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14.05.2004, 00:54
wir schreiben morgen ne Englischarbeit. Das Thema ist wahrscheinlich: Pro und Contra der EU-Erweiterungspolitik.

Wäre dankbar, wenn jemand den Aufsatz lesen würde, und Sachen verbessern würde. Inhaltlich müsste der korrekt sein.

Bisher ist es nur die Einleitung und der Haupteil pro. Der Rest editiere ich später.

With the further expansion of Europe only two weeks ago and the removing of the “iron wall”, the European Union is now accessible to 10 new countries. Of course, there have always been enlargements in the cause of the last decades, but comparatively, of less importance. Is it any astonishing, that even more countries knock on the European door trying to take part in a too high-praised community? It is indeed obvious, that the eastern states want to obtain a small part of prosperity and wealthy assuming that we, the foundation of Europe, stop revel in our richness to share the advantages of the Western World. Is the European advance policy a divine blessing or a horrific curse that will once become the most annoying-doom? Surely, the treads of fate don’t intend neither nor, but there are, nevertheless, benefits and disadvantages for both sides.

After the collapsing of the economic trade foundation connecom of the socialistic empire, the acceding countries could now retain their economic growth, or even improve their situation. Considering them as an equal business partner, trading will become easier and more comfortable guaranteeing us heavy benefits. Hopefully, with their rise, we could put an end to our current economic disease.

Furthermore, the political status could be maintained and the process of democracy could receive a tremendous acceleration. Therefore, new members could encourage and influence the conservative behaviour of Asian governments which are unfortunately totally twisted and instable.
Besides, Europe is now prepared for the onrush of drugs and crime and possibly capable of defeating the entangled underground network.

Mainly, we profit from the cultural aspects. There are completely new influences, for instance foreign food, tradition and music. Roughly speaking, we are flooded by an amazing wave of diversity. This large spectrum could assist us to get rid of our prejudices in order to understand those people.

02.06.2004, 23:54
hi ich muss sagen so ist alles korrekt bis auf an der selle am anfang
"nion is now accessible are 10 new countries." hab ich are geschrieben und nicht "to"
da dürfte es stimmen
und dann hast du einmal den satz geschrieben
"oor trying to take part in a too high-praised community"
den hab ich dir ubersetzt und das kann raus
" die schwierig ist, teilzunehmen, ein zu hoch lobte Gemeinschaft"
sehr verwirrend naja da weis ich nicht was du schreiben kannst
ich hoffe ich konnzte dir helfen
gruß deine hina