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13.11.2012, 21:03
Jaja, ich hab tatsächlich eine Kurzgeschichte geschrieben. In letzter Zeit lese ich viele Gruselstorys auf Creepypasta, einer englischsprachigen Website dafür.
Da hat es mich irgendwann auch gepackt. Doch bevor ich dort meinen literarischen Dünnpfiff zum Besten gebe und da mein Englisch verbesserungswürdig ist,
dachte ich, ich poste die Geschichte erstmal in verschiedenen Foren. Und dann entdeckte ich den Literaturbereich hier. Deshalb: Incoming wall of text xD

Infos: Die Story ist aus der Ich-Perspektive erzählt, allerdings ist sie frei erfunden. Sie ist eine Mischung aus einer Idee für ein Spiel die ich mal hatte, eigenen Eindrücken aus meiner Kindheit von Krankenhäusern (wie ich sie hasse xD) und der Angewohnheit einer Freundin, zu sagen ich wäre in meiner eigenen kleinen erträumten Stadt, wenn ich abwesend gucke, was wohl häufiger der Fall ist. Über Meinungen wär ich sehr erfreut, da dies meine erste Kurzgeschichte ist und ich keinen Plan hab, ob mir sowas liegt oder nicht. Achja und mein Englisch ist stellenweiße vlt nicht sonderlich gut, entschuldigt bitte xD

Los gehts ^^

The melody of Happytown

It all happend when I was still a child. I was very ill so I spent most of the time
in an local hospital. Due to the fever, I often slept through days. Sometimes, when
I felt better, I inspected the long hallways. I imagended them to be long slides.
The nurses always chased after me and tried to bring me back in my room. "Don't
overdo it, you'll just get ill again" They always said that kind of things. I hated
it. I mean, I was a child and as a child, I wanted to play. But, as much as I hate
to say it, they were right. One day, after a long race through the hospital, I was
very exhausted. When I lied down in my bed, my body began to feel very heavy and my head
started spinning. It didn't feel right so I called one of the nurses. With just
her hand on my forehead, she immidiatly decided I had a high fever again and gave
me some medicine that would help to put me to sleep. I dont know how long I slept.
All I know is, this was the first time I heard it. This melody...

I woke up in the middle of the night. My head hurt real bad und my body felt so
heavy that I couldn't move an inch. So I just rested there, heavily breathing, trying
to fall asleep again. Every breath felt like a thousand needles would pierce my
lungs. Falling asleep seemed to be impossible. That's when I heard the melody.
It was like someone was whistling directly beside my bed. First, I was a little
scared and stared into the dark. Of course, I was alone. Maybe it's just my
imagination. Or a nurse passing by my room in the hallway. These thoughts calmed
me down a little. I closed my eyes and the whistling started again. This time,
I didn't open my eyes again. I just listened to the melody. It was unknown to
me, but in a strange way, it calmed me down. My breath slowed down and my head
stopped hurting. With this nice melody in my head, I fell asleep very soon.

When I opened my eyes again, bright sunlight was falling through my window.
I blinked and tried to get up. The clock told me, I slept nearly a full day.
A little bit hungry, I approached the door of my room. Maybe there are some
leftovers in the kitchen. Since the hospital always cooked to much, I was able
to get something to eat there every time I came. Very carefuly, I opened
the doort to the kitchen. Luck was on my side, no cook was around. I spotted
some bread on one of the tables. With the view of a child, the kitchen looked
very big, almost a little bit scary with all the big pots and jars. I sneaked
to the table at the other end of the kitchen, grabbed some bread and ham and
run back in my room. I only passed one nurse on my way and she seemed to be
in a hurry so she didnt mind me. Very hungry, the bread and ham tasted like
the most wonderful dish of the world. Soon after finish eating, my stomach
began to hurt. Maybe the food wasn't good. Not feeling very well, I stumpled
to the closest restroom. I really should take it easy. This thought came to
my mind as the world around me started to spin again and I threw up. Wondering
how incredibly worse my condition got just because I ate a little bit bread
with ham, I started to cry a little. It was terrible. Already knewing that
my stomach was empty, I couldn't stop throwing up. Then, I heard it again.
It came from outside the restroom. Very unclear, but not to overhear, someone
was whistling this melody again. I started to smile as the melody came closer
and became louder as it seemed to chase the pain away. My eyes were closing
and my body became heavy again. All the pain was gone, the only thing was
this mysteriously peaceful melody. *knock knock* Some knocked at the door.
Suddenly, the whistling stopped and I opened my eyes. I found myself still
sitting in the restroom but the sun didn't shine through the window anymore.
I must have been passed out. Again, my head began to hurt and I looked in
the mirror. My own reflection nearly frightened me to death. My face was
incredibly pale and my eyes were red. It just looked like I didn't sleep
for days. *knock knock* This time, I was sure someone knocked at the door.
Scared, I turned around and stared at the handle. "Hey kid, are you ok?"
I deeply sighed when I heard the voice. It was one of the nurses. I
Slowly opened the door and she let out a little cry. "Boy, you look like
you partyed a week without sleeping!" Not knowing what she meant, I just
looked at her without saying anything. She grabbed my hand. "Come, I'll
take you back to your room. You really should rest a little. Did you take
your medicine today?" I nodded, even I was sure that it was all in the
toilet bowl now. After bringing me to bed, the nurse gave me a little
stuffed rabbit. It looked very cute and I just gave her an asking look.
"I found it when I cleaned one of the rooms the other day. It's a present.
This little guy will chase away bad dreams and help you to get well".
She smiled as if she really believed that herself. After she left the room,
I cuddled the plush toy and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pain
in my head and the heat I felt under the cover. Trying to find some sleep again.

The next time I opened my eyes, I met a pair of worry looking eyes. "Mom?"
I wanted to say something, but my voice was too weak. "Don't worry honey.
You'll get better soon." She lied her hand on my forehead. I closed my eyes
and slept again. "His condition is gettin worse." Was that the voice of
the doctor? I tried to open my eyes again, without any success.

I don't know how long I slept. All I know is that I woke up a few minutes
after midnight. I took a look around my room. There was a CD player
and a cd on my table. The title of the cd was "Get better music". I smiled.
My mom must have left it there for me. Suddenly, I felt the urgent need
to go to the toilet. I sighed. Even I felt a little bit better, I hated
it to get up at night. But there was no choice, so I grabbed my stuff toy
to encourage myself and approached the door. The white light of the hallway
blinded me for a second when i opened it. I stumpled out of my room and
nearly crushed into someone. "Ah watch out!" The high voice let me look up.
A young girl, probably my age, was standing in front of me. She had long
brown hair, a red polluver and blue jeans. Her suprised eyes met mine.
"So... There is another kid here?" I was suprised, too. "The nurses said,
I'm the only child on this station." The girl just looked at me, she still
seemed to be suprised. Then, she began to grin. She said "Yeah, they told me
that to. Probably they don't want us to play together so we won't get ill again".
She took my hand and shook it. "I'm Patricia. And you?" I told her my name.
"Nice to meet you." She was suprisingly polite. My eyes observed her face.
"You don't look ill to me. Are you here for a visit?" She shook her had and
then took the hair out of her face. "No, I was ill but I have to stay here
a little longer. The nurses said, I could infect other people if they let
me go now." That must be terrible... Not being ill but still be imprisoned
in the hospital. "It's not that bad" she said. It was like she read my mind.
She noticed my suprised look. "I mean, you can have lots of fun here, too.
Common, let's play!" She jumped around me. "Let's play let's play".
We decided to play hide and seek. It was pretty fun, but she always found me
quick because I had to cough very often. After a few hours passed, the tiredness
came back to me. "I think I should go to bed, soon. It's still in the middle of
the night..." Patricia gave me a worried look. "Are you sure? Let's play a little
longer..." She put on the puppy-look. I later decided to call it puppy-look since
she always looked like that when she wanted something. And in some way, it reminded
me of a cute puppy. I yawned. "I'm sorry, Patricia. I really need some sleep now...
I'm still ill, you know" She was a bit disappointed and looked to the floor.
"Hey, we can play together again when I get up, ok?" She raised her eyes and
gave me that creepy look. I hated it when she looked like that. I don't know why
but it was a little bit scarying. She put her hand on my forehead, waited a few
moments and began to grin. This scary thing in her eyes vanished. "Ok, then I'll
see you tomorrow" She suddenly turned around and ran down the hallway. I looked
after her and let out a sigh. It was nice to have someone to play with, but
I was ill after all so it was very exhausting for me. I really have to tell
her that she need to have consideration for that. Powerless, I arrived at my room.
As soon as I fell in my bed, I began to sleep. But it wasn't for long.
I woke up only a few hours later. A chill ran down my back. Someone is watching
me. I felt it. That uncomfortable feeling when a look pierces you. Carefully, I
looked from under my blanket in the corner of my room. There! Someone was sitting
on my chair! I wanted to let out a cry, but my voice faded and it ended up in a heavy
cough. The shadow on the chair didn't move. Maybe it's just my imagination? With this
thought, I slowly got up and sneaked to the switch to turn on the lights. The bright
flash blinded me for a second again and my eyes started to hurt. I turned around
and looked at my chair. Then I began to laugh. It was my plush toy, the little bunny.
I must have dropped it when I played with patricia. Maybe one of the nurses
remembered it was my toy and brought it back into my room while I slept. Relieved, I
picked him up and went back to my bed. The weird feeling was gone.

The next morning arrived. I woke up and looked in a pair of big green eyes.
"Woah!" I let out a cry of suprise. "Good morning. You sure sleep a lot, you know
that?" It was Patricia. "What are you doing in my room?" A little bit confused and
very sleepy, I tried to get up. "Well, you said we'll play again today and I was
very bored so I waited here for you to wake up." She grinned. "How do you feel?"
I let out a big yawn. I felt better. Not good, but better than yesterday. "Better.
I think I'll finally get over this illness." "Hm" She looked at the floor.
"What is it?" She looked up again and a chill ran down my neck when our eyes met.
She smiled, but this time, it was no happy or nice smile, it was cold...
As if there was somethin else. Something evil. I had a feeling that it was getting
colder in my room. She walked a few steps toward me. I couldn't move, my body
was somehow paralyzed. Sweat ran down my face as she pull out her hand towards me...
Then, she gave me a little slap in the face. "Hey, what's up? Are you in Happytown again?"
The evilness vanished. The room got warm again and the fear was gone. A little bit
confused, I asked her what "Happytown" would be. "You don't know? Sometimes,
you look like your thinking about something real hard. Your eyes are getting glassy
and it's like you're drifting away in your own little world." She laughed. "I
think everybody do this sometimes. You know... Drifting away in their own fantasy
world. I call that 'Happytown'". Well, I didn't realize that. But I shook my
head. "No I just thought I saw something that wasn't there..." "Oh really?
You sure you are ok?" She looked a little bit troubled. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Great!
Mind to go out for a walk together?" "A walk?" Like almost every child, walks were
something of the boriest things in the world to me. Besides, the nurses said I shouldn't
leave the hospital. The winter was about to come and it got very cold outside.
As I told Patricia that, she just waved with her hand like she wanted to push these
thoughts away. "Don't be such a crybaby. I have to show you something, common!" I sighed.
I grabbed my jacket and went to the door. "Yay" Patricia seemed to be very happy.
"Oh, and don't forget Mr Bunny" She gave me my plush toy. "Mr bunny?" She really gave
that plush toy such a cliche name? "Yes, that's his name. I'm sure he'll like a little
bit fresh air, too." Not sure about that, I put him in my pocket. "Ok, let's go"
We sneaked out of my room through the hallways. I almost felt like a criminal, but I
understood that the nurses won't be happy if they knew that two ill children and a
plush toy were going for a walk in the cold. Luck wasn't on our side. We were almost
at the exist when one of them walked around a corner and almost bumped into us.
She was carring a few sheets of paper that fell down to the floor. I quickly appologized
and tried to pick them up. Mr. Bunny took also a trip to the ground. A little bit
embaressed, I cramed him back in my pocket. "I'm so sorry, I hope you are ok." The
nurse looked a little bit worried. Then her expression changed. "Wait, aren't you
the one from room 104? Are you allowed to get up? Shouldn't you stay in bed?"
Damn. These nurses are well informed. I decided to try that puppy look that Patricia
gave me earlier. "I'm sorry, we just went to the kitchen but the breakfast isn't
ready yet so we're on our way back." "What?" The nurse looked clearly confused. Then
she began to smile. "Oh, I see. Then you two should hurry back. We will bring you
your breakfast when it's ready." She giggled and went by. A little bit angry and with
the feeling that I missed the joke, I looked back at Patricia. "Common, let's go!".
But she didn't react. She just stood there with her eyes wide open. She seemed to be
shocked. "Hey? What's the matter?" I approached her slowly and waved my hand in front
of her face. Suddenly, she shook her head. "Are you in your... happytown?" I grinned.
That must be the look she ment earlier I had. But she just shook her head even stronger.
"I just... I'm sorry..." She looked so confused. "Shall we stay inside?" I began
to worry. Her eyes wandered down me and stopped at the bag where Mr. Bunnys head stuck
out. Then she began to laugh. "Hey, it's not fair to laugh alone? What's so funny?" But
she gave me no answer. "Let's go!" Suddenly cheerful again, she grabbed my hand and
we headed for the exit...

A cold wind greeted us as soon as we took a step outside. A thin carpet of snow lied
on the meadow. There was a lake near the hospital and behind that, there was a forest.
The lake often caused fog to show up, but not today. I was impressed how far I was
able to look in the distance. Even it was very cold, it was a pretty nice scenery.
"Are you cold?" Patricias voice cut through my thoughts. "Yeah a little, but I'm fine."
My jacket was thin so I shivered heavily. "Here, let's change our jackets." Of course,
hers looked like a very cuddly and warm winter jacket, but even as a child, I knew
I couldn't accept that. Especially from a girl. So I just shook my head. "No I'm fine,
thanks". But she already pulled hers of and gave it to me. "Here. You are more sick than
I am and you don't want your condition get worse, do you?" She had a point there. "If you
insist..." I handed her my jacket and took hers. But it was strange. Her jacket looked
so warm and comfortable, but I felt colder than before. "How is it?" Patricia patted
Mr. Bunny on his head, then looked up to me. "Eh... Better, thanks..." It wasn't
even near to be better. In fact, I thought I was freezing to death. "That's great.
Now, let's head to the lake. I want to show you something." Colder than before and
just with the wish to go back inside, I followed her to the lake. When we arrived,
she sat down in the snowy grass. I prefered to stand cause I feared to freeze to
the ground. "Isn't itpretty?" Patricia looked at the lake. "It's a frozen lake."
I sneezed. She looked up. "Let's slide over the ice!" She stood up and headed
for the thin iceplates that covered the lake. "Hey, wait! You don't know if the ice
will crack. That's to dangerous." I tried to hold her back. "Are you afraid?" She gave
me a challenging look. "No, but I'm already freezing to death here and I don't
want to go swimming in icewater." My sentence ended in a sneeze and I started to get angry.
"Fine." She finally gave up. I sneezed again. "Maybe we should go back. I'm very cold."
Patricia didn't seem to like this idea, but she just noded. As we went back to the
hospital, we didn't talk much. Sometimes, I cut the silence with a sneeze. Then, all of
a sudden, she began to whistle that melody. As soon as I heared it, my feet stopped
moving. I stared at her with my eyes wide open. She stopped and turned around. "What's
the matter?" "This melody... I heard it when I felt very bad the other day and..."
She interrupted me. "Oh, you heard me? I used to walk through the hallways alone
when I was bored. Sometimes, I whistled that melody". She laughed. The cold wind blew stronger.
"You must have good ears if you were able to hear me." I kept staring at her. "What?"
She looked back, maybe she thought this was a staring contest. "Where'd you know this
melody from? Is it a song?". She shook her head. "No, I thought of it myself.
When I was ill, sometimes I couldn't sleep. I often lied alone in the empty dark
hospitalroom and drifted away in my own thoughts. That was when this melody
came into my mind." She scratched her head. "Maybe it's from a song I heard somewhere...
I don't even know anymore. Why do you ask, don't you like it?" We began to walk again.
"No, that's not it. But... I don't know how I can put this into words... The other day
when I wasn't able to fall asleep, I thought I heard this melody. It may sound strange,
but it calmed me down a little..." "Really?" Patricia clapped her hands and put on a
big smile. "Then it's a melody that let you feel better. A healing song." I laughed.
It was a nice thought. But it was strange that she knew the same melody I thought I
heard the other day. With these thoughts in mind, we arrived at the hospital. I
sneezed again. "Crap, I think I might have caught a cold." I sniffed. "Really?
That's not good, you're already ill. A cold surely won't help you to cure."
Suddenly, a voice interrupted the talk. "Hey!" It was one of the nurses.
Patricia reacted quickly and hid behind a corner. I reacted to slow.
"What do you think you're doing? You can't just go outside as you like! You're still
ill and it won't get better if you catch a cold!" That's it. I just stould there
and tried to look understanding. "And where the hell is your jacket?!" My face
turned a little red. I still wore Patricias jacket and it sure was emberassing to
wear a girls jacket in front of the nurse. But I decided to say nothing. Instead
of that, I sneezed again. "See? You already might have caught a cold. You'll never
get any better if you'll keep doing these things." These things? Before I could ask
a question, she took my hand and dragged me through the hallway back into my room.
"Stay here, I'll go and get you some medicine before this cold gets worse.
That's really the last thing you need now." She turned around and rushed out of
the room. I scratched my head. Maybe she was right. I didn't feel very good so
I craweld under my bedsheets and tried to warm up. The tiredness caused me to fall
asleep very quickly...

I slept nearly half a day because the next time I woke up, it was already dark.
I tried to get up, but my body felt like a train ran over it. This damn cold,
I shouldn't have gone outside with Patricia. I turned myself around and let out
a cry of suprise when I suddenly saw a shadow in the corner of my room. First, I
thought of Mr Bunny again, but as soon as my eyes get used to the dark, I recognized
the red pullover. My eyes were getting heavy again and it was very hard not
to fall asleep again. The shadow began to melt with the darkness and I thought I
heard Patricias voice. "How are you?" "Can you get up?" "Please let's play together"
"Let's play together" "Let's play!" These last few sentences creeped me out and
I pulled the cover over my head. They didn't sound nice and friendly anymore, more
like a command and then like a sad cry. "Please, play with me! Don't ignore me!
Don't leave me alone here!" It felt like a nightmare and maybe it just
was one, I had high fever at this night, stated the doctor later. The cries in my
had were getting louder and louder and just closed my eyes, hoping my cover would
protect me. Hoping to wake up soon. Then, it suddenly stopped. I heard nothing
than my still racing heartbeat. Just to be sure, I waited a few more minutes.
Then, I slowly opened my eyes. I immidiatly realized that this time, it really was
a dream. The scenery was unusally detailed for one, but I wasn't in my bed anymore.
I lied in gras. I stood up and took a look around. The first thing I noticed was that
the bad feeling was gone. No hurting head, no hurting chest - nothing. I stood in the
middle of a big field of strange flowers I never saw before. The sky was orange, like the
sun was about to go down. I turned around and spotted a village. It was about 500 meter away from
the flowerfield and the houses looked very funny. They were round with colourful
roofes. The beautiful sight let me smile. A warm breeze came from the village and brought
a sweet smell with it. I began to wonder how many different sensations this dream
had. It was way to real. I turned around again. Behind me, there was a forest. The trees seemed
to be dead, there were no leafes on them. The ground turned gray where it began.
I shivered. This place was a great contrast to the rest of the beautiful scenery. Suddenly,
I heard a voice. "Hey!" My heart made a little jump. This voice was way to familar.
I turned around and looked in Patricias face. She looked very happy and jumped around me.
"What are you doing in my dream?" I decided to ask her directly. She stopped jumping
and looked me directly in the eyes. "Can't you answer that yourself?" I put on a confused
look. She sighed. "If this is your dream, than I am just a product of your imagination.
So basicly, you're talking to yourself right now." Wow. For a second, I was speechless.
She really had a point there. But before I could ask another question, she changed the
subject. "Look who is here, too." A small creature climbed out of her pocket on her shoulder.
I wasn't really suprised since I often dreamed my plushtoys would come to life. It was Mr. Bunny.
He wore a black cylinder and a monocle. "He is very vain." Patricia whisperd. I laughed, it just
looked to funny. Mr. Bunny ignored it and put out a cigeratte. But instead of the ugly smell,
the smoke smelled like bubble gum. "Well, let's go!" Patricia grabbed my hand. "Where are
we going?" My question wasn't really necessary since she already began to drag me in direction
of the city. "Well, to Happytown of course!" I gave her a confused look again. "Common, you
have to see it! It's such a fun place! You can eat sweets as many as you want, play all day
or just explore the different animals that live there!" "Animals?" Patricia looked very excited.
"Yes! Like Mr. Bunny here. The other day, I met a pink cat that could talk about nothing but
chocolate." She giggled. "She said, sometimes she wished to be made of chocolate, too." I laughed
and she kept telling storys as we approached the village. A nice breeze blew through my hair
again, but this time, it brought somethin different than sweet smells with itself. It was a
melody. Patricias melody. The melody I heard in the hospital. The first time I arrived in this
strange dream, I remembered the hospital. "What is it?" Patricia turned around as I stopped
moving. "Nothing... It's just this melody again..." She smiled and took my hand. "It's a nice
melody, isn't it? Look at the flowers!" I looked down and couldn't trust my eyes as the
flowers seemed to dance with the song. Even they were delighted by the music. A strange
kind of hapiness began to fill my heart and I moved on. Towards this nice smell. Towards
this beautiful melody. Towards Happytown.

A loud scream interrupted this all-around peace. It came from behind. I looked back and saw
a few black shadows approaching from the dead forest. A chill ran down my neck. I couldn't
say what they where, they had no solid shape. But they made this strange kind of cry.
It was like it pierced directly through my heart. Paralyzed of fear, I couldn't move
an inch. I could do nothing than just standing there, looking at the bizzare creatures,
moving toward me. It began to sound more and more like uncontrollable sobbing.
"No!" Patricias voice broke the paralyzation. She sounded more angry than
scared. The crys of the shadows were getting louder and louder as the melody from the
village fanted. Patricia grabbed my arm and pulled on it. "Let's run! We're safe in
Happytown!" She didn't had to tell me that twice, I turned around and ran like there was
no tomorrow. Only a few footsteps away from the colorful entry to the village, I paused
again. "What is it?" Patricia already was on the other side of the entrance. "Hurry up
or they will get you!" "But..." I looked back. One of the shadows chasing me arrived.
"This is... It sounded like my mother..." "No!" Patricia panicked. "That's just a trick
of them to get you! Quickly, come over here!" The shadow in front of me took the form
of a giant worm. I looked directly into a big, wide opened moul. Shadows dropped to the
ground from it as the shape didn't seem to be solid. "Come here!" Patricia jumped up and
down and even Mr. Bunny stood beside her and waved with his plushy arms. But I kept
looking into the mould of the shadow. I was like hypnotized by the voice that came out
of it. I could hear it very clear now. It was the voice of my mother. She was sobering
very heavily. "Please, don't take him from me." "Be strong my sweatheart. I'm here for you.
Can you hear me? I don't know if you can hear me. But if you can, you have to know...
Wherever you are now, we miss you..." Tears ran down my face. I couldn't take it to hear
my mother crying. Patricias voice in the background began to fade as I gave in. The worm
rushed down and suddenly, it was dark all around me. There were no voices anymore. There
was just this pitch black emptyness I floated in. I closed my eyes. Maybe I made the wrong
choice. But my mothers voice was to strong that I could resist it. Then, I suddenly began to
fell. I screamed as I began to fall faster and faster and suddenly I landed in my bed.
It felt like I fell from the cieling and I let out a scream again and gasped. Very confused,
it took a while for me to realize that I woke up in the hospital. Suddenly, I felt a warm
hug. I looked up and saw my mother holding me. Tears ran down her face as she hugged me
so hard that I had a little problem to breath properly. I tried to move my arm and saw
that there were some tubes fixed to my arm that lead to some sort of machine with different
suspicious looking liquids in it. I softly pushed my mom away. She was still crying but
she seemed to be happy. Not knowing what was going on, looked around my room. One of the
nurses and a doctor stood around, both looked very happy, too. Finally, I brought out
few words. "What's going on here?" My mom hugged me again and the doctor pulled out
the tubes of my arm. I hurt a little and the nurse quickly put a bound around it. Still
confused, I looked in the corner of my room. Mr. Bunny was sitting on the chair, but
Patricias jacket was gone. The doctor and the nurse said something to my mother and
left the room. Then, she began to speak. "You know, sweaty... You fell asleep five days
ago and..." She smeared some tears on my bedsheet. "... and you didn't woke up again..."
That was here explanation for me as a child. Later I was told I fell into a coma.
The cold and my illness were more than my body could handle at this time.

A few days passed. I was feeling better and better. The doctor said, I could leave
the hospital on friday and my mother visited me every day. But something was missing.
The day before my mother wanted to come to pick me up, I decided to say goodbye to
Patricia. After I woke up from the coma, I didn't had the chance to speak to her since
my mother or the nurses and doctors always kept me bussy. I felt really good and it
seemed like the illness was finally gone. I grabbed Mr. Bunny and went down the
hallways. I didn't really had a plan where her room was so I just decided to take a
few random looks, hoping to met her eventually. But I had no luck. Did she already left
the hospital? This would be possible since she wasn't ill anymore. I decided to ask
the nurse that saw us when we sneaked out of the hospital. Now that I was healthy, they
were much friendlier than before. After I asked my question, the nurse got a strange
look in her face. "Patricia? I don't remember we have patient with this name. As I
told you before, you are the only child in this hospital at the moment. We usually
don't take children in, you know." "What?" I looked at her with wide open eyes. "But
you saw us, try to remember. The girl I was with when I told you we were looking for
something to eat in the kitchen! You said, you'll bring us something when it's ready!"
"Of course". The nurse pointed on my pocket. "I spoke of you two." I pulled Mr. Bunny
out of my pocket. "But..." The nurse interrupted me. "Maybe you just had a bad dream.
You had a high fever at that time..." "But when I got back, I wore her jacket! You even
scolded me!" I was really scared at that moment. "I scolded you because you wore nothing
but your pyjama!" The voice of the nurse got louder. "You know how afraid I was when
I saw one of our most critical patient coming from the biting cold with just wearing
his pyjamas?" I shook my head and ran back to my room. That couln't be! Why did the nurse
say something like that? I just sat on my bed and looked at Mr. Bunny. I never saw
Patricia again.

The next morning arrived and my mother came to pick me up. The nurses helped me to pack my stuff
and I said goodbye to everyone. With mixed feelings, I got in the car. I was happy to
leave the hospital, but I was sad that I couldn't say goodbye to Patricia. When my mother
began to drive, I looked into the mirror with the expection to see her behind one of the windows
or maybe in front of the entrance. But there was nobody. I sighed and turned around.
"What is it, Sweatheart?" My mum heard that sigh. "Shall we get something good to eat? You
must be terribly hungry. The food in hospitals is really bad these days. Mums. Thinking you
can solve every problem with nice food. But it brought a smile to my face.
Soon, I got bored in the car and opened my backpack to play with my gameboy. My mums "Get better music"-CD
was on the top of it and fell down. Damn! She made a CD with just my favorite songs and I
weren't even listening to it! I quickly picked it up and put in into my CD player.
"Oh, and thanks for the CD mum. It really uhm... cheered me up. I still love listening to it."
I put on the headphones so I couldn't hear her reply. "What are you talking about, honey?"
I pressed the play button. My heart stopped for a second and my eyes opened wide. There was
no song on it. Just a melody.

The end