Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Englische Facharbeit zu dem Buch 'Holes' von Louis Sachar

23.01.2004, 03:28
Argh, ok ich brauch mal Hilfe.
Wir müssen bis zum Anfang April eine englische Facharbeit über diese Buch schreiben.
Das könnte sich auf rund 150-200 Seiten Computerarbeit ausdehnen.
So, alleine das Vocabulary Log ist extrem viel, dann noch 500-700 Wörter über eine Empfehlung schreiben, alle 50 Kapitel zusammenfassen und noch vieles vieles mehr.
Ich muss am Ende noch eine eidesstattliche Erklärung unterschreiben, dass ich alles alleine und selbstständig erarbeitet habe.
Wenn einer der vier Lehrer, die das korrigieren, rausfindet, dass einer irgendetwas abgeschrieben hat, können die beschliessen, die Arbeit nachträglich mit 6 zu bewerten.
So, und jetzt bitte ich euch, nichts zu schreiben, was ich verwenden könnte, sonst hagelts eine Menge Anschiss ^^
Ich hab mal die ersten 3 Kapitel des Buchen zusammengefasst, wäre nett, wenn die mal einer korrigieren könnte, das darf man nämlich.

Wer das Buch kennt, der kann was zum Inhalt sagen, wer das Buch nicht kennt, der kann was zur Grammatik beitragen, m'kay?
Dann mal die ersten drei Kapitel:

Summary Chapter I:

There is no lake at Camp Green Lake.
During the summer, the daytime temperature can be around ninety-five degrees in the shade.
The inmates have got to dig one hole every day.
In the camp are two old trees with a hammock between, which belongs to the Warden.
All over the parched lake live scorpions and rattlesnakes.
If someone gets bitten by one of them, he'll get one or two days off.
But sometimes yellow-spotted lizards appear, and if someone gets bitten by one of them, he'll die a slow and painful death.

Summary Chapter II:

The most convicted haven't got any chance; they have got to go to Camp Green Lake if they commit a crime.
They think that if a bad boy has got to dig a hole every day, it'll turn him into a good boy.
But Stanley Yelnats has a choice; he can decide between going to jail or going to Camp Green Lake.
He chooses the camp...

Summary Chapter III:

Stanley Yelnats is on his way to Camp Green Lake.
He sits in a bus, beside a guard and behind the bus driver.
He remembers his childhood, as he played with stuffed animals and pretended, that there's a 'Camp Fun and Games'.
Stanley is overweight; that's why most people teased him in school, even teachers.
But he did not commit the crime, he was supposed to.
All of his family blame Stanley's 'no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather' for all bad luck happening in the family.
His great-great-grandfather stole a pig from a one-legged Gypsy, so she put a curse on him and all his descendants.
On the trip to Camp Green Lake, Stanley thinks about the song, his father used to sing to him.
Stanley's father is an inventor, who needs old sneakers to recycle them.
Stanley's great-grandfather had made a fortune in the stock-market.
But he lost his entire fortune, when he went to California; his stagecoach was robbed by a famous outlaw named Kissin' Kate Barlow.
She was called Kissin' Kate Barlow because she kissed all the men she murdered, but not Stanley's great-grandfather.
Instead of killing him, she abadoned him in the middle of the desert.
The bus stops and Stanley is not able to see any lake.

Ich bin Klasse 10, Realschule, falls das hilft, und jetzt hoffe ich, dass ihr mir helfen könnt ^^