes with skintone and then make a black line there, were the 2 upper eyes were.(I hope you unterstand it.) Then when the person gets into the bed it has to look down and then you need this animation)
4.I really don't understand your question.

25.08.2004, 04:11
Hello I hope my englisch isn´t so bad and u can understand it.
For an person on the map choose a place where u wan´t to have the person and double click there. Now an new window shall open. there is somewhere on the left site an small window where normaly an transparent colour is. right of it is an button called set. If u click it you can set the graphic of the person. Now on the right site is in the white window somewhere <> if u double click it an window opens and u can choose different orders. If u want that the person says something u choose the button message and writhe somting.

If u wanna learn how the rpg maker works download the e-Book i think it also exists on englisch.

Good luck

faker means the same as in englisch

25.08.2004, 17:21
jake, i want that in the start the picture that you see when you play the game will be black (blackscreen) and then will start a text..
(like the hero is wakes up and ask "where em i?" all that in black screen) and how do i make text like thinking? i mean text that you dont need to touch something to active it?
and in my 4 question i mean that in the armory, i dont want a room i want a picture that text will show ( a picture of an armori and text will show when you enter.)
and what is a panorama?
angi, i dont know how to download the e-book, from where can i download it?
thanks a lot...

25.08.2004, 19:29
If u wan´t to have the black screen klick while u are creating a new map in the window where u can choose the size at the button background and u have the black screen . At the map u must use the pink pallet thing and fill out the complet map. For an event which starts without pushing an key you must set it on autostart.
The E-book??? Do u know google? If not it is on the sit www.google.de
There u can fill in the e-book and click the button search now google shows u where u can download it. try it.

See ya