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18.12.2003, 19:05
Kirigan Settlement

Ich möchte gern meine spiel ankundigen. Höfflich mache ich nicht viel schreibfehler. Ich bin Hollandisch nämlich..
So ich schreibe meinen geschichte im "English". Entschuldigung, aber ich habe nun meine wörterbuche schon nötig...
Danach sind da noch screens, aber die sind an bischen alt, die neue muB ich noch mache.

Die geschichte:
[Introduction in the game isn't done]

The forest frights me...
Like they can see me...
I can hear them whispering..
They certainly know more then me. But what..
What's happening... It shouldn't suppose to happen?
Where are brother, now I need you the most...

Mom left, dad left
Am I alone?

You see a girl sitting on the edge of a lake. See has blue long hair and she is cries. Her tears falling in the lake, ripples the lake. In her hand lays a letter. It's an old letter, from a few moths ago. In the letter stands: I have to go, else mom and dad died for nothing.

Some screens:
1. Einen gebirge im ein wald. Du kans auf die Brücke laufen oder da unter. Die script hab ich gefunden bei "alchemist", thanx.
2. Das kämpfsystem, diese geschichte soll upgedate werden.Jede kämpf ist im ein map gemacht. Die kämpfsystem arbeitet noch nicht gut. So
gern nicht die demo downloaden, noch nicht.
3. Einen normalle dorf. Die erste dorf.
4. Ein wald

- Ap System (Ability punkte)
Mit Ap kannst du nue fahigkeiten auswahlen.
- Jp System (Junction punkte)
Mit Jp kannst du die fahigkeiten benutzen.
- ATB Kämpfsystem
- Viele mini-quests
- Rätsels
- mini spiele

Gebe mir gern tips wie ich ein gute map macht oder etwas anders.!!!

Meinen site muB noch bei gearbeitet werden aber hier ist die link:
shenja (http://www.shenja.tk)
Demo fertig: 70% (Kirigan Settlment 0.05c)
Release: December/ Anfang January

18.12.2003, 20:50

1. learn german or use translation programms ;)

2. you are using RTP Chipset this is not good (the most ppl here hate it..)

3. ATB Battle System .., You are using Rm2k3 ?

4. The maps are to empty... filled the maps with flowers aso.


18.12.2003, 21:04
Ich hoffe du verstehst mich wenn ich Deutsch rede;) :

Also die Einführung in das Spiel hört sich meiner Meinung nach sehr gut an!
Nur die Screens sehen nicht sehr gut aus...
1. Alle Screens sind viel zu leer und eintönig...
2. Hast du das KS selber gemacht? Oder hast du wie Lunar schon sagte den RM2k3?
3. Die RTP-Chipsets sind echt schlecht, lade dir welche aus dem Netz runter...
4. Die Screens die man hier sieht sehen irgendwie alle echt langweilig aus...http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/s_029.gif

cya Tarantox

18.12.2003, 21:15
The screens are.. well..
Standart ;)
Use better, fresher Chipsets..
Maps are too empty, like Lunar already said.
Use some more plants..

But I think it will be a nice game..

18.12.2003, 21:21
I like the Screens

They're good mapped, not too empty, not too full.
I wonder wether the battle system in the third screen was made by you.
Is it the standart RM2k3 BAttle System?
Well, the trees in the Wood-Screen are a bit too dark.

(Ich war ma so frei, KLampfsystem mit Battle System zu übersetzen)!

Broken Chords Can Sing A Little
18.12.2003, 22:12
Ok, I can't say very much to the story because it's a little bit small ^^.
And for the Screens:
1 one: It's nice, but for me there are to less plants or rocks...also the way is too straight and the bottom of the caveentrace isn't there ^^. But it's OK.
2 one: Hm, in the background of the Battle System the people are as high als the trees and this look very unreal...I wouldn't use a map as a background but these you can download at pages like www.rpg2000.de (http://www.rpg2000.de) at "Battlebackgrounds". That'd be look better, I think.
3 one: OK, it's RTP, but for this I like the screen, it's mapped good. But I would take one of the "Mac&Blue" Chipset, which look a bit like the RTP ones. Like Lunar said, the most people don't like the RTP-Chips.
The last one: I think this is the worst one, there're too less plants, lonely trees and the top of the trees is too...black...
I would also take animals in there, which you can also download on www.rpg2000.de (http://www.rpg2000.de) at "Charaktersets".

Good luck for your game and sorry for my bad English ^^'

18.12.2003, 22:45
your battlesystem is great ... but see your maps puking to this... you can prgramming but no mapping? use better chipsets... the maps are bad.. very bad... cu m8

18.12.2003, 23:00
The Battle System is very nice.
The other screens are really too empty.
You should bring some more Details. ;)
I would prefer, if you would change your Chipsets. There are lots of sites with good sets. Perhaps you could look at >>>THIS<<< (http://www.rpg2k.de) page. ;)

btw: Welcome here and good Luck! :)

18.12.2003, 23:02
Original geschrieben von Lunar
...or use translation programms That's a joke, isn't it? http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/s_010.gif

18.12.2003, 23:14
Your screenshots look really bad, to be honest. You have to find better chipsets.

The screen of your fighting system is not bad, but you shouldn't use a chipset for it; the trees, for example, are much too small comparing them to the hero's size.
The other maps aren't that good either. They are too empty and boring.

And the features you mentioned are nothing special anymore. And I personally hate ability points and everything connected to that. It's too much theory for me.

But the "story" you wrote sounds interesting.

18.12.2003, 23:24

ähm... the screens aren´t really good, sorry! They are BAD and you use Standart Chips. Use other Chips!
Sorry when I´m not nice to you, but its not very good...
trotzdem noch viel Glück bei deinem Projekt!^^

(Ähm... vielleicht noch ein bisschen besser deutsch? Is zwar nich schlimm aba schreib bidde ordentlich oda gleich in englisch ich denke das versteht hier eigentlich doch jeder oda... na ja dann tschaui, is net bös gemeint)

18.12.2003, 23:28
Well...thats not bad...but you should use other

19.12.2003, 00:05
oh s*it... Ich hasse es in englisch zu schreiben, bei mir ist eh jedes zweite Wort nen Fehler, aber egal. o.o"

RTP are not good sets, use others. Look for others *here* (http://www.rpg2k.de) or *here* (http://www.gaminggroundzero.com/home.html)
Your Mapping Skills are not bad, but didn't good. Look after Mapping Tutorials. At some of the maps... Mapping-bugs???...
I think more plants are good for the maps.

Sorry for my >very< bad english o.O"

19.12.2003, 00:26
Original geschrieben von GSandSDS
That's a joke, isn't it? http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/s_010.gif

ich hätt noch in klammern ironier schreiben sollen :p


Master of Desaster
19.12.2003, 01:22
The screens are not eahm...the best ^^
They are too empty and the chipsets are very often use(bad english ^^)
but the forestchip is new for me O.o.
The battlesystem is from the rm2k3 or? i mean it was of the rm2k3 but i like this bs ^^

minigames are very good ^^ the most people like this!
a tip for good maps aehm i dont know where the thread "Mappinkurs" is... other guy know it? in the thread "Mappingkurs" are a lot of tips, how you can better mapping...


19.12.2003, 01:33
------- English --------
I like it.

You should realy make a few more Flowers and not only one Ground texture. You should use various textures.
The Forest chipset is Crap. The Trees dont look good with that ground. Please take an other, chipset and try to take one Style of Chipsets, and Charsets.

When u script The KS you should take a Panorama for the View. The Charakters are Momentary to Big, they are as Big as the Tree, it looks Strange.

PS: Sorry for my Crap english.
--------- Deutsch ----------
Ich mag es.

Du solltest wirklichg mehr blumen reinmachen. Und nicht nur einen Boden. Du solltest verschiedene Texturen benutzen.

Der Wald Chip ist müll. Die Bäume sehen mit dem Boden nidfcht gut aus.
Bitte nehm ein anderes, und probiere einen einheitlichen Stiel von Chips und CHars zu nehmen.

Wenn du das KS machst, solltest du einen Panorama nehmen. die Charaktere sind derzeit zu groß. die sind ja größer als der Baum. Das sieht seltsam aus.

PS: Sorry für mein kack deutsch.

-------- PPS: --------
I dont know what you can understand better. so i wrote it in both languages.
Ich weiß net was du besser Verstehst. Dahher habe ich es in beiden Sprachen geschrieben.

19.12.2003, 01:37
Thanks for writing Enlish everyone. As you mention it, I can program very well except I can't create maps that well. Thanx for the advise of making more plants or flowers. I will have that in mind. No more empty places! Allread then..
About the ATB-System, yes I created it with RPG MAKER 2000. Mmm, I didn't thought it was that strange... Aurora's Tear, Tara's Adventure, and my favorite A gate to eternity have one too (yes there are more)..
About the Chipsets, I will give it a shot. Except don't forget I can't make Chipsets very well..

ps, Sir_Flint your english isn't that bad. As long as it is readable it's good

19.12.2003, 02:34
The Screens are not the best. You shouldn't use so much RTP Chipsets, look for other chipsets in the internet, or try to paint some on your own (if you are good at painting ;)). Your mapping isn't the best, too. Your mountains (..oder? Klippen = mountains? Naja..denk schon XD) should't be so..ähm..gerade? aka symmetrisch..(hope youe can understand this ;))And there should be more flowers, animals, or other things in your maps ;)
But the screens aren't sooooooo bad, and I think you can do better ;)

PS: I know, I'm not good @ English ^^ But I think it's possible to understand me..istn't it? ^_~

19.12.2003, 05:30
I think the TAB-Battle System is good, very good, but the Battlechars them you use are the Chars of the rm2k3. And the noirmal Chastes are RTP, an these Chars are not the bests.
To the Chipstes I can only say, that you must use others, but you don't must draw them. I thik its enaugh when you use Chips out of other SNES games etc. I say that because you've siad rthat you cant draw Chips very well^^.
I come to the Screens:
Screen 1: I don't like the Chip, and the way isn't very well disignt, but when you use more plants,trees etc. it's ok.

Screen 2:
The Map isn't very well too, but the Battle System looks interesting.
Place more trees and plants here too and this map is good.

Screen 3:
The same likes the other Screens. But I think it's a good idea to use RTP, no one like it so very. It's only a tip.

Scree 4:
The same.

I know, my englisch isn't very well, but i work on it^^.

mfg Jackie-James

19.12.2003, 16:03
Original geschrieben von DC
Your mapping isn't the best, too. Your mountains (..oder? Klippen = mountains? Naja..denk schon XD) should't be so..ähm..gerade? aka symmetrisch..(hope youe can understand this )

Umm, not symmetrisch, I'll understand. Thanks, now that you said it I see it too. Like the comments about the empty maps, size of the trees, using panorama for the battles, the rtp and this tip I will work on.
Umm, release date might be delayed... Or the demo should become a bit smaller then a thought. What do you all think its better.
To delay a demo or to size it down.

Don't worry about my german, I can't write or speak very well, but I can read it. For example I played all games of Kelven, Square RPG (the one of eternal legends and nightmare project), and a lot more. I got 7 years lessons in german, so don't worry too much.
Still I appreciate it when your all write englisch.

umm, keine symmetrisch gebirge. Ich verstehe. Danke, nun du es gesagt hast sehe ich es auch. Gleichwie die anmerkungen über die lere maps, die gröbe von die Bäume, die panorama's brauchen für kämpf, die Rtp und dieser Tip soll ich gleich an arbeiten.
Veillicht schaffe ich die "release date" nicht. Was ist besser, die demo kleiner machen oder die "release date" aufschieben.

Machst du keinen Sorgen über meinen Deutsch, ich kann veillicht nicht so gut sprechen oder schreiben, aber lesen kann ich woll. zum Beispiel habe ich alle spiele von Kelven, Square RPG (Eternal Legends, The nightmare project) gespielt, und noch viel mehr. Ich habe 7 jahre Deutsch Unterrichtsstunde gehabt, so machst du nicht zu viel sorgen.
Aber wenn die allen englisch schreiben schätze ich es.Umm, finde ich das sehr nett von dir.

20.12.2003, 01:03
About the Chipsets, I will give it a shot. Except don't forget I can't make Chipsets very well..
You don`t have to make your chipsets by your self!
there are some internetsites where you can download chipsets...