Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : [GB] I got a Shard in my Flare, your B-Day is invalid!

24.10.2009, 03:19
So I herd FlareShard is a pretty cool guy; she has B-Day and doesn´t afraid of anything. She nao lived twenty years. That´s as many as two tens. And that´s just super special Ceriawesome!
As reward for your loyal participation in our community activities and steady supply of snarky humor for another over 9000 years of your life, there will be delicous BEEFcake. Do want? Go get it!


And don´t forget to screw the rules and have money green hair fun on this very special scaturday! Control your angsty powers wisely, snickety-slice your cake with care and enjoy lashings of Ginger Beer for everyone. Or as one of the finest minds of our generation would say: STUTTGART RAGE, NYEEEEE~! o/

~ GFlügel, Lachsen
Und ja, wir tun hier nur Englisch sprechen tuten tun...der Grund: Brutale Killerspiele!!

24.10.2009, 03:32
Omfg, like, do a barrel roll for great justice...tshaa~! D:

Gratz, stay as awesome as you are and dun let sum stupid prepz ruin your day! =D

24.10.2009, 03:42
Happy birthday FlareShard.

24.10.2009, 03:47
Wie ich English hasse. ._.


24.10.2009, 03:52
Happy Birthday FlareShard!

Your voice age of 9001 20 years gives you super strength!
Screw weegee children's cardgames the money grey daily routine, you have rules bandits birthday!

@Merendit: what the piece of ship? :rolleyes: 「Spassverderber」!

24.10.2009, 03:57
Happy Birthday FlareShard! Nao u can has Cheezburger!

24.10.2009, 09:32
Alles Gute Flare Shard, feier schön. :)

24.10.2009, 09:35
Heartly luckwish.

Braska Feuerseele
24.10.2009, 09:47
I has a deelishus foodz |3
*eats ur cake*

Happeh Gratz Flareshard :A

24.10.2009, 09:47

24.10.2009, 10:27
Congratulations! My best wishes!

Daen vom Clan
24.10.2009, 10:33
Flareshard, wise Keeper of the soundtracks!
Best wishes from Shinnie and me to you at your happy day :)

(is the guy on the flying tank holding a heart in his hands...! :eek: )

24.10.2009, 10:33
Happy B-Day ;)

LG Mike

24.10.2009, 10:36
The plants were singing and the birds and the sun were almost down from the top of the sky. Gorden freeman yelled:" Over here, John Freeman!" and John Freeman came over to him so they can live up to their family name and face full live Birthday Greetings.

Happy Birthday, Gay Luigi Greeny. Flareshard.


24.10.2009, 10:52
Happy Birthday!

24.10.2009, 11:09
h'ppy b-day

24.10.2009, 11:13
happy Birthday. I hope you did it 4 the lulz.

Spongie *W*
24.10.2009, 11:33
Gratz, FlareShard. Stay fresh, stay cool, stay heavy!

24.10.2009, 11:49
Happy Burzeltag, FlareShard! :3
Eat your cake with fun!

24.10.2009, 11:58
Yo dawg.
So, I herd u liek mudkipz so I put a mudkipz in a mudkipz and so both can
congratulate you.
Happy Birthday.

Davy Jones
24.10.2009, 11:59
I'll take a FlareShard of courage to protect me, if you don't hear from her in a month, send birthday greetings.

In diesem Sinne alles Gute <3

24.10.2009, 12:08
Happy Birthday.

24.10.2009, 12:38
omg the 2nd one I must congratulate!


And keep the flaredy shareness (oh c'mon, you don't really look up for it... is that for real?!)

smile incessantly :)

24.10.2009, 12:49
"Wir sind hier in Deutschland, also bitte ich Sie auch deutsch zu sprechen!" xD

Herzlichen Glückwunsch. :)

24.10.2009, 14:09
Die mit dem tollen Ava früher. Herzlichen Glückwunsch. :)

24.10.2009, 14:09
Alles Gute 8D

Sry, das ich das gestern oder besser gesagt heute vergessen hab (Jaja, der Besuch + Rockband ist ne gaaaaanz böse Mischung^^).

Evil Lord Canas
24.10.2009, 14:31
Alles Gute zum 20. Lebensjahr, oh du feuriger Splitter. Auch wenn wir selten im MSN reden, schätze ich deine Anwesenheit dort sehr. :A

Attention duelists! My hair wishes you a happy birthday... IN AMERICA.

24.10.2009, 14:33
Attemptin' to give a damn... ... ... process failed!

Thus, I can only offer a happy b-day, Flare. ^.^

24.10.2009, 14:43
Oha, FlareShard hat sich wieder ein Level hochgecheatet:D
Oder hat er ein Pilz von Mario bekommen?
Wenn ja wo gibt es die?:D

Alles Gute:)

24.10.2009, 15:07
I wish you all the best and celebrate beautiful! http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/s_061.gif

24.10.2009, 15:08
*schmunzelt über das gepostete Bild von Lachsen*

Alles Gute zum heutigen Geburtstag, Flare :) Hoffe, du wirst reich beschenkt und hast einen tollen Tag :)

Ich bin nicht cool, ich kann kein englisch! =O :D

- Das Inno -

24.10.2009, 15:15
Glückwunsch. :)

24.10.2009, 15:16
Da gratuliere ich doch mal wieder gerne mit - Gratz Flare! Mach 'n drauf und tu Dinge, die du sonst auch tun würdest. Weltuntergangskram 'n stuff. /o/

Oder hat er ein Pilz von Mario bekommen?

24.10.2009, 15:21
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday :3

24.10.2009, 15:36
So we're talking english, yeah? Well, okay with me.
One thing first: Epic picture, Lachsen xD And the end (tuten tun) reminds me kinda of Themetal playing Schatten der Finsternis...oh my :D

Well, anyway: I didn't know that some flaring shards could even have birthdays but I suppose you are some crystalline creature who's hiding his crystal brain with a hat, so that everyone thinks you're human. So well, enjoy your birthday and flare on!

Dee Liteyears
24.10.2009, 15:42
i'm in ur thread, greeting u for birthdayz

24.10.2009, 15:43
I wish you a very good Birthtag! Take a nize Partey :D

24.10.2009, 16:05
Oh nooooeeees! Now you must ertragen my pöööses english! ''Ö.O//
Happy Geburtstag lovely FlareShard! That you hit the next 20 Years more Porings at...before. lol. ( I must erinnern me at the nato, where everyone was playing dieses Ragnarok offline battle game o.O )
And I wonder....everytime, where I read the name "FlareShard", I must read "FlareSHARK". lol . I don't know warum. Maybe it' ä Denk-Fail? ö_ö

"FlareSHARK level up! FlareSHARK learned 'bite' for her dinner-skills!"
oder so....blubb.

24.10.2009, 16:43
Ebenfalls von mir alles Gute :D

24.10.2009, 17:59
Auch von mir alles Gute fürs neue lebensjahr.:)

24.10.2009, 20:11
U haz teh birthday. DO WANT presentz an such stufs? Ur could haz cakez or cheezburgers, if me wasn`t eated tehm.
So only I do wizz u happy bursday.

PS: Nice picz by Lachzen

24.10.2009, 20:23

Flying Sheep
24.10.2009, 20:45
Einen herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute zum Geburtstag :)
Feier schön http://www.multimediaxis.de/images/smilies/old/s_061.gif

24.10.2009, 20:52
Alles Gute

25.10.2009, 04:46
Oh right. I can't believe it. No. I just can't.

I'm too late. Allright... I would paint a great picture like Lachsen did, but certainly I can't really draw, so I just have to say it in words.

Happy invalid birthday. :]

I would say more, but I think that would be too cheesy.

Well, I let it go and just add: have fun on your birthday. :)

(Und warum zur Hölle kann der Thread nicht gleich in Japanisch oder Niederländisch verfasst sein? :O)

25.10.2009, 09:34
Verdammt! Ich bin getser nicht on gekommen... Dx Töte mich! T_T
trotzdem noch H-BD

Und ich wollte dir eigentlich ein geschenk "malen"... du darfst mich jetzt treten, nochmal umbringen oder es im nachhinein verlangen! D:

25.10.2009, 10:32
being able to understand everything makes me so~ nerdy. damn u instarweb!

keep it goin' flareshard!

26.10.2009, 19:58
I totally oversee-ed
this happy-happy-birthday-thread
and absolutely failed so hard
to say "congratz flairchart!"

... nja. Lassen wir das, glückwunsch und so.

26.10.2009, 20:56
Keep gettin old!!!1
Oh noez the dull haz teh leadership!!1