Hallo liebe Leute,
ich versuche gerade verzweifelt das Pathfinding Script von "Near Fantastica" (Version 2)
zum laufen zu bekommen.
Naja ich hab es schon geschaft damit ein Call-Script zu schreiben was ein Event zu bestimmten Map-Koordinaten bewegt. (Auch da saß ich ne ewigkeit, weil er die event-id's irgendwie immerzu vertauscht)
Nun hab ich mal zum testen nen neues Projekt erstellt, wo ich folgendes versuche:
Ein Call-Script das ein Event von dem Player wegbewegt. (Wiederholend)
(Das einfache "SetMoveRoute" ist da irgendwie nicht zu gebrauchen, da die events nur bis in eine
Ecke der Map laufen und dann stehenbleiben, anstatt zu flüchten.)
Hab nun folgendes als Call-Script im Event stehen, doch es passiert nichts beim aufruf:
Und hier nochmal das komplette Script wo auch direkt am Anfang die CMDs erklärt sind:
Kann dir zwar bei diesem Script atm. auch nicht weiterhelfen, aber ich benutze z.B.
dieses Pathfinding-Script hier (vllt. kommst du damit besser zurecht, hab aber kA welches der beiden jetzt besser/einfacher/schneller/effektiver ist) :
# ** A* Pathfinding Script
# Script by : RPG (aka Cowlol)
# Last Update : December 4th, 2007
# Version : 1.1
# Contact Information : ArePeeGee on AIM
# A relatively effecient implementation of the A*. For more information
# on A* check the following links:
# 1. http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm
# 2. http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/gameprog.html
# Usage:
# First you have to add this script somewhere under the default scripts
# (and above main), I assume you know how to add a new script section and
# paste this script there. I don't know much about the SDK thing, but I
# don't think you'll get any trouble when using this scripts with others.
# Note that this script overwrites the move_type_custom of Game_Character,
# any other script that does that might clash with this one.
# Now, simply create a new instance of the A_Star_Pathfinder class and
# supply it with the required parameters. For example, you could create it
# in an event page by adding a script command and typing something like:
# node = Node.new(x, y)
# path = A_Star_Pathfinder.new(node)
# The constructor can take more information, such as the character that
# will move according to the result of pathfinding (player by default),
# whether the character should follow the path right away (true by default,
# if you set it to false, you'll have to call generate_path yourself), as
# well as the option to supply a limit to the number of pathfinding
# iterations (good if you suffer from lag on large maps). Here's another
# example of usage:
# node = Node.new(x, y)
# char = $game_map.events[event_id]
# path = A_Star_Pathfinder.new(node, char, false)
# # do other stuff
# path.generate_path # and then generate the path
# As an alternative, you can provide nothing to the constructor,
# and call the setup, calculate_path, and generate_path manually.
# This gives you more control because the setup method allows you to
# change specify more variables such as methods to call when the path
# is reached or couldn't be found (implemented as Proc objects). You can
# also specify the number of frames to wait before trying to generate a
# new path in the case that the character's path is blocked. Here's an
# example of such usage:
# path = A_Star_Pathfinder.new
# goal = Node.new(1, 0)
# char = $game_player
# limit = 1000
# wait = 5
# # lambda creates Procs, an alternative is Proc.new { ... }
# reach = lambda { p "REACHD GOAL!!!" }
# fail = lambda { p "COULDN'T FIND PATH!!!" }
# pass = false
# path.setup(goal, char, limit, wait, reach, fail, pass)
# path.calculate_path
# path.generate_path
# The last argument to the setup method is a boolean variable that,
# if set to true, will allow storing passability information in
# a table that is computed only when needed. You'd have to call
# make_pass_map yourself after setup, and the pathfinder will use the
# table to lookup passability. This optimization is helpful for maps
# with lots of events as it cuts down the time needed to loop through
# events to check their passability, but the method to generate the
# passability map is currently slow and since it is called on collision
# with other events it could slow down pathfinding instead of improving it.
# Personally I think it's too much for most applications, but it could be
# useful in certain situations.
# Version Info:
# - Version 1.1:
# - Added a mechanism to prevent the generated path from being
# blocked by other characters. When such a collision happens,
# the character will try to generate a new path to goal. This
# can be turned off if you set collision_wait to -1
# - Now you can provide blocks to be called when the path is
# reached or if no path is found.
# - Added the cache pass flag to allow generating passability
# information in a Table for faster access. This was inspired
# by a post by Anaryu at
# http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16589
# - Better documentation
# - Version 1.0:
# - Initial release version.
# Known bugs:
# - Slower than Eivien's pathfinder at:
# http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24242
# this is not really a bug but I'm interested in learning more
# about effecient implementations of A*.
# - Found a bug or have some ideas for the next version? Tell me on AIM!
# Terms of Use:
# The only thing I ask of you is not to try to pass this script as your
# own. Other than that, feel free to use this script in any way you like,
# be it commercial, free, modification, redistribution, or whatever
# you could think of. That includes translation and putting the script
# on a website or forum. This script is provided as-is, no guarentees.
# I'm not obliged to help you with any problems you run ito while using
# it either, but you could always still try to ask me on AIM. Enjoy~
# ** Node
# A node represents part of the path generated by the pathfinder,
# It corrosponds to a single tile
class Node
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :x # X coordinate of current node
attr_accessor :y # Y coordinate of current node
attr_accessor :parent # Parent node
attr_accessor :g # Cost of getting to this node
attr_accessor :h # Distance to goal (heuristic)
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(x, y, parent = nil, g = 0, h = 0)
@x = x
@y = y
@parent = parent
@g = g
@h = h
# * The Total 'Cost' at This Node (AKA f(n))
def cost
# f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
return @g + @h
# * Two Nodes Are Equal If They Are on the Same Tile
def ==(other)
return false if other == nil or !other.is_a?(Node)
return true if other.x == x and other.y == y
return false
# ** A_Star_Pathfinder
# This class generates a path using the A* algorithm. Not a very good
# implementation but I'm still proud of it.
class A_Star_Pathfinder
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :goal_node # the goal!
attr_reader :character # character looking for a path
attr_reader :limit # pathfinding 'depth
attr_reader :found # was the path found?
attr_reader :route # the route returned after
# calling generate_path
attr_accessor :collision_wait # frames to wait in case of
# collision with other characters
attr_accessor :reach_method # Proc called when goal is reached
attr_accessor :fail_method # Proc called when no path is found
attr_accessor :cache_pass # if true, passability information
# is stored in a table
attr_accessor :pass_map # Table of passability info.
# * Object Initialization
# goal_node : A Node representing the end point
# char : The character that'd use the result of pathfinding
# run : If true, the path is also generated
# limit : Maximum number of main loop iterations before the
# the pathfinder gives up. -1 for infinity!
def initialize(goal_node = nil, char = $game_player, run = true, limit = -1)
# If no goal node is provided, this acts as a default constructor that
# takes no parameters and does nothing. Useful if you do things manually
if goal_node == nil
# Setup variables
setup(goal_node, char, limit)
# Find the optimal path
# We're done, time to generate the path
generate_path if run
# * Setup Initial Values for Variables
# goal_node : A Node representing the end point
# character : The character that'd use the result of pathfinding
# limit : Maximum number of main loop iterations before the
# the pathfinder gives up. -1 for infinity!
# wait : No. of frames to wait in case of collision
# (-1 disables such collision behevior)
# reach : A Proc that will be called when the goal is reached
# fail : A proc that will be called if no path was found
# cache : If true, map passibility information is calculated
# once and stored in a table. While this speeds up
# pathfinding on maps with many events, it is an overkill
# for most maps. You have to manually call make_pass_map
# once before calling calculate path.
def setup(goal_node, character, limit, wait = 5,
reach = nil, fail = nil, cache = false)
# The start node is at the character's position
@start_node = Node.new(character.x, character.y)
@goal_node = Node.new(goal_node.x, goal_node.y)
@character = character
@limit = limit
@collision_wait = wait # No. of frames the custom move route
# method should wait before attempting
# to find another path (-1 disables
# these attempts altogether)
@reach_method = reach # Proc to call when goal is reached
@fail_method = fail # Proc to call when no path is found
@cache_pass = cache # If true, map passibility information
# is stored in a table (@pass_map) for
# faster access.
@pass_map = nil # Table holding passability information
# fill it manually with make_pass_map
# if needed
@open_list = Array.new # List of nodes to be checked,
# implemented as a binary heap
@closed_list = Hash.new # Set of nodes already checked, this
# is a hash of arrays of [x, y] pairs
# representing map tiles
@found = false # Did we find the optimal path?
# * Search For the Optimal Path
def calculate_path
c = 0 # A simple counter
# Only do calculation if goal is actually passable
if passable?(@goal_node.x, @goal_node.y)
while @open_list.empty? == false
c = c + 1
Graphics.update if (c % 200 == 0) # Prevents script hanging
# If we hit the iteration limit, exit
if @limit != -1 and c >= @limit
@found = false
# Get the node with lowest cost and add it to the closed list
@current_node = find_lowest_cost
@closed_list[[@current_node.x, @current_node.y]] = @current_node
if @current_node == @goal_node
# We reached goal, exit the loop!
@goal_node = @current_node
@found = true
# Get adjacent nodes and check if they can be added to the open list
adjacent_nodes = get_adjacent_nodes(@current_node)
for adj_node in adjacent_nodes
if skip_node?(adj_node)
# Node already exists in one of the lists, skip it
# Add node to open list following the binary heap conventions
heap_add(@open_list, adj_node)
# If no path was found, call the fail method
if not @found
if @fail_method != nil
# * Is tile at X, Y passable?
def passable?(x, y)
# If passability caching is enabled
if @cache_pass == true and @pass_map != nil
# Get path information from the table
return @pass_map[x, y] == 1 ? true : false
# Otherwise use Game_Character#passable?
return @character.passable?(x, y, 0)
# * Add an Item to the Binary Heap (for open_list). This is Based on
# Algorithm Here: http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/binaryHeaps.htm
# array : Array to add the node to
# item : Item to add!
def heap_add(array, item)
# Add the item to the end of the array
# m is the index of the 'current' item
heap_update(array, array.size - 1)
# * Make Sure the Item at Index is in the Right Place
# array : Array to update
# index : Index of the item
def heap_update(array, index)
m = index
while m > 0
# If current item's cost is less than parent's
if array[m].cost <= array[m / 2].cost
# Swap them so that lowest cost bubbles to top
temp = array[m / 2]
array[m / 2] = array[m]
array[m] = temp
m /= 2
# * Remove an Item from the Binary Heap (for open_list) & Return it.
# This is Based on Algorithm Here:
# http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/binaryHeaps.htm
# array : Array to remove the node from
def heap_remove(array)
if array.empty?
return nil
#Get original first element
first = array[0]
# Replace first element with last one
last = array.slice!(array.size - 1)
if array.empty?
return last
array[0] = last
v = 0 # Stores a smaller child, if any
# Loop until no more swapping is needed
while true
u = v
# If both children exist
if 2 * u + 1 < array.size
v = 2 * u if array[2 * u].cost <= array[u].cost
v = 2 * u + 1 if array[2 * u + 1].cost <= array[v].cost
# If only one child exists
elsif 2 * u < array.size
v = 2 * u if array[2 * u].cost <= array[u].cost
# If at least one child is less than parent
if u != v
#swap parent and that child
temp = array[u]
array[u] = array[v]
array[v] = temp
# Return the original first node (which was removed)
return first
# * Can We Skip This Node? (because it already exists in a list)
# node : Node to check
def skip_node?(node)
skip_node = false
# Find any copy of the node in the open list and get its index
# or nil if it's not there
copy = @open_list.index(node)
if copy != nil
#If the existing copy is 'better' than the new one
if @open_list[copy].cost <= node.cost
# Then we skip the new one
skip_node = true
# Otherwise we swap the new copy with the old one
# and make sure the heap is in the right order
@open_list[copy] = node
heap_update(@open_list, copy)
skip_node = true
# The closed list is a hash so this is relatively easier
if @closed_list[[node.x, node.y]] != nil
# If the existing copy is 'better' than the new one
if @closed_list[[node.x, node.y]].cost <= node.cost
skip_node = true
# Update the existing node
@closed_list[[node.x, node.y]] = node
# Return the result
return skip_node
# * Find Node With Lowest Cost on the Open List
def find_lowest_cost
# Just return top of the heap
return heap_remove(@open_list)
# * Distance Between Two Points (Heuristic)
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# A simple heuristic value (Manhattan distance)
return ((x1 - x2).abs + (y1 - y2).abs)
# * Get a List of Adjacent Nodes
# node : The 'center' node
def get_adjacent_nodes(node)
# Array to hold the nodes
nodes = Array.new
# Right
new_x = node.x + 1
new_y = node.y
add_node(nodes, new_x, new_y, node)
# Left
new_x = node.x - 1
new_y = node.y
# Down
add_node(nodes, new_x, new_y, node)
new_x = node.x
new_y = node.y + 1
add_node(nodes, new_x, new_y, node)
# Up
new_x = node.x
new_y = node.y - 1
add_node(nodes, new_x, new_y, node)
return nodes
# * Add a Node to an Array
def add_node(array, x, y, parent)
if passable?(x, y)
# The cost of movement one step to a new tile is always 1
g = parent.g + 1
# The heuristic is simply the distance
h = distance(x, y, @goal_node.x, @goal_node.y)
new_node = Node.new(x, y, parent, g, h)
# * Get Direction From a Point to Another
def get_direction(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# If first point is to the ... of second point,
if x1 > x2 # right
return 4
elsif x1 < x2 # left
return 6
elsif y1 > y2 # bottom
return 2
elsif y1 < y2 # top
return 8
# Otherwise they are on the same position
return 0
# * Generate the Path by Following Parents and Return it
# as RPG::MoveRoute
# follow : If true the path is assigned to the character as a
# forced move route.
def generate_path(follow = true)
# There's no path to generate if no path was found
if !@found
# Create a new move route that isn't repeatable
@route = RPG::MoveRoute.new
@route.repeat = false
# Start from the last node (goal) and build the path by
# adding each node to the front of the route and then
# following the node's parent
node = @goal_node
code = 0 # Movement code for RPG::MoveCommand
while node.parent != nil
# Get direction from parent to node and convert it to code
# understood by RPG::MoveCommand
direction = get_direction(node.parent.x, node.parent.y, node.x, node.y)
case direction
when 2 # Up
code = 4
when 4 # Left
code = 2
when 6 # Right
code = 3
when 8 # Down
code = 1
# Unshift adds to the start of the array
@route.list.unshift(RPG::MoveCommand.new(code)) if code != 0
node = node.parent
# If the path should be assigned to the character
if follow and !@route.list.empty?
@character.a_star_path = self
# Return the constructed RPG::MoveRoute
return @route
# * Generate a Passability Table. A Method that Should be Called Before
# Pathfinding is Attempted if Passibility Caching is Required. It
# Can be Slow and is Also Called when Character Path is Blocked.
# The Table is Returned. An Example of Usage is Generating the Map When
# the Map Loads for the First Time.
def make_pass_map
# A 2D table as big as the map~
@pass_map = Table.new($game_map.width, $game_map.height)
# Fill it with 1s or 0s depending on passability
for y in 0...$game_map.height
for x in 0...$game_map.width
@pass_map[x, y] = @character.passable?(x, y, 0) ? 1 : 0
# Return the generated pass_map
return @pass_map
# ** Game_Character
# Just make the move_route variables public
class Game_Character
attr_accessor :move_route_forcing
attr_accessor :move_route
attr_accessor :a_star_path # the path the character is following
# * Object Initialization
alias :a_star_pathfinder_old_initialize :initialize
def initialize
@a_star_path = nil
# * Move Type : Custom (move event, pattern, etc.)
# Note: The script overwrites this method, which _might_ lead to
# compatibility problems with other scripts. You can remove this
# method to fix any such problem, but the character won't be able
# to detect the need to recalculate the path.
def move_type_custom
# Interrupt if not stopping
if jumping? or moving?
# For each move command starting from the index
while @move_route_index < @move_route.list.size
# Get the move command at index
command = @move_route.list[@move_route_index]
# If command code is 0 (end of list)
if command.code == 0
# If [repeat action] option is ON
if @move_route.repeat
# Reset move route index to the top of the list
@move_route_index = 0
# If [repeat action] option is OFF
unless @move_route.repeat
# If move route is forced and not repeating
if @move_route_forcing and not @move_route.repeat
### CODE ADDED HERE ############################################################
# If there was a path to follow
if @a_star_path != nil
# And if we reached the goal
if self.x == @a_star_path.goal_node.x and
y == @a_star_path.goal_node.y
# Call the reach method if one was provided
if @a_star_path.reach_method != nil
# Don't need this variable anymore
@a_star_path = nil
### ADDED CODE ENDS ############################################################
# The move route is no longer forced (moving ended)
@move_route_forcing = false
# Restore original move route
@move_route = @original_move_route
@move_route_index = @original_move_route_index
@original_move_route = nil
# Clear stop count
@stop_count = 0
end # if command.code == 0
# For move commands (from move down to jump)
if command.code <= 14
# Branch by command code
case command.code
when 1 # Move down
when 2 # Move left
when 3 # Move right
when 4 # Move up
when 5 # Move lower left
when 6 # Move lower right
when 7 # Move upper left
when 8 # Move upper right
when 9 # Move at random
when 10 # Move toward player
when 11 # Move away from player
when 12 # 1 step forward
when 13 # 1 step backward
when 14 # Jump
jump(command.parameters[0], command.parameters[1])
# If movement failure occurs when [Ignore if can't move] option is OFF
if not @move_route.skippable and not moving? and not jumping?
### CODE ADDED HERE ############################################################
# If there's a path but it couldn't be followed (probably because
# another character blocked it)
if @a_star_path != nil and @a_star_path.collision_wait >= 0
# The basic properties of the path don't change, only the
# start position (character's current location) does
goal = @a_star_path.goal_node
char = @a_star_path.character
limit = @a_star_path.limit
wait = @a_star_path.collision_wait
reach = @a_star_path.reach_method
fail = @a_star_path.fail_method
cache = @a_star_path.cache_pass
# Find another path to goal
@a_star_path = A_Star_Pathfinder.new
@a_star_path.setup(goal, char, limit, wait, reach, fail, cache)
# If passibility caching is enabled we need to regenerate the
# map to update passibility information (slow)
if @a_star_path.cache_pass == true
# Force this method to wait before attempting to generate
# another path
@wait_count = @a_star_path.collision_wait
### ADDED CODE ENDS ############################################################
# Advance index
@move_route_index += 1
end # if command.code <= 14
# If waiting
if command.code == 15
# Set wait count (from provided parameter)
@wait_count = command.parameters[0] * 2 - 1
@move_route_index += 1
end # if command.code == 15
# If direction change (turning) command
if command.code >= 16 and command.code <= 26
# Branch by command code
case command.code
when 16 # Turn down
when 17 # Turn left
when 18 # Turn right
when 19 # Turn up
when 20 # Turn 90° right
when 21 # Turn 90° left
when 22 # Turn 180°
when 23 # Turn 90° right or left
when 24 # Turn at Random
when 25 # Turn toward player
when 26 # Turn away from player
@move_route_index += 1
end # if command.code >= 16 and command.code <= 26
# If other command (commands that don't 'return')
if command.code >= 27
# Branch by command code
case command.code
when 27 # Switch ON
$game_switches[command.parameters[0]] = true
$game_map.need_refresh = true
when 28 # Switch OFF
$game_switches[command.parameters[0]] = false
$game_map.need_refresh = true
when 29 # Change speed
@move_speed = command.parameters[0]
when 30 # Change freq
@move_frequency = command.parameters[0]
when 31 # Move animation ON
@walk_anime = true
when 32 # Move animation OFF
@walk_anime = false
when 33 # Stop animation ON
@step_anime = true
when 34 # Stop animation OFF
@step_anime = false
when 35 # Direction fix ON
@direction_fix = true
when 36 # Direction fix OFF
@direction_fix = false
when 37 # Through ON
@through = true
when 38 # Through OFF
@through = false
when 39 # Always on top ON
@always_on_top = true
when 40 # Always on top OFF
@always_on_top = false
when 41 # Change Graphic
# Can't change into a tile
@tile_id = 0
@character_name = command.parameters[0]
@character_hue = command.parameters[1]
# Update direction
if @original_direction != command.parameters[2]
@direction = command.parameters[2]
@original_direction = @direction
@prelock_direction = 0
# Update frame
if @original_pattern != command.parameters[3]
@pattern = command.parameters[3]
@original_pattern = @pattern
when 42 # Change Opacity
@opacity = command.parameters[0]
when 43 # Change Blending
@blend_type = command.parameters[0]
when 44 # Play SE
when 45 # Script
result = eval(command.parameters[0])
# Update move_route_index and move to next move command in the list
@move_route_index += 1
end # if command.code >= 27
end # while @move_route_index < @move_route.list.size
Das verwendet man dann z.B. so (einfach in ein "Script" in einem parallel process/autostart event schreiben und das event danach löschen) :