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14.04.2004, 03:23
So Leute.
Wir werden hier und jetzt ein Lied schreiben. Jeder schreibt bis zu
drei Strophen, dann kommt der nächste. Die Strophen sollten zusammenpassen. Ich geb euch mal den Anfang:

I will teach you the Hate,

(Mist! Darauf reimt sich nichts.. lasst euch was einfallen.)
im übrigen...


14.04.2004, 03:36

14.04.2004, 04:19
@Gimonfu: Darf ich fragen was das soll? ;)


I will teach you how to hate
Be my disciple
I will teach you how to fight
Fight till death!

I will teach you how to kill
kill your enemys and fears
And you will kill me
The Person you hate most

[Naja bin nicht besonders gut wenns um solche sachen geht, aber ich schätze mal es ist ein anfang...wenn auch kein Guter >_>]

14.04.2004, 04:52
I will teach you how to hate
you will see your real Fate
in the end you'll walk out that gate
Yes I'll be the man you hate

I will teach you how do kill
you will see that fulfill
the Life of which run away over that hill
and those who are about to kill

(ein bisschen das von Laty abgeändert...)

14.04.2004, 05:55
Das gefällt mir:D

Jesus, my penis is so small
and because of that I'm so fuckin' bad
I've got a hitler-poster on my wall
I pray to it everytime I go to bed

my english is awful
and I can't rhyme
but my lyrics are hateful
you see it in every line

14.04.2004, 10:19
Gut, dann versuch ich mal das hier weiterzutexten...

I will teach you how to hate
then you will see your real Fate
in the end you'll walk out of that gate
yes I'll be the man you'll hate

I will teach you how to kill
you will see that will fulfill
the Life from which you ran away over that hill
and from those who you are about to kill

I will teach you how to die
you will see that it is no lie
that suffering is like a darkening sky
endless and painful, oh tell me why

Habs auch ein klein wenig verändert... ^^

14.04.2004, 23:19
Bravur! Ihr macht das ja richtig gut! Muss ick ooch

I will teach you how to hate
then you will see your real Fate
in the end you'll walk out of that gate
yes I'll be the man you'll hate

I will teach you how to kill
you will see that will fulfill
the Life from which you ran away over that hill
and from those who you are about to kill

I will teach you how to die
you will see that it is no lie
that suffering is like a darkening sky
endless and painful, oh tell me why

Youre Eyes are could,
your heart is on the Dark side,
its not god
that is be all right.

15.04.2004, 04:12
@Gimonfu: Darf ich fragen was das soll? ;)
In der Vorraussicht, dass jeder nur eine Zeile posten würde wollte ich dem vorbeugen da ich lieber drei Strophen lese. Der Threadersteller hat klasse vorgemacht wie man es nicht tun sollte.

Chaos Vincent
15.04.2004, 07:30
Ich werd auch noch was anhängen, aber es ist für mich der erste Versuch, also bitte nicht böse sein

I will teach you how to hate
then you will see your real Fate
in the end you'll walk out of that gate
yes I'll be the man you'll hate

I will teach you how to destroy
every single men's joy
and you will learn how to enjoy
to play with human beings like a toy

I will teach you how to kill
you will see that will fulfill
the Life from which you ran away over that hill
and from those who you are about to kill

I will teach you how to die
you will see that it is no lie
that suffering is like a darkening sky
endless and painful, oh tell me why

Youre Eyes are could,
your heart is on the Dark side,
its not god
that is be all right.

ich habe meine Strophe als zweites eingesetzt, da ich dachte die Reihenfolge hate --> destroy --> kill --> die sei die passendste, ich nehme gerne kritik entgegen.

btw: BÖSE MODs lassen die Sig an

Das halte ich für ein Gerücht ;)
-Laty :D
Edit: und dann nuch in meinen Beiträgen herumeditieren, ultraböser Mod ;)

15.04.2004, 08:00
Ich hab hier noch nen Verbesserungsvorschlag....

I will teach you how to hate
then you will see your real fate
in the end you'll walk out of that gate
yes I'll be the man you'll hate

I will teach you how to destroy
every single men's joy
and you will learn how to enjoy
to play with human beings like a toy

I will teach you how to kill
you will see that will fulfill
the life from which you ran away over that hill
and from those who you are about to kill

I will teach you how to die
you will see that it is no lie
that suffering is like a darkening sky
endless and painful, oh tell me why

Your eyes are empty and cold,
your lonely soul dark and sold,
and you were never told,
that god is useless and old.

P.S. Jaaaa, böse MODs... ^_^

15.04.2004, 13:28
I will teach you how to hate
then you will see your real fate
in the end you'll walk out of that gate
yes I'll be the man you'll hate

I will teach you how to destroy
every single men's joy
and you will learn how to enjoy
to play with human beings like a toy

I will teach you how to kill
you will see that will fulfill
the life from which you ran away over that hill
and from those who you are about to kill

I will teach you how to die
you will see that it is no lie
that suffering is like a darkening sky
endless and painful, oh tell me why

Your eyes are empty and cold,
your lonely soul dark and sold,
and you were never told,
that god is useless and old.

Your heart look like coal,
like an endless black hole,
and that's why you kill,
'cuz you like this fuck'ng thrill

I will teach you how to pray,
till the judgement day,
the time will come for sure,
and then you will know why

Hai, nich lachen, das is wirklich alles was ich kann.

Golden Chocobo
15.04.2004, 17:14
Original geschrieben von Gimonfu
In der Vorraussicht, dass jeder nur eine Zeile posten würde wollte ich dem vorbeugen da ich lieber drei Strophen lese. Der Threadersteller hat klasse vorgemacht wie man es nicht tun sollte.

Achja vielleicht hat er auch nur ein Beispiel geschrieben, außerdem war es der Anfang, worauf die anderen aufbauen.;)
Außerdem warum postest du nicht selber was, sondern macht nur ein Smilie oder sonst was.
Deins geht auch nicht gerade über 3 Zeilen, auch wenn es kein Text ist.
So genug jetzt, hab kein Bock.!^^

15.04.2004, 23:09
Jap, so siehts aus.
Im übrigen finde ich eure Texte Genial!

17.04.2004, 23:38
I will teach you how to hate
then you will see your real fate
in the end you'll walk out of that gate
yes I'll be the man you'll hate

I will teach you how to destroy
every single men's joy
and you will learn how to enjoy
to play with human beings like a toy

I will teach you how to kill
you will see that will fulfill
the life from which you ran away over that hill
and from those who you are about to kill

I will teach you how to die
you will see that it is no lie
that suffering is like a darkening sky
endless and painful, oh tell me why

Your eyes are empty and cold,
your lonely soul dark and sold,
and you were never told,
that god is useless and old.

Your heart look like coal,
like an endless black hole,
and that's why you kill,
'cuz you like this fuck'ng thrill

I will teach you how to pray,
till the judgement day,
the time will come for sure,
and then you will know why

dann kommt nochmal der chorus und dann ein interlude, das geht dann so:
But you're still my girl - smacking faces makes me bad
Still taking your painful dirty games, filthy little rat

22.04.2004, 03:05
Machta jut.. wees eener von euch, wo ick did her habe?
Did is en Buch, wo "I will teach you the hate" drinsteht.

26.04.2004, 01:38
und was machst jetzt mit dem text?
hast du ne melodie dafür oder so?

27.04.2004, 05:55
WOW, der Text gefällt mir ... :D
Ist echt cool, abgesehen davon,
dass manchmal ein paar rhytmische Unstimmigkeiten vorhanden sind ...
abba dass mus einfach n Trash Metal Song werden,
ne andre Art von Musik passt da garnet zu ... :D